propex fabrics6666是什么意思思

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摘要:新秀丽.世界旅行箱包及配件的先驱者.将通过一系列广告宣传活动.向全世界展示Cosmolite系列.这一有史以来最坚韧最轻盈的革新产品. Samsonite推出:无与伦比坚固灵动的旅行箱 &&& 新秀丽,世界旅行箱包及配件的先驱者,将通过一系列广告宣传活动,向全世界展示Cosmolite系列,这一有史以来最坚韧最轻盈的革新产品。日,为期6个月的宣传活动从新加坡开始,旨在淋漓尽致地突显Cosmolite系列无与伦比的坚固灵动。 &
史上最坚固最灵动旅行箱 最新的广告宣传片拍摄于澳大利亚的一个车辆撞击实验室内。首先让一辆汽车以40千米/时的速度直接撞击Cosmolite产品,然而在被严重撞击变形后,Cosmolite奇迹般地恢复了原始形状。充满视觉效果的宣传片足以证明Cosmolite所采用的革新材质Curv(R)极佳的抗外力能力。& 新秀丽是世界上第一家以高性能革新材质Curv(R)(Propex Fabrics股份有限公司的注册商标)制作箱包的品牌,并享有其专利权。Curv(R)材质作为一项全新技术,拥有惊人的抗外力能力,造就了箱包出众的抗变形抗破损特性。并且Cosmolite极富现代感的海贝设计造型也能很好地分散外部压力,从而使该系列产品能禁受住一切旅途颠簸的考验。更令人惊讶的是,55厘米的Cosmolite箱包自重仅为2.2千克,毋庸置疑地荣登史上最轻的硬质旅行箱产品。&&& 给读者的小贴士: 百年纪念:世界优质旅行箱包和配件的领导者新秀丽于2010年迎来了百年诞辰,庆贺了其始终走在箱包革新最前沿且不断突破创新的悠久历史。作为聚丙烯旅行箱业的领先者,新秀丽也在持续开发一系列聚碳酸酯产品。新秀丽一直走在开创性设计的前端。除了B-Lite系列--史上最轻便的软面旅行箱,新秀丽众多性能卓越的产品系列中还包括Cosmolite系列——使用创新技术Curv(R) 制造,堪称新秀丽史上最坚固最灵动的硬面行李箱。目前,Cosmolite是新秀丽最为畅销的产品系列,也因其对”Future is light” (未来是轻的)这一概念的完美阐释荣获2010“红点子设计奖”中的“最佳设计奖”。& 品牌历史: 新秀丽由来自美国科罗拉多州的实业家Jesse Shwayder先生于1910年创立,公司原称Shwayder旅行箱制造公司。在美国淘金热潮中,越来越多的人往来于东西海岸间寻找财富。新秀丽迅速从中嗅到新兴旅行箱市场的巨大商机。
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广东省通信管理局 粤ICP备号September 6, 2012
Check back soon for updates.
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(we’re not ready for your online orders yet!) .
See y’all at the TAG Fall cave-in – we’ve got a HUGE SALE and a contest for you.
Stay tuned!
December 10, 2013
ALL YOU CHILLI HEADS OUT THERE: Coming to Retailers Fall 2014
Almost time to roll into production in Alabama, USA on C.H.2.0. The time has come, desions&designs made and the next 20 years will be an amazing journeys. I am sure it will be taking us to life’s peaks, pits and even treks into the valley. The vision transformed when my Jk3 retail path ended, so I could focus on the way to take responsibities and ownership of the Chilli Heads business: past present and now, finally the FUTURE. WOOOhoooOoo here we go!!! I am humbled at the responsibility of being The Head Chilli Heads and thrilled by the markets (the people) who call themselves Chilli Heads.The are awesome spirits who are contributors to the flare of our brands identity. Now I finally get “the hat” and love my leggings! Stay warm out there this winter and spring, as we sew our new designs…our new products will be rolled out this spring! One at a time…to you Chilli Heads, right here.
August 1, 2013
Two years of shows in Salt Lake City and I have 4 shows under my harness now!!! The outdoor industry is form by all of these relationships, with deep history, friendships of adventure and bottom line we are all here with the common goal to make money at the end of the day. NO MONEY IS ACTUALLY REALLY EXCHANGED HERE, just smiles, high fives and behind closed doors, who know what kind of deals are made. The internet has changed traditional business and women and men seem to be equals to there peers here…there are the Bro&the Brahs! IT IS ALL A BIT LIKE HIGH SCHOOL ALL OVER AGAIN…just to be metaphoric. Off for my last day of the show. Leaving a day early, because I am good like that…NO BOOTH TO BREAK DOWN&crates to pack, woohooo (last year for that)!
May 25, 2013
Bo’s new Organic chalk bag!
February 7, 2013
So many color my creativity feel a boost:-D and I am happy. My am blessed with a talent to design–thankful and working hard to do Chilli Heads right.
January 18, 2013
The chilly is a C, well almost–GAWD!!! LOGO got major tweaking to do! The hand is always better than the computer in this case! There is a happy control freaky designer in me. Love the process of creation…
Thank gawd for the honesty of the professional branders&designers. STILL NOT RIGHT&The Chilli Heads(R) signature logo needs major tweaking–market research says the chilly must be more of a C shape. I see it, but they don’t. Marketing research is a brutal process of highs&lows. Never-the-less, this time, I will prevail. It is time, money&an emotional roller coaster. So, for this FRIDAY, IT IS TO BE CONTINUED–these colors made me physically ill&the cropping is off too on these 1st prints. They look so different on paper:-( IMPORTANT DETAILS to HONOR the BRAND, for we love our customers. Long live Chilli Heads–”Bear the Chill” SO WHAT DO YOU THINK…? Input welcome, PLEASE!!! KBS
January 15, 2013
January 7, 2013
I am so amazed that I am actually excited about this web site. I have developed basic knowledge of e-commerce&a extremely talented web designer(that could “hold my hand”) has taken the fear&anxiety out of the having a web-based business. I am sadly proud that I avoided this for 3 None-the-less, I FINALLY excepted that this was an important part of the equation for a successful national launching of the Chilli Heads(R) brand. Big thank yous to Susan Bryant the founder of Chilli Heads(R) who spent 20 years branding, selling, developing&marketing a line that provides a comfortable experience in pursuit our outdoor passions. It is a well loved brand that is valued by many in their quest of many outdoor activities–from kayaking, caving, cycling, rock climbing to mountaineering.
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Categories新秀丽Cosmolite FL系列旅行箱全新亮相|旅行箱|系列_凤凰时尚
新秀丽Cosmolite FL系列旅行箱全新亮相
导语:国际著名箱包品牌Samsonite(新秀丽),1910年始创于美国。自问世以来,以&坚不可摧&的质量品质、引领潮流的设计风格及人性化的售后服务,赢得了世界各地消费者的支持与喜爱。以开创性革新蜚誉全球的新秀丽,秉承对完美和极致的不懈追求,将亮相其最畅销产品Cosmolite的升级版&&Cosmolite FL。它不仅在硬件和功能性方面全新升级,更将为消费者带来更耐用、更轻盈的完美旅行体验。
Cosmolite系列旅行箱 Cosmolite FL秉承了原有系列一贯的现代时尚的设计风格,不仅在重量上突破性的减少了18%,使得旅途更加轻盈、便捷,而且将坚韧和轻盈贯穿在了每一个细节上。整合式新秀丽商标为新款旅行箱注入不凡风度,彰显贵族气质;平整光滑的拉杆表面,更加符合人体工程学设计原理,实现了时尚与舒适的完美结合;手柄和拉杆的精心设计,给予消费者无与伦比的双重享受;TSA海关落锁,最大程度实现消费者对安全的要求,放心更贴心;拉链精良简练的设计配合箱锁的保障带给消费者双重安全承诺;重量更轻的箱轮,不但减轻了箱体的重量,更添灵动与便捷;全新的标签设计于细微之处体现新秀丽对完美的不懈追求,各种全新细节元素的糅合,进一步强化了时尚外观。
Cosmolite系列旅行箱 Cosmolite系列旅行箱是新秀丽首款主流系列旅行箱,被誉为史上最坚固、最灵动的旅行箱。Cosmolite系列拥有极富现代感的外观设计,设计的灵感来源于海贝的造型。自2008年问世以来,Cosmolite系列以其时尚的外观和超高的性价比赢得了消费者的喜爱和肯定,而数年间有增无减的追捧更加凸显了该系列卓越的品质以及在消费者心中不可替代的地位。目前,Cosmolite是新秀丽最为畅销的产品系列,也因其对&Future is light(未来是轻的)&这一概念的创造性阐释,一举荣获2010&红点设计奖&中的&最佳设计奖&。
Cosmolite系列旅行箱 Cosmolite系列旅行箱采用一种具有革新意义的高性能材料CURV 。这种新型材质的使用使得该系列产品坚固耐用的同时却又轻便灵动。CURV是一种热塑性复合材料,广泛应用于防弹背心、冰鞋和雪橇中,由德国的百年企业Propex Fabrics公司生产,它将轻盈与坚韧的特性史无前例地完美融合。CURV&特有的分子组合,令旅行箱像美国队长的盾牌一样轻松抵御强烈撞击,并在最大程度上防止磨损。更与众不同的是,CURV复合材料在寒冷环境中抵抗冲击的性能可以超越PP、abs、铝镁合金等材质,为消费者在寒冷气候下的出行解除后顾之忧。
Cosmolite系列旅行箱 新款旅行箱共有黑色、银色、红色、祖母绿和深蓝五个不同的颜色,大小共六种不同的尺寸,满足了不同人群的各种需求,为消费者的旅行提供最大程度的便捷与舒适。减少的是重量和负担,增添的是时尚与便捷,Cosmolite FL升级版旅行箱,一定是您旅途中不可或缺的忠诚伴侣,陪伴您走过每个值得纪念的辉煌时刻。
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