
当前位置:>>日常英语口语:“宣传” 到底该怎么翻译?
日常英语口语:“宣传” 到底该怎么翻译?
  我们最熟悉的英语对应词就是&propaganda&,但由于很多人指出这个词所含的贬义,近年来在汉英翻译时,出现了很多不同的译法以设法避免对&propaganda&一词的使用。但我们发现新华网上提供的翻译中,&中共中央宣传部&仍然翻译成了&the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee&。如果以此类推的话,其他各级党委宣传部门同样可以翻译成,&the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee&。值得注意的是,在同一网页中,中共中央对外宣传办公室却译成了&the International Communication Office of the CPC Central Committee&。长期从事新闻翻译研究、上海外国语大学的张健教授主张&外宣翻译&一词译为&translation for international communication&,可以看出上述对外宣办公室的翻译与此是不谋而合的。
  然而在吴景荣、程镇球主编的《新时代汉英大辞典》(商务印书馆2000年第一版)中,中共中央宣传部已经改译成了the Publicity Department, CCCPC。中央编译局的徐梅江老师在查阅由国务院新闻办公室策划、外交部、外文局、新华社、中国日报社、中央编译局等单位编译的《汉英外事工作常用词汇》,发现&中共中央宣传部&的&宣传&一词改译为&publicity&时,兴奋地指出,&这是解放思想、锐意革新的一个具体成果。&
  关于这个问题,在网络时代我们也可以通过检索来检验一下翻译的接受性问题。通过检索中国日报网页,笔者发现了793个包含&publicity department&的网页,而包含&propaganda department&的网页只有24个。这足以看出目前中国翻译界在这一问题上的倾向性。然而,我们仍然想搞清楚一个问题,英美报刊中对这些词汇的看法又是怎样的呢?我在New York Times 网站检索中输入&propaganda department&,仅得到两个结果,而且都是关于中国的报道,至于&publicity department&则一个结果都没有。从西方对中国宣传机构的偏见来看,在他们眼里,中国的宣传部就该叫做&propaganda department&。然而,最近美国政府似乎特别注意到了pr采集者退散opaganda的作用,所以在针对塔利班的propaganda措施,美国政府则提出了建立counterpropaganda mission的计划。请看下面的句子:来源:
  Senior officials say they consider the counterpropaganda mission to be vital to the war.
  同样是在New York Times的网页中,检索propaganda可以发现一个专题,都是关于政治宣传的文章。美国媒体对propaganda的看法一般还是负面的,在一些中性意义上,publicity一词用的更为普遍,例如在最近闹得沸沸扬扬的balloon boy事件中,相关的媒体报道就使用了publicity stunt(宣传秀)这一短语:
  People inclined to believe that Thursday&s balloon drama was a publicity stunt will want to see this raw video of Richard Heene explaining his &experiment& to reporters on Thursday night.
  维基百科对&publicity stunt&的解释如下:
  A publicity stunt is a planned event designed to attract the public&s attention to the event&s organizers or their cause. Publicity stunts can be professionally organized or set up by amateurs. Such events are frequently utilized by advertisers, celebrities, athletes, and politicians.
  至于对外宣传翻译成international communication,也是比较合适的。汉语宣传的概念对应于英语中的多个词语,带有政治色彩的宣传,部分仍然对应于英语的propaganda或者hyping,部分对应于英语的publicity,至于商业宣传,除了publicity以外,还可以是promotion,advertising等。
  我们现在说的宣传活动,一般可以翻译成英语的publicity campaign 或 advertising campaign。至于某某公司的公共关系宣传部,似乎可以不用直译出propaganda一词,应该根据其具体所为来翻译,不一定非要翻译成 xxx Company Public Relations Propaganda Department。还有就是所谓的宣传栏,英语则是billboard或announcement board,而科普宣传栏一般则译为popular science billboard 或 billboard (announcement board) for popularization of science 或者drive column等。最后是学校班级里的宣传委员,应该可以叫做commissary (或者student) in charge of publicity。
有任何问题,请给我们留言, 管理员邮箱: 联系电话:
09-01-24 & 发布
不知道你这个宣传部长是行政系统里面的职位还是学校社团职位。翻译方法应该不一样。一般来说,行政部长用minister比较多;如果是社团职称的话用leader比较好。宣传:propagada我所在的学校的英语俱乐部的宣传部长是这样说的:head of the propagada department
Minister of the Propaganda Department
Propaganda minister
Propaganda minister
09-01-20 & 发布
commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员
commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员
publicity committee
宣传委员  commissary in charge of publicity
宣传委员  [xuān chuán wěi yuán]  
  commissary in charge of publicity   宣传委员:    1. commissary in charge of publicity
   个人简历英文词汇大全(附外国人英文简历典范一篇) ... ...commissary in charge of organization 组织委员commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员 degree 学位 ...
    ... - 搜索相关网页  -  基于7322个网页    2. commi ary in charge of publicity
   教育程度有用词汇 ...commi ary in charge of organization 组织委员commi ary in charge of publicity 宣传委员degree 学位 ...
    - 搜索相关网页  -  基于15个网页    3. publicity
   精彩推荐 ...organization 组织委员publicity 宣传委员degree 学位 ...
    - 搜索相关网页  -  基于9个网页    4. Student m charge of propaganda work
   关键字: school english ...Student iIl charge of studies 学习 委员 Student m charge of propaganda work 宣传委员 Student in charge of sports activities 体育委员
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propaganda department是什么意思
中文翻译文宣部宣传部:&&&&n. 1.〔口语〕宣传;宣传计划;宣传方法;传播。 2. ...:&&&&n. 1.部门;〔美国〕部(= 〔英国〕 ministr ...
例句与用法1.The propaganda department proclaimed it a triumph of the will宣传部门称三峡的建成,是意志的胜利。 2.Then , i often met up with my friends working in the suzhou municipal propaganda department and the broadcasting bureau当时我时常和苏州市宣传部与广播局的朋友们相聚。 3.The party ' s propaganda department , which is under the supervision of li changchun ( the former henan chief ) , is just as prickly著名作家阎连科走访河南“艾滋村”后创作了一部半虚构小说。 4.He said the students who protested come from a country where history books are approved by the government ' s propaganda department他说,抗议的学生来自一个历史教课书需要通过政府宣传部审查的国家。 5.The fifth five - year plan of legal publication and education among the public by the propaganda department of the central committee of the communist party and the ministry of justice司法部关于在公民中开展法制宣传教育的第五个五年规划6.The propaganda of family planning should be handled jointly with propaganda department , news department and cultural department . organizing to guide the working personnel of family planning for the entire area会同宣传、新闻、文化部门搞好计划生育工作的宣传。组织指导培训全区计划生育工作人员。 7.As a student union concurrently deputy director of the propaganda department of the school magazine editorial board design , three years in newspaper publishing propaganda hospital , propaganda department , the school has won praise1担任学生会宣传部副部长兼任校刊编辑部设计人员,三年内参与出版院内宣传报刊,多次获得校宣部好评。 8.Jinzhou company has been awarded the title of “ the top 50 good faith units ” by the propaganda department of rushan municipal party committee , the rushan municipal bureau of industry and commerce and the bureau of city and social security , etc . ,近日,金洲公司被乳山市委宣传部、市工商局、市劳动和社会保障局等单位联合授予“诚信单位50佳”称号。 9.Shanghai xuan action cartoon tv after the propaganda department of the state administration of radio , television and the shanghai municipal party committee approval through satellite television coverage of the country ' s professional cartoon channel上海炫动卡通卫视是经过国家广播电视总局和上海市委宣传部批准,通过卫星传送覆盖全国的专业电视卡通频道10.11 management institute propaganda department vice - minister is in office the period splendidly organizes to propagandize the school each kind of literary activity , supplies ideas , has the good organization ability and the team cooperation ability , obtained the school high praise11管理学院宣传部副部长任职期间出色地组织宣传学校的各类文艺活动,出谋划策,有良好的组织能力和团队协作能力,得到了学校的好评。 &&更多例句:&&1&&
相邻词汇热门词汇宣传部,Propaganda Department,在线英语词典,英文翻译,专业英语
1)&&Propaganda Department
2)&&Publicity Department,CCCPC
3)&&University publicity department
On the three river sources and news propaganda;
New time propaganda work in hospital development and c
Role of Propaganda Work in Hospital A
Laying Stress on Library Publicity and Creating Library Brand I
Strengthening the research and publicity of the theory of translation variation——On the reception of the theory on translation variation from t
A discussion is made on the importance of publicity to the work of quality and technology supervision in oil enterprises.
An Application of Multimedia Technology to Environmental Dissemination;
Heightening the dissemination of files awareness and enhancing the whole quality of archivists is the key point to raise the level of files management and can make it more systemization,standardization and scientifization.
Towards the Three Principles of the People,the ideological foundation of the first cooperation between kuomintang and the Communist Party of China,Cai Hesen experienced a change in attitude,from opposition to acceptance,dissemination to extreme criticism.
对于作为第一次国共合作思想基础的三民主义 ,蔡和森经历了一个由反对到迎受、宣传到过激批判的态度转变。
In order to transform them into the material wealth in the course of developing the tourism, and to set up the special cultural image of Shanxi , the key factor is the proper propagation.
The essay sets forth some points about personal page′s manufacture, propagation, upper transmission and maintenance as well as the application for space, striving to make personal page perfect and increase the quantity coming to visit.
从主页制作、空间的申请、主页的上传、宣传及维护等几个方面 ,阐述了应该注意的事项 ,力求使主页达到完美无缺 ,增大主页的访问
Objective To realize the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in ChangChun district, Evaluate and propagate the efficiency of controlling epidemiological situation.
Colleges and universities are the important front to propagate thoughts, to spread cultural knowledge, to cultivate spirits and sentiments, and to elevate the soul.
&&&&  中共中央宣传部主管出版事业的机构。1949年 2月23日成立。主任委员为黄洛峰。北平(今北京)和平解放后,机构设在北平东总布胡同 10 号。该会加强了对平、津及华北地区出版、印刷、发行事业的领导和管理,筹备全国新华书店的集中统一,召开了全国新华书店第一届出版工作会议,拟定了有关统一全国新华书店的各项决议, 密切了与私营出版发行业的联系。1949年 11月,中央人民政府出版总署成立,出版委员会改制为出版总署出版局,局长为黄洛峰。1950年 4月,出版局将具体的出版、印刷、发行企业工作分出来,组成新华书店总管理处,总经理、副总经理分别由出版局局长、副局长兼任。  


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