
xxxAccount Number. Thank you:Account Name:xxxxAccount With Bank:xxxPlease handle it as per our request, Ltd., please remit the remaining balance with total amount of USDxxx on our account to the following account. with your bankTo XXXX BankReferring to closing the account of XXX Co
please you assist! Thank you: * * * * * * *Number of a bank account, is now required to be Division I in your bank account balance.* * bank.Hereby:Account Name:Division I * * limited due to need to handle in your line of household mattersWe need to write a description of bank, please help translation: * * * *Bank, total US $* * all draft to the following account, roughly as follows
* * bank:We * * Co., LTD, because want to deal with in your bank sell a door matters, so now we need in your bank account will we balance, total dollars * * all remit to the following account:Name: * * * *Bank: * * *Account: * * *We explain, please your bank to help deal with!
你直接下一个有道词典啊或者是金山词霸,这不就解决了。希望对你有帮助。Rural commercial bank:We 、、、 LTD, because want to deal with in your bank sell a door matters, so now we need in your bank account will we balance, total dollars * * all remit to the following account:Account name:Bank:Account:We explain, please your bank to help deal with!
奔驰正式将汽车联盟纳入戴姆勒--奔驰集团(这句话若觉得不通可以稍作修改,谢谢,汽车联盟名声再起.1949年9月,汽车联盟与奔驰公司关于企业发展和产品战略上的分歧使汽车联盟又陷入了困境;的来源3,但请给出其中文.1959与61年推出的两款车型都在市场上风靡一时,一个技术天才路德维希·克劳斯改变了汽车联盟&quot.日;大众&quot。11、DKW1.但生产规模的不断扩大以及随之而来的所需资金的投入,但却没有打垮奥迪人重建奥迪的决心(此句的“打垮”一词可用近义词替换.当时的汽车联盟办公设施和生产环境非常简陋7,使1958年4月.1965年8月。)5,所有汽车联盟的车型全部停产。)9;汽车联盟&quot。12.然而,汽车联盟公司邀请经销商和媒体参加新款奥迪100的发布会,这一时刻标志着奥迪100为新奥迪系列创立独立品牌奠定了基础;(Auto Union)2。6,由克劳斯主持的四冲程发动机轿车也研制成功,使汽车联盟出现危机8.1932年德国四大车厂Audi,但同样请给出中文.这也是奥迪汽车的商标&quot,新的汽车联盟公司正式在英格施塔特宣告成立.不久后的第二次世界大战给汽车联盟带来了浩劫;四环&quot.汽车联盟很快就成为德国第二大汽车公司4,在英格尔施塔特城市剧院,由布鲁恩任总经理,好景不长.而德国工业巨头弗利克的介入。10;的轨迹、Horch及Wanderer合并为&quot
new automobile federation official company in England was proclaimed, recently, 1958, but also please gives Chinese.1959 and 61 roll out two models on the market in the rage, but please near synonyms given its Chinese, car alliance and Mercedes enterprise development and product strategy about differences on that car alliance
sources3;beat&quot.9, a technical genius Ludwig krause changed automobile federation &quot.1968 years on November 26;popular&quot. All models11, four depot DKW Horch1, but not to defeat the audi people rebuild audi determination (this sentence &quot. At the time of the automobile federation office facilities and production environment very simple7. But the constant expansion of production and the accompanying the investment of funds needed for the vehicle to make union crisis8. And German industrial giant Foley grams of intervention.1949 in September, hosted by Klaus four stroke engines cars also successfully developed, automobile federation company invite distributors and media to the new audi 100 conference, and for &quot, automobile federation reputation back in. However, thank you.10.)5;automobile federation Wanderer merger&quot.1932 years German Audi, was in the city theatre tut icas, in A (Auto Union) 2. Auto union soon became the second largest car company in Germany4, tut was by bloom as well general manager, to this moment marked the audi 100 for the new audi series independent brand was laid a foundation. It is also the Audi car brand &quot.1965 in August, Mercedes officially will automobile federation into Daimler Benz group-(this sentence if think impassabili one word caring&quot.6, all of the alliance of automobile production. Soon after the second world war brought devastation to a track.12
皮革行 Leather line皮革商行 Leather firm 皮革店 Leather shops
2010年光荣的成为入党积极分子;&nbsp,真诚地向您推荐自己; 国家计算机水平一级考试成绩优异;请帮我按照上述文章写一篇英文翻译;&&&&&nbsp! 此致 &&nbsp,基本功扎实;&nbsp、日期间为黄鹤楼香烟做临时促销员,来阅读我的自荐书;&&nbsp自荐书尊敬的各位领导;&&nbsp、粉笔。在这三年期间,也许我不是最好的;&nbsp:用心一定能赢得精彩!我叫郝新新。我相信; 众多的朋友使我倍感富有;&nbsp。在校的三年里;&nbsp,是河北民族师范学院2008届即将毕业的一名专科生;&&&&nbsp。&&&nbsp:您好.10&nbsp,这是一个即将迈出校门的学子而言;&&&&&nbsp,开启我人生的旅程。 再次感谢您为我留出时间、日到市里打工先后成为君乐宝酸奶的临促和一亩泉罐头的临时促销员;&&&nbsp,我不断充实自己;&&&nbsp,诚挚地向您推荐自己;&nbsp,将是一份莫大的鼓励;&nbsp,我顺利通过了全国普通话等级考试;& 敬礼                   自荐人; 爱好广泛使我非常充实,丰富多彩的社会生活和井然有序而又紧张的学习气氛;&nbsp。我有较强的协助能力;正直和努力是我做人的原则,我在2008年十一期间被聘为双汇火腿临时促销员;&nbsp,大体与上述内容一致;&&nbsp。相信您在给予我一个机会的同时,祝您工作顺心;&&&&nbsp,并以优异的成绩获得二级甲等证书。谢谢你;&nbsp!我很强的事业心和责任感使我能够面对任何困难和挑战;&&&&&nbsp,我的经验不足或许让您犹豫不决;&nbsp,您也多一份选择,我对基本功尤为重视;通过努力;&&nbsp,但我绝对是最努力的,平时坚持勤练钢笔字;&nbsp,活动组织策划能力和人际交往能力!即将走向社会的我怀着一颗热忱的心;良禽择木而栖;&&nbsp.10!期待您的希望;&&nbsp,我怀着一颗赤诚的心和对事业的执著追求。大学里;沉着和冷静是我遇事的态度;愿您的慧眼。作为一名即将毕业的学生:郝新新&nbsp,全面发展;&&nbsp! &&&&nbsp,以锐意进取和踏实诚信的作风及表现赢得了老师和同学的信任和赞誉;& 2010;&nbsp。作为中文系学生,士不知已者而搏;&nbsp,使我得到多方面不同程度的锻炼和考验; 在2009年利用周六;&&& 在2010年在周六,但请您相信我的干劲与努力将弥补这暂时的不足;&&&&nbsp!感谢您在百忙之中审阅我的自荐书
I was calm and dispassionate attitude in distress: hello, the national computer level exam, I in 2008 eleven period was hired as a temporary sales Shuanghui ham. &quot, but please believe my energy and efforts to make up for this temporary shortage. In 2010: new 2010! Thank you in his busy schedule to review my letter of self-recommendation, I have a heart of sincerity and dedication to the cause of the pursuit, to read my letter of self-recommendation! To choose a master to serve, I passed the National Putonghua level test, between the dates for the Yellow Crane Tower cigarette temporary promotion.&quot, become a glorious party activists, this is a will soon take on 2010 on S I am very loving extensive enrichment! Coming towards me with a society warmly heart, I constantly enrich himself. During these three years, will be a great encouragement, my life&#39, to forge ahead and pragmatic style of integrity and performance to win the trust and praise of teachers and students. Thank you again for me for a time. The University, I to the basic skills of particular importance, L integrity and hard work are the principles of my life! Yours salute to people. You give me a cha And habitat, day to work in the city has become the prince Po yogurt Pro peace a mu spring canned foods journey, you have a choice. I believe we can win motives, but I am absolutely most diligently, I got so many different levels of training and tests, sincerely recommend oneself, Minzu Normal College of Hebei is a 2008 graduate
through the efforts! My name is Hao Xinxin, rich and colorful social life and in order and the tense atmosphere of learning! Look forward to your hope, my lack of experience may make you shilly-shallyHonorable leaders, all-round development, planning ability and interpersonal skills, sincerely recommend to you own! I am very strong sense of professionalism and responsibility enable me to face any difficulties and challenges. I have a strong ability to assist the activities I feel very many friends, and other subjects and stroke, I wish you well. As a graduating student. As a Chinese student, usual in 2009 the use of Saturday, and with excellent results obtained two Jiadeng certificate, perhaps I am not best.10. In three years
Thank you in spite of being very busy toglance review my ZiJianShu, comprehensive development! Is heading society I with a warmly heart. In three years, in order to forge ahead and steadfast integrity style and performance won the teachers and students of trust and praiseZiJianShu respect the leaders. Believe that you give me a chance at the same time, is a great encouragement, this is about to be taken towards a school for students: hello. I have a stronger ability to assist, you also to a more choice, sincerely to recommend you yourself, hebei national normal university is the 2008 graduate of a junior college students, I with a sincere heart and to the cause of the persistent pursuit! My name is new new hao, sincerely to recommend you yourself, I constantly enrich himself
ZiJianShu respect the leaders: hello! Thank you in spite of being very busy toglance review my ZiJianShu, this is about to be taken towards a school for students, is a great encouragement. Believe that you give me a chance at the same time, you also to a more choice! Is heading society I with a warmly heart, sincerely to recommend you yourself! My name is new new hao, hebei national normal university is the 2008 graduate of a junior college students, I with a sincere heart and to the cause of the persistent pursuit, sincerely to recommend you yourself. In three years, I constantly enrich himself, comprehensive development, in order to forge ahead and steadfast integrity style and performance won the teachers and students of trust and praise. I have a stronger ability to assist, activity planning organization ability and interpersonal skills. As Chinese students, I especially attention to the basic skills, regularly can practice an hour.than play games, chalk, Through hard work, I passed the national putonghua grade exam, and excellent grades get level 2 National computer level level exam results are excellent. 2010 years of glorious become active applicants for party membership. The college, rich and colorful social life and orderly and nervous learning atmosphere, makes me get many different levels
Integrity and hard w Calm and cool is something I The hobby widespread make Many friends that I feel rich! I very strong dedication to work and the sense of responsibility that I can face any difficulties and challenges. In this between three years, I in 2008 during the 11 was appointed to remit ham In 2009 on Saturday, day to the city of work have become king LeBao yogurt in a mu spring tins of promoting In 2010, during the day on Saturday for the yellow crane tower cigarettes as temporary promoters. As a graduate student, I'm not experienced may make you hesitated, but please you believe my energy and effort will make up for this temporary shortage, maybe I'm not the best, but I am absolutely is the most efforts. I believe: we certainly can win the wonderful! &Good choose wood and habitat for birds, and don't know already person and try.& Let your eye, open my life journey. Thank you again for I leave time to read my ZiJianShu, wish you whether the work! Looking forward to your hope! This recommendation the salute: please help me
new new hao according to the above articles to write a English translation, general and the above content to agree. Thank you! Her in the school
3,putting this research in the unregulated ha.Many people also denounce the approaching germ line therapies and accuse scientists of &quot.2;s technology doctors will eventually be able to engineer babies for attractive traits.A much less exotic technology.For the eight years that medical researchers have pursued experimental human gene therapies-with very modest results - all their work was guaranteed to die with the individual who undertook the risk.7.When Congress abolished federal funding for human embryo research in1995, or even protect the health and safety of women and children undergoing these procedures.He and other scholars also worry that by polishing Andrew&#39,in virto fertilization(IVF);integrity of our genetic heritage&quot.Closer at hand is the risk that interfering with genes before birth might culminate in a succession of serious birth defects.4,rather than just curing disease.5,scientists say,has already saddled many families with enduring birth defects.The irony is that in an arena the public cares about deeply - the creation of human life - anti-abortion and conservative forces in Congress have crippled the ability of the federal government to exercise control1,it also made such research exempt from Federal reviews and controls.6.Gene therapy has developed to the stage where at least one scientist is on the verge of testing the replacement of faulty DNA in a human embryo
已经使许多家庭背负着终生先天缺陷(的痛苦),至少有一位科学家将要试验替换人类胚胎中错误的DNA。3他和其他学者也担心,结果甚微。7。6.许多人也谴责即将产生的种系疗法。2 八年来,通过完善安德鲁的技术。4,医疗研究人员钻研实验性的人类基因疗法,具有讽刺意味的是在一个公众非常关注的领域(即人类生命诞生),这也使联邦政府不再审查和控制这项研究,甚至包括对接受这些疗法(或治疗程序)的妇女和儿童的健康与安全的保护能力。 他们所有的工作必定与承受(实验)风险的个体一起死亡(或失败).一项不那么离奇的技术,并批评科学家把我们的基因遗传一体化,而不仅仅是治愈疾病,最紧迫(或棘手)的风险是出生(分娩)前的基因干扰可能引起一系列严重的先天缺陷,医生将最终能为婴儿装配上吸引人的特点。5.科学家们说,即人工受精(或试管受精)(IVF),反堕胎和国会中保守势力严重削弱了联邦政府执行控制的能力1.基因疗法已发展到这样的阶段,使企业不受管制地掌控着这项研究,当美国国会在1995年取消对人类胚胎研究的联邦经费
通过抛光安德鲁的技术医生将最终能有吸引力的特点婴儿工程师,医疗研究人员开展的人类基因疗法的实验与结果非常谦虚年 - 所有的工作是保证个人的死谁承担了风险,将在不受监管的企业家手中这项研究。6.Many人也谴责接近胚芽线治疗,至少有一位科学家在人类胚胎测试了错误的DNA更换边缘,而不是仅仅在手disease.A更不用说外来技术。无折八。7,这也使美国联邦审查和控制,甚至保护妇女的健康和安全和孩子进行这些程序。3他和其他学者也担心,在virto受精(IVF)的,并指责“我们的基因遗产的完整性”的科学家,是在出生前的风险与基因干扰可引起严重的继承出生缺陷。4.Closer固化。5,科学家们说,已经背负着持久的出生缺陷的许多家庭,具有讽刺意味的是在一个舞台上的公众关心深深 - 人类生命的创造 - 反堕胎和国会中保守势力阻碍了联邦政府行使控制的能力1.Gene疗法已发展到现阶段,如研究豁免,当美国国会取消对人类胚胎研究于1995年的联邦经费
1.Gene疗法已发展到现阶段,至少有一位科学家在人类胚胎测试了错误的DNA更换边缘。无折八,医疗研究人员开展的人类基因疗法的实验与结果非常谦虚年 - 所有的工作是保证个人的死谁承担了风险。3他和其他学者也担心,通过抛光安德鲁的技术医生将最终能有吸引力的特点婴儿工程师,而不是仅仅在手disease.Closer固化,是在出生前的风险与基因干扰可引起严重的继承出生缺陷,科学家们说。4.A更不用说外来技术,在virto受精(IVF)的,已经背负着持久的出生缺陷的许多家庭。5.Many人也谴责接近胚芽线治疗,并指责“我们的基因遗产的完整性”的科学家。6,当美国国会取消对人类胚胎研究于1995年的联邦经费,这也使美国联邦审查和控制,如研究豁免,将在不受监管的企业家手中这项研究。呵呵0- -啊
1,已经有科学家可以近乎改造胚胎时期人类的不完善DNA,这是基因治疗的最新进展。2,八年以来,医药研究者对于基因治疗的研究很是保守-原因是他们所有的工作都可能导致接受试验者的直接死亡。3,他和其他的学者也同时担心,安德鲁博士研究方法的普及会最终促使人们开始使用胎儿进行实验,而以前胎儿只是作为人们进行治疗的对象。对胎儿基因的相关实验会很有可能会造成胎儿出生后的重大身体缺陷。4,一个相对更能让人接受的技术,体外受精(不知道是不是这个意思),正在被越来越多的家庭采用,这项技术可以有效遏制一些胎儿疾病。5,很多人指责正在进展的基因疗法,他们谴责科学家“改变了我们与生俱来的基因”。6,当国会在1995年拒绝接受关于人类胚胎研究所需要的经费请求的同时,也相当于推脱了政府对此项研究的监督和控制权,于是研究便得以在私人企业内进行。7,具有讽刺意味的是,在人们关心的领域-人类的延续-国会的反堕胎者以及保守势力拒绝联邦政府行驶控制权,甚至拒绝联邦政府提出的 对接受实验母婴健康和安全的监督。文章还是有点专业的,所以我有些地方是意译,不过意思不会错


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