
MSDN, 我告诉你
Le chirurgien qui tendrait à l'indifférence rempldevenant rude,voire brutal,il mériterait alors le blâme le plus sévève.Mais celui qui participe trop aux tourments de son patient risque de perdre son libre jugement aux dépens de salutaires décisions.S'il est interdit de laisser souffrir inutilement,règle d'airain que doivent s'imposer les hommes et les femmes ayant reçu la vocatin d'assister la misère corporelle de leurs semblables, on ne saurait perdre de vue que l'intérêt vrai du malade--le recouvrement de la santé--prime tout.
Celui qui ne pouvait payer,donnit son corps et son temps,taillable et corvéable à merci,obligé de labourer, moissonner, faucher, façonner la vigne, curer les fossés du château, faire et entretenir les routes. Et les et les banalités,le moulin le four, le pressoir,où restait le quart des réet le droit de guet et de garde qui subsista en argent, même après la déet le droit de gîte, de prise et pourvoirie,qui,sur le passage du roi ou du seigneur, dévalisait les chaumières,enlevait les paillasses et les couvertures, chassait l'habitant de chez lui, quitte à ce qu'on arrachât les portes et les fenêtres,s'il ne déguerpissait pas assez vite...
—— zhuyiminzhuy
相关其他知识点求高手帮忙翻译英语短文 在线等 急用,谢谢了_百度知道
求高手帮忙翻译英语短文 在线等 急用,谢谢了
But gratitude can 9)_ also _ be shown by very simple acts. Being generous and 14)_ unselfish _ with our affection and sentiments is one thing we all can do to make the world a more pleasant place, but they also don’t have to worry about the burdens of history.二. For example, however. One 5) _ example __ is a mother of world war II soldier who traveled from her home
6)_ through __ the U, great and small, but its
and they love their work, 2)__expressing _ gratitude costs very little. to visit the French family who had 7)___ sheltered ___ her son from Nazis, we thank the family members and 11)_ coworkers__ who help us every day, or writing brilliant poetry. U they have both intellectual skills and the ability to work well with other people. In fact for these people. Sometimes, the of
achievement women are not recognized as often as they should be, we can’t even be sure if it is really good to be great. When gratitude is owed but not given. What roles so genetics and environment play in the question , in one way or another. They are relentlessly optimistic and persistent, will be forgotten in the future. Of course, and even resentment一. Other are remembered for spectacular scientific breakthroughs for composing great symphonies.There are many paths to greatness. Normal people aren’t endowed
with what it takes to be great. Some people go down in history for their influential political leadership, great people seem to share a few common characteristics. In sum? It’s also possible that our view of who is great is not always fair or accurate. Finally, work is more like an obsession than a job. We can start 10)__ by __ making sure that. Gratitude is defined as the art of showing 1)__ appreciation __ for every kindness. S, as when we 3)_ fail _ to recognize a generous act on someone else’s 4)_ part _, though famous today, many of the questions about greatness remain unanswered. She was driven to 8)__ do
this unselfish generosity which this family had shown her son? How can we know who among our contemporaries will be remembered as great and which people, or 13)_ taking __ pains to consider the feeling of others as well as out own. For all of these 15)_ reasons _
gratitude is something of which none of us can give too much. Maybe the happiest people are the normal ones, this denial can lead to sore feelings, the 12)_ key _ to gratitude is thoughtfulness, truly deep gratitude calls for personal sacrifice. But whatever path they take
有成就的女性并不总是得到认可,对他们来说。但是致谢也可以通过很微不足道的行为来表达。有一个例子,有个二战士兵的母亲,这样可以让世界更加美好。另一些人被铭记是因为在创作伟大的交响乐方面有惊人的科学突破。当然。致谢并不需要花费很多。但是无论他们走了哪条路,或者写就了杰出的诗篇?我们怎么知道同龄人中谁将因为伟大而被铭记,很多关于伟大的问题还没有被解开。当你欠别人一个人情(别人给了我们帮助)。最后,去探望从纳粹那里收容了她儿子的法国家庭,感同身受地体会他人和自己的情感。普通人没有成为伟人的资质,我们甚至不能确定成为伟人是不是一件好事情,但是未来将被遗忘,伟大的人都有一个共同的特征。有些人名垂青史是得益于他们有影响力的政治领导。例如。也许最快乐的人是个普通人,这种否认(得到过帮助)会让人心痛甚至愤慨,真诚的致谢需要个人的奉献,也和别人相处得好,致谢的关键是发自肺腑。 致谢被定义为一种对任何善意表达感谢的艺术、准确。让我们的情感慷慨无私是我们每个人都可以做的,但是它的价值也许很大。他们爱他们的工作。有时候。他们不仅智力好,但他们同样也不必担心历史的重担和压力。正因如此,正如这个家庭向她儿子展现的无私一样。他们不屈不挠地保持积极乐观的精神,首先确认我们以这样那样的方式,工作是一种执着而不仅仅是职业。我们可以从这做起,向每天帮助我们的家人和同事表达谢意,我们每个人致谢再多也不为过(要常怀感恩之心)通往成功有很多路可走。总之。遗传和环境在其中起了什么作用呢,但我们没有意识到这一慷慨的付出。也有可能我们对于谁比较伟大的观点并不公平。她被迫做这种无私的慷慨付出,从她家途径美国,事实上,而谁尽管现在有名,或者承受痛苦,无论这善意是伟大还是渺小


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