
ve nothing now.wait 2 months.i do not ship you would have to come and get that puppy and fly it in the cabin
大概就是现在没有可以出售的小狗,可以等两个月,他们这边不负责空运,得自己安排安排空运回家! 另外,下次记得让这个老外发邮件记得加上标点,不然会歧义,还有就是第一个单词也看不懂!希望可以帮到你!
保存至快速回贴求高手翻译成英语,谢谢_百度知道求高手帮忙翻译 翻译成英文 好象是《追忆似水年华》
求高手帮忙翻译 翻译成英文 好象是《追忆似水年华》 5
在很长一段时期里,我都是早早就躺下了。有时候,蜡烛才灭,我的眼皮儿随即合上,都来不及咕哝一句:“我要睡着了。”半小时之后,我才想到应该睡觉;这一想,我反倒清醒过来。我打算把自以为还捏在手里的书放好,吹灭灯火。睡着的那会儿,我一直在思考刚才读的那本书,只是思路有点特别;我总觉得书里说的事儿,什么教堂呀,四重奏呀,弗朗索瓦一世和查理五世争强斗胜呀,全都同我直接有关。这种念头直到我醒来之后还延续了好几秒钟;它倒与我的理性不很相悖,只是象眼罩似的蒙住我的眼睛,使我一时觉察不到烛火早已熄灭。后来,它开始变得令人费解,好像是上一辈子的思想,经过还魂转世来到我的面前,于是书里的内容同我脱节,愿不愿意再挂上钩,全凭我自己决定;这一来,我的视力得到恢复,我惊讶地发现周围原来漆黑一片,这黑暗固然使我的眼睛十分受用,但也许更使我的心情感到亲切而安详;它简直象是没有来由、莫名其妙的东西,名副其实他让人摸不到头脑。我不知道那时几点钟了;我听到火车鸣笛的声音,忽远忽近,就象林中鸟儿的啭鸣,标明距离的远近。汽笛声中,我仿佛看到一片空旷的田野,匆匆的旅人赶往附近的车站;他走过的小路将在他的心头留下难以磨灭的回忆,因为陌生的环境,不寻常的行止,不久前的交谈,以及在这静谧之夜仍萦绕在他耳畔的异乡灯下的话别,还有回家后即将享受到的温暖,这一切使他心绪激荡。   我情意绵绵地把腮帮贴在枕头的鼓溜溜的面颊上,它象我们童年的脸庞,那么饱满、娇嫩、清新。我划亮一根火柴看了看表。时近子夜。这正是病羁异乡的游子独宿在陌生的客舍,被一阵疼痛惊醒的时刻。看到门下透进一丝光芒,他感到宽慰。谢天谢地,总算天亮了!旅馆的听差就要起床了;呆一会儿,他只要拉铃,就有人会来支应。偏偏这时他还仿佛听到了脚步声,自远而近,旋而又渐渐远去。门下的那一线光亮也随之又消失。正是午夜时分。来人把煤气灯捻灭了;最后值班的听差都走了。他只得独自煎熬整整一宿,别无他法。   我又睡着了,有时偶尔醒来片刻,听到木器家具的纤维格格地开裂,睁眼凝望黑暗中光影的变幻,凭着一闪而过的意识的微光,我消受着笼罩在家具、卧室、乃至于一切之上的朦胧睡意,我只是这一切之中的小小的一部分,很快又重新同这一切融合在一起,同它们一样变得昏昏无觉。还有的时候,我在梦中毫不费力地又回到了我生命之初的往昔,重新体验到我幼时的恐惧,例如我最怕我的姨公拽我的鬈曲的头发。有一天,我的头发全都给剃掉了,那一天简直成了我的新纪元。可是梦里的我居然忘记了这样一件大事。直到为了躲开姨公的手,我一偏脑袋,醒了过来,才又想起这件往事。不过,为谨慎起见,我用枕头严严实实地捂住了自己的脑袋,然后才安心地返回梦乡。
In a long period of time, I was lying down early. Sometimes, candles, my eyes only PiEr immediately closed, all too late muttered word: "I want to sleep." Half an hour later, I just thought should sleep, This thought, but I wake up. I'm going to put the thought is the book in the hand knead, quench lights. When I fall asleep in just read the book, just a little special, I always think of the book says, what churches, quartet, francois and Charles v, overly fights with me, all win directly related. This idea also continue until I wake up for several seconds, It is not the reason with me, just like the mask like blindfolded my eyes, so I have temporarily unaware candle out. Later, it becomes confusing, it is a thought, after being reincarnation, so I came to the content with my book, willing to hang a bait, Upon my vision restored, I was surprised to find that the original dark around this darkness, it makes my eyes, but perhaps more make me feel kind of mood and serene, It's like nothing is worthy of puzzling, and he let a person. I don't know at the time, I hear the train whistle sounds, far and near, like the music of the birds, marked forest distance. The whistle, I seem to see a open field, travelers to the bus station near, He walked in the path of his heart will leave an enduring memory, because unfamiliar environment, unusual yijing, talk, and in the quiet night still linger in his ear light of foreign don't, and home to enjoy the warmth that his mood.I love the gills in continuous spinning drums duties of pillow, it looks like the cheek of our childhood, so full face, fresh and tender. I scratched a match and looked at his watch. It was nearly midnight. This is the only foreign wandering good-matured disease in strange KeShe awakened by a pain, the moment. See through a door into, he felt relieved. Thankfully, at dawn! T fubo Stay as long as he pulled the bell, they will come to be. He also thank as heard footsteps, from far and near, spin and faded away. The first light of the door also and disappear. Just at midnight. Somebody DengNian gas consumed, Finally the servants went on. He had suffered all night alone, there is no alternative.I fell asleep again, sometimes wake up, hear occasionally rattles fiber to the wood furniture, dark eyes stare cracking of light, with a gleam of consciousness, I must have a shrouded in furniture, bedroom, even all of the above, I only dimly drowsiness among all the small part, with all this again soon together, as they become dim with no sleep. Still, in my dream I effortlessly returned to my life, at the beginning of the past experience, I fear, for example, I was afraid most of my aunt and wavy hair pulling me. One day, my hair shaved off all the day, simply become my age. But the dream I forgot had such a great thing. In order to avoid the aunt until YiPian head, hand, I woke up, and remember it. However, for the precaution, I used to cover his pillow tired of the head and then quietly back to sleep.
其他回答 (1)
我叼 你作业就更子翻译的啊
猫扑 百度都有我的帖子
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号求翻译英文成绩单,多谢高手相助!
1 Compulsory/Required,
2 Distributional Elective/Confined Elective,
3 Free Elective(s)/Optional,
4 环节 link, sector, segment, section, step 看情况选,
5 public compulsory (course), 或common compulsory (course),
6 学科基础必修 required basic courses in discipline,
7 专业基础必修 required basic courses in major/specialty,
8 专业必修 compulsory specialized (courses),
9 专业选修限选 specialized elective courses---confined elective,
或specialized optional courses---confined elective,
10 public optional 公共任选,
11 basic courses, public courses, general courses, 公共课,
12 上面的回答2里把elective加s, 或者在后面加course(s),
或limited optional courses,
13 在上面的必修后面加 course(s),
14 Free elective courses, 或者 optional courses,
15 specialized core course(s) 专业基础课,
16 basic courses of disciplines, basic courses in discipline 学科基础课,
17 orientation courses,
18 主修 major,
19 make-up exam,
20 examination suspension, deferred pass.
—— caosimida
必修 Requirement (s)
限选 Distributional Elective (s) (美国大学 比较少会有限选)
任选 Free Elective (s)
环节 Section (美国大学 并没有分环节)
公共必修 General Education Requirement (s) (不同的学校会有不同的名字)
学科基础必修 Department/Degree Requirement (s) -- Lower Division Course(s)(美国大学 并不会分开学科和专业的必修课)
专业基础必修 Lower Division Major Requirement(s)
专业必修 Major Requirement(s)
专业选修限选 Major Distributional Elective(s) (美国大学 比较少会有限选)
公共任选 General/Public Elective(s) (不同的学校会有不同的名字)
公共课 General Education Course(s)
限选课 Distributional Elective Course(s) (美国大学 比较少会有限选)
必修课 Core Requirement Course(s)
任选课 Elective Course(s)
专业基础课 Lower Division Major Course
学科基础课 Lower Division Department/Degree Course(s)
初修 Introduction Course(s)
主修 Major
补考 Make-up Exams (一般用来给因为种种原因没有考试的人。美国大学里,如果考了不及格,教授是不会让你在考一遍的。。)
缓考 Delayed Exams/ Make-up Exams
—— seritiashen


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