Section=ResponseHeader detail beat love=CR 后面必须是 LF

显示行号 复制代码 ? 处理『服务器提交了协议冲突』
#region 处理『服务器提交了协议冲突. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=CR 后面必须是 LF』
//需引用 using System.R
public static bool SetAllowUnsafeHeaderParsing()
//Get the assembly that contains the internal class
Assembly aNetAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(
if (aNetAssembly != null)
//Use the assembly in order to get the internal type for
// the internal class
Type aSettingsType = aNetAssembly.GetType(
if (aSettingsType != null)
//Use the internal static property to get an instance
// of the internal settings class. If the static instance
// isn't created allready the property will create it for us.
object anInstance = aSettingsType.InvokeMember("Section",
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.GetProperty
| BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, null, new object[] { });
if (anInstance != null)
//Locate the private bool field that tells the
// framework is unsafe header parsing should be
// allowed or not
FieldInfo aUseUnsafeHeaderParsing = aSettingsType.GetField(
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (aUseUnsafeHeaderParsing != null)
aUseUnsafeHeaderParsing.SetValue(anInstance, true);
return true;
return false;
还没有引用.服务器提交协议冲突 Section=ResponseStatusLine 的解决办法
  最近写程序抓取数据,发现对有的网站用HttpWebrequest抓取网页的时候会报错,捕获异常提示:"服务器提交了协议冲突 Section=ResponseStatusLine ”,改用WebClient也是同样问题,后来知道,WebClient是对HttpWebrequest进一步进行了封装。最后终于找到问题根源:The
LF 微软没有容忍不符合RFC
822中的httpHeader必须以CRLF结束的规定的服务器响应。通过修改配置文件解决:在app.config(WinForm)或web.config(Web)文件里修改。WinForm下的app.config默认不存在,手动在Debug文件夹所在的同级目录下新建一个XML配置文件,内容为:& xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"
useUnsafeHeaderParsing= "true "
&/编译以后会在Debug下面自动创建一个 程序nfig 的配置文件查看: 4815|回复: 2
服务器提交了协议冲突. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=标头名称无效
TA的每日心情开心昨天&08:14签到天数: 71 天[LV.6]常住居民II
小小程序员() 11:06:51
我的代码:string url = &;
& && && && &HttpHelper httpHelper = new HttpHelper();
& && && && &HttpItem item=new HttpItem ();
& && && && &item.URL=
& && && && &item.ResultType = ResultType.S
& && && && &HttpResult r = httpHelper.GetHtml(item);
小小程序员() 11:07:20
它提示:服务器提交了协议冲突. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=标头名称无效
PerkySu() 11:08:13
ContentType = &text/html&这个参数没有设置
PerkySu() 11:09:05
PerkySu() 11:09:09
小小程序员() 11:10:13
小小程序员() 11:10:57
还是提示:服务器提交了协议冲突. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=标头名称无效
PerkySu() 11:12:52
myRequest.ContentType = &application/x-www-form-urlencoded&;
PerkySu() 11:13:04
item.ContentType = &application/x-www-form-urlencoded&
PerkySu() 11:13:45
[code=csharp]服务器提交了协议冲突.Section=ResponseHeader Detail=CR 后面必须是LF.
微软没有容忍不符合RFC 822中的httpHeader必须以CRLF结束的规定的服务器响应所导致.
& & &
& & &settings&
& & &httpWebRequest useUnsafeHeaderParsing=”true” /&
& & &/settings&
& & &/
PerkySu() 11:14:13
PerkySu() 11:14:20
小小程序员() 11:14:26
小小程序员() 11:17:44
小小程序员() 11:17:55
小小程序员() 11:18:24
& |主题: 50, 订阅: 8
TA的每日心情开心昨天&08:14签到天数: 71 天[LV.6]常住居民II
[code=csharp]服务器提交了协议冲突. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=CR 后面必须是 LF&&
The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=CR must be followed by LF&&
主体意思是微软没有容忍不符合RFC 822中的httpHeader必须以CRLF结束的规定的服务器响应。&&
& & &
& && &&&&settings&
& && && && &&httpWebRequest useUnsafeHeaderParsing=&true& /&
& && &&&&/settings&
& & &/
&/configuration&&?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&utf-8& ?&
& & &
& && &&&&settings&
& && && && &&httpWebRequest useUnsafeHeaderParsing=&true& /&
& && &&&&/settings&
& & &/
( 豫ICP备号-1)c# - The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=CR must be followed by LF, In WinForms? - Stack Overflow
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I am trying to use a WebClient / HttpWebRequest to download some data from a server. I use the following code to do so:
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("admin", "password");
Stream datastream = client.OpenRead("/cgi-bin/CF_logs.html");
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(datastream);
The server is my page is in my router's configuration. It works fine from a browser, but when downloaded using my code it throws a WebException with the message
The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=CR must be followed by LF, In WinForms?.
I have found a solution one would use if they were using, adding the following to web.config:
&httpWebRequest useUnsafeHeaderParsing="true" /&
However, I am making a WinForms app so this won't work for me. What alternatives are there to fix this problem?
First, adding an app.config file is just as easy as adding any other file,
Then you just have to add that code snippet above to that new app.config.
Another way of setting that property via code, avoiding the need for an app.config is shown
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