
对企业提高经济效益起着决定性作用。本文集中阐述了财务管理整体目标的内涵和基本特点,是评价企业财务活动是否合理的标准,围绕着在财务管理目标确认的同时,应急预案,并探讨了在当前形势下,建立应急预案,它决定着财务管理的基本方向。财务管理的目标是全部财务活动实践的最终目标,就如何制定财务管理的整体目标更加符合实际提出了个人看法。本文系运用了规范研究方法进行的专题研究,提出了笔者自己的见解和看法。本文的创新主要体现在,全文分为四个部分,第一,对我国企业财务管理整体目标的运用和存在问题的作了分析。第四部分,财务管理, 第一部分,阐述财务管理整体目标的基本特点。第二部分,最高目标,它是企业开展一切财务活动的基础和归宿,整体目标,针对这些问题,重点介绍了以企业价值最大化为目标的运作方式。第三部分,制定整体目标的同时,它直接影响着企业的生存与发展,制定财务管理目标的同时考虑突发情况的影响,及时解决突发问题。结合实际确立最高目标和最低目标。关键词,明确企业价值的分类和具体目标。第二,介绍了财务管理整体目标的应用,对可能引起的问题作出了分析与研究,分析财务管理整体目标现行的几种模式,就目前最具代表性的几种方法进行了分析,我国的财务管理整体目标主流形式,财务管理目标是企业进行财务活动所要达到的根本目的,
Combined with the highest goal and the actual establishment of the minimum target, Ta determine the basic Fang Xiang Zhao financial management, to develop the overall objectives, on the most representative Several methods are analyzed and discussed the current situation,Financial management objectives for the financial activities of the enterprise to achieve the fundamental purpose, to evaluate the reasonableness of corporate finance activities Biaozhun, clear business value of classification and specific objectives, the development of financial management objectives taking into account the impact of unforeseen circumstances, it is enterprises to develop the foundation of all financial activities and the end result, The third part of our overall objective of financial management application and an analysis of existing problems, China overall objective of the financial management of the mainstream form,This paper studies the use of a standardized method of thematic studies and is divided into four parts, it directly affects the company&#39,s survival and development of the enterprises to improve economic efficiency are decisive, the author presented his own opinions and views, The second part of the overall objective of the current financial management of several models,, Second, highlighting the objective of maximizing the enterprise value of the mode of operation,This article focuses on the overall objective of financial management and basic characteristics of the content, address these problems, introduces the overall objectives of financial management applications, on how to formulate the overall objective of financial management made more realistic personal views, the establishment of contingency plans in a timely manner to resolve unexpected problems, financial management around the goal identified in the same time, the first part of the overall objective of financial management described the basic characteristics,This innovation is mainly reflected in the first, issues may arise from the analysis and research, The fourth part, Financial management objective is to practice all the financial activities of the ultimate goal,
我的演讲是关于我们儿时看过的一些动画片 想通过对这样一个话题的阐述
唤起我们儿时共同的回忆我按照时间的顺序 细数了我们记忆中的那些的动画片那些熟悉的形象 惹人发笑的台词
还有愚蠢却可爱的行为他们用简单而直接的行动 教会了我们 什么是勇气 什么是坚持什么是友情 什么是亲情他们伴着我们成长 教会我们如何做人不过在制作的时候 我只考虑到表现的的效果 而忽略了最重要的目的是锻炼我们的口语 所以有些本末倒置
My speech is something about the animations we saw when we were little children.I want to recall our shared memories through the explanations of this topic.I counted those animations in my memories by turns of time.That familiar figures,similing words ,and wolly but lovely behaviorsThey taught us what is courage and what is consistent by simple and direct deeds.what is friendship and what is familiship.They accompany us to grow up they teach us to be humans but when manufacturing them,I only took in consideration the performance effects ,but neglected the most important purpose is to improve our oral English,therefore I just put it adversely
My speech is about us some cartoons. When seenWant to pass on such a topic paper arouse our childhood memories togetherI according to the order of time count our memory of the animated filmThose familiar image make us laugh lines and stupid but lovely behaviorThey use simple and direct action taught us what is the courage to what is insist onWhat is friendship? What is familyThey accompany us grow teaches us how to behaveBut in production of time I just considering the effect of performance of the instead of the most important objective is to exercise our oral English so some put the cart before the horse
用有道翻译就好了啊下面是用有道翻译的My speech is about us some cartoons. When seenWant to pass on such a topic paper arouse our childhood memories togetherI according to the order of time count our memory of the animated filmThose familiar image make us laugh lines and stupid but lovely behaviorThey use simple and direct action taught us what is the courage to what is insist onWhat is friendship? What is familyThey accompany us grow teaches us how to behaveBut in production of time I just considering the effect of performance of the instead of the most important objective is to exercise our oral English so some put the cart before the horse
随着时光飞驰,我的母亲青春不再,能够照顾好她是我的职责,然而,在她的面前,我总是充当被照顾的角色,我似乎总长不大。 所以,我永远保持做她最亲密的孩子,我爱我的母亲,他是我生命中最重要的人。
我深深地相信在每个人的生命里都有一个最重要的人。对我来说,这个人毫无疑问就是我的母亲。她赋予我生命并教我如何为人处事。从我出生那天开始她就无时不刻地关爱着我。当我是个婴儿的时候她耐心地喂我,帮我换尿布。我长大后她每天接送我去学校并帮我检查功课。我考试不及格的时候,她并不责怪我反而鼓励我要做的更好。当然有时候我也会觉的她太唠叨。总的来说 我对自己的所作所为很后悔,希望能跟她道歉。时间过的很快,我妈妈的年纪也大了。现在轮到我来照顾她了。但是对她来说我却总是一个需要她照顾的孩子。就好象我从来都没长大过。所以我会一直是她最爱的小孩。我爱妈妈,她是我最重要的人。如果是小学生写的,那还不错了。如果是中学的,那学习要加把劲了。如果是大学的,你快去找人代考四级吧 语法和遣词都太离谱了翻译的头很痛 望采纳:)
我深信每个人都有生命中最重要的一个人 对我来说 毋庸置疑 最重要的那个人就是我的母亲 她就是那个给了我生命 教会了我在世间种种自我呱呱坠地那天起妈妈总是把爱付出给我 当我还是个婴儿的时候他总是很耐心的喂我喝奶 帮我洗尿布 在我长大之后 每天送我去学校接我回家 并且检查我的作业 当我取得不好的成绩的时候 并不是惩罚我 而是鼓励我去做的更好 当然 有时候 我可能会跟她争吵 然而我总是后悔我之前的行为 然后跟她道歉随着时间的流逝 妈妈的容颜逐渐老去 现在正是我尽自己的责任去照顾她的时候 然而 对于她来说 我永远是个孩子 总是需要她的照顾 就好像我永远长不大一般因此 我会一直是她的眼里亲爱的小孩 我爱我的妈妈 她是我生命中最重要的人
我深信每个人都有生命中最重要的一个人 对我来说 毋庸置疑 最重要的那个人就是我的母亲 她就是那个给了我生命 教会了我在世间种种自我呱呱坠地那天起妈妈总是把爱付出给我 当我还是个婴儿的时候他总是很耐心的喂我喝奶 帮我洗尿布 在我长大之后 每天送我去学校接我回家 并且检查我的作业 当我取得不好的成绩的时候 并不是惩罚我 而是鼓励我去做的更好 当然 有时候 我可能会跟她争吵 然而我总是后悔我之前的行为 然后跟她道歉随着时间的流逝 妈妈的容颜逐渐老去 现在正是我尽自己的责任去照顾她的时候 然而 对于她来说 我永远是个孩子 总是需要她的照顾 就好像我永远长不大一般因此 我会一直是她的眼里亲爱的小孩 我爱我的妈妈 她是我生命中最重要的人 ~~~纯人工~~~Thanks这两个随便选一个、我英语6级
, In this year&#39, But I believe you were not on purpose to do that, in order
to avoid encountering Zhao, because you are very clean the games before, Liu felt disappointed and angry,
i believe you will
not disppoint me,just enter Liu&#39,s 500m ChangChunZhan semi-final you accidentally had error, she said you pull after her legs in the game ,you slowed speed, almost made she fell, did not have any collition with other players , it shows your noble character ,s blog,
It is my conviction that you will not disappoint me,因为您以前的比赛都非常干净, this proves that you are an athlete of noble cast,没有和其他国家的选手有过任何碰撞。I had just learnt from Liu&#39,她说您在比赛中拉过她的腿, 在今年长春站女子500米半决赛中你不小心发生了失误,我刚进入Liu的博客,s blog that she blamed you for causing her almost stumble by pulling her leg in the race,差点是她摔倒。Liu感到很失望和生气。但我愿意相信您这次是无意的, you had made a mistake but taken the initiative to slow down in order to avoid bumbing into Zhao,你为了避免碰到Zhao, and she was disappointed and upset about it, 【英语牛人团】, However, I would rather believe that the incident was unintentional because of your clean record in past competitions, never had you made physical contacts with any foreign competitiors,自己主动将慢速度。这足够证明你是位人品高尚的选手。我相信你不会让我失望。This year In the Changchun 500-meter race semi-final event,
Liu's blog, she said that you
pull her leg during the race, she almost fell. Liu was very disappointed and angry. But I willing to believe that you are unintentional in this incident, as your
used very clean in previous games, no collision with other country players.
This year in Changchun women's 500m semi-final place you accidentally make a mistake, but you are in order to avoid bumping Zhao, you slow down by your own will。 This is enough to prove that you are a noble character player. I believe you will not let me down.
I just enter Liu's blog, she said you pull after her legs in the game , almost made she fell. Liu felt disappointed and angry. But I believe you were not on purpose to do that, because you are very clean the games before, did not have any collition with other players . In this year's 500m ChangChunZhan semi-final you accidentally had error, in order
to avoid encountering Zhao,you slowed speed. it shows your noble character . I believe you won't let me down.自己翻译的。 :)
您好、我刚进入Liu的博客,她说您在比赛中拉过她的腿,差点是她摔倒。Liu感到很失望和生气。但我愿意相信您这次是无意的,因为您以前的比赛都非常干净,没有和其他国家的选手有过任何碰撞。在今年长春站女子500米半决赛中你不小心发生了失误,你为了避免碰到Zhao,自己主动将慢速度。这足够证明你是位人品高尚的选手。我相信你不会让我失望。这段翻译成英语是I just enter Liu's blog, she said you pull in the game after her legs, almost is she fell. Liu felt disappointed and angry. But I believe your trip was unintentional, because you before the games are very clean, no and other countries player had any collisions. In this year's 500m ChangChunZhan semi-final you accidentally happened error, you to avoid encounter Zhao, his own initiative will slow speed. This enough proof you is a character noble player. I believe you won't let me down.
I entered the Liu's blog just now, she said that you pulled her legs in the race, she almost fall down. Liu was very disappointed and angry. But I believe that you are unintentional, as you had clean history of previous games, no confilict with the players from other countries.At Changchun station this year, you made a mistake accidentally in the
semi-final women's 500m because of
you avoided to hit Zhao, so you
slowed your speed. This is enough to prove that you are a noble character player. I believe you will not let me down.
i went into liu's
blog just now, she said you have pulled her leg in the match and nearly made her fall off. liu felt disappointed and angry,
but i am willing to believe that you did not mean it, because you have a very clean history in your formal competitons, you did not have any crash with other foreign competitors. in the 500-metre semifinals in Chang Chun this year you have made a mistake : you slowed down yourself in order not to touch zhou, whichi is enough to prove that you are a noble player, i believe you will
not disppoint me.
I just enter Liu's blog, she said you pull in the game after her legs, almost is she fell. Liu felt disappointed and angry. But I believe your trip was unintentional, because you before the games are very clean, no and other countries player had any collisions. In this year's 500m ChangChunZhan semi-final you accidentally happened error, you to avoid encounter Zhao, his own initiative will slow speed. This enough proof you is a character noble player. I believe you won't let me down.嘿嘿!
I entered the Liu's blog, she said that you are in the race to pull off her legs, she almost fell. Liu was very disappointed and angry. But I want to believe you are this is unintentional, as your previous games are very clean, no other country had any impact players. Changchun station this year in the women's 500 meters semi-final place you do not accidentally mistake, you come across in order to avoid Zhao, himself took the initiative to slow speed. This is enough to prove that you are a noble character player.
I just enter Liu's blog, she said you pull in the game after her legs, almost is she fell. Liu felt disappointed and angry. But I believe your trip was unintentional, because you before the games are very clean, no and other countries player had any collisions. In this year's 500m ChangChunZhan semi-final you accidentally happened error, you to avoid encounter Zhao, his own initiative will slow speed. This enough proof you is a character noble player. I believe you won't let me down.
While I'm visiting Liu's blog, it said that Liu almost tumbled in the match because you tripped her up. Liu felt disappointed and angry. But I'd rather belive that you didn't do it on purpose, for I know you didn't have any physical contact with any athlete from other countries in all those games you have played. This year's wowen's 500m semi-final in Changchun, you failed the game because you controlled your pace to avoid physical contact with Zhao. That shows your noble athletism. I'm sure you won't let me down.
以下是意译,以更通顺并符合美语习惯说法:I just read Liu's blog. She said that you pulled her leg in the race and almost made her fall. She felt quite disappointed and upset about it. I'd rather believe that you did not do it in purpose. You had a clean track record, and had never bumped into others in previous races. In this year's 500-meter semi-final in Changchun, you chose to slow down to avoid bumping into Zhao. This shows that you are an athlete with high ethical standard. I know you will not let us down.
Shin-Young.I just enter Liu qiuhong's blog, she said you pull after her legs in the game , almost made she fell. Liu qiuhong felt disappointed and angry.But I believe you were not on purpose to do that, because you have a very clean history in your formal competitons, you did not have any crash with other foreign competitors. in the 500-metre semifinals in Chang Chun this year you have made a mistake : you slowed down yourself in order not to touch zhaonannan,whichi is enough to prove that you are a noble player, I'm sure you won't let me down. I still appreciate you very much.
I just enter Liu's blog, she said you pull in the game after her legs, almost is she fell. Liu felt disappointed and angry. But I believe your trip was unintentional, because you before the games are very clean, no and other countries player had any collisions. In this year's 500m ChangChunZhan semi-final you accidentally happened error, you to avoid encounter Zhao, his own initiative will slow speed. This enough proof you is a character noble player. I believe you won't let me down. (真的)_ _ - _ _
I just enter Liu's blog, she said you pull in the game after her legs, almost is she fell. Liu felt disappointed and angry. But I believe your trip was unintentional, because you before the games are very clean, no and other countries player had any collisions. In this year's 500m ChangChunZhan semi-final you accidentally happened error, you to avoid encounter Zhao, his own initiative will slow speed. This enough proof you is a character noble player. I believe you won't let me down.
Must take good passport, ID card and other effective certificates before setting out, gather at the appointed time location punctually, if have been already blundered away, the result then is complacent.★Go out in the outside, work invite time to notice personal safety, wealth and properties preservation and localMust maintain like to close an important tour certificate(passport).★Is all to involve to climb a mountain, drift, the sea beach swimming, aquatic activity, immerse to bathe in the hot spring, trace river exploration and ride Ma Deng risk item, work please watch for a safety.The visitor should sees personal body conditions and does what the strength allows.If there is special case, unwell proper take part in a tour of, need to tell travel agency in advance, otherwise, result complacent.★Please obey the region concerning the law laws and listen to the arrangement of guide'Because is a tour of team, please watch for to obey time, strengthen collective idea, the on the travel wantsUnited friendly affection, old love young, the mutual Qian lets, in the good atmosphere, complete sight-Notice an environmental protection, promote to do a visitor of civilization.The group tour can not take off a brigade or leave regiment without authorization.If there is any special circumstances, have to tell leader of a group, guide or your companion.★In the hotel, noticing fire prevention, electric appliances and bathroom antiskid etc.While leaving room or want to lock good doors and windows while taking a rest, the valuables certificate wants to notice a preservation like,(Can make use of safe-deposit box).At last and along with take stop for the night of hotel name card, address, and telephone...etc., in order to prevent need . urgently★Had better stick down contact telephone NO. of local guide, leader of a group.Before tourist spot sight-sees, bear in mind the concentrated location, time that the guide gives an account and thIn case of take off regiment, must find out to export a direction, Be pleased to concentrate a location waiting guide to return to look for.★The general car distance is all longer, please very some self-provided snacks, water and peaceful drugs((cold medicine, motion sickness medicine, protect to help pill, medicine oil and personal appropriation article etc.)★Please personal sun block that is self-provided to wash a Shu thing, jacket coat(the air condition car is sometimes very cold), hide a sun hat, rain gear, cellular phone charger and use more products like electric outlet,etc.★Local air temperature:Invite-Degree.Please look into weather forecast again before setting out Be sure to bring your passport before departure, identity cards and other valid documents, on-time at the designated time and place of collection, if missed, then your peril. ★ away from home, are requested to always pay attention to their personal safety, property storage and loc be sure to keep a good essential travel documents (passport). ★ all involved in mountain climbing, rafting, beach swimming, water sports, soak hot springs, river trekking adventure, horseback riding and other risks, are requested to pay attention to safety. Visitors should be considered personal physical condition, what one can. In case of special cases, not suitable to participate in tourism, travel agents need to inform early, otherwise your peril. ★ Please abide by local laws and regulations, follow the tour leade because it is the team travel, please note that to comply with the time, strengthen the collective sense, on the road to be Unity, friendship, care for the young, mutual humility, in a good atmosphere, complet attention to environmental protection, and promotion to be a civilization of visitors. Group tours can not be arbitrarily or leaves the tour de force. If you have any special circumstances, must inform the leader, tour guides or your companions. ★ In the hotel, pay attention to fire prevention, electrical appliances, bathroom and other non- when leaving the room or rest when lock windows and doors, keep valuables, documents, should pay attention to good, (Can be used safe). The last carry of the hotel-like business cards, address, telephone and so on, to prevent the need. ★ The best record of local tourist guides and escorts of the contact telephone numbers. Attractions Tour ago, bear in mind that tour guides explain the centralized location, time, were traveling tour bus
the event of their tour, be sure to find the direction of exports, please wait for tour to return to find a centralized location. ★ generally ride than longer, better bring along their own snacks, water and safe drugs ((cold medicine, motion sickness medicine, Po Chai pills, medicated oil and personal special supplies, etc.) ★ Please bring your own good personal wash products, outerwear jacket (air-conditioned cars and sometimes very cold) sunscreen, sun hat, rain gear, cell phone charger, multi-purpose sockets and other items. ★ Local temp: about - degrees. Please re-check the weather before departure. Such as the title:
Be sure to bring your passport before departure, identity cards and other valid documents, on-time at the designated time and place of collection, if missed, then your peril. ★ away from home, are requested to always pay attention to their personal safety, property storage and loc be sure to keep a good essential travel documents (passport). ★ all involved in mountain climbing, rafting, beach swimming, water sports, soak hot springs, river trekking adventure, horseback riding and other risks, are requested to pay attention to safety. Visitors should be considered personal physical condition, what one can. In case of special cases, not suitable to participate in tourism, travel agents need to inform early, otherwise your peril. ★ Please abide by local laws and regulations, follow the tour leade because it is the team travel, please note that to comply with the time, strengthen the collective sense, on the road to be Unity, friendship, care for the young, mutual humility, in a good atmosphere, complet attention to environmental protection, and promotion to be a civilization of visitors. Group tours can not be arbitrarily or leaves the tour de force. If you have any special circumstances, must inform the leader, tour guides or your companions. ★ In the hotel, pay attention to fire prevention, electrical appliances, bathroom and other non- when leaving the room or rest when lock windows and doors, keep valuables, documents, should pay attention to good, (Can be used safe). The last carry of the hotel-like business cards, address, telephone and so on, to prevent the need. ★ The best record of local tourist guides and escorts of the contact telephone numbers. Attractions Tour ago, bear in mind that tour guides explain the centralized location, time, were traveling tour bus
the event of their tour, be sure to find the direction of exports, please wait for tour to return to find a centralized location. ★ generally ride than longer, better bring along their own snacks, water and safe drugs ((cold medicine, motion sickness medicine, Po Chai pills, medicated oil and personal special supplies, etc.) ★ Please bring your own good personal wash products, outerwear jacket (air-conditioned cars and sometimes very cold) sunscreen, sun hat, rain gear, cell phone charger, multi-purpose sockets and other items.
Must take good passport, ID card and other effective certificates before setting out, gather at the appointed time location punctually, if have been already blundered away, the result then is complacent.★Go out in the outside, work invite time to notice personal safety, wealth and properties preservation and localMust maintain like to close an important tour certificate(passport).★Is all to involve to climb a mountain, drift, the sea beach swimming, aquatic activity, immerse to bathe in the hot spring, trace river exploration and ride Ma Deng risk item, work please watch for a safety.The visitor should sees personal body conditions and does what the strength allows.If there is special case, unwell proper take part in a tour of, need to tell travel agency in advance, otherwise, result complacent.★Please obey the region concerning the law laws and listen to the arrangement of guide'Because is a tour of team, please watch for to obey time, strengthen collective idea, the on the travel wantsUnited friendly affection, old love young, the mutual Qian lets, in the good atmosphere, complete sight-Notice an environmental protection, promote to do a visitor of civilization.The group tour can not take off a brigade or leave regiment without authorization.If there is any special circumstances, have to tell leader of a group, guide or your companion.★In the hotel, noticing fire prevention, electric appliances and bathroom antiskid etc.While leaving room or want to lock good doors and windows while taking a rest, the valuables certificate wants to notice a preservation like,(Can make use of safe-deposit box).At last and along with take stop for the night of hotel name card, address, and telephone...etc., in order to prevent need . urgently★Had better stick down contact telephone NO. of local guide, leader of a group.Before tourist spot sight-sees, bear in mind the concentrated location, time that the guide gives an account and thIn case of take off regiment, must find out to export a direction, Be pleased to concentrate a location waiting guide to return to look for.★The general car distance is all longer, please very some self-provided snacks, water and peaceful drugs((cold medicine, motion sickness medicine, protect to help pill, medicine oil and personal appropriation article etc.)★Please personal sun block that is self-provided to wash a Shu thing, jacket coat(the air condition car is sometimes very cold), hide a sun hat, rain gear, cellular phone charger and use more products like electric outlet,etc.★Local air temperature:Invite-Degree.Please look into weather forecast again before setting out
Be sure to bring your passport before departure, identity cards and other valid documents, on-time at the designated time and place of collection, if missed, then your peril. ★ away from home, are requested to always pay attention to their personal safety, property storage and loc be sure to keep a good essential travel documents (passport). ★ all involved in mountain climbing, rafting, beach swimming, water sports, soak hot springs, river trekking adventure, horseback riding and other risks, are requested to pay attention to safety. Visitors should be considered personal physical condition, what one can. In case of special cases, not suitable to participate in tourism, travel agents need to inform early, otherwise your peril. ★ Please abide by local laws and regulations, follow the tour leade because it is the team travel, please note that to comply with the time, strengthen the collective sense, on the road to be Unity, friendship, care for the young, mutual humility, in a good atmosphere, complet attention to environmental protection, and promotion to be a civilization of visitors. Group tours can not be arbitrarily or leaves the tour de force. If you have any special circumstances, must inform the leader, tour guides or your companions. ★ In the hotel, pay attention to fire prevention, electrical appliances, bathroom and other non- when leaving the room or rest when lock windows and doors, keep valuables, documents, should pay attention to good, (Can be used safe). The last carry of the hotel-like business cards, address, telephone and so on, to prevent the need. ★ The best record of local tourist guides and escorts of the contact telephone numbers. Attractions Tour ago, bear in mind that tour guides explain the centralized location, time, were traveling tour bus
the event of their tour, be sure to find the direction of exports, please wait for tour to return to find a centralized location. ★ generally ride than longer, better bring along their own snacks, water and safe drugs ((cold medicine, motion sickness medicine, Po Chai pills, medicated oil and personal special supplies, etc.) ★ Please bring your own good personal wash products, outerwear jacket (air-conditioned cars and sometimes very cold) sunscreen, sun hat, rain gear, cell phone charger, multi-purpose sockets and other items. ★ Local temp: about - degrees. Please re-check the weather before departure.
Such as the title:
Be sure to bring your passport before departure, identity cards and other valid documents, on-time at the designated time and place of collection, if missed, then your peril. ★ away from home, are requested to always pay attention to their personal safety, property storage and loc be sure to keep a good essential travel documents (passport). ★ all involved in mountain climbing, rafting, beach swimming, water sports, soak hot springs, river trekking adventure, horseback riding and other risks, are requested to pay attention to safety. Visitors should be considered personal physical condition, what one can. In case of special cases, not suitable to participate in tourism, travel agents need to inform early, otherwise your peril. ★ Please abide by local laws and regulations, follow the tour leade because it is the team travel, please note that to comply with the time, strengthen the collective sense, on the road to be Unity, friendship, care for the young, mutual humility, in a good atmosphere, complet attention to environmental protection, and promotion to be a civilization of visitors. Group tours can not be arbitrarily or leaves the tour de force. If you have any special circumstances, must inform the leader, tour guides or your companions. ★ In the hotel, pay attention to fire prevention, electrical appliances, bathroom and other non- when leaving the room or rest when lock windows and doors, keep valuables, documents, should pay attention to good, (Can be used safe). The last carry of the hotel-like business cards, address, telephone and so on, to prevent the need. ★ The best record of local tourist guides and escorts of the contact telephone numbers. Attractions Tour ago, bear in mind that tour guides explain the centralized location, time, were traveling tour bus
the event of their tour, be sure to find the direction of exports, please wait for tour to return to find a centralized location. ★ generally ride than longer, better bring along their own snacks, water and safe drugs ((cold medicine, motion sickness medicine, Po Chai pills, medicated oil and personal special supplies, etc.) ★ Please bring your own good personal wash products, outerwear jacket (air-conditioned cars and sometimes very cold) sunscreen, sun hat, rain gear, cell phone charger, multi-purpose sockets and other items.


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