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Dr. Schueler and the Symptom Checker
, is an emergency physician, teacher, and author. Although he designed the Symptom Checker to feel like a real emergency room intake interview, it is a computer program and not a live doctor. Its recommendations should not be used as a basis for delaying, or as a substitute for, evaluation and treatment by a physician.
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A person with weakness or fatigue lacks energy, feels weary, and is constantly tired. Weakness and fatigue is a very common complaint that occurs with many illnesses, including infections, heart disease, lung disease, neurological disease, autoimmune disease, and brain disease.
Fatigue Symptoms
Symptoms that may occur with weakness and fatigue include fever, body aches, and lightheadedness. Serious symptoms that may occur with weakness or fatigue include fainting, palpitations, chest pain, difficulty breathing, or confusion.
Fatigue Treatment
The treatment for weakness or fatigue depends on the cause. Treatment may not be necessary in adolescents and young adults. In general, treatment for weakness or fatigue includes a healthy diet, exercise, and regular sleep. Additional treatment is directed at the underlying illness causing the weakness and fatigue.
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