
急急急!急求各位英语大神写篇英语作文,期末考试题目,谢谢 必有重谢,要求在问题补充里面题目:the international trade,内容:国际贸易的起源,现代国际贸易的原因,国际贸易的前景。_作业帮
急急急!急求各位英语大神写篇英语作文,期末考试题目,谢谢 必有重谢,要求在问题补充里面题目:the international trade,内容:国际贸易的起源,现代国际贸易的原因,国际贸易的前景。
急急急!急求各位英语大神写篇英语作文,期末考试题目,谢谢 必有重谢,要求在问题补充里面题目:the international trade,内容:国际贸易的起源,现代国际贸易的原因,国际贸易的前景。字数200左右
【百度文库 - 英文写作翻译英语作文】★以下是无忧考网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《端午节英语作文:关于端午节的由来》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。要科幻小说英文定义和由来以及科幻小说有关的知识,要英文的!英语版,最好有翻译~谢谢_百度知道
凡尔纳对科幻小说的盛行也贡献巨大;是威尔斯创作的科幻小说. The War of the Worlds (1898) is a science fiction novel by HThe science fiction is defined as a form of
modern literature which is intended to predict future of human world and inspire human imagination and
novelty of scientists. Wells.科幻小说的盛行源自于工业革命.Jules-Verne may also be deemed as contributinga lot to this writing style.It is the earliest story that details a conflict between mankind and an alien race.The great popularity of this writing style arose from The Industrial Revolution .1898年的&quot,因为正是这场革命提供了人类探索未知世界的动力.这是最早的描述人类与外星物种爆发冲突的小说;地球大战&quot,它描述了一位无名氏在伦敦郊区旅行期间偶遇火星来客的故事, which
is characteristic of the exploration of unknown world . G.儒勒. It describes the experiences of an unnamed narrator who travels through the suburbs of London as the Earth is invaded by Martians.
First. The reason is that.When hosts place dishes on the table, as this will be viewed as an evil presage and will sustain the disapproval of the seniors. How to use them maybe a problem and here are our suggestions that may be helpful.On ChopsticksThe Chopstick is a miracle among the creations of Chinese food culture. Try to avoid the collision of chopsticks with those of your neighbors since they are longer than forks or knives. Then you can wind noodle threadPlease enjoy yourself&#39. This also embodies virtue, you should also show them respect. Second, it is the unique way to show the esteem and care for the dead, the host may offer some words of greeting, the living had to use them or something like that. These are also regarded as impolite and irreverent!Respect FirstIt is really an admirable custom to respect others at the table, including the aged, or return your food to the plate, teachers and guests while taking good care of children:As a country that pays great attention to courtesy. After practice you will become adept at picking up all sorts of morsels from plates, be some may slide off the sticks. Do not take too much once, take the lower one with the thumb and set it on the ring finger, because people believe that is the humble behavior of beggars when they beg for food.When the dishes are positioned on the table. However, otherwise it suggests disrespect and causes displeasure. For the first time, to avoid splattering soup or sauces in the bowl. Long ago it was a tradition in China to worship their ancestors with offerings of food. The practice of presenting the best or fine food first to the senior members of the family has been observed for countless generations.Never insert chopsticks upright onto the vessels for food. Never point at someone with a chopstick and do not use it to prick food in order to pick it up. The use of chopsticks with ease will add to the enjoyment of the delicacies, try to move the two sticks and pick up your favorite dish. In ancient times the common people led a needy life but they still tried their best to support the elder mother or father who took it for granted. This utensil helps the dinner to really relish his or her food, our cuisine culture is deep rooted in China&#39. Before starting to eat dinner您好, in consideration that the dead could not use chopsticks smoothly.Avoid sucking the end of a chopstick or keeping it in mouth for a long time, usually the first to help them selves should be the hosts or the elderly, they will arrange the main courses at the center with the supporting dishes evenly placed around them.Chinese people stress filial piety all the time. When the main dishes are prepared in a decorative form either by cut or other means they will be placed facing the major guests and elder people at the table, &#39.Do not drum or tap bowls and plates with chopsticks especially when you are a guest.It is considerately convenient to have noodles with chopsticks. Finally.Although the hosts in China are all friendly and hospitable, but the slight lapses are inevitable and practice makes perfect. Guests should not start to eat until the host says, hold the upper stick like a pen with your thus history. As a visitor or guest in either a Chinese home or restaurant you will find that table manners are essential and the distinctive courtesies displayed will invariably add to the enjoyment of your meals and keep you in high spirits
&提问时间: 22:29:48
回答:级别:一级教员 10:43:44来自:山东省菏泽市
  节气为节日的产生提供了前题条件,大部分节日在先秦时期,就已初露端倪, 但是其中风俗内容的丰富与流行,还需要有一个漫长的发展过程。最早的风俗活动是和原始崇拜、迷信禁忌有关;神话传奇故事为节日平添了几分浪漫色彩;还有宗教对节日的冲击与影响;一些历史人物被赋予永恒的纪念渗入节日,所有这些,都融合凝聚节日的内容里,使中国的节日有了深沉的历史感。
Basic introduction
Chinese traditional festivals in various forms, rich in content, are our long history of the Chinese nation as an integral part of culture.
Holiday of the origin and development is a gradual formation, exerts a subtle sound, and slowly infiltrated into the process of social life. It and social development, as are the development of human society to a certain stage of the product of our country these ancient holiday, most of them and astronomy, calendar, mathematics, and later carved out of the weather-related, at least on this from the literature can be traced back to &Summer is small& , &Book of History& to the Warring States period, the year the division of 24 solar terms, has been basically in place, then the traditional holiday, all closely related to these Terms.
Terms for the selection of holiday, subject to the conditions provided, the majority of holiday at the pre-Qin period, had been the horizon, but one of the custom content-rich and popular, but also has required a long process of development. Activity are the earliest and original customs of worship, superstition, taboo- myth legend to add a
have on the religious holiday of th some historical figures have been given the timeless holiday Memory infiltration, all of which are integration of the content of cohesion holiday, the holiday so that the Chinese have a deep sense of history.
To the Han Dynasty, China's major traditional festivals have been stereotyped, it is often said these holiday originated in the Han Dynasty, the Han are China's reunification after the first major period of development, political and economic stability, science and culture has developed greatly, and this holiday The final form provides a good social conditions.
Holiday developed to the Tang Dynasty, from the original worship, taboos mysterious atmosphere of liberation, to entertainment etiquette type, become really good time of the festive season. Since then, the holiday has become a lively celebration, colorful, many sports, pleasure-seeking activities of the contents of the scene and quickly became a popular fashion, these customs has continued the development of enduring.
It is worth mentioning that, in the long course of history, the ancient literati, poets of letters for a holiday to write a lot of famous through the ages, the poetry of well-known and was widely famous, so that our country's traditional holiday of deep infiltration culture, wonderful romance, big vulgar shows of Taiga, tastes.
Chinese holiday there is a strong cohesion and a wide range of inclusive, one to the holidays, of national jubilation, which is a long history of our nation's long history of same, is a valuable spiritual heritage.
The formation of traditional festivals, are a nation or country's history and culture of long-term accumulation of condensation process, the following list of those festivals, all are coming from the ancient development, so far from these popular holiday custom, but also can clearly see the the people of ancient social life and wonderful pictures.
Will Christmas Replace the Spring Festival
Christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in China. Christmas cards become popular with students. People hold Christmas parties and exchange Christmas girts. A lot or TV and radio programs about Christmas are on. Meanwhile the Spring Festival is less appealing to youngsters. Thus some people wonder whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival.
This worry is fairly unnecessaryg Why Ⅱ One reason lies that Christmas only affects Christians, college students and joint-venture (workers. Another reason is that Christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. Few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic festival. By contrast, the Spring Festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family.
I think, it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West, a lot of Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China. For us Chinese we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals. For centuries Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome the beginning of a new year. And we will treasure the Spring Festival forever.


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