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版权所有 Gzip enabled川外双语校又有200学生全国英语等级测试过关_新闻中心_新浪网
  本报讯 (记者 黄晔)川外双语校近200名中小学生,近日通过了全国中小学英语等级测试。据了解,川外双语校自2004年成为国家外语教育研究中心实验学校以来,到目前已有1000余人通过这项英语等级测试。
2012年不容错过的10大美国电影大片--欧美电影榜单推荐 双语中英对照
kira86 于发布 l 已有人浏览
2011已经跟我们挥手拜拜,2012会有什么新鲜刺激的电影等着我们呢?金球奖和奥斯卡奖项花落谁家还未揭晓,我们可等不到那个时候啦。有什么好电影要上映呢,我们可是拭目以待了。现在就来展望2012大片吧&电影续篇、经典电影再发行、改编电影,甚至皮克斯[1]出品的电影,应有尽有。 独树一帜的导演贾德&阿帕图和昆汀&塔伦蒂诺在明年(2012年)都有新作出炉,非常值得期待!下面是我们挑选的2012不容错过的10大电影榜单:&&&
As we bid farewell to 2011, it&s time for us to look ahead and get excited about the movies that 2012 will bring. The Golden Globes and Oscars haven&t named their favorites yet, but we&re not waiting around for that. We are excited about the future. There are some great movies to look forward to in 2012 & sequels, re-releases, film adaptations, and even a Pixar movie. Distinguished directors like Judd Apatow and Quentin Taratino both have movies coming out next year, so we&re excited for that too. Below is a list of what we think are some of the most anticipated movies of 2012.
10. The Comedy: This Is 40
TOP10 喜剧片:《这就是40 (This Is 40)》
Judd Apatow&s last directorial effort was the 2009 dramady Funny People. The film showed us a new side of Apatow, whose previous films Knocked Up and The 40-Year-Old Virgin had been mainly comedies. Although This Is 40 is a spinoff from Knocked Up, the film will follow in the footsteps of Funny People in terms of tone (don&t worry, it&ll still be a comedy). Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl won&t be reprising their characters, instead the film will focus on Paul Rudd&s and Leslie Mann&s characters.
贾德&阿帕图导演的最新力作就是2009年的喜剧片《爆笑绝唱(Funny People)》,阿帕图的另一面在这部影片中展现出来,他之前导演的作品像《一夜大肚(Knocked Up)》和《40岁的老处男(The 40-Year-Old Virgin)》大部分都是喜剧片。《这就是40》的情节接续了《一夜大肚》,但在风格上神似《爆笑绝唱》,观众不要担心,它仍然是欢喜结局。塞斯&罗根和凯瑟琳&海格尔不再是主角,换保罗&路德和莱斯利&曼恩挑起大梁。
Release Date:&December 21, 2012
上映日期: 日
Director:&Judd Apatow
导演: 贾德&阿帕图
Biggest Draw:&Jason Segel, Paul Rudd, Melissa McCarthy
9. The Re-Release: Titanic 3D
TOP9 经典电影再发行: 《泰坦尼克号》3D版
One of the highest grossing films of all time is returning to the big screen & Titanic. James Cameron has given his epic romance and disaster film a new 3D look and is going to re-release the film just in time for the 100th anniversary of the Titanic sailing. While some may scoff and roll their eyes at a re-release thinking the studio just wants to make more dough, let&s look at it this way & some movies are meant for the big screen and Titanic is definitely one of them.
Release Date:&April 6, 2012
Director:&James Cameron
Biggest Draw:&Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, 3D
8. The Pixar Movie: Brave
TOP8 皮克斯动画工作室出品:《勇敢(Brave)》
Brave is different than other Pixar films. For starters, this will be the studio& and second, the film is directed by Pixar&s first female director Branda Champman, who also penned the screenplay. Brave tells the story of a royal Scottish family and its Princess Merida who is determined to follow her own path as a warrior. Who&s excited for another Pixar movie?
Release Date:&June 22, 2012
Director:&Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman
Biggest Draw:&Um, it&s a Pixar film!
7. The Period Piece: The Great Gatsby
TOP7 历史题材:《了不起的盖茨比(The Great Gatsby)》
The Great Gatsby is a classic tale that has been made into a movie plenty of times, so why is this one so special? Well, aside from its stellar cast, there&s whole generations who haven&t seen this story brought to life. The last Gatsby to hit theaters was in 1974 with Mia Farrow and Robert Redford, and the film wasn&t a total critical success (despite its two great leads). With a December-release date, this version seems to have its eyes set on an Oscar.
《了不起的盖茨比》是经典作品,多次被拍成电影,这次有什么特别的呢?除了大牌云集是看点,我们这一代已没人看过这部经典改编的电影,最近拍的一部都是1974年的,由米娅&法罗 和 罗伯特&雷德福主演,尽管他俩的名气不小,这一版本算不上大获成功。最新版本的档期在12月,可见其冲击奥斯卡奖项的雄心。
Release Date:&December 25, 2012
Director:&Baz Luhrmann
Biggest Draw:&Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Tobey Maguire
6. The Unconventional Drama: Django Unchained
TOP6 突破传统题材的影片:《解放的詹哥(Django Unchained)》
Quentin Tarantino is following his 2009 Nazi drama Inglorious Basterds with Django Unchained, a film that will touch upon another sensitive subject & slavery. Tarantino is known for his violent and bloody films, and this topic is exactly that. Django Unchained will follow a slave-turned bounty hunter (Jamie Fox) who sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal plantation owner (Leonardo DiCaprio). This will be the first time we see DiCaprio play the actual villain. If anything, Django Unchained is going to shed some light on one of our country&s most disgraceful moments, and we can count on Tarantino to make this history lesson very entertaining.
昆汀&塔伦蒂诺在2009年导演了一部纳粹题材的影片《无耻混蛋(Inglorious Basterds)》,如今《解放的詹哥》的题材同样敏感&是关于黑奴的。塔伦蒂诺执导的电影多暴力血腥,这部电影也延续了他的一贯作风。《解放的詹哥》讲述一名追捕出逃黑奴为生的黑奴猎人(杰米&福克斯饰)是如何从残暴的庄园主(莱昂纳多&迪卡普里奥饰)手里解救他的妻子。这是莱昂纳多&迪卡普里奥首次出演大反派。可以说《解放的詹哥》揭示了美国历史上最肮脏的时期,塔伦蒂诺这次的历史课绝对会上得精彩。
Release Date:&December 2, 2012
Director:&Quentin Tarantino&
Biggest Draw:&Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Samuel L. Jackson, Jamie Fox, Kurt Russell
最大卖点: 莱昂纳多&迪卡普里奥、 约瑟夫&高登-莱维特、塞缪尔&杰克逊、杰米&福克斯、库尔特&拉塞尔
5. The Twisted Tale: Snow White and the Huntsman
TOP5 : 白雪公主和猎人
When the first photos of Kristen Stewart as Snow White were released, we were shocked to see her dressed in armor instead of the iconic blue and yellow dress. The photos showed that Rupert Sanders& version of the timeless fairytale would definitely be twisted and dark. The trailer confirmed our suspicions, and made Snow White and the Huntsman our favorite of the two Snow White films being released in 2012.
Release Date:&June 1, 2012
Director:&Rupert Sanders&
Biggest Draw:&Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, Chris Hemsworth
最大卖点: 克里斯汀&斯图尔特、查理兹&塞隆、克里斯&海姆斯沃斯
4. The Comic Book Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man
TOP4 动漫改编电影:《超凡蜘蛛侠(The Amazing Spider-Man)》
Just a few years after Spider-Man 3, there whole superhero franchise got a reboot. In 2012, we&ll see Spider-Man take another form in the shape of British actor Andrew Garfield, who won audiences over with his cute stunt during this year&s Comic Con. Marc Webb&s version, The Amazing Spider-Man will not include Mary Jane W instead, it will highlight Spider-Man&s second love, Gwen Stacy, who will be played by Emma Stone. Despite how fans of the comics may feel about this new take, there&s no denying that it&s a film we really, really want to see.
Release Date:&July 3, 2012
Director:&Marc Webb
Biggest Draw:&Emma Stone, Andrew Garfield
3. The Summer Blockbuster: The Avengers
TOP3 夏季巨作:复仇者2012
The Avengers is a crossover movie that will bring together our favorite superheroes including Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye. This is a comic fan&s dream. We&re going to be seeing all of these superheroes on-screen, at the same time, fighting the forces of evil. More important, we&re going to see these characters interact with each other, which based off the trailer, we can garner that it&ll be very entertaining to watch. We&re excited!
Release Date:&May 4, 2012
Director:&Joss Whendon
Biggest Draw:&Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson
2. The Sci-Fi Adaptation: The Hunger Games
TOP2 科幻小说改编:饥饿游戏
With Harry Potter over and just one more Twilight film to go, many are wondering if The Hunger Games will be the next big franchise. Like the two before it, The Hunger Games is being adapted from young adult novels. This film is set in the future United States where 24 young boys and girls are pit against each other in a bloody battle to the death, while their efforts are broadcasted for everyone to see. Could this be Lionsgate&s answer to Harry Potter and Twilight? And you excited to see this series brought to the screen?
Release Date:&March 23, 2012
Director:&Gary Ross
Biggest Draw:&Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth
1. The Sequel: The Dark Knight Rises
TOP1 蝙蝠侠前传3:黑骑士崛起
Christopher Nolan&s super-sequel The Dark Knight Rises is probably the most anticipated movie of 2012. The film even won the award for Most Anticipated Movie at the 6th annual Scream Awards. Every time new footage or photos are revealed, fans and bloggers alike& jump with eagerness. When The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters this Summer, it will be the end of an era. This will be the last time we see Christopher Nolan at the helm (of the Batman franchise) and Christian Bale as the famed cape crusader.
Release Date:&July 20, 2012
Director:&Christopher Nolan&
Biggest Draw:&Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway, Morgan Freeman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt
中文译者:rong_erexcellent from
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