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英语翻译Gummy是韩国著名R&B女歌手.因其出色的演唱实力获得不少奖项.曾参与演唱许多OST,获得"OST女王"之称号.在日发行第一张专辑《Like Them》出道.她凭着R&B的曲风与强大的歌唱实力获得了许多歌迷的喜爱._百度作业帮
英语翻译Gummy是韩国著名R&B女歌手.因其出色的演唱实力获得不少奖项.曾参与演唱许多OST,获得"OST女王"之称号.在日发行第一张专辑《Like Them》出道.她凭着R&B的曲风与强大的歌唱实力获得了许多歌迷的喜爱.2013年2月,阔别歌谣界两年的Gummy为人气剧集演唱了OST而回归,该曲一发布便取得了OST排行榜一位,获得不少欢迎.同时,Gummy为出道十周年计划4月在日本发行第二张迷你专辑.
Gummy is well-known as a female R&B singer in South Korea and got many musical awards for her singing talent.People call her "OST Queen" for her great participations in many original sound tapes in TV programmes.Many of her fans knew her from her first album"like them" which was released in Feb.7th in 2003 and since then she was loved by many people for her R&B style and impressive singing alibity.In Feb.2013,Gummy showed us a powerful return for her great performance in the song named 'snow flower' which was loved and pushed to the NO.1 place in the music billboard in the popular TV play‘winter winds’ after her “short farewell” to all her fans.At the same time,Gummy is planning to release her second mini album
in this April to celebrate her debut since ten years' ago.
Gummy R&B is the famous Korean singer. Have received many awards for his excellent singing skills. Participated in many singing OST, obtained the title of "OST" queen.In February 7, 2003 the firs...英语翻译1.电视节目主权由女方主导2.男方2/3的收入(无论黑白)都要上交女方3.男方需自动承担婚后4分之3的家务劳动,女方则承担4分之1的家务劳动4.只准让老婆多笑,不准让老婆哭_百度作业帮
1.电视节目主权由女方主导The choice of TV channel is at the wife's hand.2.男方2/3的收入(无论黑白)都要上交女方2/3 of the husband's imcome(both clean and dirty) shall be handed in to the wife.3.男方需自动承担婚后4分之3的家务劳动,女方则承担4分之1的家务劳动After marriage,the husband shall be responsible for 3/4 of the chores,while the wife just for the rest 1/4.4.只准让老婆多笑,不准让老婆哭The husband mustn't annoy but please his wife.抵制抄袭 请勿抄袭
还请见谅 the management of TV is on the wife's side 2/3 income of
husband's side should give to the wife‘s side The man need to be aut...
1.电视节目主权由女方主导The choice of TV channel is at the wife's hand.2.男方2/3的收入(无论黑白)都要上交女方2/3 of the husband's imcome(both clean and dirty) shall be handed in to the wife.3.男方需自动承担婚后4分之3的家...2句话翻译成英语,谢谢,,我会通知你的,谢谢_百度知道
一旦恢复,感谢你给我的来信Dear ***,谢谢Dear***感谢你收到货后,由于支付系统出错,暂时不能付款,我决定再免费邮递一件精美可爱礼物给你,我会通知你的,同意向我付款
I&#39, I will inform you immediately. Once the system goes back to normal,Thank you for your letterDve decided to deliver a cute gift to you for free. Due to the system error.***Dear xxx. Thank you, I was unable to settle the payment until now,Thank you for agreeing to pay upon receipt of the commodity
Duell have a cute gift sent free along
to you, but I will let you know as soon as it is normal again, and I&#39. Thanks for agreeing to pay upon receipt, no payment can be made for the momentThanks for your letter
Dear xxx,Thank you for your mail. Due to system error, I cannot pay at the moment. As soon as the system recovers I will let you know. Cheers,XxxDear xxx,Thank for agreeing on paying when receiving the package. I'd like to offer you a free gift. I hope you will like it.Yours sincerely,Xxx
Recently,especially after China joining the WTO,with rapid economic development,China's economic behavior become more and more internationalization and globalization.Internal audit also develops rapidly in China,but the internal audit in the enterprise faces lots of questions which makes it uneffective .What's more serious ,internal audit can play a serious impediment to the economic development of China's enterprises.Therefore,the establishment of a comprehensive internal audit system is very urgent.In this period of rapid economic development,Chinese ebterprises' internal audit must solve the various problems in order to improve the enterprise's internal audit system which promote the development of China's econom .My essay's aim is to compare the course of development of internal audit by domestic and foreign enterprises,and analysis the whole developments.Then I will identify the gap between the internal audit of the Chinese and Western companies and analyze four Chinese internal audit issues:Chinese enterprises lack of understanding of the internal audit,our imperfect internal audit institutions,imperfect laws and regulations of China's internal audit of internal audit staffing imperfect,finally from the four-pronged approach,propose appropriate countermeasures.基本手翻的,累死了,


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