
Total Submissions: 117,935
Top Audio Misheard Lyrics
The misheard:
Latest Misheard Stories
The Story: Don't eat the fruit in the garden, Eden,, It wasn't in God's natural plan., You were only a rib,, And look at what you did,, To Adam, the father of Man.
The Story: You smell like goat, I'll see you in hell
The Story: All the b***h had said, all been washed in black
The Story: And my blunt is my ho now
The Story: At home, drawing pictures, Of mounds of tots, With ham on top
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The misheard: Oh Canada, we stand on cars and freeze...
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The misheard: Might as well face it, you're a dick with a glove.
The misheard: Let's pee in the corner, Let's pee in the spotlight.
The misheard: I left my brains down in Africa
Top Lawyer Misheards
The misheard: I am just a worthless lawyer.I am just an imbecile.
The misheard: We didn't start the fireIt was always burningSaid the worst attorney
The misheard: I guess he's an expertand I'm more an attorney
The misheard: Some with cankers, some with goiters
The misheard: Because the night belongs lo lawyers,because the night belongs to law...
"Kiss This Guy"? What does that mean?
Did Jimi Hendrix really say, "'Scuse me, while I kiss this guy?"
We think the video makes it pretty clear that Hendrix liked to mess around with the lyrics, and on occasion actually did say "'Scuse me, while I kiss this guy."Guymager homepage
Guymager homepage
Guymager is a free forensic imager for media acquisition. Its main features are:
Easy user interface in different languages
Runs under Linux
Really fast, due to multi-threaded, pipelined design and multi-threaded data compression
Makes full usage of multi-processor machines
Generates flat (dd), EWF (E01) and AFF images, supports disk cloning
Free of charges, completely open source
The latest version is 0.7.4.
New: Have a look at the .
How it looks
The connected storage devices are listed in the upper part. New devices can be connected at any
time - press the rescan button for displaying them.
The devices marked with light red color are local hard disks. They cannot be acquired, thus preventing
from acquiring the wrong disks. Local hard disks are recognised by their serial numbers which can be
entered in the configuration file.
The lower part shows more detailed info about the acquisition currently selected by the blue cursor.
The above screenshot shows the default acquisition dialog. Another dialog exists for cloning disks. Both can be easily adapted to fit your
requirements. You may add or remove fields. You can set their default values statically (text) and dynamically (current date, size of disk,
serial number, ...). Have a look at .
Debian and Ubuntu
Guymager is contained in the standard repositories of several distributions, for example Debian
(Squeeze or later) and Ubuntu (10.04 or later). In Ubuntu, the universe repository must be
The installation could be done with a graphical tool like the Ubuntu Software Center or Synaptic. The command line
is a safe and easy alternative that always works and is independent from the latest desktop design hype:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install guymager
Using the pinguin APT server
Daniel's pinguin server always contains the latest Guymager release. It is the recommended
repository for installing Guymager and keeping it up to date. Use this repository for your Ubuntu,
Debian and Debian-based Linux systems.
Follow these steps:
Add the pinguin server and its public key by executing the following commands:
sudo wget -nH -rP /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ http://deb.pinguin.lu/pinguin.lu.list
wget -q http://deb.pinguin.lu/debsign_public.key -O- | sudo apt-key add -
Currently, i386 and amd64 systems are supported, powerpc packages are available upon request.
Execute the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install guymager-beta
Start the program with
Eventhough the package is named guymager-beta, it has been intensively tested and is absolutely stable
software. It just hasn't found its way into a distribution yet.
RPM packages
RPM packages are available at the
Many thanks to
Larry Rogers for his work!
Manual download and installation of the Debian packages
If you do not like to add the pinguin repository permanently, you can download and install
the packages manually:
Browse to , and choose the directory
corresponding to your processor architecture (i386 or amd64).
Remark: amd64 refers to the architecture, not the processor. So, amd64 is ok for both,
the AMD and Intel 64 bit processors.
Download the guymager-beta package.
Installation from the command line:
Open a shell and get root rights
Change to the directory with the files you downloaded.
Use the following commands for the installation:
sudo apt-get update
sudo dpkg -i guymager-beta_xxx_i386.deb
sudo apt-get -f install
xxx stands for the version number. In case you have a 64 bit system, replace i386 by amd64.
The 2nd command most probably returns some error messages about
missing packages. They are installed by executing the 3rd command.
There are 2 recommended packages you should install as well:
sudo apt-get install smartmontools hdparm
Start the program with
Configuration and log
Guymager works with two configuration files:
The main configuration file. You should not change it, as your changes get lost when installing a new version of guymager.
Use this file for local changes instead. The parameters adjusted here have precedence over those in guymager.cfg. guymager.cfg includes
local.cfg at its very end. If a parameter is set several times, guymager retains the last setting.
If you want to try a parameter quickly without editing local.cfg, you may put it on the command line. For example:
guymager EwfCompression=BEST
The command line precedes both configuration files. There are 2 parameters which only can be set on the command line:
cfg - The configuration file to be used. The default is /etc/guymager/guymager.cfg.
log - The log file to be used. The default is /var/log/guymager.log.
guymager cfg="/tests/g_special.cfg" log="/mylogs/guymager.log"
The configuration parameters are well documented inside /etc/guymager/guymager.cfg. Just remember not to do any changes there.
If ever there's a problem, have a look at the log file /var/log/guymager.log. Please attach the log file when reporting a problem.
Compiling the source code
For compilation and packaging on Debian based systems refer to the end of this section.
Get the source code:
Guymager's source is stored in a subversion repository on sourceforge. Go to the
and follow the instructions given there (execute the command starting with "svn checkout ..."; you need to have
subversion installed).
The same procedure applies to .
The sources for libewf can be downloaded from different places. I recommend version , which has been thoroughly tested with
Guymager. You may download it from the , for example, or search the web for the libewf-tar.gz.
Let's start with libewf:
Unpack the archive
Compile and install with the standard command trio configure, make, make install. Missing libs and tools have to be
installed, refer to the error messages. You probably have to go several times through the "install missing libs / configure" cycle
until everything is ok.
After successfull completion of the 3 commands, you not only have the lib required by Guymager, but the libewf tools as well.
So, it's easy to check if libewf works fine. Try for instance to run ewfinfo on a EWF (E01) image if you have one available.
Try ewfacquire on a memory stick otherwise (see the man pages for details).
Next comes libguytools:
Change to the directory where you did the subversion checkout, go to the subdir tags and further down to the latest version.
To compile libguytools:
qmake trunk.pro
Most probably, there will be some tools or libs missing, for instance the Qt developer stuff (libguytools uses qmake). The same
procedure as before applies (install/retry/install...). Some of the commands and libs required can be found in different Qt versions
and packages. In this case, always choose Qt version 4.
Next, a statically linkable version of the lib is built:
qmake toolsstatic.pro
There is no installation procedure (except for Debian, see above). After completion of the previous step, the lib is in the
subdirectory lib. Copy it to a location that is included in the search path on your system (this could be /usr/local/lib, for instance) or
redirect the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
Make the headers from the subdirectory "include" available to other applications (for instance by copying to /usr/local/include).
And finally, Guymager:
Change to the directory where you did the subversion checkout, go to the subdir tags and further down to the latest version.
Create the Makefile:
If ever you have problems with the library path of libguytools or libewf: Have a look at the end of file guymager.pro and adapt the LIBS
statements according to the path where you put the libs. Re-execute qmake when changing guymager.pro.
Create the language files:
lrelease guymager.pro
Copy the configuration file guymager.cfg to /etc/guymager/
Guymager should now be ready. Start it with:
This generic description should work for most Linux flavours. A
is contained in the .
Compilation and packaging on a Debian based system is easier. Get the sources of libewf, libguytools and guymager as described above. Then:
Make sure you have the package dpkg-dev installed.
sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev
Unpack libewf, change into the directory and execute
dpkg-buildpackage -B -uc -rfakeroot
Follow the instructions given. Most probably, you will be told to install some additional packages before
the compilation and packaging can begin. At the end you will get .deb packages in the directory above.
Do the same for libguytools.
Do the same for Guymager. You will be told to install some of the packages
you created in the previous steps (libguytools, libguytools1-dev, libewf and libewf-dev). Install these
packages by means of dpkg -i (see above for the usage of dpkg).
Live CDs with Guymager
Guymager is contained on several live CDs and VMs. Some of them are updated more often than others. Take care to chose one with a recent version of Guymager.
The author of Guymager can be reached by an email to develop at faert point net. If ever you want to report a problem, be sure to attach the
Guymager log file.
Beyond computer forensics
Nice photos on
The author of Guymager and these pages is not responsible, not liable nor anything else for the content of extern web pages that are linked
on this website nor for extern web pages linking to this one, nor for anything else. There is no garantuee for any software to work and
any software may damage anything.guycom - 有意思吧
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有意思吧版权所有Welcome to /
My new book, , is now available for preorder from online booksellers. It will be available in bookstores October 6, 2015.
Praise for :
?Harrison proves himself an excellent guide to reasonable thought in
the 'swirling, festering ball of lies and madness' that is the modern world.?
?Publishers Weekly, August 3, 2015
?For all our vaunted
intelligence, we human beings believe some really bizarre things. Guy P.
Harrison takes us on a judicious, wide-ranging, and entertaining tour of the
many dimensions of human mental weirdness, pointing out where we need to be
particularly on guard against our poor decision-making processes.?
?Ian Tattersall, curator emeritus, American
Museum of Natural History
?Nature gave us powerful brains but didn?t provide us with a user
manual. Consequently, far too many people fail to use their brains optimally,
often with catastrophic consequences. Thank goodness for Good Thinking. In this
important, beautifully written, and well-researched book, Guy P. Harrison gives
us the key tools we need to understand how our brains work, how best to use
them, and how to take care of them. With clarity, eloquence, and unbridled
passion, Harrison makes a compelling case for skepticism and critical thinking,
and shows us why it is of vital importance to our species. Adding Good Thinking to your bookshelf should be a
?Julien Musolino, associate professor of
psychology and cognitive science, Rutgers University
News, links, and contact
Amazon link to my latest book,
(Prometheus Books).
n Contact me at
n This is my
at Penguin/Random House.
n If you dwell in those worlds, please "like" my
and follow me on .
n Random House selected
for its First Year Experience/CommonReads program, making it recommended reading for all first-year university students. I spoke and signed books at the recent 33rd annual First Year Experience Conference in California.
of 50 Popular Beliefs that People Think are True published in Skeptic magazine.
n Here is the page with .
of Think: Why you should question everything is now on sale in Japan.
of Think: Why you should question everything published in Skeptical Inquirer.
n An Italian translation of my book, 50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God has been
n San Diego's largest newspaper, The Union Tribune, named Think: Why you should question everything a .
n Canada's largest newspaper, The Toronto Star, also praised Think in this .
n Here is a short video of my talk
at an event hosted by Random House at the 33rd annual First Year Experience Conference in California.
n Read Skeptical Inquirer's
of 50 Popular Beliefs That People Think are True.
Explore , my Psychology Today blog.
A few words about thinking
One of the biggest mistakes we can make in life is to ignore or deny the possibility that we might be dead wrong about something that is very important to us.
Don?t do this!
Question everything. Embrace doubt. Second guess conclusions. B after all you could be wrong. You might be the first perfect person in all of history and prehistory who is incapable of being fooled by the mistakes, lies and delusions of others. But I doubt it. You might be the first ever to rise above and see through all the deceptive quirks, traps and biases that come standard with a human brain. But I doubt it.
What good is it to hold tight to a position against every challenge if that position is in error? The goal is not to avoid ever changing your mind. The goal is to be right, or as close to it as you can be. If you value wisdom and honesty then you ought to value skepticism. Wisdom is recognizing that you don?t know everything and can be fooled just like every other human who has ever lived. Wise people change their minds when evidence demands it. Honest people don?t pretend to know things that they don?t know.
This fundamental error in thinking crops up most often in politics and religion, of course. These two fertile fields of human thought, passion and silliness encourage if not demand that participants sacrifice their ability to think independently. This treasure is given away freely as rigid lines are drawn and feet set in cement. How can something of such value?the ability and the courage to think freely?be sacrificed by so many people with so little reluctance? Why the haste to become one more zombie in the mob? Why no remorse for the loss of so much humanity?
Do not undervalue your ability to think independently, to grow intellectually over a lifetime, and to always do your best to move closer to truth and reality. The warmth of mindless membership may be appealing at a glance but it?s fool?s gold.
Change. Grow. Improve. Think and be fully human.
?Guy P. Harrison
©2012Latest video
New dates added
Empire Sandy,
Los Angeles
United States
Latest release
#1 Roger MartinezDownriver (Original Mix) — Lost & Found
#2 Guy JStolen Memory (Guy Mantzur Remix) — Plattenbank
#3 Dave DKImmer Gut (Original Mix) — Kompakt
#4 Sahar ZSide Caution (Original Mix) — Highway Records
#5 DosemRunnerpark (Jeremy Olander Remix) — Suara
#6 Booka Shade & YarubaBlack Cow (Original Mix) — Blaufield Music
#7 Roger MartinezTrans (Original Mix) — Lost & Found
#8 Alex VillanuevaRayne (Lonya Remix) — Lowbit
#9 Hakimonu & Roi OkevChanges (Original Mix) — Sudbeat Music
#10 Sau PolerBercy (Xxxy Remix) — Atomnation}


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