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Thread-count lawsuit settlement pending
When it comes to thread count, more is more. The new breed of luxury bed sheets, boasting counts of 800 to 1,000 threads per square inch, can sell for hundreds of dollars each.
But some manufacturers are deliberately deceiving consumers by falsely claiming high thread counts so their sheets can fetch top dollar, according to a class-action lawsuit filed by a Florida woman against a major retail chain.
The pending settlement could mean refunds, gift cards and discounts for "tens of thousands" of Bed Bath & Beyond customers, including those who patronize South Florida's 15 stores, court documents said.
Locally, a Bed Bath & Beyond store is at 2410 PGA Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens.
Advocates are advising consumers to read the labels on any new bedding purchases carefully: The thread practices protested by the lawsuit probably won't disappear, experts say.
Thread counts traditionally were calculated by multiplying the number of vertical and horizontal threads woven within a square inch, a method informally agreed upon by the industry for many years. But in the past decade, as more manufacturing moved overseas, some companies began twisting two threads together and then counting the two-ply strands twice.
So what previously was called a two-ply 300 thread-count sheet, for example, became advertised as a 600-count product.
Enter April White, a massage therapist from Clermont. About five years ago, White splurged on an 800-count, two-ply sheet set for her massage table at an Alabama Bed Bath & Beyond, spending about $183.
White declined to talk to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel for this article. But she told "The New Yorker" last month she became suspicious when the sheets lost their posh feel after the first washing. She had them tested at a textile lab and learned the two-ply truth.
She filed a class-action suit in New Jersey district court last year, naming Bed Bath & Beyond and Synergy Inc., the store's manufacturer. It alleged the companies had engaged in practices that were "unconscionable, deceptive and fraudulent," according to court documents. No other retailers were named in the suit.
The high-thread trend has increasingly driven marketing campaigns, as even celebrities talk about what counts grace their beds. Bedding retailers, with $2.5 billion annually in sheet sales, have "beat it into consumer's heads that [thread count] is the most important thing," said Warren Shoulberg, editor of the trade magazine "Home Furnishings News."
Yet, many other factors determine bedding's feel and quality, including the type of cotton, the finish and the weave.
"You can't say the higher count always is better," said Norma Keyes, director of product standards for Cotton Incorporated, a marketing and research group for U.S. cotton growers and importers.
Bed Bath & Beyond has denied the suit's allegations or any wrongdoing, said spokeswoman Catherine Gentile. But the company has agreed to settle, pending approval at a May 28 court hearing.
Under the terms of the settlement, anyone who purchased sheets, comforters and other bedding products labeled "plied," "two-ply" or "2-ply" from the store from Aug. 1, 2000, to Nov. 9, 2007, is eligible. They will receive a refund, a $10 Bed Bath & Beyond gift card or a 20 percent discount certificate.
Claim forms must be filed by May 13. For more details, go to
or call 1-888-271-6719.
Hardy Poole, director of regulatory and technical affairs for the National Textile Association, representing makers of bed linens, said the settlement could bring more awareness to an issue that has confused consumers for years.
Shoppers should carefully examine products claiming counts above 800, Poole said, as "they are extremely difficult to manufacture because the yarns have to be so small."
The U.S. textile manufacturers, who make up no more than 20 percent of the market, have repeatedly complained about thread count inflation to the Federal Trade Commission.
Shoulberg suggested the suit could "make the industry a little more aware, but this thread-count situation has been going on a long time."
The American Society for Testing and Materials International, which drafts manufacturing guidelines for a wide range of products, in 2006 created a thread-count standard stating that multi-plied yarns could not be counted more than once. But the standard is voluntary, not the law. As part of the settlement, Bed Bath & Beyond agreed to label its thread counts by ASTM standards for the next five years. Shoulberg thinks one solution is for consumers to choose linens by touch, not thread pedigree. "I always have said that anything over a 300- or 400-thread count is more in your head than in your hand," he said.
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你看到的1块钱是在加油前,加油站确认你的信用卡可以用(一般还会加上ZipCode的验证), 这是authorization. 我也遇到过$100的auth.真正加油的钱会在一两天后post上去, 因为settlement是后台单独处理的. $1背后的原因是credit card的运作机制. 简单来说就是: 信用卡公司帮你把油加了, 改天再跟你要账.加油站拿到的不只是$1的hold, 而是信用卡公司认可的你的这个人的credit. 这才是加油站敢于让你加油走人的关键. 举一个极端的例子,假定你的credit line是$500, 你买了$450的东东, 只剩下$50的limit了. 加油站authorize了$1, 实际加油的费用是$60. 这个时候一般的做法是: 加油站会从信用卡公司那儿拿到$60, 然后信用卡公司在你的bill上post$60. 大部分人考虑到credit的问题都不会耍赖的. 真遇上credit 破产拖欠一屁股卡债的人, 信用卡公司定期会把你的payment history送给信用机构, 以后再申请信用卡买车买房,都麻烦了.
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