study makes me。。。 考研英语作文文

英语小短文 带翻译 50到60词 跪求 谢谢_资格_考试与招生资讯网
英语小短文 带翻译 50到60词 跪求 谢谢
发表于: 05:24:02& 整理: &来源:网络
   >> 我要感谢你400字作文今天,我要感谢你,乐乐,是你帮助了我!你应该还记得今天上午,我们上完合唱队出来时,离下课还有2分钟,我连忙飞速的冲向教室,可经过大门洞时,我的右手不知道被什么东西划了一下,当我感到右手丝丝疼痛时,发现右手指划了一道深深的口子,鲜血直流,当你看见时,惊呆了,连忙带我去冲洗伤口,然后,用纸巾帮我包扎起来,然后才带我匆匆的回到教室。下课了,你又来到我桌前,把一个被水浸透的纸巾帮我擦洗伤口,还不时的问我,怎么样痛吗?你真像我的亲妹妹,我的眼里布满了泪水。放学时,你还不时问我的伤情,我终于忍不住了,流着眼泪对于佳乐说:“乐乐,谢谢你!”于佳乐却微笑着挥了挥手走了。于佳乐,谢谢你!
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Unit1 How can we become good learners&&& 分享英语学习的经验与方法是书面表达的一个重要内容。在写此类提建议短文时,最重要的是将你所提的建议罗列清楚,掌握几个常用的句型,必要时可列一个提纲,正确运用过渡词展开写作。&&& 常用句型归纳如下:1.There are some good ways to…2.I think you should…3.It is also a good idea to…because…4.You could try to improve your English by…5.This will help you to…6.Never give up and keep trying. You’ll make progress.&&& 假如你是李雷,收到了一封玲玲的来信,信中她说她的英语很差,不知道怎样提高,希望你给予帮助。请用英语写一封回信,信的开头已给出。80词左右。Dear Lingling, && I heard from you yesterday. I knew your English is bad. In fact, English is not as difficult as you think. Here are some good ways for you.&&& Firstly, you should get everything ready before class and don’t be shy to speak English in class or out of class. Secondly, listen carefully and make notes when you're in class. It can help you understand the lesson better. Thirdly, revise the lesson after the class. Don’t worry too much about it. Last, Keep trying and you’ll soon learn it better.Yours,Li Lei
Unit2 I think mooncakec are delicious介绍自己最喜爱的节日是本单元的写作内容。写此类作文时要介绍节日名称及其时间,谈论人们所做的事和所吃的食物,还要介绍自己喜欢的原因以及对节日的感受。&&& 常用句型归纳如下: 1.My favorite festival is…2.It is celebrated in/on…3.During this festival,people…4.It’s my favorite festival because…5.It makes me feel …My Favorite Festival  My favorite festival is Christmas. It is celebrated on December 25th.On Christmas Eve,my whole family gets together and sits around the table to have a big dinner. On the table,there is lots of Christmas food,such as turkey,fish and honey apples. On Christmas Day,I get up early and greet my parents by saying “Merry Christmas!”.They give me some presents. So I like Christmas Day.It makes me happy and excited.
Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?本单元的写作内容是询问信息。写此类作文时,首先要做自我介绍,简单说明询问信息的目的。然后使用一些礼貌用语,用不同的句式向对方提问,结束时要向对方致谢。常用句型归纳如下:1.My name is…and I’m from…2.I’ll come to your school for…3.I’d like to know about…4.Could you please tell me…5.I’m looking forward to your reply.&&& 假如你是迈克,来自美国,你想利用暑假时间来北京的育才学校学习汉语。请根据以下问题提示给该校的李老师写一封邮件,询问学校的有关事宜。词数为80个左右。提示:What course you will study? What time will you study the course? Where and what can you eat? Where will you stay? What activities can you do?Dear Mr. Li,&&&& How do you do! I’m Mike from America. I am a Chinese learner. I will come to your school for a short study vacation this summer. I have some questions to ask you. I’d like to know what course I will study and what time I will have the course. Could you please tell me where and when I can eat? I also want to know where I will stay,at school or a hotel? At last,please tell me what activities I can do in your school. I’m looking forward to your reply. Thanks a lot.Yours,Mike
Unit4 I used to be afriad of the dark  现在和过去进行比较的短文属于记叙文的范围。此话题的作文通常会以提示性作文的形式给出。注意要将提示的要点都表达清楚。句子的时态通常为一般过去时和一般现在时,used to句型在此类作文中应用广泛。  常用句型归纳如下:1.My life has changed a lot in the last few years.I used to…Now I’m…2.The biggest change in my life was…  假如你叫李华,刚转到一所新学校。请根据下面表格中的信息,介绍你的一些变化。80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。&&&&&&& 过去&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 现在有很多朋友,性格开朗&&&&&&&&&&&& 几乎没有朋友,变得沉默寡言花很多时间和朋友们一起玩&&&&&& 多数时间用在功课上对功课没有兴趣,成绩很差&&&&&& 变得爱学习了,成绩提高很快I have changed a lot since I moved to this new school this term.I used to have many friends and be outgoing, but now I have few friends,and I become a little quiet. In the old school, I used to spend much time playing with my friends,but now I have to spend most of my time on my schoolwork.I used to have no interest in my lessons, so I usually got bad grades. However, now I become more interested in my studies, and my grades have improved a lot.
Unit5 What are the shirts made of?本单元写作主题是介绍一件产品。通常涉及产品名称,产地,用途以及产品的特色。注意被动语态在写作中的正确运用。  常用句型归纳如下: 1.My town/city is famous for…;2.…is famous in my town/city;3.…is/are made of/ from/ with/ by /in;4.…is/are used for…;5.…is/are known for…;6.…is/are special because…  假如你的家乡是杭州西湖,该地以著名的西湖龙井茶而闻名,请你根据以下提示,以Dragon Well Tea为题写一篇短文,介绍一下家乡的龙井茶,不少于80个单词。提示:the home of,history,be made by,special tea culture.Dragon Well Tea  I come from Hangzhou,which is the home of the famous Dragon Well Tea. It is one of the most famous teas in China. It has a history of more than 1,200 years. It was produced in Song Dynasty and became popular in Ming Dynasty. In the past,it was made by hand,but now it is made by machine. Dragon Well Tea is not only a drink but also a culture. The special tea culture is made up of tea planting,tea-leaf picking and tea drinking. There are also many famous poems,dances and songs about tea.
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