broadcom wireless外盘内盘是什么意思思

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linux 无线网卡设置(加载驱动)-Broadcom网卡通用
发表于3年前( 00:44)&&
&&& 我的笔记本是acer的,装上fedora16 后发现无线不能用。幸好有线能用,就在网上查相关资料说是可以通过 “ndiswrapper”模拟运行windows下的驱动,但是试了几次没有成功,可能是驱动对不上号吧。然后在windows下用驱动精灵查看无线网卡型号为Broadcom Corporation,于是乎就去官网查找这个驱动了。
1、以root用户登录,或者su到root下也行。解压下载的驱动文件,例如:解压到/usr/soft/driver/hybrid-portsrc_x86_32-v5_100_82_112在终端下进入该目录,cd /usr/soft/driver/hybrid-portsrc_x86_32-v5_100_82_112
3、完成后安装:make install,之后你会发现该文件夹下多了个 wl.ko的文件。这个就是无线网卡的驱动模块。
# lsmod& | grep &b43\|ssb\|bcma\|wl&
If any of these are installed, remove them: # rmmod b43 # rmmod ssb # rmmod bcma # rmmod wl
To blacklist these drivers and prevent them from loading in the future: # echo &blacklist ssb& && /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf # echo &blacklist bcma& && /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf # echo &blacklist b43& && /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf 5、加载驱动程序--这步至关重要!
# modprobe lib80211 (我用的这个) & or
# modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip
# insmod wl.ko
&& #cp wl.ko /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.i686.PAE/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ && # depmod -a
&&&# echo modeprobe wl && /etc/rc.local& (Fedora/SUSE)
Broadcom Linux hybrid wireless driver Version
DISCLAIMER ---------- This is an Official Release of Broadcom's hybrid Linux driver for use with
Broadcom based hardware.
WHERE TO GET THE RELEASE ------------------------ /support/802.11/linux_sta.php
IMPORTANT NOTE AND DISCUSSION OF HYBRID DRIVER ---------------------------------------------- There are separate tarballs for 32 bit and 64 bit x86 CPU architectures. Make sure you use the appropriate tarball for your machine.
Other than 32 vs 64 bit, the hybrid binary is agnostic to the specific versions (2.6.X) and distributions (Fedora, Ubuntu, SuSE, etc).& It performs all interactions with the OS through OS specific files (wl_linux.c, wl_iw.c, osl_linux.c) that are shipped in source form. You compile this source on your system and link with a precompiled binary file (wlc_hybrid.o_shipped) which contains the rest of the driver.
PRECOMPILED DRIVER ------------------- Some distros (Ubuntu and Fedora at the least) already have a version of this driver in their repositories precompiled, tested and ready to go. You just use the package manager to install the proper package.& If its available for your distro, this is usually an easier solution. See the end of this document for further discussion.
ABOUT THIS RELEASE ------------------- This is a rollup release.& It includes and deprecates all previous releases and patches.& At the time of release there are no existing patches for this release from Broadcom.
SUPPORTED DEVICES ----------------- The cards with the following PCI Device IDs are supported with this driver. Both Broadcom and and Dell product names are described.&& Cards not listed here may also work.
&&& && BRCM&&& &&& &&& PCI&&& &&& & PCI&&& &&& & Dell &&& & Product Name&&& & Vendor ID&&& Device ID&&& Product ID &&&&&&&&& -------------&&& &----------&&& ---------&& &&& ----------- &&&&&&&&&
Ghz&&& &&& 0x14e4&&& 0x4311& &&& Dell 1390 &&&&&&&&& 4311 Dualband&&& &&& 0x14e4&&& 0x4312& &&& Dell 1490 &&&&&&&&& 4311 5 Ghz&&& &&& 0x14e4&&& &&& 0x4313& &&&
Ghz&&& &&& 0x14e4&&& 0x4315& &&& Dell 1395 &&&&&&&&&
Ghz&&& &&& 0x14e4&&& 0x4727 &&& &&& Dell 1501 &&&&&&&&& 4321 Dualband&&& &&& 0x14e4&&& 0x4328& &&& Dell 1505 &&&&&&&&& 4321 Dualband&&& &&& 0x14e4&&& 0x4328& &&& Dell 1500 &&&&&&&&&
Ghz&&& &&& 0x14e4&&& 0x4329& &&&
&&&&&&&&& 4321 5 Ghz&&&&&&& 0x14e4&&& 0x432a& &&&
&&&&&&&&& 4322 &&& Dualband&&& 0x14e4&&& 0x432b& &&& Dell 1510 &&&&&&&&&
Ghz&&&&& 0x14e4 &&& 0x432c& &&&
&&&&&&&&& 4322 5 Ghz&&&&&&& 0x14e4 &&& 0x432d& &&&
&&&&&&&&& 43224 Dualband&&& 0x14e4&&& 0x4353& &&& Dell 1520 &&&&&&&&&
Ghz&&&& 0x14e4&&& 0x4357& &&&
Ghz&&&& 0x14e4&&& 0x4358 &&&&&&&&& 43228 Dualband&&& 0x14e4&&& 0x4359& &&& Dell 1530
To find the Device ID's of Broadcom cards on your machines do: # lspci -n | grep 14e4
NOTABLE CHANGES --------------- &&& Added Cfg80211 support (described below) &&& Added Monitor mode&&&& (described below)
REQUIREMENTS ------------ Building this driver requires that your machine have the proper tools, packages, header files and libraries to build a standard a kernel module.&
This usually is done by installing the kernel developer or kernel source
package and varies from distro to distro. Consult the documentation for your specific OS.
If you cannot successfully build a module that comes with your distro's
kernel developer or kernel source package, you will not be able to build
this module either.
If you try to build this module but get an error message that looks like
make: *** /lib/modules/&release&/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
Then you do not have the proper packages installed, since installing the
proper packages will create /lib/modules/&release&/build on your system.
On Fedora install 'kernel-devel' (Development Package for building kernel modules to match the kernel) from the Package Manager (System-& Administration-& Add/Remove Software).
On Ubuntu, you will need headers and tools.& Try these commands: # apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-generic # apt-get build-dep linux
To check to see if you have this directory do this:
# ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
BUILD INSTRUCTIONS ------------------ 1. Setup the directory by untarring the proper tarball:
For 32 bit: &&& hybrid-portsrc.tar.gz For 64 bit: &&& hybrid-portsrc-x86_64.tar.gz
Example: # mkdir hybrid_wl # cd hybrid_wl # tar xzf &path&/hybrid-portsrc.tar or &path&/hybrid-portsrc-x86_64.tar.gz
2. Build the driver as a Linux loadable kernel module (LKM):
# make clean&& (optional) # make
When the build completes, it will produce a wl.ko file in the top level directory.
If your driver does not build, check to make sure you have installed the kernel package described in the requirements above.
This driver now supports the new linux cfg80211 wireless configuration API in addition to the older Wireless Extensions (Wext).& The makefile will automaticly build the right version for your system but it can be overridden if needed:
# make API=WEXT &or # make API=CFG80211
INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS --------------------
Upgrading from a previous version: ---------------------------------
If you were already running a previous version of wl, you'll want to provide a clean transition from the older driver. (The path to previous driver is usually /lib/modules/&kernel-version&/kernel/net/wireless)
# rmmod wl
# mv &path-to-prev-driver&/wl.ko &path-to-prev-driver&/wl.ko.orig # cp wl.ko &path-to-prev-driver&/wl.ko # depmod # modprobe wl
The new wl driver should now be operational and your all done.
Fresh installation: ------------------ 1: Remove any other drivers for the Broadcom wireless device.
There are several other drivers (besides this one) that can drive
Broadcom 802.11 chips such as b43, bcma and ssb. They will conflict with
this driver and need to be uninstalled before this driver can be installed. Any previous revisions of the wl driver also need to be removed.
Note: On some systems such as Ubuntu 9.10, the ssb module may load during boot even though it is blacklisted (see note under Common Issues on how to resolve this. Nevertheless, ssb still must be removed (by hand or script) before wl is loaded. The wl driver will not function
properly if ssb the module is loaded.
# lsmod& | grep &b43\|ssb\|bcma\|wl&
If any of these are installed, remove them: # rmmod b43 # rmmod ssb # rmmod bcma # rmmod wl
To blacklist these drivers and prevent them from loading in the future: # echo &blacklist ssb& && /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf # echo &blacklist bcma& && /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf # echo &blacklist b43& && /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
2: Insmod the driver.
Otherwise, if you have not previously installed a wl driver, you'll need to add a security module before using the wl module.& Most newer systems
use lib80211 while others use ieee80211_crypt_tkip. See which one works for
your system.
# modprobe lib80211
# modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip
If your using the cfg80211 version of the driver, then cfg80211 needs to be loaded:
# modprobe cfg80211
Then: # insmod wl.ko
wl.ko is now operational.& It may take several seconds for the Network
Manager to notice a new network driver has been installed and show the surrounding wireless networks.
If there was an error, see Common issues below.
Common issues: ---------------- * After the insmod you may see this message: & WARNING: modpost: missing MODULE_LICENSE() & It is expected, not harmful and can be ignored.
* If you see this message:
& &insmod: error inserting 'wl.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module&
& Usually this means that one of the required modules (as mentioned above) is & not loaded. Try this: & # modprobe lib80211 or ieee80211_crypt_tkip (depending on your os) & # modprobe cfg80211 &&&
& Now re-try to insmod the wl driver: & # insmod wl.ko &
* If the wl driver loads but doesn't seem to do anything: & the ssb module may be the cause.& Sometimes blacklisting ssb may not & be enough to prevent it from loading and it loads anyway. (This is mostly & seen on Ubuntu/Debian systems).
& Check to see if ssb, bcma, wl or b43 is loaded: & # lsmod | grep &ssb\|wl\|b43\|bcma&
& If any of these are installed, remove them: & # rmmod ssb & # rmmod bcma & # rmmod wl & # insmod wl
& Back up the current boot ramfs and generate a new one: & # cp /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` somewheresafe & # update-initramfs -u & # reboot
3: Setup to always load at boot time.
The procedure to make a module load at boot time varies from distro to distro.& Consult the docs for your specific distro to see how.& The
following seems to work for my setup on Fedora and Ubuntu.& Check your
docs to see the procedure for your distro.
Follow these steps to have the driver load as part of the boot process:
# load driver as described above # cp wl.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless
# depmod -a
# echo modeprobe wl && /etc/rc.local& (Fedora/SUSE)
Ubuntu ships a version of wl.ko, so those need to be disabled.& On my
system the were several versions, so I searched and renamed the .ko's like this:
# sh: for i in `find /lib /var -name wl\.ko`; do mv $i ${i}. done
TX POWER EXPLAINED ------------------ 'iwconfig eth1 txpower' & 'iwlist eth1 txpower' set and get the drivers
user-requested transmit power level. This can go up to 32 dbm and allows the user to lower the tx power to levels below the regulatory limit. Internally, the actual tx power is always kept within regulatory limits no matter what the user request is set to.
ISSUES FIXED AND WHAT'S NEW IN THIS RELEASE ------------------------------------------- + Added cfg80211 API support. The choice of API is done at compile time. If kernel version &= 2.6.32, cfg80211 is used, otherwise wireless extension
is used. (End users should notice little difference.) + Supports Linux kernel 2.6.38 + Fix for problem with rebooting while wireless disabled via airline switch. + Fixed a kernel panic observed on some 64-bit systems
HOW TO USE MONITOR MODE ----------------------- To enable monitor mode: $ echo 1 & /proc/brcm_monitor0
Enabling monitor mode will create a 'prism0' network interface. Wireshark and other netwokk tools can use this new prism0 interface.
To disable monitor mode: $ echo 0 & /proc/brcm_monitor0
ISSUES FIXED AND WHAT'S NEW IN RECENT RELEASES ------------------------------------------- + Supports monitor mode + Supports cfg80211 + Supports hidden networks + Supports rfkill
KNOWN ISSUES AND LIMITATIONS ---------------------------- #72238 - 20% lower throughput on channels 149, 153, 157, and 161 #72324 - Ubuntu 8.04: cannot ping when Linux STA is IBSS creator with WEP enabled #72216 - Ubuntu 8.04: standby/resume with WPA2 and wpa_supplicant causes a continuous assoc/disassoc loop (issue with wpa_supplicant, restarting wpa_supplicant fixes the issue) #76739 Ubuntu9.04: unable to connect to hidden network after stdby/resume #76793 Ubuntu9.04: STA fails to create IBSS network in 5 Ghz band
wpa_supplicant 0.6.3 + nl80211 + WEP - (Note: This would only affect you if
you are using wpa_supplicant directly from the command line and specify
nl80211 interface, e.g. &wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -ieth1 ..&. If you are using network manager GUI to connect it should work file.) wpa_supplicant 0.6.3 might have a bug that affect WEP connections created
through nl80211. Upgrade to wpa_supplicant to 0.7.3 would solve this problem.
Ubuntu 10.10 kernel + nl80211 + WPA/WPA2 - (Note: This would only affect you if
you are using wpa_supplicant directly from the command line and specify
nl80211 interface, e.g. &wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -ieth1 ..&. If you are using network manager GUI to connect it should work file.) Some kernel versions of Ubuntu such as 2.6.35-22 (released with Ubuntu
10.10) may have problems that affect WPA/WPA2 connections created through
nl80211. Upgrade to 2.6.35-25 or later should solve this problem.
HOW TO INSTALL A PRE-COMPILED DRIVER ----------------------------------- Some of the major linux distros already supply a version of this driver, so you don't have to compile your own.& Most of the distros keep this driver along with other proprietary or non-GPL drivers in a separate repository.
For further information see the documentation for your specific distro.
Fedora: ------ su -c 'rpm -Uvh'
su - yum update yum install kmod-wl
Ubuntu: ------ Go to System-&Administration-&Hardware Drivers Choose the Broadcom STA wireless driver Activate
Sometimes the driver does not show up in the Hardware Drivers choices.& In this case, try reintalling the driver from the GUI or shell like this:
From the GUI: Package Manager (System&Administration&Synaptic Package Manager). Click the
Reload button in the upper left corner of Synaptic to refresh your index then
search for and reinstall the package named bcmwl-kernel-source.
From the shell: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source
In either GUI or text case, after reinstalling, reboot your machine.
Now go back to System-&Administration-&Hardware Drivers and you should see the driver enabled and working.
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博通对于其Wifi卡在 GNU/Linux 上的支持不好可谓是臭名昭著。直到最近,大部分的博通芯片要么是完全不被支持,或者需要用户自行修改内核。一组有限的无线芯片由不同的逆向工程提供支持(比如:brcm4xxx, b43。从 Kernel 2.6.24 开始,这些逆向工程
2008年8月,博通发布了GNU/ Linux上的
正式为其无线设备提供 GNU/Linux 支持。这些驱动是闭源的, 但博通承诺,在未来将以一种更加开放的方式提供支持。此外,它们不具有隐藏 ESSID 的功能。
在2010年9月,博通完全开源的硬件驱动。该驱动程序已被列入到自2.6.37之后的内核中。随着2.6.39发布,这些驱动程序已被重新命名为 brcmsmac和 brcmfmac。
专有的 Broadcom STA 驱动
First, determine your card's . Type the following (case-sensitive) command into a console:
$ lspci -vnn | grep 14e4:
Then check your card against this
and this .
The brcm80211 drivers have been included in the kernel since 2.6.37. Since the release of 2.6.39, they have been renamed to brcmsmac (for PCI cards) and brcmfmac (for SDIO).
These drivers should be automatically loaded during startup and no further action should be required of the user. If the driver doesn't auto load, try the following commands.
# modprobe brcmsmac
# modprobe brcmfmac
Note: The bcma module can prevent some cards from showing up and may need to be .
Note: Since linux 3.3.1 the brcmsmac driver depends on the bcma module and blacklisting is no longer required.
states that brcm80211 does not support older PCI/PCI-E chips with ssb backplane.
The drivers are included in the kernel since 2.6.24.
Verify which module you need by looking up your device . You can also check by computer model . Blacklist the other module (either b43 or b43legacy) to prevent possible problems/confusion. For instructions, see .
Install the appropriate AUR or AUR package from the .
You can now configure your device.
Warning: This driver is more likely to cause problems than to resolve them. Most of the problems reported by users on Broadcom chips are caused by this driver. Using this is HIGHLY NOT recommended. Before you even think of trying out this one, make sure to try the other drivers first.
For users of the broadcom-wl driver, there is a PKGBUILD available in the AUR (AUR). You can also download this driver directly from . However, the PKGBUILD method is strongly encouraged, as that way will have
track all of the files.
The wl module may need to be manually loaded if there are other usable modules present. Before loading the wl module, remove the b43 or other module that may have been automatically loaded instead:
# rmmod b43
Also unload ssb, if loaded:
# rmmod ssb
Note: Failure to unload ssb may result in the wireless interface not being created.
Load the wl module
# modprobe wl
The wl module should automatically load lib80211 or lib80211_crypt_tkip. Check with lsmod to see if this is the case. If not, you may need to add one of those two modules as well.
# modprobe lib80211
# modprobe lib80211_crypt_tkip
If you installed the driver directly from Broadcom, you may also need to update the dependencies:
# depmod -a
To make the module load at boot, add wl (and lib80211/lib80211_crypt_tkip, if needed) to your MODULES array in /etc/rc.conf.
MODULES=(... wl...)
You can also blacklist other modules (to prevent them from interfering) in /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf. To blacklist a module just append a new line with the syntax blacklist &module name&:
blacklist b43
blacklist ssb
Warning: Broadcom Corporation BCMb/g WLAN [14e4:4311] does not work with blacklisting b43 and ssb.
在我的戴尔 Inspiron笔记本上,拥有BCM4401有线网卡和BCM4328无线网卡。如果我仅仅是移除b43模块,我能加载wl无线驱动,但是没有无线网卡显示。然而,如果我先移除有线网卡的b44(和ssb)驱动模块,然后加载wl无线驱动,则会有一个eth0无线网卡设备出现。之后,再重新加载b44驱动,这样就同时能有一个eth1的有线网卡出现。
Put "lib80211_crypt_tkip" and "wl" at the BEFORE b44 (if you have it) position in MODULES= 在 /etc/rc.conf 模块部分,b44(如果你需要这个驱动的话)之前加入lib80211_crypt_tkip wl
不要忘记把 b43 模块加入黑名单
Since the 3.3.1 kernel the bcma module was introduced. If using a brcm80211 driver be sure it has not been . If using a b43 driver be sure the it has been.
Be sure the correct modules are blacklisted and occasionally it may be necessary to blacklist the brcm80211 drivers if accidentally detected before the wl driver is loaded. Furthermore, update the modules dependencies depmod -a, verify the wireless interface with ip addr, kernel upgrades will require an upgrade of the non- package.
使用 broadcom-wl 驱动也许会发现它们的以太网和 Wi-Fi 接口交换了。查看这里()的解决方案。
Append the following :
You may continuously get some verbose and annoying messages during the boot, similar to
phy0: brcms_ops_bss_info_changed: arp filtering: enabled true, count 0 (implement)
phy0: brcms_ops_bss_info_changed: qos enabled: false (implement)
phy0: brcms_ops_bss_info_changed: arp filtering: enabled true, count 1 (implement)
enabled, active
To disable those messages, increase the loglevel of printk messages that get through to the console.
Create a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ called printk.conf or something similar:
kernel.printk = 3 3 3 3
for an explanation of this variable.
无论是 lspci 还是 lsusb 都不能检测到设备。这个问题目前无法解决。 请在解决后删除此节点。
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