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Ever Since We Met(26秒铃声版)
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亲爱的,来看我跳舞吧~Giubbotti Belstaff Dongfeng Peugeot yhdist?v?t voimansa laskeutui Ch_2 - 孕妈咪天地 -
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Giubbotti Belstaff Dongfeng Peugeot yhdist?v?t voimansa laskeutui Ch_2
Kooltaan,, Dongfeng Peugeot 508 rungon pituus 4826mm ja 2815mm pitk& akseliv&li mukavuus, helppo paikantaa korkean luokan autojen markkinoilla. Samaan aikaan uuden leijona dotting aihe,, luontainen vahvuus 508 tyylik&s yleinen tyyli on ainutlaatuinen tasapaino kauneus, niin puhdas,, moderni, minimalistinen ominaisuuksista korostaa auton henkinen ihanne menestyv&t ihmiset, 508 konfiguraatiossa my&s ilment&& kuin itsest&&n, harjoittamisesta satunnaisia suhtautuminen el&m&&n. Jotta voidaan paremmin tarpeisiin kotimaisten kuluttajien vaativiin B-luokka, Peugeot 508 on ollut erityisen herkk& ja lokalisointi ihmisluonnon oli varustettu puhtaan eurooppalaista syntyper&&. Kanssa samalla tasolla 508 harvinainen HUD head-up-n&ytt& (v&ri), kaksi-kela induktio neliovinen avaimeton osuusj&rjestelm&&n,, Info Drive j&rjestelm&n integrointi s&&dint&,, nelj&n vy&hykkeen automaattinen
small town festivals_1
small town festivals It's summer, 1976, in the Valley of the Jolly Green Giant: Le Sueur,, Minn. In honor of the bicentennial year,, the mothers on my block declared our Corn on the Curb kiddie parade float &Melting Pot of Nations.& I sat, in eye straining braids, atop a putt putting flatbed truck. I wore a white apron over my my above the knees green dress. A kerchief crowned my head. I proudly shook a paper Norwegian flag. My peers modeled things such as Mexican blankets and Japanese silk kimonos. Parents and out of town relatives fanned themselves in lawn chairs and waved harder in our direction as we passed. After the parade, I boarded rickety carnival rides and begged my parents for money to play just one more ring toss game. I scrambled for candy scattered at the big people parade and ate ear after ear of Le Sueur sweet corn dipped in vats of butter. As a child,, I loved the Corn on the Curb festival for the chance to celebrate summer in Le Sueur. Now, I am working on a book about Minnesota,, and of course, a chapter in it is dedicated to festivals. Last summer I made pilgrimages to a handful of small town festivals to refresh my memories. It's good to know some things don't change in 25 years. At three of Minnesota's most storied festivals, I found ridiculously fun activities (mashed potato wrestling, for example), I found lots of festive food (you can eat mashed potatoes, too),, I saw little girls on parade who reminded me of me, and most importantly,, I saw Minnesotans celebrating themselves with joyful pride. SPAM Jam 2000 in Austin, Minn., is a good place to start. It's a July 4th celebration of shoulder pork, pressed into a neat block inside a can that has become an American icon. Austin is home to Hormel,, the maker of this ubiquitous product since 1937. More than 20,,000 people come to the festival, which includes a street dance, concert, fireworks and an unbelievably varied menu of food made of SPAM. I arrived at last July's SPAM Jam without the ultra tight braids, but with a familiar urge to play a game of chance. I went straight to the SPAM Lucky Can Contest where you pay $1 to choose one of the many SPAM cans arranged to spell out the giant letters S,, P, A and M. The goal is to pick the can that reveals a lucky sticker,, worth $5 or $100 in SPAM merchandise. You get to keep the can of SPAM in any case. On first pick,, I hit the $100 jackpot. I made my way to the SPAM merchandise tent to claim my booty. I eyed the SPAM deliveryman shirt,, the SPAM flip flops,, SPAM pencils, SPAM snow globes, SPAM golf balls and SPAM dishtowels. What's a girl to do? Fellow festivalgoer Opal Posingies spotted the winning certificate in my hand as I was shopping. We started to chat. It turned out that Posingies,, a Twin Cities resident, is a regular SPAM ophile. She came in second in last year's SPAM recipe contest with her &Hot SPAM Buns.& She asked how many times I had paid to enter the contest before I won. When I told her I'd only entered once, a frustrated look briefly crossed her face she said she'd tried several times without success. Then she perked up. &Everybody wins, really,,& she said. &You can't get SPAM for $1 in the grocery store. Even with a coupon.& SPAM's cult following brings celebrants from across the nation to Austin. I spotted Kevin Southward in his SPAM T shirt, thongs and sunglasses while he was sticking a pushpin into southern New Jersey on the giant SPAM Jam attendance map. Southward explained that he is a devotee of the canned luncheon meat particularly SPAMbled eggs. A convention brought him to the Twin Cities, near enough to make the two hour drive south to Austin to pay his respects to the SPAM capital.
Five Ways to Stay Healthy on Halloween_1
Five Ways to Stay Healthy on Halloween For most of us,, Halloween is synonymous with massive consumption of sugar and orange food colouring. Candy corn,, anyone? Thirty nine grams of these little cavity kernels contains 28 grams of sugar and 36 grams of carbohydrates. Refined sugar belongs in the category of &white death& that all simple carbohydrates inhabit eating too many of them has been directly linked to weight gain, obesity,, diabetes, heart disease, bone loss, tooth decay and even mood swings and hypertension,, among other things. However,, you can't be expected to substitute your favourite candy bar with an apple on a holiday that practically demands your participation in this candy orgy. So what's a Skinny Chick to do? Here are some tips that will keep you from blasting off on a sugar high that will have your dentist rubbing his hands together in evil glee. BLOG CONTINUES BELOW SLIDESHOW Small SweetsTypical shell outs with less than 50 calories are a mini 3 Musketeers bar,, Chuppa Chups Lollipop, a roll of Pez Candy, one mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cup or one Kraft caramel, a mini Hershey's Milk Chocolate or Kit Kat bar,, a mini Snickers or Butterfinger, a strawberry flavoured Twizzler. FYI, the 'fun size' of most popular candy bars has more than double the calorie count of a mini! And beware of those Cadbury 'Screme' Eggs, which cost you a frightening 170 calories each! Add FiberOf course,, the apple in the classic candy apple is a good source of fiber and vitamin C, but how about cereal squares made with a couple of spoonfuls of all bran? That perennial fall favourite,, pumpkin is also a good source of fiber and vitamin A and its smooth,, sweet flavour is terrific in cookies,, dessert loaves,, tarts and even the roasted seeds make a tasty Halloween snack. Popcorn makes a great low calorie,, high fiber treat for both kids and adults! Pre Packaged Portion ControlFinally,, brand marketing managers are catching on to the fact that consumers want some better choices in the grocery store without feeling deprived,, and are packaging both sweet and savoury snacks in handy 100 calorie portions. You'll find everything from Pringles to Oreos to Turkey Jerky in these snack pack sizes the advantage is that the indulgence is controlled. Just remember that the small package isn't a license to eat 10 at a time! Dark Is DeliciousDark chocolate that is, anything with 70% or more cocoa content can be an acquired taste for those who've known nothing but milk chocolate with
Taking it to the Streets_1
Taking it to the Streets Every year, when the spring finally comes to Edmonton,, food trucks and vendors take of the streets. The Drift Food truck draws a crowd in Edmonton government district. It a wonderful thing and it gets better every year. Once, I was thrilled when a humble hotdog vendor opened a stall in Rice Howard Way. Now,, I rejoice to find food trucks selling everything from Indian curry to Filipino barbeque beef to vegetarian chili to goat roti. Summer in Edmonton is short, short,, short we need to grab every opportunity to eat al fresco that we can. We should be gleefully celebrating the variety and quality of terrific street food this city now has on offer. Yet every year,, when the street vendors take to the street,, there are invariably complaints from some of the place restaurants,, who are concerned about a couple of months of competition. This year, it the Grandma Lee coffee shop at 100th Ave and 108th Street, which is in a fight with the vendors who run the Drift Food Truck,, which offers gourmet sandwiches. (You can read our story about the battle here.) Colby Cosh from Maclean magazine also has a very smart,, funny post on the issue,, which you can read here,, in which he suggests that Grandma Lee apparently wants kind of invisible force shield that can be used to repel mobile businesses from making licensed use of adjacent property. certainly do sympathize with the owners of the restaurant in question. Running a business downtown isn easy, and running a restaurant is particularly challenging. But competition is how free markets function and it is not the role of city to allow any kind of business to set up a monopoly for its own convenience. As I mentioned, this fight is nothing new. Here a piece I wrote back in 2005, in defence of Fat Frank and other street vendors. Caution: this column contains language which may be offensive to some. Especially those who are allergic to bad puns. (And on a more serious note the facts and figures below are from 2005,, and hence may be out 0f date. But my passion for street food is timeless.)I don relish admitting this in public. But I a sucker for a guy with a really big sausage. That may not cut the mustard. Yet I have to be perfectly frank. The Fat Frank stand in Rice Howard Way At home,, my fridge is full of brown basmati rice and organic tofu. Some days,, though, when I in the mood, when I just can hold back,, I throw myself on Fat Frank. Sure,, Fat Frank hotdog carts sell earnestly healthy soy dogs on whole
A Snarky Design Blog_1
A Snarky Design Blog I'm obsessed with my Basset Hound Oliver Now here's the thing: over the last decade or so, the design world at large has seriously embraced the idea of animals. Safari animals, cutesy animals,, bizarre animals you can find em everywhere. On fabric,, in paintings, as little tchotchkes on people's coffee tables, on needlepoint canvases, etc. And dogs have certainly enjoyed their meteoric rise to fame throughout this whole process. BUT, for some reason, certain types of dogs are featured in design shit waaaaay the hell more than all others. And if you, like me, are an owner of a dog whose breed never ever ever seems to find its way onto a goddamned throw pillow,, I feel your pain. This is a video by a rad band called Soft Swells, who I was introduced to by my brother. He's good friends with the lead singer Tim Williams, and was always talking about his music. Whenever this happens, in any iteration in my life,, I find that I go and listen to the music (look at the artwork, read the blog, check out the book) of the the mysterious friend,, and then almost always end up thinking &meh.& This is usually followed by weeks of attempting to dodge the topic at all costs in order to avoid an awkward conversation. But in Soft Swell's case, I was happily surprised that I really loved their music. this shit is probably going to blow up soon, so you better get on board now). They were in Brooklyn a few weeks ago performing at a local spot here in Park Slope and I was able to go hear them in person: and yep, I still thought they were awesome. Anyway,, it snowed today, and now it's rainy and cold so it's nice to think about summer. Also this entire video was shot at my brother Ted's house in LA, so that's kind of fun. You might notice that the view of LA from his deck is amazeballs to the power of sick. Follow Soft Swells on Facebook and the Twitter. You know how every single solitary time you get invited over to someone's place for dinner,, or for a holiday party, or for a booty call,, you always bring over a bottle of wine? Right, well that's kind of nice, but also boring as hell. Bringing wine is basically the equivalent of saying: &I appreciate the fact that you made me kale salad and artisanal tater tots, but I don't have enough time to think about an original gift, so here's the $25 bottle of wine that Max at that wine shop on 7th Ave recco'd cause he said, even though he never tried it, ppl were saying that &it was pretty good.&Anyway, if you're looking to break out of your Hostess gift giving rut,, here are a few ideas that you can totally copy,, and then take all the credit for thinking up. Loved this talk from the 99 conference from interior design mega daddy,, Jonathan Adler. His basic advice: have a &fuck it& attitude about everything. &Keep other people's opinions out of your creative process.& Do it your way. Do what you love. He didn't think strategically, or follow all of the rules, or &master& social media. But he's still rockin it out big time now. And though he didn't talk much about it,, I would add: be original. Yeah,, I know it's hard these days when everything has been done 8 million different ways till next Tuesday, but at least trrrrrry. You know,, I started out just wanting to do a post of how totally fucking badass Elvis n Priscilla's old house out in LA was/is. But then I started scrolling through the pictures on Curbed LA. I started off with this pic above. I mean, gorge right? All I really needed to see were those gigantic front doors with the hardware in the middle (wth is that called, by the way??) and I was pretty much in. Then I read that it was in Trousdale estates and I was WAY in. For those that aren't familiar, Trousdale was developed in the 1950's, and is basically a small area up in Beverly Hills where all the hot celebs of the time used to live. Translation: there are a bunch of killer, kick ass mid century homes there, that now all each cost a billion dollars. Case in point, Jennifer Aniston's house there that was listed for 42 millies. But wait a red hot minute. Back to Elvis and Priscilla's house. I totally need to do a TV catch up post with all of you cause my head is about to explode with excitment over the Fall TV season, but tonight it's alllll about Revenge! Ok,, and The Real Housewives of NJ reunion! But mostly Revenge! Nolan! And Emily! And even annoying Daniel! So happy they're back! UPDATE: Ok, first ep was fab, though it was a little weird that we're all starting off on such a dark note now. At least last year it took a little while to realize how fucked up Emily is. Also, how much do you think Ninja camp costs?
Sean Penn says he's in Haiti for the long haul_3
<td class="t_msgfont" id="postmessage_1 and the divorce from Robin Wright Penn in 2009. Penn and Diana Jenkins,, a Southern California philanthropist, put together a planeload of supplies and volunteers seven doctors and 23 relief workers. They called themselves the Jenkins/Penn Haitian Relief Organization, which changed to J/P HRO after her involvement waned. Army's 82nd Airborne Division. Penn embedded with the military, and his involvement grew from there. He soon started showing up at meetings of aid officials trying to coordinate the disparate relief efforts. &He would sit down like everyone else and listen,& said Giovanni Cassani of the International Organization for Migration. special envoy to Haiti,, was among those impressed with Penn's efforts. &He was not a drive by celebrity,,& Clinton said in a recent interview. &He went into those camps and he was actually solving their water problems,, solving their sanitation problems.& J/P HRO now operates out of airy office space in a former school,, has a fleet of trucks and heavy equipment,, a staff of 300 and hires so many laborers to clear rubble that on some days it's the largest employer in Petionville,, one of several cities that make up the capital region. The irony is that Penn has been a critic of foreign nongovernmental organizations in Haiti,, so plentiful that the country has been ridiculed as the &Republic of NGOs.& He still tells the story of a &very reputable& NGO whose actions after the quake were &akin to the worst of Hollywood ambition.& Penn's group had donated a shipment of painkillers, but distribution was delayed,, he said,, so the organization that would hand out the drugs could affix stickers on the boxes and get credit. &What's wrong with NGOs goes much deeper in terms of development and in terms of emergency relief and the lack of coordination of the two,,& Penn said. &Everybody waits for somebody to demonstrate that something's going to be impressive to donors to steal the idea from the person that actually did it and then try to sell it as their thing until that gains or loses popularity Penn and his staff say their mission evolved as new challenges surfaced. They started managing the camp,, then took over the clinic when the Army pulled out, and did the same with the schools,, allowing other groups,, including Save the Children, to focus elsewhere. To move people off the club's steeply sloping golf course and make room for them outside the camp,, they
Inge hits 1st HR for Oakland as A's beat Rays 9_1
Inge hits 1st HR for Oakland as A's beat Rays 9 Oakland Athletics' Brandon Inge swings on a three run home run off of Tampa Bay Rays starting pitcher Matt Moore during the third inning of a baseball game Sunday, May 6, 2012,, in St. PETERSBURG, Fla. Inge still has some pop in his bat. Released by Detroit last month, Inge hit his first homer for Oakland and drove in four runs as the Athletics roughed up rookie Matt Moore in a 9 5 victory over the Tampa Bay Rays on Sunday. &The last two years I wouldn't have had situations like that,& Inge said. &It's getting back to where I'm seeing guys on ahead of me and it feels like I'm getting back to my old self.& Jonny Gomes and Daric Barton knocked in two runs apiece for the A's, who took two of three at Tropicana Field to hand the Rays their first series loss since Boston took three of four April 13 16. Petersburg, Fla. ((AP Photo/Brian Blanco)) The 34 year old Inge, dumped by Detroit on April 26 after 11 seasons with the Tigers, hit a three run shot off Moore (1 2) in the third inning to give the A's a 5 4 lead after Tommy Milone struggled in the first. &That home run was huge. It felt like a 10 run homer,& Oakland manager Bob Melvin said. &To be down and then take the lead with that homer was probably the biggest hit we had on the trip.& The A's wrapped up a 5 4 East Coast road trip against Baltimore, Boston and Tampa Bay,, winning series against the Red Sox and Rays. &A three team swing can be a little taxing,,& Melvin said, &but it was an above .500 road trip and we'll take it.& Inge, an All Star in 2009 when he had 84 RBIs,, added a sacrifice fly in the seventh for his first game with at least four RBIs since July 5,, 2010, against Minnesota. The third baseman was 1 for 10 with four strikeouts in the two previous games. &A lot of what he does doesn't really show up statistically,& Melvin said. &Whether it's grinding out at bats or in the field, we're glad to have him.& Milone (4 2) threw 41 pitches in a four run first that included a two run single by Matt Joyce, three walks and a hit batter. Upton hit a solo homer in the fifth. &It wasn't surprising that I threw that many pitches in the first,,& Milone said. &I just went back to trying to throw strikes and that settled me in.& Upton has 11 RBIs in 14 games since being activated from the disabled list on April 20. He also drew three of the seven walks issued by A's pitchers,, while the Rays left eight runners on base. Milone has given up 12 runs in his past two starts, including seven to Boston last Monday. A's relievers Jerry Blevins,, Ryan Cook,, Brian Fuentes and Jordan Norberto picked up Milone, allowing just a hit over four combined innings. Cook has not allowed a run in 14 2 3 relief innings. &It was really contributions from everyone across the board,& Melvin said. &Really, we needed contributions with extra layers to get this game,, and the guys stepped up.& Moore gave up a career high eight runs in 4 2 3 innings and struck out four. He struggled to get through a five run third by the A's that included RBI singles by Gomes and Cuban rookie Yoenis Cespedes. &He just got out of whack,,& Rays manager Joe Maddon said. &He couldn't throw a strike where he wanted to with the fastball. He has a great fastball,, he just doesn't know where it's going all the time quite yet. I've seen that before with our other young pitchers,, so he's going to be fine.& Gomes added an RBI double and Barton bought in two more in a three run fifth that knocked Moore out of the game after 105 pitches. Gomes hit a go ahead homer in extra innings Saturday and went 5 for 9 with four RBIs, two walks and two strikeouts in the series against the team that drafted him in the 18th round in 2001. Tampa Bay pitchers gave up season highs in runs and hits (10). NOTES: Rays LF Desmond Jennings left in the third with a sore left knee. He went 0 for 1 with a walk,, a run scored and a stolen base. . The Rays recalled LHP Cesar Ramos before the game after they optioned RHP Brandon Gomes to Triple A Durham late Saturday night. Howell and Jake McGee. . Ramos pitched a perfect ninth inning. He held left handed hitters to 0 for 19 at Durham. . Monday is the Rays' last off day until May 23. . Inge has 141 career home runs. . A's manager Bob Melvin announced that Jarrod Parker and Brandon McCarthy have been switched in the rotation, with McCarthy starting Tuesday and Parker on Wednesday against Toronto. . Oakland 2B Jemile Weeks was given the day off to rest the slight tightness in his groin. . It was the sixth day game for the A's, the fewest in the majors. . Attendance was 23,,873.
How To Keep Your Cigar In Perfect Condition_1
How To Keep Your Cigar In Perfect Condition For people who smoke cigars,, it can become something of an obsession. Over time,, cigar smokers often develop precise rituals that they adhere to every time they smoke a cigar, and can be quite pedantic about how they store their cigars. If you're not privy to this obsession of smoking the 'perfect' cigar,, then you also probably don't understand the need for a cigar humidor. The basic purpose of a cigar humidor is to both store and protect cigars. Many cigar enthusiasts believe that cigars need to be stored at a precise temperature in order to maintain their peak flavor. That's exactly what the cigar humidor does maintains a constant temperature. Opinions vary,, but it's generally believed that the range between 68 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit is perfect for cigars. The humidity also needs to be controlled,, and kept at a level around 70 72% humidity. Cigar aficionados have long debated about the ideal temperature required for the storing of cigars. Some insist that even a slight fluctuation in temperature can prove detrimental to the flavor of their cigars, and insist on a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Others are a little more flexible and allow a slight amount of temperature fluctuation. Generally they all agree that the lower the temperature,, the quicker the cigar will age,, which will then cause a reduction in flavor. If you want to maintain the flavor,, integrity and color of your favorite cigars,, then a cigar humidor is essential. What features should you look for when purchasing a cigar humidor? The one essential feature is that it must be completely closed once the lid is shut. If the lid isn't snug and secure,, then it's possible that the temperature or humidity inside will fluctuate. A lid that's tight also prevents any other outside elements contaminating the cigars,, and prevents any moisture exchange. It's helpful if the inside of the cigar humidor is smooth and seamless, to prevent snagging of cigars (or fingers!). It's also useful to have fittings inside the humidor to assist in the storing of the cigars. You can choose from a variety of interior linings,, but cedar is generally preferred. The best is Spanish cedar. Finally, make sure you know the exact size of your favorite cigars before you go shopping for a cigar humidor. Otherwise you might get home and find you can't fit them in! This is very important, because both cigars and humidors come in a wide variety of sizes. As soon as you get your cigar humidor home,, start using it,, so that your cigars will have a long life,, minimal aging and the best flavor possible.
Early notes on Voodoo Saturday_1
Early notes on Voodoo Saturday New Orleans electro rock quartet Mute Math flew in from a tour stop in Charlotte, North Carolina on Saturday morning,, just in time for the band's early afternoon set at the Voodoo Music Experience. Despite the exhausting schedule, drummer Darren King thrashed his drum kit with typical abandon, his headphones strapped to his head to hold them in place. How completely does he heave himself into his work? His forehead bore a scar from nine stitches earned during a collision with a cymbal in Seattle. At Voodoo,, Mute Math frontman Paul Meany was his typically engaging self,, rocking the &key tar& guitar/keyboard combo without irony. He also deployed the &Atari,,& a custom made sound generator shaped like a key tar. The heart of the &Atari& is a sound chip lifted from an old Space I with it,, Meany conjured all manner of spacey effects,, indulging his passion for musical gadgetry. MuteMath apparently boasts the sturdiest keyboard stand in all of rock n' roll. Meany did handstands on it during &Break the Same,& and King crouched on top with a tom tom drum, beating a pattern during the band's traditional percussive breakdown. And just as he did last year,, Meany's 79 year old grandfather,, Guy &Papa G& Forte, made a guest appearance with the band. In a navy blazer, white slacks and matching hat, Forte strummed a ukulele alongside his grandson during &Reset.& &That,,& King said afterward,, &was the highlight of our set.& Who was that dashing figure in the designer shades,, stylish duds and thick bracelet, holding court on the main midway at Voodoo early Saturday afternoon? A rock star taking a break from the backstage party? Nope just New Orleans' pin up worthy trash impresario, Sidney Torres,, directing his SDT Waste Disposal team. The black clad SDT crew faced the formidable task of picking up after thousands of concert goers. After Rage Against the Machine's Friday night set,, the area in front of the stage normally part of City Park's running track was littered with everything from crushed sunglasses to discarded flip flops and loafers. But the grounds were more or less clean come S the Voodoo clean up may only add to Torres' legend. What's wrong with poor black folks? Black culture or white supremacy?: Jarvis DeBerryOPP inmate dies after fighting with another prisoner,, Orleans Sheriff's Office reportsNew Orleans Saints' Jimmy Graham will now be penalized for dunking over goalposts,, NFL officiating head saysObamacare plans bring hefty fees for certain drugs.
The Brilliance Of Yellow Sapphires_1
The Brilliance of Yellow Sapphires Andrew W John Belonging to the corundum family,, which is a form of crystal aluminum oxide,, yellow sapphires and their equally showy cousins are really something to behold. Yellow sapphires are as rare as are other color variants among the sapphire family in fact,, many are unaware that these colors can exist in these stones. When iron is present in the aluminum oxide crystal forming a sapphire, a yellow sapphire is the result. Sapphires are very hard stones,, registering a 9 on the Mohs scale,, and second only to the diamond in hardness. This makes the yellow sapphire not only a unique stone,, but a very durable stone that can take everyday wear and retain its brilliance. As yellow sapphires increase in popularity,, it is easier to find them in rings,, pendants and earrings. The yellow sapphire can be found in sapphire mines in Tanzania,, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. While top quality sapphires of all colors are rare,, synthetic sapphires are made in the lab all the time. Synthetic sapphires contain all the properti they were just created in a laboratory instead of in the earth over the course of millions of years. Yellow synthetic sapphires sparkle just as brilliantly as those mined from the earth and they'll be a little more affordable than the real stones. Like any gemstone,, price is dependent on a few factors: color, size and clarity,, with cut also being important in pricing. A perfectly cut gem will still sparkle in artificial indoor lighting, which is one sign of a truly expert gem cutter. Stones which have been mined as opposed to made (a la synthetic gems),, are higher in price. Natural untreated stones are also more expensive than stones which have been heat treated for purposes of coloring. There is a lot of folklore surrounding yellow sapphires. Reputed to foster friendship and bring people together, as well as increase mental faculties,, bring financial success and treat depression. They are also said to be beneficial to the health of the respiratory system and the liver. Other folklore concerns which hand to wear a yellow sapphire ring on,, but these are not generally followed these days. Prized for it's bright yellow color whether mounted in gold or in silver, Yellow sapphires have the elegance of its fellow sapphires of all colors. Yellow sapphires are a real eye catcher, gathering attention in any setting. A yellow sapphire should be at least considered as a good choice for an engagement ring stone. If you don't yet have a yellow sapphire in your jewelry collection, get one. This beautiful gem is just too unique to pass by.
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