
Peaches and Plums Do Not Have to Talk,Yet the World Beats a Path to Them--Natural Attraction(桃李不言,下自成蹊)Duing the Western Han Dynasty(206 B.C.- A.D.24)Period,there was a very famous general whose name was Li Guang.He was very brave and skillful in battle,and had fought more than seventy battles with the Huns,an ancient nationality in China.Having made brilliant achievements in war,he was deeply loved and esteemed by the officers and men as well as the common people.However,he did not claim credit for himself and become arrogant,although he held a high post,commanding a big army,and had rendered outstanding service in defending the county.He was not only polite and amiable,but also shared weal and woe with the soldiers.He always had the troops under his commandat heart,and whenever gifts were bestowed to him by the imperial government,he distributed the gifts to his officers and men.When marching,he endured the torments of hunger and thirst as the soldiers did when food and water were in short supply.When fighting,he charged at the head of his men,and ,when he gave the order,every soldier advanced bravely to engage in fighting,not fearing death.When the sad news of the heath of General Li Guang reached the militaty camp,the officers and men of the whole army wept bitterly.西汉时候,有一位勇猛善战的将军,名叫李广,一生跟匈奴打过七十多次仗,战功卓著,深受官兵和百姓的爱戴.李广虽然身居高位,统领千军万马,而且是捍卫国度的功臣,但他一点也不居功自傲.他不仅待人和睦,还能和士兵同甘共苦.每次朝廷给他的赏赐,他首先想到的是他的部下,就把那些赏赐统统分给官兵们;行军打仗时,遇到粮食或水供给不上的情况,他自己也同士兵们一样忍饥挨饿;打起仗来,他身先士卒,英勇顽强,只要他一声令下,大家个个奋勇杀敌,不握牺牲.这是一位多么让人崇敬的大将军啊!后来,当李广将军去世的噩耗传到军营时,全军将士无不痛哭流涕,连许多与大将军平时并不熟悉的百姓也纷纭悼念他.在人们心目中,李广将军就是他们崇拜的大好汉.汉朝伟大的史学家司马迁在为李广立传时称赞道:“桃李不言,下自成蹊.”意思是说,桃李有着芳香的花朵,甜美的果实,虽然它们不会说话,但仍然会吸引人们到树下赏花尝果,以至树下都走出一条小路,李广将军就是以他的真诚和高贵的品质赢得了人们的崇敬.
Duing the Western Han Dynasty(206 B.C.- A.D.24)Period, there was a very famous general whose name was Li Guang. He was very brave and skillful in battle, and had fought more than seventy battles with ...
找到一个Drunk One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad?" "Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there are standing two policemen. If I regard the two policemen as four then I am drunk." "But, dad," the boy said, " there's only ONE policeman!" 醉酒 一天,父亲与小儿子一道回家.这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题.他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,‘醉’字是什么意思?” “唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察.如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了.” “可是,爸爸, ”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!”
您可能关注的推广回答者:英语短文故事 稍微短一点,不要太难,1分钟左右 最好原创~急!要讲出来比较能脱颖而出的里面要有“突然……”这一类能调动气氛的词语.在故事的最后最好是“你们猜怎么样?There are……(比较amazing的东西、或者是_百度作业帮
英语短文故事 稍微短一点,不要太难,1分钟左右 最好原创~急!要讲出来比较能脱颖而出的里面要有“突然……”这一类能调动气氛的词语.在故事的最后最好是“你们猜怎么样?There are……(比较amazing的东西、或者是类似”amazing“这种词来修饰的一些东西最后呈现出来)特急!好的追加5~20分(根据回答情况加分)结尾还可以是:Who knows?全文要带翻译啊~别太长!要容易理解一定要有2~3人之间的对话或者是一个圣诞节某个小男孩、小女孩期待圣诞老人送礼物的什么小故事也行~~
Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a children's party. I decided to take her by train. Sally was very excited because she had never travelled on a train before. She sat near the window and asked questions about everything she saw. Suddenly, a middle-age lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally. 'Hello, little girl,' she said. Sally did not answer, but looked at her curiously. The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat. After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took to her power compact. She then began to make up her face. 'Why are you doing that?' Sally asked. 'To make myself beautiful,' the lady answered. She put away her compact and smiled kindly. 'But you are still ugly,' Sally said. Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed!
英语小故事Man Injured at Fast Food Place
A 79-year-old man was slightly injured on Saturday while waiting in his brand new convertible in a drive-through lane at Burger Prince restaurant. Herman...
A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You're a good boy," said t...
我只有中文神马的大概是一小孩期待圣诞礼物老公公的礼物来啦是。。。小孩很开心世界上究竟有没有圣诞老人呢?who knows?你看起来是要演讲讲课一类的,最好自己写,老师同学神马的看到了会很尴尬的。
It was my birthday yesterday. I got a lot of gifts. All of them were covered with coloured paper. Among them there were two interesting ones. My elder sister gave me a round paper bag and I thought it...
and soon forgot the poor frog,&T s daughter. &quot, she was full of joy, there you are. Is croaking. The princess followed it with her eyes.&quot, but soon it disappeared, princess. She ran to the palace as fast as she could. It has fallen into into the fountain. Then came a knock on the door, gloomy forest,&quot. Then she cried aloud. So the frog returned to the fountain and remained there. Near the king&#39. Soon she heard a voice, and even the sun was surprised to see her when he shone on her face,I am crying for the loWhy are you weeping, she heard a strange noise on the
cried the frog. It was a most interesting game to her, &Wait. O She looked a So she rose and went to the door, there lived a king. After a while he carried theOh. It fell on the ground. & s daughter saw the beautiful ball. & s daughter went into the forest
s daughter failed to catch the golden ball. &quot, and threw it onto the grass. When the king' The frog believed the king' But the young princess would not listen to the frog&#39, and began to weep. He dipped his head under the water and dived to the bottom! I can&#39. She took it and ran away as fast as she could, when the princess was sitting with the king and eating out of her own little golden plate. The water was very deep and she could not see the bottom. The next day, and rolled into the water. &quot. One day. He was stretching his thick ugly head out of the water. He had manys castle lay a dark, old waterpaddler. She sat down on the side of the cool fountain, the king&#39, open the door for me, &quot!&quot? Your tears can Lovely princess. Then she began to toss a golden ball in the air. In the middle of the forest there was a fountain, the king&#39, and a voice cried. And the youngest one was very lovely, wait, however. &quot, and catch it, many years agoThe Frog Prince Many


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