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第一章 假戏真做&第二章 孤独的美女教练&第三章 美女教练幸遇悍女解围&第四章 陡然生波&第五章 继续发酵&第六章 去留难定&第七章 庭松的神奇旅行&第八章 庭松的迂回策略&第九章 救星出现了&第十章 重燃希望&第十一章 临场生怯&第十二章 笑对压力&第十三章 精彩纷呈&第十五章第二节 救人的少年&第十五章第三节 锦生的家&第十六章 打乱计划的电话&第十七章 及时驰援&第十八章 锦生的勤奋&第十九章 意外取胜&第二十章 房车赛啦啦队&第二十一章 笑对挑衅&第二十二章 嫉妒&第二十三章 赴宴&第二十四章 大闹游泳馆&第二十五章 决战3000米&第二十六章 山间温泉&第二十八章 “育才杯”教练员赛&第二十八章 争论&第二十九章 挖墙脚&第三十章 较量&第三十一章 骚动&第三十二章 充当理财师&第三十三章 不速之客&第三十四章 绝处逢生&第三十五章 分歧&第三十六章 临机应变&第三十七章 解围&第三十八章 初战告捷&第三十九章 借题发挥&第四十章 钻石之王&第四十一章 秘密&第四十二章 飞来横祸&第四十三章 嫌疑加深&第四十四章 乘人之危&第四十五章 宇宙科研中心&第四十六章 旁敲侧击&第四十七章 循循善诱&第四十八章 防卫机器人&第四十九章 新病毒&第五十章 锦生受辱&第五十一章 郊游&第五十二章 接力赛&第五十三章 士气低迷&第五十四章 意外访客&第五十五章 忧虑&第五十六章 不明黑影&第十四章第一节 找到男教练&第十四章第二节 男教练辞职&第十五章第一节 自我鼓励&第五十七章 未主任出马&第五十八章 奇怪的小偷&第五十九章 百宙&第六十章 雯虹研究所&六十一章 准备提取&第六十二章 宝石书&第六十三章 诱骗成昊&第六十四章 劫走立冬&第六十五章 羊入虎口&第六十六章 杳无踪迹&第六十八章 危机四伏&第六十九章 立春得势&第七十章 事不关己&第七十一章 勇闯实验室&第七十二章 命悬一线&第七十三章 痛彻心扉&第七十四章 庭松染病&第七十五章 魅宝受困&第七十六章 危急关头&第七十七章 周密策划&第七十八章 百宙的疑问&第七十九章 功亏一匮&第八十章 立冬失忆&第八十一章 能量失衡爆强震&第八十二章 失算&第八十三章 彩虹图案&第八十四章 宝光荟萃&第八十五章 恶梦不断&第八十六章 纠结&第八十七章 玉宇夫人巧解围&第八十八章 灵花复原&第八十九章 为爱寻药&第九十章 姐弟争吵&第九十一章 庭松出院&第九十二章 血月&第九十三章 秘密武器&第九十四章 暗渡陈仓&第九十五章 情感与理智&第九十六章 神奇地直觉&第九十七章 精心布局&
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中外文化差异在“龙”中的体现谈到中国,人们的头脑中不免会出现巨龙腾空、祥云环绕的意象。尽管在物理世界中,“龙”并不是一种客观存在物,然而“龙”文化在中国人的心目中已经是根深蒂固。从皇帝的龙袍到端午的龙舟,从华夏大地的炎黄子孙到侨居海外的龙的传人,莫不以“龙”为神圣的象征。“龙”是中国人的图腾,是中华民族凝聚力的标志。“龙”在汉语中蕴涵着高贵、神圣、吉祥、欢乐的意义,而西方文化中的“dragon”则另有其特殊的形态和含义。一、中国龙为何物《现代汉语词典》对“龙”的释义是:“我国古代传说中的神异动物,身体长,有鳞,有角,有脚,能走,能飞,能游泳,能兴云降雨⋯.封建时代用龙作为帝王的象征,也把龙字用在帝王使用的东西上。”1. 传说中的龙中国龙起源于原始社会的发展和繁荣时期,至今约有八千年的历史。它是古人将鱼、鳄、蛇、猪、马、牛等动物与云雾、雷电、霓虹等自然现象模糊集合而产生的一种神物,它变化无常,能细能巨,能短能长,既能深入水底,亦能腾云登天。不仅如此,人们还把各种美德和优秀的品质集中到龙的身上。2. 中国人生活中的龙许多民族都有关于龙的神话传说,但是像中国这样,以龙为荣为尊,而且各种事物都多少跟龙有点关系的国家却是绝无仅有的。在中国,龙简直无所不在。龙的文化,源远流长。二、西方“dragon”又为何物 1.西方人心目中的 Dragon 和中国的龙相去甚远,非常丑陋。在西方文化中,龙是一种类似巨型爬行动物,身上有翅口中喷火的怪物,是邪恶和暴力的标志。长相凶狠的龙也被古代西方人用在盾牌,军旗和徽章上 ,用以起到阻吓敌人的作用。所以龙在西方也是战争的象征。龙是一种可怕的生物,会发出一种令人惊慌的气势,它亦可以使用一些魔法的效果,视乎种类。2.“dragon”是西方文化中的一个重要现象,在西方生活中影响极大,家喻户晓。有关“dragon”《, 圣经》中有多次描绘,有其特殊明确的形态与含义:一种无恶不作的怪兽,“是恶的象征”。西方人认为,dragon 是邪恶的象征,是凶残的怪物,应予消灭。在一些描写圣徒和英雄的传说中,讲到他们和龙这种怪物作斗争的事迹,多以怪物被杀为结局。毫无疑问,drag 用来指人也常包含贬义。三、中外龙文化的对比民族文化交融。民族文化需要与世界文化接轨, 需要在更广阔的背景下与其他民族的先进文化建立起积极的互动关系。我们应该把中国的优秀文化推向世界, 应该将“龙”文化等在内的丰富的中国文化介绍给世界, 让世界了解中国的龙应该让更多的丰富的中国文化融入世界大背景, 不闭关自守, 要走向世界, 与世界文化互动, 成就真正的文化“全球化”。惟有东西方文化的交汇、融合、互补, 才能创造出更灿烂的人类文明。请不要用软件翻译,浪费你的时间,也浪费我的时间,谢谢。
中外文化差异在“龙”中的体现 谈到中国,人们的头脑中不免会出现巨龙腾空、祥云环 绕的意象。尽管在物理世界中,“龙”并不是一种客观存在 物,然而“龙”文化在中国人的心目中已经是根深蒂固。从皇 帝的龙袍到端午的龙舟,从华夏大地的炎黄子孙到侨居海外 的龙的传人,莫不以“龙”为神圣的象征。“龙”是中国人的图 腾,是中华民族凝聚力的标志。“龙”在汉语中蕴涵着高贵、神圣、吉祥、欢乐的意义,而西方文化中的“dragon”则另有其特殊的形态和含义。
Reflection of Differences of Chinese and Foreign Cultures in the “Dragon”
Talking about china, people may probably think of the image of a dragon flowing in the sky surrounded by the clouds. Although in the physical world, “dragon” is not an objective existence, the culture of it has been deeply rooted in the heart of Chinese people. From the saint dress of the emperor to the dragon boat in the Dragon Boat Festival, from the descendants of China to the future generations of the “dragon” overseas, “dragon” has been the sacred symbol of all of them. “Dragon” is the totem of China, the symbol of the cohesion of the people of China. In Chinese, “dragon” underlies the meaning of nobility, auspiciousness as well as happiness, while “dragon” has its own specific character and significance.一、 中国龙为何物 《现代汉语词典》对“龙”的释义是:“我国古代传说中的神异动物,身体长,有鳞,有角,有脚,能走,能飞,能游泳,能兴云降雨⋯. 封建时代用龙作为帝王的象征,也把龙字用在帝王使用的东 西上。” 1. 传说中的龙 中国龙起源于原始社会的发展和繁荣时期,至今约有八千年的历史。它是古人将鱼、鳄、蛇、猪、马、牛等 动物与云雾、雷电、霓虹等自然现象模糊集合而产生的一种 神物,它变化无常,能细能巨,能短能长,既能深入水底,亦能 腾云登天。不仅如此,人们还把各种美德和优秀的品质集中到龙的身上。 2. 中国人生活中的龙 许多民族都有关于龙的神话传说,但是像中国这样,以 龙为荣为尊,而且各种事物都多少跟龙有点关系的国家却是 绝无仅有的。在中国,龙简直无所不在。龙的文化,源远流长。First, the definition of “dragon”
The definition of “dragon” in the Modern Chinese Dictionary is “a sacred animal in the ancient Chinese legendary which have scales on the body with horns, and is able to walk, fly, swim, and call for winds and rain. It is used as the symbol of the emperor in the feudal time and carved in the objects used by the emperor.”1, dragon in legendary
The Chinese dragon originated from the developing and prospering period of the primitive society with a history of eight thousand years. It is a sacred object created from the combination of animals such as fish, crocodile, snake, pig, horse, cow, etc. and natural phenomenon such as cloud, fog, thunder, lightening, and rainbow, etc. Dragon is constantly changing that can be thin and huge, it can dive to the bottom of the river and soar through the clouds into the sky. Moreover, various virtues and applauding characters are ingrained in the definition of dragon.2, dragon in the Chinese daily life.
Many other peoples all have legendary about dragon. However, China is the only one that feels honored and respected by the dragon, and have everything somehow related to it. In China, dragon is omnipresent, and the culture of it dates back long time ago.
二、西方“dragon”又为何物 1.西方人心目中的 Dragon 和中国的龙相去甚远,非常丑陋。在西方文化中,龙是一种类似巨型爬行动物,身上有翅口中喷火的怪物,是邪恶和暴力的标志。长相凶狠的龙也被古代西方人用在盾牌,军旗和徽章上 ,用以起到阻吓敌人的作用。所以龙在西方也是战争的象征。龙是一种可怕的生物,会发出一种令人惊慌的气势,它亦可以使用一些魔法的效果,视乎种类。 2.“dragon”是西方文化中的一个重要现象,在西方生活中 影响极大,家喻户晓。有关“dragon”《, 圣经》中有多次描绘, 有其特殊明确的形态与含义:一种无恶不作的怪兽,“是恶的 象征”。西方人认为,dragon 是邪恶的象征,是凶残的怪物,应予 消灭。在一些描写圣徒和英雄的传说中,讲到他们和龙这种 怪物作斗争的事迹,多以怪物被杀为结局。毫无疑问,drag 用来指人也常包含贬义。Second, the definition of dragon in western countries1, Dragon in the western concept differs tremendously from the one in China. In western countries, dragon is a monster that looks like a giant reptile with wings on the back and can spray fire from mouth. It is a symbol of evil and violence. Dragon with vicious look was carved on the shield, national flag, and badge by ancient western people to scare away the enemies, so dragon in the west is also a sign of wars. Dragon is a horrible creature that gives out a intensive atmosphere. It can also use magic and ignore other creatures.2, dragon is an well known and important phenomenon in the western culture that exerts great influence on their lives. In the Bible, dragon is described for many times, and mentioned as its specific form and significance: “a curial monster as the symbol of evilness.” The western people believe that dragon represents evilness and is a vicious monster that deserves eradication. In some legendaries about saints and heroes fighting against the monster “dragon”, dragons are always killed as the ending of the story. There is no doubt it underlies humiliation or distain when referring someone as a dragon. 三、中外龙文化的对比 民族文化交融。民族文化需要与世界文化接轨, 需要在更广 阔的背景下与其他民族的先进文化建立起积极的互动关系。 我们应该把中国的优秀文化推向世界, 应该将“龙”文化 等在内的丰富的中国文化介绍给世界, 让世界了解中国的龙应该让更多的丰富的中国文化融入世界大 背景, 不闭关自守, 要走向世界, 与世界文化互动, 成就 真正的文化“全球化”。惟有东西方文化的交汇、融合、互 补, 才能创造出更灿烂的人类文明Third, comparison of dragon culture of China and foreign countriesStimulation of cultures. A culture of a people should be convergent to the world culture and establish positive interactive relationship with developed culture of other peoples under a broader background. We should introduce the excellent Chinese culture to the whole world including the “dragon culture”. In order to let the world understand the Chinese dragon, China culture should dip itself into the broad international environment, open up to the outside world, interact with other cultures and ultimately help accomplish the real “culture globalization”. Only when the western and oriental cultures confront, mix, and compliment with each other, can a glamorous human civilization achieved.希望能派上用场,谢谢~
不介意吧。。。。中外文化差异在“龙”中的体现 谈到中国,人们的头脑中不免会出现巨龙腾空、祥云环 绕的意象。尽管在物理世界中,“龙”并不是一种客观存在 物,然而“龙”文化在中国人的心目中已经是根深蒂固。从皇 帝的龙袍到端午的龙舟,从华夏大地的炎黄子孙到侨居海外 的龙的传人,莫不以“龙”为神圣的象征。“龙”是中国人的图 腾,是中华民族凝聚力的标志。“龙”在汉语中蕴涵着高贵、神圣、吉祥、欢乐的意义,而西方文化中的“dragon”则另有其特殊的形态和含义。 Reflection of Differences of Chinese and Foreign Cultures in the “Dragon” Talking about china, people may probably think of the image of a dragon flowing in the sky surrounded by the clouds. Although in the physical world, “dragon” is not an objective existence, the culture of it(这里用the culture itself会比较好) has been deeply rooted in the heart(这里应该是无心的吧,呵呵。。忘了加s -- hearts) of Chinese people. From the saint dress of the emperor to the dragon boat in the Dragon Boat Festival, from the descendants of China to the future generations of the “dragon” overseas, “dragon” has been the sacred symbol of all of them. “Dragon” is the totem of China, the symbol of the cohesion of the people of China(会不会觉得用Chinese people会要简洁些呢?). In Chinese, “dragon” underlies the meaning of nobility, auspiciousness as well as happiness, while “dragon” has its own specific character and significance. 不好意思。。。。那个。。。。有点事。。。。先改到这里吧。。。
您好!!原文:中外文化差异在“龙”中的体现 谈到中国,人们的头脑中不免会出现巨龙腾空、祥云环 绕的意象。尽管在物理世界中,“龙”并不是一种客观存在 物,然而“龙”文化在中国人的心目中已经是根深蒂固。从皇 帝的龙袍到端午的龙舟,从华夏大地的炎黄子孙到侨居海外 的龙的传人,莫不以“龙”为神圣的象征。“龙”是中国人的图 腾,是中华民族凝聚力的标志。“龙”在汉语中蕴涵着高贵、神圣、吉祥、欢乐的意义,而西方文化中的“dragon”则另有其特殊的形态和含义。译文:The Chinese and foreign cultural difference manifests in “the dragon” to talk about China, in people's brains will present the big dragon to soar unavoidably, the auspicious cloud to surround the image which will circle. Although in the physical world, “the dragon” is not one kind of objective existence the thing, however “the dragon” the culture in Chinese's mind was already ingrained. From the emperor Emperor imperial robe to the fifth day of the fifth lunar month dragon boat, to lives abroad overseas dragon teaching other people from motherland's Chinese people, none who does not take “dragon” as sacred symbol. “the dragon” is Chinese's chart leaps, is the Chinese nation cohesive force symbol. “the dragon” is containing noblly, sacred, propitious, the happy significance in Chinese, but in the Western culture “dragon” in addition has its special shape and the meaning. 原文:一、中国龙为何物 《现代汉语词典》对“龙”的释义是:“我国古代传说中的神异动物,身体长,有鳞,有角,有脚,能走,能飞,能游泳,能兴云降雨⋯. 封建时代用龙作为帝王的象征,也把龙字用在帝王使用的东 西上。” 1. 传说中的龙 中国龙起源于原始社会的发展和繁荣时期,至今约有八千年的历史。它是古人将鱼、鳄、蛇、猪、马、牛等 动物与云雾、雷电、霓虹等自然现象模糊集合而产生的一种 神物,它变化无常,能细能巨,能短能长,既能深入水底,亦能 腾云登天。不仅如此,人们还把各种美德和优秀的品质集中到龙的身上。 2. 中国人生活中的龙 许多民族都有关于龙的神话传说,但是像中国这样,以 龙为荣为尊,而且各种事物都多少跟龙有点关系的国家却是 绝无仅有的。在中国,龙简直无所不在。龙的文化,源远流长。译文:First, what the sinosaurus is &Modern Chinese Dictionary& right “the dragon” the explanation is: “our country ancient times in the fable gods and ghosts animal, the body length of body, had the scale, had the angle, had the foot, could walk, could fly, could swim, could be popular the cloud rainfall. the feudal period takes king's symbol with the dragon, also uses Long Zi west east which the king uses on.” 1. In fable dragon the sinosaurus stems from the primitive society the development and the good time, until now approximately has eight millennium histories. It is the ancient one kind of which and so on fish, alligator, snake, pig, horse, cow the animal and the fog, the thunder and lightning, the neon and so on natural phenomenon fuzzy set produces the supernatural object, it is constantly changing, can thin be able to be great, can short be able to be long, also under water can penetrate, can also leap the cloud to ascend to heaven. Not only that the people also concentrate each kind of moral excellence and the outstanding quality on the dragon body. 2. The Chinese lives dragon many nationalities to have about the dragon myth fable, but looks like China like this, dragon to revere take the as the honor, moreover each kind of thing how many country which a little relates with the dragon is actually is unique. In China, the dragon is simply omnipresent. Dragon culture, well-established. 原文:二、西方“dragon”又为何物 1.西方人心目中的 Dragon 和中国的龙相去甚远,非常丑陋。在西方文化中,龙是一种类似巨型爬行动物,身上有翅口中喷火的怪物,是邪恶和暴力的标志。长相凶狠的龙也被古代西方人用在盾牌,军旗和徽章上 ,用以起到阻吓敌人的作用。所以龙在西方也是战争的象征。龙是一种可怕的生物,会发出一种令人惊慌的气势,它亦可以使用一些魔法的效果,视乎种类。 2.“dragon”是西方文化中的一个重要现象,在西方生活中 影响极大,家喻户晓。有关“dragon”《, 圣经》中有多次描绘, 有其特殊明确的形态与含义:一种无恶不作的怪兽,“是恶的 象征”。西方人认为,dragon 是邪恶的象征,是凶残的怪物,应予 消灭。在一些描写圣徒和英雄的传说中,讲到他们和龙这种 怪物作斗争的事迹,多以怪物被杀为结局。毫无疑问,drag 用来指人也常包含贬义。译文:Second, in what the West “is dragon” also 1. westerner mind Dragon and China's dragon is very different, is ugly. In the Western culture, the dragon is one kind of similar giant reptile, on the body has the monster which in the wing mouth torches, is evil and the violence symbol. The appearance cut-throat dragon is also used by the ancient times westerner in the shield, on the colors and the badge, with by plays scares enemy's role. Therefore the dragon in the West is also war's symbol. The dragon is one fearful living thing, will send out one kind of startled imposing manner, it may also use some black magics the effect, will regard the type. 2. “dragon” is in a Western culture important phenomenon, lives in the West to affect enormously, widely known. Related “dragon” &, Holy Bible& has describes many times, has its special explicit shape and the meaning: One kind stops at no evil the monster, “is wicked the symbol”. The westerner believed that dragon is the evil symbol, is the flagitious monster, should give the elimination. In some describe the disciple and in hero's fable, talks about them and Long Zhei plants the monster to make struggle's fact, many are killed take the monster as the result. Without a doubt, drag uses for to refer to the human also often to contain the derogatory meaning. 原文:三、中外龙文化的对比 民族文化交融。民族文化需要与世界文化接轨, 需要在更广 阔的背景下与其他民族的先进文化建立起积极的互动关系。 我们应该把中国的优秀文化推向世界, 应该将“龙”文化 等在内的丰富的中国文化介绍给世界, 让世界了解中国的龙应该让更多的丰富的中国文化融入世界大 背景, 不闭关自守, 要走向世界, 与世界文化互动, 成就 真正的文化“全球化”。惟有东西方文化的交汇、融合、互 补, 才能创造出更灿烂的人类文明。 译文:Third, Chinese and foreign dragon culture's contrast the national culture blends. The national culture needs with the world culture trail connection, to need extravagant background to establish the positive interactive relations in broader under the with the other nationality's advanced culture. we should push to China's outstanding culture the world, should cultural and so on rich Chinese culture introduce “the dragon” gives the world, lets the world understand that China's dragon should let the more rich Chinese cultures integrate world big the background, does not close the borders and practice isolationism, must move toward the world, with world culture interaction, achievement true culture “globalization”. Only has the East and West culture connection, the fusion, to make up mutually, can create the brighter human culture.


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