帮忙翻译,人工费 翻译的,不要电脑翻译。急用

President Hu Jintao flew to the earthquake-hit region in Yushu, Qinghai on April 18, 2010. At a field hospital on the grounds of a sports stadium, Hu sat on the bed of Drolma, a middle school student, and held her in his arm as she wept(哭泣). “Rest assured(放心的), you will have a full recovery(康复). Be strong. You will have a bright future,” he told her.The 2010 World Expo Shanghai China
Duration(举办时间): May 1 to October 31, 2010
Expected visitors: 70 million
Theme(主题) : “Better City, Better Life.”
The theme represents the common wish of the people all over the world for a better living in future urban(城市的) environments.The 19th FIFA World Cup(世界杯足球赛)
Duration: June 11 to July 12, 2010
Host(主办) nation: South Africa
Number of teams: Thirty-two
Number of matches: Sixty-four
It is the first time that the tournament(锦标赛) has been hosted by a nation in the Confederation(联盟) of African Football.61. President Hu Jintao flew to Yushu, Qinghai _________, 2010.
A. on May 1&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. on June 11&&&& C. on April 18&& D. on July 12
62. President Hu Jintao comforted(安慰) _________ at a field hospital.
A. a middle school student&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. a soldier&&
C. a farmer of Yushu&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. a doctor
63. The 2010 World Expo in Shanghai will end on _________.
&&&& A. September 30&&&&&&& B. October 31&&&& C. November 30&& D. December 31
64. The theme of Expo 2010 is “_________”
A. Better City, Bright future.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Better City, Good Environment.
C. Better City, Better Life.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Better City, Best Investment(投资).
65. There will be _________ teams taking part in the 19th FIFA World Cup.
&&& A. 10&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. 12&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. 13&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. 32
Mr Johnson was having trouble with his stomach, (1)______ he went to see a doctor. The doctor examined his stomach (2)______ but couldn't find any problem. Then he said, “Well, Mr Johnson, take it easy. There is (3)______ serious. Stop smoking and then you'll be all right very (4)______.”
  “But, doctor,” answered Mr Johnson, “I (5)_______ . I don't like smoking at all.”
  “Oh, I see,” said the doctor, “then stop drinking alcohol (6)______.”
  “But I don't drink alcohol,” answered Mr Johnson.
  “Don't drink (7)______ tea or coffee then, “ the doctor said to him.
  “I (8)______ drink water,” answered Mr Johnson, “I don't like tea or coffee.”
  The doctor (9)______ for a while and then said, “Well, what do you like to eat then?”
  “Potatoes. I like potatoes very much,” Mr Johnson answered at once.
  “All right, then stop (10)______ potatoes,” said the doctor as he got up to say goodbye to Mr Johnson.
  ( )1. A. so B. but C. of D. for
  ( )2. A. slowly B. happily C. quickly D. carefully
  ( )3. A. anything B. something C. anything D. everything
  ( )4. A. early B. soon C. late D. much
  ( )5. A. won't smoke B. never smoked C. couldn't smoke D. needn't smoke
  ( )6. A. from now on B. just now C. from then on D. until now
  ( )7. A. any B. many C. some D. little
  ( )8. A. will B. won't C. don't D. only
  ( )9. A. thinks B. thought C. is thinking D. though
  ( )10.A. cutting B. buying C. eating D. washing
日xxx主席飞赴青海玉树灾区。在由体育育场馆 临时改成的 医院里 ,胡坐在卓玛 一个中学生的床上,她哭泣时 他拥抱她。“放心,你将会完全康复。坚强些。你将有一个光明的未来,”他告诉她。2010中国上海世博会举办时间:2010年五月一日至日预期游客:主题:“更好的城市,更好的生活。主题代表了全世界人民在未来城市环境中更好生活的 共同愿望。第十九届国际足联世界杯足球赛时间:2010年六月十一日至日主办国家:南非球队数目:三十二比赛场数:六十四这是首次由 非洲足联 下 的国家 为东道主 举办的 世界杯。61。xxx主席_2010年________飞到青海玉树,
A 五月一日&& B 六月十一日& C& 四月十八日&&& D七月十二日62。在临时医院xxx主席安慰_________。A 一个中学生
B战士C .玉树农民
D 医生63。2010上海世博会将结束于_________。A& 九月三十日& B 十月三十一日 C 十一月三十日& D十二月三十一日64。2010世博的主题是“_________”A 美好的城市,美好的未来。
B更好的城市,良好的环境。C .更好的城市,更好的生活。
D .更好的城市,最好的投资(投资)。65。会有_________球队参加第十九届国际足联世界杯。A . 10B . 12C . 13D . 32
我辛苦翻译好了 却不让提交 咋办&
的感言:还差一篇,不过也没事了 ,我自己翻译出来了。看到答案我已经很高兴了,谢谢你!
外语领域专家谁能帮我帮一篇文章翻译成韩语啊 不要电脑翻译的 要人工那种 急用谢谢_百度知道
谁能帮我帮一篇文章翻译成韩语啊 不要电脑翻译的 要人工那种 急用谢谢
记忆中的地方  我到过的地方很少,但每到一个地方都会仔细的看,就象一个嗜酒的人细心的品评美酒一般,有心品味那个地方的山山水水、风土人情,好让记忆中多一些对生活的感受,也让手头存留一些为创作所用的形象资料。作为与美术工作有着无法割舍的我来说,在我记忆中最美的地方名叫“思蒙”。  从湖南省溆浦县城中心的河码头上船,洵着溆水河而下,约点把钟就可进入思蒙的地界。可别小看了这溆水河,它可是当年屈原大夫濯缨洗尘之处,在此留下了千古不绝的感慨。也许是受了屈大夫的感染,河水一进入思蒙便变得蜿蜒回转,河两岸的山陡峭挺立,时常有白鹭在水与山之间掠过,充满诗情画意,一路上婉若一幅流动的山水画,当地人将之称为“小桂林”。清清的水在静静的流趟,河中心深,但在河边可自由趟走;山体是红色砂岩,山峰并不尖,有的山顶还有那么一小块平地呢。最美的时候是在夏季,赭红色的山体上,有的地方长了许多的青草,给山腰上镶嵌了一些绿色的翡翠,给山顶抹上了一笔天然的绿荫。  船绕过几个弯后,河面开阔了一些,河两岸出现了农舍、学校、稻田、橘林、公路、桥梁、铁路……,河的左岸就是思蒙小镇。小镇依山傍水,有那么几分别致,从河边的沙地上可一直走上石板街,街的尽头在半山腰,再往上是碧绿的群山。小镇并不繁华,倒还显得有几分清静,只有在赶集的日子这儿才熙熙攘攘、人声鼎沸,从半山的街道起始处开始到河边的沙滩上,来自四邻八乡的各族群众带着各自的土特产到此交易。这儿出售的东西以山货居多,木材、山药、烤烟、辣椒、野鸡(兔)肉……,这一切都是货真且物美价廉的产品。  小镇的河面上有一座浮桥,走在一块块木板上晃晃悠悠,还夹杂着哒哒的鞋底磕击木板的声音,很有趣味。桥的一头通往小镇下的沙滩,桥的另一头上岸后,穿过村庄、小溪、田野可上京广铁路线。我在读师范的那几年每当寒暑假都到思蒙来写生,我时常在这浮桥上找景点,欣赏着四周的景致――看忙碌的农人在田间劳作、扑鱼的小船在河面荡漾、远山腰上的火车呼啸而过……。浮桥平时都是完整的架设在河面上,只有有大船通过时才将桥中心的木板临时卸下。每年在春末夏初涨水的季节,河面上的木板会尽数拆去,那些浮舟也都被拖到河岸边,在这一年中难得的闲暇时间里休整。
他的妈妈不再哞叫, 长长的队列,长长的队列没有结束。朝着黄昏 盈满的月亮幽昧地浮现 像春天花朵绽然的香味。不是想的会遇个你,哈哈
尼玛啊。给钱就要 翻译这么多 韩文大概都要1000多字了 给你翻译前面几段吧。기억속에 그곳 내가가본 곳은 적었다,하지만 한곳 한곳 갈때마다 꼼꼼이 본다,술에 빠진사람마냥 미주를 품평하듯, 好了这翻译到美酒一般
您就行行好 帮帮忙
真的我没有那么多时间 和精力。。太长了 因为我不是专业的 有的不好翻译的 我就得上网找 问朋友 所以 我真没那么多精力 这也不是分数问题。。sorry
这个给分也很少人愿意翻吧 还是花点钱找翻译吧。。
你说多少分给翻译? 我给你加
急用 不要软件的
New accounting rules primarily
implemented in listed companies on 1st Januaruy 007
新会计准则的发布,将进一步规范上市公司财务报告,提高上市公司会计信息质量,有利于真实反映企业经 营成果。
The new accounting rule issue move ahead to standardize the financial report and improve the quality of the accounting information for the listed company, help to reflect a actual achievement of the enterprises.
本文阐述了新会计准则发布的背景和意义,介绍了新会计准则的变革,比较了新会计准则与旧会计准则的差异,分析了新会计准则对上市公司财务报告的影 响。
This article elaborated the background and
New accounting rules primarily
implemented in listed companies on 1st Januaruy 007
新会计准则的发布,将进一步规范上市公司财务报告,提高上市公司会计信息质量,有利于真实反映企业经 营成果。
The new accounting rule issue move ahead to standardize the financial report and improve the quality of the accounting information for the listed company, help to reflect a actual achievement of the enterprises.
本文阐述了新会计准则发布的背景和意义,介绍了新会计准则的变革,比较了新会计准则与旧会计准则的差异,分析了新会计准则对上市公司财务报告的影 响。
This article elaborated the background and significance of the new accounting rules, introduced the new accounting rule transformation, comparison of both old and new accounting standards & analyzed
the impact for the financial report.
The keystone has analyzed the fair and equitable model in the new accounting standard system to the listed companies achievement influence, the realistic and objective value of the enterprise investor.
公允价值计量模式的引用,将对上市公 司相关投资业绩产生一定影响,集中体现在持有投资性房地产的公司、持有大量法人股的公司、持有交易性证券的公司、拥有期货业务的公司和预期进行债务重组的 公司。
The recommendation of the fair and equitable value measurement model, will certain relatively affect the listed companies investment achievements, the centralism manifests in the investment real estate company, the huge annual bonus firm, the companies which holding the trade bond, the stock service company and the company which anticipated to reorganize their company’s liabilities.
Further by using the data form to analysis the correlation factor to the listed company value influence.
回答数:314一个展出的致辞,领导让快点翻译出来,头都大了。。谢谢帮忙的人,好人一生平安。。。能翻译多少是多少,非常的非常的感谢      社会主义现代化事业,离不开文化的发展;中华民族的伟大复兴,离不开文化的繁荣。为深入贯彻落实党的十七届六中全会关于建设社会主义文化强国的要求,充分发挥侨联组织人才荟萃、智力密集、联系广泛的独特优势,努力推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,我们在这里隆重举行“xx展”,庆祝我省第九次归侨侨眷代表大会的胜利召开,为全省人民奉上一道丰富的文化盛宴。    此次展览邀请了二十六个国家和地区的艺术家近260件精品参展,内容丰富、形式多样,是一次高水平的艺术盛会。    书记指出“文化是根、文化是魂、文化是力、文化是效”,是对文化内涵的深刻认识,是对中原崛起河南振兴之路的准确把握。在刚刚闭幕的省第九次党代会上,他强调:建设中原经济区、加快中原崛起河南振兴,必须始终坚持务实发展。务实发展,关键在做,科学运作、有效运作,说到做到、说好做好,努力创造经得起实践、人民和历史检验的业绩。      侨联组织是党领导下的人民团体,是党和政府联系归侨侨眷、海外侨胞的桥梁和纽带。侨联组织要在新形势下发挥更大的作用,彰显更大的优势,就要牢牢把握党的十七届六中全会深化文化体制改革的机遇,以省九次党代会议精神为指导,充分调动和发挥广大侨胞和各界群众的积极性,以文化事业为抓手和载体,务实发展、开拓创新,遵循规律、注重持续,形成自身的合力和全社会的合力,推动河南由文化大省向文化强省跨越,在中原崛起、河南振兴的实践中发挥更大作用、作出更大贡献!                能翻译多少是多少,非常非常感谢
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  社会主义现代化事业,离不开文化的发展;中华民族的伟大复兴,离不开文化的繁荣。为深入贯彻落实党的十七届六中全会关于建设社会主义文化强国的要求,充分发挥侨联组织人才荟萃、智力密集、联系广泛的独特优势,努力推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,我们在这里隆重举行“xx展”,庆祝我省第九次归侨侨眷代表大会的胜利召开,为全省人民奉上一道丰富的文化盛宴。    Communist modernization rooted in cultural rejuvenation
of our nation and flourish of culture.for the purpose of realizing &build a influential cultural nation with communist character,taking advantage of the strong strength of Fellowman Union's organizational talent pool and their all-reaching contact network&. which will sure to bring our cultural development to a new prosperous height through our joined efforts.Here is the splendor cultural feast opens to us which symbolize our best wishes for a successful
归侨侨眷9's meeting。
  此次展览邀请了二十六个国家和地区的艺术家近260件精品参展,内容丰富、形式多样,是一次高水平的艺术盛会。  ========  The exhibition invited artists from 26 countries and totally 260 are works brought by them will be displayed. Well-prepared various programs in this show will sure make it a high-level Art Feast.
  @gada888  22:21:08    社会主义现代化事业,离不开文化的发展;中华民族的伟大复兴,离不开文化的繁荣。为深入贯彻落实党的十七届六中全会关于建设社会主义文化强国的要求,充分发挥侨联组织人才荟萃、智力密集、联系广泛的独特优势,努力推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,我们在这里隆重举行“xx展”,庆祝我省第九次归侨侨眷代表大会的胜利召开,为全省人民奉上一道丰富的文化盛宴。        Communist modernization .....  -----------------------------  谢谢
  楼上是神马英文。语法错到极点。 你比软件更菜!
  @gada888  22:41:02    此次展览邀请了二十六个国家和地区的艺术家近260件精品参展,内容丰富、形式多样,是一次高水平的艺术盛会。    ========    The exhibition invited artists from 26 countries and totally 260 are works brought by them will be displayed. Well-prepared various .....  -----------------------------  太谢谢了
  @身为领导  21:52:28    这种官话套话用英文没法翻,其他外语也不行,直接念中文吧,反正也没人听。   -----------------------------  ai,你名字一听都是领导,,,
  Communist modernization rooted in cultural rejuvenation of our nation and flourish of culture.不完整句      for the purpose of realizing &build a influential cultural nation with communist character,taking advantage of the strong strength of Fellowman Union's organizational talent pool and their all-reaching contact network&.不完整句     which will sure to bring our cultural development to a new prosperous height through our joined efforts.不完整句
  :gada888   自己英语不行,不要误人。
  Communist modernization (rooted in cultural rejuvenation of our nation and flourish of culture.)=过去分词短语  修饰 Communist modernization   =-  Basic English Structure  Sentences    The Sentence 句子  It is a group of words which make complete sense. It begins with a capital letter and ends with either a full stop(.), question mark(?) or exclamation mark(!). It must contain at least one independent clause.  句子是表達完整意思的一組文字。每句第一個字母必須大寫,每完一句要有句號、問號或感歎號。每句子必須包含最少一個獨立的子句。  e.g.  I see a pretty bird. (Statement)  Can you swim? (Question)  Open the window. (Command)  What a fool he is! (Exclamation)  Please help me with my work. (Request)    A sentence is composed of the Subject and the Verb. 句子必須包含主語和動詞。    The following sentences are complete sentences because 下列句子是完整的,因為:  i. They have the
它們包含主語和動詞;  ii. They make full sense. 意思完整。  1. John read the letter twice.  2. To be careful, John read the letter twice.  3. John read the letter twice, trying to understand it.  4. John read the letter twice because he was careful.  5. John read the letter twice but he could not understand it.    The following are not complete sentences: 下列並非完整句子:  1. To be careful. (no subject and verb, not in complete sense)  2. Trying to understand it. (no independent clause, not in complete sense)  3. Because he was careful. (no independent clause, not in complete sense)
  台湾回归祖国,完成统一大业是我们这一代人光荣伟大的历史使命。中国的统一和富强,不仅是祖国大陆各族人民的利益所在,同样是台湾各族同胞的根本利益所在,而且有利于远东和世界和平。    The return of Taiwan to the embrace of the Motherland and the accomplishment of national reunification is the great and glorious historical mission of us this generation.The reunification of China nad her prosperity and power not only represent the vital interests of the people of different nationalities on the mainland and those of the compatriots of various nationalities in Taiwan,but also favour the peace in the Far East and the world.
  怎么连共产主义现代化都出来啦?原文是“社会主义现代化”。最好避免用&communism&这个词,老外看了就反感,你再解释也没用。在西方,communism已经形成某种形象的代名词,条件反射性的。    各民族,可以用enthnic groups,用nationalities会让人以为你在谈不同国籍,人家以为你把来自26个国家的人都给包括进中国大陆了。
  上面的朋友有的翻译的还不错,如果 以后还有类似的内容要翻译的话,最好去翻译公司做。  可以去上海瑞科翻译公司去看看,专业的翻译服务公司。  网址:


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