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guard tower是什么意思
中文翻译警戒塔警卫塔:&&&&n. 1.警卫;警戒;看守。 2.防卫者;看守者;哨兵, ...:&&&&n. 托尔(斯)〔姓氏〕。
例句与用法1.Wiii take out the guard tower and sentry shack ,就端掉警戒塔和警卫室2.Wiii take out the guard tower and sentry shack ,就端掉警戒塔和警卫室3.There are sentries in each guard tower ,每个警戒塔都有岗哨4.In the early dawn , the guard towers were silhouetted against the sky黎明时,天空映出了?望塔的轮廓。 5.Any guard towers有看守塔吗6.Although it promotes base crawling , being able to plop down a guardian cannon or guard tower really allows you to take control of the battle虽然不赞成延建筑,但放置一座机枪塔或守卫者炮塔可以让你控制住战斗局势。 7.Guard towers easily allow you to rip through infantry , and having a war factory near by not only allows you to produce more units , but to repair your units in combat机枪塔可以有效对抗步兵,前线的车厂不光能造车,还能为你的作战单位提供修理。 8.The correctional services museum is located inside the staff training institute next to stanley prison and was opened in november 2002 . the two - storey museum has nine galleries , a mock gallows , two mock cells and a mock guard tower . there are more then 600 collections related to the correctional services in hong kong惩教博物馆位于赤柱监狱旁的惩教署职员训练院内,于2002年11月开幕,免费让公众人士参观,博物馆楼高两层、设有九间展览室、一座模拟绞刑台、两间模拟囚室和一座模拟监狱了望塔,合共保存了超过六百件与香港惩教服务有关的展品。 9.The museum , inside the correctional services staff training institute , features a mock gallows , two imitation cells and stylised guard tower on top of the building . nine galleries feature some 600 artifacts and exhibits covering the history and development of the prison system , punishment and imprisonment , staff uniforms and insignia , vietnamese boat people , homemade weapons and more . there is a souvenir shop on the g f selling items like badges博物馆位于惩教署职员训练学院内,馆内设有九间展览室,展出600馀件与香港惩教服务有关的文物,包括一座模拟绞刑台和两间模拟囚室,屋顶更设有模拟监狱了望塔,记载了香港惩教制度刑罚,以及惩教人员制服徽号等的历史和演变过程。
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例句与用法1.I come back from the group trip of sabah with my friends我和朋友们刚从沙巴团体旅游回来。 2.One day , when sabah least expects it , she falls in love with the wrong man一天,沙巴根本不曾想到,她会爱上错误的男人。 3.Sabah state museum沙巴州立博物馆4.Muhammad al - sabah穆罕默德萨巴赫5.So , that s good foreign press when sabah deserved it - support for well doing.西巴丹岛的海面能见度非常好,海水温暖而平静。 6.Contrary to exaggerated reports , foreign media had given sabah credit where credit was due世界生物保护基金评定为有世界上最美丽珊瑚的潜水胜地之一7.They were members of a tour which travelled to sabah , malaysia from march 24 to 28三人均是一个于三月二十四日至二十八日在马来西亚沙巴停留的旅行团的成员。 8.Peter and sabah have really been on the same wavelength lately - - they agree about almost everything近来皮特和萨拉志趣十分相投,几乎在每件事情上都达成了一致。 9.New subspecies of elephants discovered in borneo sabah wildlife department and wwf s tests indicates pygmy elephants to be new subspecies马来西亚婆罗洲发现大象的新亚种只供英文版10.In this valley were magnificent gardens planted by hassen - ben - sabah , and in these gardens isolated pavilions在这片山谷里,有山中老人海森班莎所培植的美丽的花园,花园里,有孤立的亭台楼阁。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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tate modern是什么意思
中文翻译百科解释泰特现代美术博物馆:&&&&n. 泰特〔姓氏〕。 :&&&&adj. 现代的;近代的;现代式[化]的,时新的,新派的 ...
例句与用法1.Tate modern gallery泰特现代美术馆2.One day , we ran ourselves ragged in central london , shuffling through tate modern and then the aquarium一天,我们到市中心游览了泰特现代艺术馆和水族馆,玩得精疲力竭。 3.In fact , demolition is not the only fate for buildings with historic significance . take the tate modern art gallery as an example , it was transformed from a beer factory to the world largest art village其实历史文物不一定要被社会淘汰,就以伦敦的泰特现代美术馆为例,便由一间旧啤酒厂发展成全世界最大的the brewery艺术村! 4.The invitation for proposals ( ifp ) suggests that proponents should refer to the mode of governance of several overseas cultural facilities - the esplanade of singapore , the metropolitan museum of art and the museum of modern art of new york and the tate modern of london - when drawing up their proposals . is this a hint of the collection strategy for the four museums as well as their future mode of governance发展建议邀请书内提供了三个海外的文化设施,包括新加坡的滨海艺术中心( esplanade ) 、纽约的大都会博物馆( metropolitanmuseumofart )及现代艺术博物馆( museumofmodernart ) 、及伦敦的泰德现代美术馆( tatemodern ) ,作为建议者建议营运及管理模式的参考例子,是否暗示了将来四个博物馆的馆藏取向及营运模式?
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例句与用法1.Nobel : medicine : sir john carew eccles诺贝尔生理学或医学奖-约翰艾克尔斯2.The mater misericordiae . eccles street仁慈圣母玛利亚医院67j 。 3.1963 sir john carew eccles australia1963年约翰艾克尔斯澳大利亚4.Folding the page into his pocket he turned into eccles street , hurrying homeward他把报纸叠起,放到兜里,拐进埃克尔斯街,匆匆赶回家去。 5.I am a respectable married man , without a stain on my character . i live in eccles street我是个体面的有妇之夫,一向品行端正,没有污点。 6.2001 niu art museum , chicago gallery , chicago , il , usa nora eccles harrison museum of art , logan , ut , usa2001年美国伊利诺斯州北州立大学美术馆,芝加哥画廊,芝加哥市7.Prof eccles said : " a cold nose may be one of the major factors that causes common colds to be seasonal埃克勒斯教授说: “较冷的鼻子或许是导致普通感冒成为季节性疾病的一个主要原因。 8.Corny kelleher sped a silent jet of hayjuice arching from his mouth while a generous white arm from a window in eccles street flung forth a coin就在这当儿,一只白?的胳膊从埃克尔斯街上的一扇窗户里慷慨地丢出一枚硬币。 9.A card unfurnished apartments reappeared on the windowsash of number 7 eccles street . he checked his tale a moment but broke out in a wheezy laugh一张写有“房间出租,自备家具”字样的牌子,又出现在埃克尔斯街七号的窗框上113 。 10.At the housesteps of the 4th of the equidifferent uneven numbers , number 7 eccles street , he inserted his hand mechanically into the back pocket of his trousers to obtain his latchkey在等差奇数的第四位,也就是埃克尔斯街七号门口的台阶那儿,他把手机械地伸进长裤后兜里去掏他那把弹簧锁钥匙。 &&更多例句:&&1&&
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