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&&英文单词:dress up
简明英汉词典dress upv.盛装, 打扮, 装饰, 伪装美国传统词典[双解]dressdressAHD:[drμs] D.J.[dres]K.K.[drWs]v.(动词)dressed, dress.ing, dress.esv.tr.(及物动词)(1)T clothe.给…穿衣;穿衣(2)To furnish with clothing.给…提供衣服(3)To decorate or adorn:装饰或装点:dress a Christmas tree.装饰圣诞树(4)To arrange a display in:布置:dress a store window.布置商店的橱窗(5)To arrange (troops) align.排成列:使(军队)排列有序;使排齐(6)To apply medication, bandages, or other therapeutic materials to (a wound).敷药:将药物、绷带或其它治疗用材料敷于伤口(7)To arrange and groom (the hair), as by styling, combing, or washing.梳理:梳理(头发),如做发型、梳发或洗发(8)To groom (an animal); curry.梳刷(动物);梳刷(9)To cultivate (land or plants).栽种:培植(植物),整治(土地)(10)To clean (fish or fowl) for cooking or sale.清洗干净:给(鱼家禽)放血、去毛和内脏以备烹煮或出售(11)To trim and finish the surface of:磨光:修理或抛光…的表面:dress a plank.磨光木板v.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To put on clothes.穿衣(2)To wear clothes of a certain kind or style:装扮:穿上某种样式的衣服:dresses casually.穿休闲服(3)To wear formal clothes:盛装:穿正式的衣服:dress for dinner.为晚宴穿上礼服(4)To get into proper alignment with others:与其它人排齐:The troops dressed on the squad leader.士兵向班长看齐n.(名词)(1)C apparel.衣着;服装(2)A style of clothing:衣服式样:folk dancers in peasant dress.穿农民服装的民族舞演员(3)A one-piece outer garment for women or girls.女外套:妇女或女孩穿的一件套的外穿衣服(4)Outer co guise:装扮,风貌:覆盖物或外表;装扮:an ancient ritual in modern dress.以现代风貌包装的古代仪式adj.(形容词)(1)Suitable for formal occasions:适于正式场合的:dress shoes.礼鞋(2)Requiring formal clothes:要求穿正式服装的:a dress dinner.需穿礼服的晚宴常用词组dress down(1)T reprimand:责备;指责:I was dressed down by the teacher for lateness.我因为迟到而受到老师的责备(2)To wear informal clothes, befitting an occasion or location:穿平常的衣服:穿非正式服装以适应场合或地点:I dressed down for such a casual occasion.在这样非正式的场合,我穿着随便dress upTo wear formal or fancy clothes:盛装:穿正式的或精选的服装:They dressed up and went to the prom.他们盛装去参加舞会习惯用语dress ship【航海】To display the ensign, signal flags, and bunting on a ship.将舰旗、信号旗悬挂在船上语源(1)Middle English dressen [to arrange, put on clothing] 中古英语 dressen [布置,着装] (2)from Old French drecier [to arrange] 源自 古法语 drecier [布置] (3)from Vulgar Latin *do3re} 源自 俗拉丁语 *do3re} (4)from Latin dos [past participle of] dorigere [to direct] * see direct 源自 拉丁语 dos [] dorigere的过去分词 [引导] *参见 direct注释A dress is such a common article of modern attire that it is difficult to imagine that the word dress at one time did not refer to such a thing. The earliest sense of dress, recorded in a work written before 1450, was “speech, talk.” The relationship of our modern sense to this early sense is explained by the fact that the noun dress comes from the verb dress, which goes back through Old French drecier, “to arrange,” and the assumed Vulgar Latin do3re} to Latin do, a form of the verb do, “to direct.” In accordance with its etymology the verb dress has meant or still means “to place,” “to arrange,” and “to put in order.” The sense “to clothe” is related to the notion of putting in order, specifically in regard to clothing. This verb sense then gave rise to the noun sense “personal attire”as well as to the important garment sense, which has made the fortune of many a fashion designer. The earliest noun sense, “speech,” comes from a verb sense having to do with addressing or directing words to other people.衣服是现代服饰中相当普通的物件,很难想象dress 一词一度并不指衣服。 根据写于1450年以前的一本书记载dress 的最早含义是“说话,谈话。” 我们的现代含义与这一早期含义的关系可由以下事实解释:名词dress 来源于动词 dress , 动词dress又可追溯到古法语drecier, “安排”, 与假定的拉丁俗语directiaer 乃至拉丁语 directus, 该拉丁词是动词dirigere “引导”的一种形式。 按照其词源动词dress 曾经并仍意为“放置”,“安排”与“使有序”。 “着衣”一义与使有序的意思有关,特别是有关衣物时,该动词意义又产生了名词意义“个人服饰”,以及使许多服装设计师大发其财的正式礼服的意义。最早的名词含义,“说话”来自于有关与其它人说话的动词意义现代英汉词典dress[dres]vt., vi.(1)穿衣He is dressed very well.他穿得很漂亮。Dress yourself quickly.你快点穿衣服。(2)供给衣服(3)为…做衣服;为…选衣服The princess is dressed by a famous dressmaker.这位公主的衣裳是由著名的服装师缝制的。(4)穿晚礼服;盛装(5)处理;梳理;使…表面光洁to dress stone打磨石头(6)清创;敷药;包扎伤口I dressed his cut hand.我给他包扎砍伤的手。(7)装饰to dress a shopwindow装饰商店橱窗(8)布置(商店橱窗等);使引人注目习惯用语dressed to kill穿着极炫目的衣服吸引异性词性变化dressn.(1)衣服;服装;外衣;礼服He was in special dress for the ceremony.他穿了身特别的衣服来参加典礼。(2)连衣裙;女服dressadj.(1)服装的;用于衣裳的(2)正式场合穿的a dress shirt礼服衬衫(3)需要或可穿礼服的常用词组dress down责骂;谴责dress up(1)穿着打扮;装饰She like to dress up for a party.她喜欢把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮去参加晚会。(2)(孩子)穿别人的衣服闹着玩现代英汉综合大辞典dress[dres]n.(1)(统指)服装(尤指外衣); [a dress]女服; 童装(2)礼服, 盛装(3)覆盖物; 外形, 形式; 装饰品; (鸟等的)羽毛care much about dress讲究衣着a summer dress夏装an evening dress夜礼服a full dress大礼服a bird in its winter dress冬季羽毛丰满的鸟儿Chinese poetry in English dress中国诗歌的英译本词性变化dress[dres]vt.(1)给...穿衣; 供衣着给; 打扮(2)装饰, 修饰, 布置, 整理(3)敷裹, 包扎(伤口)(4)加工(皮带等); 梳理(头发); 梳刷(马等), 烹调(饮食); 做(菜); 修剪(树木等); 使(织物、石料等)表面光洁(5)整顿(队伍)(6)耕种(土地); 给(土地)施肥; 为(庄稼)除草(7)适当处理;【矿】选(矿)be dressed in white穿着白衣服dress oneself换衣, 打扮a well [finely] dressed lady衣着漂亮[讲究]的妇女dress a ship with flags用旗帜装饰轮船dress a shop window布置商店的橱窗dress a wound敷裹伤口dress one's hair梳理头发dress down a horse给 马 梳刷dress a salad拌色拉dress a chicken for dinner为晚餐多做一只鸡dress jade stones修琢玉石dress the ranks列队dress a crop给 庄稼施肥除草dress[dres]vi.(1)穿衣, 穿礼服; 打扮; 整装(2)【军】看齐(3)(鸡等)退毛后净重dress well [badly, neatly]衣着漂亮[难看, 整洁]dress up like a plushhorse[美俚]穿得过份考究Get up and dress quickly.快起来穿衣服。He dressed for dinner.他身着夜礼服去赴宴了。D-to the right.向右看齐。dress[dres]adj.(1)女服的; 童装的(2)礼服盛装的(3)需要穿礼服的a dress dinner要求穿礼服的晚宴继承用法dressmake[`dresmeIk]vi.做女礼服[童装]dressmaker[5dresmeIkE(r)]n.女服[童服]裁缝dress makingn.女服童装制作业dress-upadj.要求穿礼服的习惯用语all dressed up and nowhere to go打扮得整整齐齐却无处可去炫耀, 平白无故地打扮得漂漂亮亮be dressed (up fit)to kill(=be dolled up fit to kill)[口]穿得过于时髦, 穿得过于花哨be dressed up to the nines (=be dressed to death)穿得非常时髦[华丽]evening dress晚礼服fancy dress奇装, 奇装异服; (舞会等场合穿的)化装服饰fatigue dress【军】劳动服装granny dress长及踝部的宽大女服Left dress!【军】向左看齐!morning dress(1)(在家里穿的)女便服(2)(白天穿的)男礼服"No dress ""无需穿礼服"(请帖上用语)Right dress!【军】向右看齐!Service dress军便服dress out(1)打扮(2)装饰(船等)(3)包扎(伤口)dresssb. down狠狠地训斥某人; 鞭打某人dress up(1)(给...)穿上盛装, (给...)乔装打扮(2)整队特殊用法academic dress(大学或同类机构中表示身分、职位、学位或其他资格的)礼服; 学生服skip dress(砂轮的)间隔修整working dress(1)比赛服装(2)和某人谈重要[秘密, 有趣]的事(3)缠着某人谈个不休, 惹人厌烦bore sb's ear+[1]s使某人成为终身奴隶(来自《圣经》)bow down one's ear+[1]to sb.垂听某人的话;降格倾听某人的话(来自《圣经》)box sb.'s ear+[1]s打某人耳光by ear+[1]不看乐谱, 凭听觉记忆演奏[唱]by the ear+[1]s相咬, 相斗(指动物); 争吵, 不和, 打架, 扭斗catch sb.'s ear+[1]得到某人的注意和同情, 使倾听自己的意见close[shut, stop] one's ear+[1]s to掩耳不闻, 对...置之不理cloth ear+[1]s耳背, 听力不好come to sb.'s ear+[1](s)(=reach sb.'s ear+[1]s)传到某人耳朵, 被...听见dead above the ear+[1]s[美俚]没有头脑, 愚蠢din in sb.'s ear+[1]s(噪音)在耳际震响din sth. into sb.'s ear+[1]s [head]唠唠叨叨地对某人说某事dry behind the ear+[1]s[通常用于否定句]成熟的, 老于世故的easy on the ear+[1]悦耳动听fall about one's ear+[1]s彻底地垮了, 完全毁了fall on deaf ear+[1]s没人理会fall [go, come] together by the ear+[1]s[废]对骂; 吵成一团fall upon sb.'s ear被某人听到, 传到某人的耳朵fall upon the ear被某人听到, 传到某人的耳朵for sb.'s private ear+[1]秘密地, 对某人私下讲的gain the ear+[1] of引起注意; 使人相信get sb. (up) on his ear+[1][美俚] 激怒某人get up on one's ear+[1](1)鼓起干劲(2)发脾气give [lend] an ear+[1] to倾听Give every man thine ear+[1], but few thine voice.[谚]多听少说。give one's ear+[1]s不惜任何代价give sb. a thick ear+[1]打肿某人耳朵go in at one ear+[1] and out at the other左耳进, 右耳出(当作耳旁风)Go shake your ear+[1]s ![废、蔑]醒一醒!打起精神来grate [jar] upon the ear+[1]刺耳, 叫人听起来不愉快grin from ear+[1] to ear+[1]咧着嘴笑, 笑逐颜开have a quick ear+[1]耳朵很尖have an ear+[1] for对...听觉灵敏; 对...有鉴赏力have itching ear+[1]s爱听流言蜚语; 爱听东家长西家短have long ear+[1]s爱打听别人的事情; 耳朵尖; 消息灵通have merchant's ears[废]假装没听到put on merchant's ears[废]假装没听到have [keep] one's ear+[1] to the ground注意舆论等的动向; 留心可能发生的事情have sb.'s ears得到某人倾听, 获得某人的好感, 在某人面前是红人win sb.'s ears得到某人倾听, 获得某人的好感, 在某人面前是红人hold by the ears紧紧控制住have by the ears紧紧控制住take by the ears紧紧控制住in at one ear+[1] and out at the other (=in one ear+[1] and out the other)一耳进一耳出, 听了就忘keep one's ear+[1]s open留心听laugh from ear+[1] to ear+[1]咧着嘴大笑lead sb. by the ear+[1]s操纵某人, 使某人唯命是从make the ear+[1]s tingle震耳欲聋meet sb.'s ear+[1]被某人听到offend the ear+[1]刺耳one's ear+[1]s are singing耳鸣pin back one's ear+[1]s专心听pin sb.'s ear+[1]s back击败某人; 痛打[骂]某人play by ear+[1]不看乐谱演奏play it by ear+[1][口]见机行事, 随机应变; 临时凑合, 即席作成pound one's ear+[1][美俚]睡prick up one's ear+[1]s竖起耳朵听(露出期待或关切的神情), 侧耳倾听pull [drag] by the ear+[1]拉耳朵; 采取强迫手段Pull in your ear+[1]s ![美俚]当心!, 住嘴!rabbit ear+[1]s(1)(电视机的)兔耳形室内天线(2)(运动员)对观众评论的敏感ring in sb.'s ear+[1]s声犹在耳, 留连在记忆里set (sb.) by the ear+[1]s使人不和, 挑拨离间set on its ear+[1][口]使激动[骚动], 引起变乱[动乱]sleep on both ear+[1]s酣睡split sb.'s ear+[1]s震耳欲聋strain one's ear+[1]s侧耳细听talk sb.'s ear+[1] off唠叨不休, 说个没完throw sb. out on his ear+[1][美谑]将某人轰出tickle sb.'s ear+[1]巴结奉承tumble about one's ear+[1]s在某人四周崩溃, 垮下来turn a deaf ear+[1] to装听不见, 不理睬turn a willing ear+[1] to乐意听up to the ear+[1]s深深陷于walk off on one's ear+[1][美俚]悻悻而去wash an ass's ear+[1]s白费力气wet behind the ear+[1]s[口]乳臭末干, 还年轻没有经验with open ear+[1]s洗耳恭听ear+[1] burn羞得面红耳赤特殊用法adjusting ear+[1]调整用耳状把手, 调整(张力的)耳(状物), 拉线用复滑轮anchor ear+[1]拉桩耳子, 拉桩环artificial ear+[1]仿真耳bushing ear+[1]坩埚 [漏板]耳朵(用作电极)cable mounting ear+[1]缆索安装吊耳clamp ear+[1]夹具, 卡具dog's ear+[1]轧件表面上的结疤double ear+[1]双耳elephant ear+[1]细平面海绵体(修整陶瓷用)external ear+[1]【解】外耳feeder ear+[1]馈电线夹halt-anchor ear+[1]【电】半锚杆环hog ear+[1]猪耳internal ear+[1]【解】内耳Jew's ear+[1]黑木耳long ear+[1]板材、带材的端部缺陷middle ear+[1]【解】中耳normal ear+[1]正常耳splicing ear+[1]连接端子telephone ear+[1](1)电话耳机(2)仓促上阵; 介入自己并不了解的事(3)死sticky end不好的下场, 可悲的下场supreme end最高的目的, 至善supreme good最高的目的, 至善tail end(1)屁股(2)末端[尾](3)结尾部, 结束时期That's the end.(1)(我)再也不能忍受了, (我是)忍无可忍了。(2)(发言, 播音等)完了, 到此结束。the business end(工具, 武器等)起作用 的一头, 管用的一端, 锋利的一面The end crowns all.[谚]结局的好坏, 决定一切。the short end (of the stick)[美俚]吃亏的事情, 不公平的待遇the thin end of the wedge开头细小而大有希望的事物; 开头无关紧要但后果严重的行为the world's end世界尽头, 天涯海角think no end of非常看重[敬重], 认为是很了不起的to no end无结果, 徒劳to the bitter end至死, 拚到底to the very end至死, 拚到底to the end of the chapter到最后, 至死; 永远to the end of time永远, 始终to the end that ...为...起见, 其目的在于West E-伦敦西区(豪华的住宅区)with this end in view以此为目的, 为此without end无尽期的[地], 无休止的[地]end for end两端倒转过来, 倒个头end in以...结尾, 以...告终end off结束, 完结, 终止end on(1)正对着; 一端与...相接地(2)正面地(3)以...方式结尾end or mend (=mend or end)要么改进, 要么结束; 要么治好, 要么叫他死掉end to end首尾相接地end up(1)竖起, 直立(2)结束, 告终(3)死end with以...结束end up with以告终特殊用法abnormal end不正常终止[结束]abutting end对接端, 接合端aft end尾部, 后端armature end磁舌端; (继电器的)衔铁端axle end轴端batch feeding end(配合料)投[加]料端bitter end索端; 锚链(船上)固定端, 扣(锚)链端blind end封闭端block end信息组终端bloom crop end方坯的切头boiling end沸腾终点bowl end驼峰底, 驼峰编组场尾部box car end棚车端部(端墙)built-in end固定端butt end对接端, 平头端calyx end萼端change ends交换场地switch ends交换场地cantilevered end悬臂端charging end(池窑)加[投]料端close end固定金额cod end囊网, 拖网coil end线圈端collar end轴环端connecting rod large end连杆大[小]头connecting rod small end连杆大[小]头cool end冷端, 低电位端cooling end冷却部[端]coupling end联轴节端crank end曲柄端crest end驼峰顶端crop end切头, 切尾cylinder end缸头[端]dead end终[闲, 空]端delivery end(轧机的)出口端, 卸料端distal end远端; 顶部dog end轴的棘轮, 轴的爪形接合器domed end圆顶端double end双端引线doup end绞经drag link end拉杆端driving end扳手头, 驱动端dry end干燥口, (前进式干燥炉)出料口educational end教育目的entrance end进入端, 进口端entry end入口端exhaust end排气端, 卸料端exit end出口端expansion end活动端, 可伸缩端factory end罐底can manufacturer's end罐底fag end(1)布头; 绳头; 残品; 废品; 渣滓(2)绳索的散端; 布匹头尾的散口边; 绳带fancy ends【刷】扉页纸feed(ing) end送电端, 馈电端; 投料端filling pipe end注水口, 上水口(给水)fining end澄清部, 澄清带fixed end固定端flanged ends法兰盘接头flared end扩口, 圆口(玻璃制品热加工), 扩边, 管子接头的边flat end(线圈的)平直端grid end(机械手)握物端, 抓柄head end首端hinged end铰链端; 铰接端hot end高电位端ignorant end of tape钢卷尺活动端ingot crop end锭截头, 冒口部分input end输入端jib end卸料悬臂端leakage end漏磁端least significant end最低端, 最末端loading end加载端loop end环端low-pressure end低压端main rod end摇杆端, 摇杆头miter end斜接端most significant end最高端, 最前端normal end标准端not-go end不通端, 止端open end开口端opened end公开限期own ends【刷】书芯纸衬页polishing end抛光车间, 抛光工段power end电力端print end印制结束proximal end近[极]端roller end辊端; 可移动端; 端部带滚柱的rounded end(油槽的)球面底, 回转端, 圆头screwes ends螺纹接头sealed end焊接端, 密封端sealing end电缆封头[封端]; 焊接端sending end送电端, 发送端serrated end(管的)收缩端shift end移位终止single-chain ends单链终止法spigot end (of pipe)(管子)插端, 窝接口小端spring fixed end弹簧固定端tab ends棉布头tag end末端[尾]universal end万向节轴的铰接头end of file文件结束, 外存储器终端[结束]end of job"工作结束"end of encode编码结束end of message character信息结束字符参考词汇见 close&&&&美国传统词典dressdressAHD:[drμs] D.J.[dres]K.K.[drWs]v.dressed, dress.ing, dress.esv.tr.(1)T clothe.(2)To furnish with clothing.(3)To decorate or adorn:dress a Christmas tree.(4)To arrange a display in:dress a store window.(5)To arrange (troops) align.(6)To apply medication, bandages, or other therapeutic materials to (a wound).(7)To arrange and groom (the hair), as by styling, combing, or washing.(8)To groom (an animal); curry.(9)To cultivate (land or plants).(10)To clean (fish or fowl) for cooking or sale.(11)To trim and finish the surface of:dress a plank.v.intr.(1)To put on clothes.(2)To wear clothes of a certain kind or style:dresses casually.(3)To wear formal clothes:dress for dinner.(4)To get into proper alignment with others:The troops dressed on the squad leader.n.(1)C apparel.(2)A style of clothing:folk dancers in peasant dress.(3)A one-piece outer garment for women or girls.(4)Outer co guise:an ancient ritual in modern dress.adj.(1)Suitable for formal occasions:dress shoes.(2)Requiring formal clothes:a dress dinner.常用词组dress down(1)T reprimand:I was dressed down by the teacher for lateness.(2)To wear informal clothes, befitting an occasion or location:I dressed down for such a casual occasion.dress upTo wear formal or fancy clothes:They dressed up and went to the prom.习惯用语dress shipNauticalTo display the ensign, signal flags, and bunting on a ship.语源(1)Middle English dressen [to arrange, put on clothing] (2)from Old French drecier [to arrange] (3)from Vulgar Latin *do3re} (4)from Latin dos [past participle of] dorigere [to direct] * see direct 注释A dress is such a common article of modern attire that it is difficult to imagine that the word dress at one time did not refer to such a thing. The earliest sense of dress, recorded in a work written before 1450, was “speech, talk.” The relationship of our modern sense to this early sense is explained by the fact that the noun dress comes from the verb dress, which goes back through Old French drecier, “to arrange,” and the assumed Vulgar Latin do3re} to Latin do, a form of the verb do, “to direct.” In accordance with its etymology the verb dress has meant or still means “to place,” “to arrange,” and “to put in order.” The sense “to clothe” is related to the notion of putting in order, specifically in regard to clothing. This verb sense then gave rise to the noun sense “personal attire”as well as to the important garment sense, which has made the fortune of many a fashion designer. The earliest noun sense, “speech,” comes from a verb sense having to do with addressing or directing words to other people.英汉航海大词典dress up vt.穿上盛装,打扮得漂漂亮亮 英汉化学大词典dress up vt.穿上盛装,化装,装饰
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<e up上升;发生;参加;中奖 I expect something to come up soon.我预料很快就要出事的.My number will never come up.我的号码永远不会中奖.2.cut up 切碎;伤心;歼灭 This news had cut him up.这消息使他心烦意乱.The enemy were badly cut up in the battle.在战斗中敌人死伤惨重.3.eat up 吃光;耗尽;消灭;全盘接受 That vacation ate my savings up.那次假期我花光了积蓄.He was eaten up with pride.他狂妄自大.4.get up 上升;增强;学习;激发 The train was getting up.火车在提速.I must start getting up my lecture notes.我应该开始温习听课笔记了.5.give up 放弃;投案;献出;泄露 I'll give up offering to go.我不打算再提要去的事了.He's given himself up to the cause of education.他献身于教育事业.6.go up 上涨;响起;攀登;报考 The goods have gone up in price.商品价格已经上涨.He has gone up for the exam.他已经报考.7.stay up 熬夜; 漂浮;不倒 He stayed up reading until midnight.他看书看到半夜.These houses stayed up in the earthquake.这些房子在地震中没有倒塌.8.take up 占用;从事;采纳;学习 All his evenings were taken up with study.他晚上的时间都被学习占去了.My proposal has not been taken up so far.我的建议目前还未被采纳.


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