
  Hello.  My name is Judith Morris I am 35 years of age and I am from U.S.A. I received email from a lottery company that you     are one of the lottery winners that won the same lottery with me last mouth.  I would like to know if you where asked to pay for the release of your winning funds if yes how mush did you pay     because I have already made payment to them and they said I should be expecting my winning funds before the end of     next week.  They gave me your contact details to contact you for verifications and confirmations if this is true or a scam that     you also received a winning notification, .  Thanks and hope to here from you soon, Have a happy New year.  From Mrs.Judith Morris and family
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  你好,我叫Judith Morris
35岁,来自美国。我收到一封来自一家彩票公司的邮件,从中得知你和我上个月一起从那家彩票公司里买彩票中了大奖。  我想知道如果你是要求为您赢得释放资金支付,如果是你付了如何玉米粥    因为我已经付款给他们,他们说我应该期待年底前我取胜资金    下周。  他们给我你的联系方式联络,核查和认可你,如果这是真的还是一个骗局,    你也收到了获奖通知,。  感谢,并希望能尽快得到您这里,有一个快乐的新年。  从Mrs.Judith莫里斯和家庭    谷歌翻译
  对了 楼主,这些都是骗人的,我的雅虎邮箱经常收到这些邮件。现在我都不怎么用YAHOO了
  您好:    我叫XXX 来自美国 今年35岁    我收到一封彩票公司的邮件    说你跟我一样 在上个月 中了大奖    我想知道 你是是不是被要求去交你的彩票税 还有交了多少?    因为我要把税交给彩票公司    这样最迟下个星期之前 他们就把奖金交给我    他们给了我你的 联系方式    让我来联系你     证明这个中奖的事情 是真的还是假的    你是不是收到一个中奖的电子邮件提示
来自 XXXX油箱    期待着你的早日回信    新年快乐    来自美国的XXXXXXXX 还有XXXX的家人的问候      
  美国人还有错误的英语单词。last mouth,难道是屁眼。。哈哈
  请英语好的版友再帮翻译一下,谢谢!  Job Snapshot  Company: Dana Petroleum  Location: London, UK  Employee Type: Contract  Manages Others: No  Experience: Not Specified  Post Date: 29/01/2011      Description      Our client (Dana Petroleum) has immediate employment opportunities and intends to invite experienced individuals/expatriates or consultancy firm capable of rendering expertise services. These career driven people are to apply for the various positions below:    Engineering, Construction and Installation, NDT, Geology, Project Management, Welding and Fabrication, Plant/Start-Up, Maintenance, Mechanical/Technical/Design Engineering, Information Technology, Administrative, Commissioning, Front Office/Guest Relations Executive/Manager, Duty Manager, IT/Telecom-Software, Accountants, Health Workers, Mechanical/Electrical, Electronics Operators, Customer Care, Security, Foreign/International Language Translators and many more others depending on your field of specialization.    ENTITLEMENT, BENEFITS AND PACKAGES:    A very attractive net salary paid in US$, Sterling or Euros equivalent depending on employee home country and currency&& preference with annual salary review.    . Quality single or family housing accommodation in company community.  . Free medical/dental care in ENGLAND or an part of the world for employee and family.  . Excellent educational assistance benefits with family status employment.  . Paid airfares allowing full flexibility with holiday travel.  . Personal effects shipment and excess baggage allowances.  . Full access to some to some of the finest and social recreational facilities in United Kingdom.  . Life Insurance and Paid vacation.  . Official vehicle/Maximum security in work environment and housing community.    &Interested candidates are to email their cv/resume and details of experience via email attachment to :&& recruitdepartment@dana-petroleum.cz.cc    Regards,    Webs Recruit
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  下面还有,谢谢!    -----来自 &Nechiche Akim& &Akim.Nechiche@etu.paris-sorbonne.fr& 的消息,在 Sun, 30 Jan :24 +0100 (CET) -----  主题: Employment Opportunity - Submit your CV  Job Snapshot  Company: Hess Corporation  Location: London, UK  Employee Type: Contract  Manages Others: No  Experience: Not Specified  Post Date: 30/01/2011    Description    Our client (Hess Corporation) has immediate employment opportunities and  intends to invite experienced individuals/expatriates or consultancy firm  capable of rendering expertise services. These career driven people are to  apply for the various positions below:    Engineering, Construction and Installation, NDT, Geology, Project  Management, Welding and Fabrication, Plant/Start-Up, Maintenance,  Mechanical/Technical/Design Engineering, Information Technology,  Administrative, Commissioning, Front Office/Guest Relations  Executive/Manager, Duty Manager, IT/Telecom-Software, Accountants, Health  Workers, Mechanical/Electrical, Electronics Operators, Customer Care,  Security, Foreign/International Language Translators and many more others  depending on your field of specialization.    ENTITLEMENT, BENEFITS AND PACKAGES:    . A very attractive net salary paid in US$, Sterling or Euros equivalent  depending on employee home country and currency
preference with annual  salary review.  . Quality single or family housing accommodation in company community.  . Free medical/dental care in ENGLAND or an part of the world for employee  and family.  . Excellent educational assistance benefits with family status employment.  . Paid airfares allowing full flexibility with holiday travel.  . Personal effects shipment and excess baggage allowances.  . Full access to some to some of the finest and social recreational  facilities in United Kingdom.  . Life Insurance and Paid vacation.  . Official vehicle/Maximum security in work environment and housing  community.     Interested candidates are to email their cv/resume and details of  experience via email attachment to : candidates.    Regards,    Webs Recruit
  1 0楼是一封招聘邮件
  1 2楼也是一封招聘邮件,11楼好像是西班牙语,这个已经超出我的能力了
  我也经常收 到,为 哈 要发给偶们不懂英文的人呢 。这不是浪费精力,而且去 国外 拿钱太麻烦, 叫他以后写 中文,用人民币算钱
  碧海蓝天翻译(深圳)有限公司,您身边的翻译专家!!  联系人:田先生  手
座机:9  网
站:  邮
箱:Email:  全国统一电话:
the more practical, the better.
出门在外也不愁Google 翻译
英语中文德语检测语言检测语言—阿尔巴尼亚语阿拉伯语阿姆哈拉语阿塞拜疆语爱尔兰语爱沙尼亚语巴斯克语白俄罗斯语保加利亚语冰岛语波兰语波斯尼亚语波斯语布尔语(南非荷兰语)丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾语芬兰语弗里西语高棉语格鲁吉亚语古吉拉特语哈萨克语海地克里奥尔语韩语豪萨语荷兰语吉尔吉斯语加利西亚语加泰罗尼亚语捷克语卡纳达语科西嘉语克罗地亚语库尔德语拉丁语拉脱维亚语老挝语立陶宛语卢森堡语罗马尼亚语马尔加什语马耳他语马拉地语马拉雅拉姆语马来语马其顿语毛利语蒙古语孟加拉语缅甸语苗语南非科萨语南非祖鲁语尼泊尔语挪威语旁遮普语葡萄牙语普什图语齐切瓦语日语瑞典语萨摩亚语塞尔维亚语塞索托语僧伽罗语世界语斯洛伐克语斯洛文尼亚语斯瓦希里语苏格兰盖尔语宿务语索马里语塔吉克语泰卢固语泰米尔语泰语土耳其语威尔士语乌尔都语乌克兰语乌兹别克语希伯来语希腊语西班牙语夏威夷语信德语匈牙利语修纳语亚美尼亚语伊博语意大利语意第绪语印地语印尼巽他语印尼语印尼爪哇语英语约鲁巴语越南语中文 中文(简体)英语日语阿尔巴尼亚语阿拉伯语阿姆哈拉语阿塞拜疆语爱尔兰语爱沙尼亚语巴斯克语白俄罗斯语保加利亚语冰岛语波兰语波斯尼亚语波斯语布尔语(南非荷兰语)丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾语芬兰语弗里西语高棉语格鲁吉亚语古吉拉特语哈萨克语海地克里奥尔语韩语豪萨语荷兰语吉尔吉斯语加利西亚语加泰罗尼亚语捷克语卡纳达语科西嘉语克罗地亚语库尔德语拉丁语拉脱维亚语老挝语立陶宛语卢森堡语罗马尼亚语马尔加什语马耳他语马拉地语马拉雅拉姆语马来语马其顿语毛利语蒙古语孟加拉语缅甸语苗语南非科萨语南非祖鲁语尼泊尔语挪威语旁遮普语葡萄牙语普什图语齐切瓦语日语瑞典语萨摩亚语塞尔维亚语塞索托语僧伽罗语世界语斯洛伐克语斯洛文尼亚语斯瓦希里语苏格兰盖尔语宿务语索马里语塔吉克语泰卢固语泰米尔语泰语土耳其语威尔士语乌尔都语乌克兰语乌兹别克语希伯来语希腊语西班牙语夏威夷语信德语匈牙利语修纳语亚美尼亚语伊博语意大利语意第绪语印地语印尼巽他语印尼语印尼爪哇语英语约鲁巴语越南语中文(繁体)中文(简体)
Google 翻译(企业版):会英语的同学帮我翻译一下这几句话,多谢!_百度知道
希望对你有帮助.我没有完全按你字面翻译哦,I thought we made the appointment at(你认为的错误的时间)it is all my fault.3 Am I right?I think I need more practise after class,we can have more classes after I have some improvement。4 I do not know how to say(express)this in English,I am very sorry to waste your precious time?这句话我实在没办法完全按你的字面意思翻译出来? Is this sentence correct.2 Could we have
two classes every month from now on considering my poor English1 I am so sorry that I did not show up last week
1.My memory failed my last week time so don't come, ashamed hold up your time.2.I think hereafter monthly ascend two lesson, I feel my English level still badly, I want to more practice for a while and slowly raise hereafter again ascend several more stanza lesson.3.这句话我说的对吗?This sentence I say of to?4.This sentence I don't know how to say.
1 Last week I remember correctly, the time so did not come, I am sorry you wasted time.2 I think the last two lessons a month later, I still think my English is poor, I would like to practice my slowly improving after a few more lessons.3 This sentence me, right?4 This sentence I do not know what to say.
1.Last week I made a mistake about the time so I didn't show up on time, I am so sorry to ruin your time.2.I'm considering that I took two courses every month ,because I know my English is sort of poor, I should practise a little more. If I
make some progress ,then I'll take more courses later on.3.Am I right to say this sentense?4.I've no ideas how to say this sentense.
1. Last week I forgot the time and didn't come. I'm very sorry to delay your time.2.I want to have two lessons every month . I think my English is very poor, so at the begining I want to practise more, and latter gradually increase more classes.3.Am I right for saying that?4.I don't know how to say.
last week I didn‘t come because i forget the time


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