跪求mine on thursdays 中文歌词...

) 1. A. We have math and P. E. on Thursdays.   
B. We have music and P. E. on Thursdays.(
) 2. A. They like computer class.   
B. They like art class.(
) 3. A. Today is Tue_百度作业帮
) 1. A. We have math and P. E. on Thursdays.   
B. We have music and P. E. on Thursdays.(
) 2. A. They like computer class.   
B. They like art class.(
) 3. A. Today is Tue
(&&&& ) 1. A. We have math and P. E. on Thursdays.   & B. We have music and P. E. on Thursdays.(&&&& ) 2. A. They like computer class.   & B. They like art class.(&&&& ) 3. A. Today is Tuesday.   & B. Tomorrow is Tuesday.(&&&& ) 4. A. You can play computer games on Sundays.   & B. You can read books on Sundays.
1. B& 2. A& 3. B &4. BCollegeNET Forum - Would you rather work from home or in an office?
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Would you rather work from home or in an office?
created by
314 days 9 hours 20 minutes ago
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Hi CNET friends!
Hope you enjoyed your weekend, here comes Monday...
So I am currently unemployed since moving here to Florida to continue
schooling, and while job searching, it had me thinking about working
from home so that I can more free time to do my school work. However, I
do like being in a work environment and meeting new people.
Which do you prefer?
I would say at home, especially if you have children it would be more
convenient and a plus no daycare spending or gas or anything like that.
Hey! I have had the opportunity to work from home and work in the
office. Where I work, we are allowed one work from home day a week. I
usually take mine on Thursdays.
There are pros and cons to working from
home, everyone thinks it is amazing until they start doing it and then
they realize it is not as great as they initially thought it would be.
On the positive side working from home gives you a lot more time. I
don&t have to worry about my commute into work, getting ready for
the office or coworkers coming by my desk just to chat. This provides me
with more free time for myself, and more focus to get my work done. I
also get to eat lunch at home, so I can prepare a healthier meal than
what I would eat at work. Working from home also comes in handy when
there is maintenance going on. Whenever my apartment needs something
fixed I ask that the maintenance guys come on Thursdays, that way I am
On the negative side of working from home, it can get pretty boring
sitting at home all day staring at a computer screen. I am very social
and I enjoy talking to others, so the solitude makes my day really long.
Also, there is a loss in collaboration with my coworkers. It can be hard
to share ideas and information while I&m not in the office. I miss
out on a lot of new information that is circulating.
All in all, I enjoy my work from home day once a week. I don&t
think I would take more than one though.
Can I have the best of both worlds?
I'd love to work from home and also have the flexibility to go into the
office....say for 1-2 days of the week.
I first started working from home about 3 yrs ago....and I STRUGGLED!
First few months were strange. I have to literally shower up, dress up
and even wear shoes in order to get into the mindset of working....all
this....while still at home!
Once I crossed that hump, I couldn't care less!
Gimme PJ's and flip-flops! :-)
As Tastam mentioned, working from home can become very boring.
Often times, I'd go to a (quiet) coffee shop that had WiFi...and work
from there for 2-3 hrs/day.
Then, I crossed that hump too!
Now, I mainly work from home...and sometimes go into the office.
While office is great for face-to-face meetings and general networking,
I get A LOT MORE work done at home.
While at home, people can't walk up to me and chat-away my time!
Plus, I don't have to listen to annoying conference calls that others
around me may be on.
I feel my time is best utilized working from home.
Besides, being at home gives me the flexibility to do other chores as well.
So I would like to keep both options, but primarily work from home.
Hey Christy,
I would love to work from home, but it would make me a bit passive. I've
noticed that I am more productive when getting out of the house for a
couple of hours (going to the library, Starbucks, or reading a couple
chapters in the park) because I can get way too comfortable studying in
bed. If I could work from home, my schedule would definitely be a little
more flexible but the down side is that I wouldn't meet as many people
as I do on a daily basis which I like doing. I've met so many great
friends at my customer service job, even though it is hectic, I'd rather
punch the clock and have some social interaction.
I don't think I could ever work from home. I have a hard enough time
completing homework on time, or making the deadline for posts on
CollegeNET (some nights I'll submit my last post just minutes before the dealine).
So if I were to try and work from home? All of my distractions would
become even more appealing. I don't think I'd ever get anything accomplished.
I have a friend who works from home doing medical transcription. It
makes sense because she has two daughters who are still too young to be
looking after themselves, and her husband is often out of the country on
business. So it would be difficult for her to be away from her girls in
order to go to work.
Sometimes I see her posting at 4am that she's so ready to go to sleep,
but she's up against a deadline and has to stay up to get the work done.
I just couldn't do that to myself.
Plus I just really enjoy all of my coworkers. After three years working
together, we've become like a little family. My boss is like a mother,
there's another lady who's offered to be my aunt. And several of my
other coworkers are close enough that they could be considered like
siblings. We really are a tight little family.
If I were working from home, I'd miss out on all that.
People are really important to me, but I'm also an introvert. Working
with people is just the right amount of interaction for me. But if I
were working from home I would be so incredibly lonely. I just couldn't
I hope you're able to find a job you like soon,
I prefer working at home because it allows me the flexibility to
multitask and take care of things around the house when necessary. It
also means I do not have to be dressed and out of the house at an early
hour. Additionally, I can travel and not take off from work.
My current job is great for all of that. There is an office, close by to
my home, but not many people work in that office. I am not required to
work in the office full time and so I work most of the time from home. I
do try though to go in at least a few times a week, even if only for a
few minutes.
I rather work at home. My mom is a Registered Nurse who works at home
and she is able to have a flexible schedule and save gas money.
Love the Topic Christy!!
I actually work independently right now cleaning homes. This means I set
my own schedules, build my own client list, & do the work
(cleaning). I create my own advertisement & promote my self and my services.
I love it, but this is more so part-time employment, that does not make
ends meet, but just helps me &slide by a bit& with the
minimum. So I too am looking for a new job & am really looking a lot
into the jobs I can work from home...
I am a single mother of two kids and with me taking a lot of my classes
online from home, I have really became organized with this, not to
mention fit my life to being able to do things like school and promote
my work, from home :)
I really enjoy interacting with others and working outside my home, but
there's nothing better for a single mom, than being able to do things
from home. Not to mention, working from home would allow me more time
with my kids and allow me to work more, without sacrificing the time I
have with my kids or things I have to do for them...
GREAT Topic, really looking forward to hearing more responses on this
and good luck to you all in all that you set out to accomplish and each
election here :)
Office, I am not a big social lite but I think being home constantly
would make me so unhappy.
I would LOVE to work from home.
It is like a dream!
Although I know
people say it is hard because there is so much distraction at home.
I would be wiling to risk it:)
Christy You said you are in Florida, so maybe you have never thought
about the horror of winter.
Waking up early in the morning to
immediately get out of a nice warm bed and put on lots of clothes so I
can shovel my driveway (for those of you warm weather dwellers who has
never done this: it is unpleasant. Particularly so in the early
morning!) Then scraping ice off your windshield and snow off the car.
Driving to work in traffic and being afraid the whole way that you are
going to spin out on ice or some crazy person is going to cause an
I enjoy winter: when I am inside. LOL
Its beautiful.
If I had the choice between working at home or in an office I would
deffinatly choose to work at home. It just sounds like the most amazing
thing ever! I mean you get to work in your Pjs! You don't have to get
ready and have everything right there with you. That would be a dream
For me, I think I am/would be a better worker in an office setting.
Maybe not exactly an office, but somewhere to work that isn't home.
I see this is myself already as a student, I do my best and most
efficient work when I am in a school setting. For example, I spend a lot
of time in the studio, even when I'm not doing studio work, I'm doing
other work related to school. Once I get home my mind switches to
automatic eating/sleeping/relaxing mode, just because that is what I
have established home to be for me, which isn't bad.
It's just better for me to be doing work somewhere where my brain isn't
programmed to understand it's time to relax, in a school related setting
(Or work in some cases). Plus in a way there are less distractions (Not always....)
If I were allowed to wear a tutu and goggles and anything else fun,
surrounded by people whom knew that we could be more productive with
creativity, positive thinking and generally enjoy each other, then hell
yea, I would work there.
I have working in an office setting here or there for the past eleven
years now.
It's all dust and drama.... a few times, when I was able to lead things
I enjoyed the creative workspace that ensued, but, there was always some
higher up, or business owner that was looking to label us, and wanted to
tear down the laughter as it if threatened them personally- regardless
of how well business was going.
I will own my own business, helped my cousin and his wife start and run
their business ten years ago, and it blew up.
In the end, I want to create the world I want to live in, not drown in
someone elses malcontent and bland rubric for life and adulthood.
I want to live.
@ashamkhi - That's a good point! I forgot that you could actually save
more money by working from home!
@Tastam90 - I also feel like I would eat healthier when I'm at home than
when I'm at work. When I was working in NYC, I never left my desk... I
was constantly ordering food and eating away as a type. You're lucky to
have that balance of working from home and at the office!
@serenity789 - That sounds like heaven! I would love to have such
flexibility to work from home and do chores and have a peace of mind or
the option to work in a comfy coffee shop without all those conference
calls and meetings. I could live with that!
@LdyEricka23 - I agree, that's the only thing that would bother me if I
worked from home. I would miss out on great conversations at work or
meeting new people in the building. Networking has gotten me very far in
life so I feel like it's really important to know a lot of people in the
work place and get on a friendly level with them. However, I don't mind
being in my pjs and typing away on my bed. :)
@Maygan - Omg, haha... I am the same way. I get lost in reading some of
the forums and then I look at the clock and realize it's almost the
deadline and I haven't even started! I get into panic mode... that's
what CNET does to me. I totally see what you mean about the
distractions. I would probably be the one to get up every 5 minutes to
look out the window and day dream or research unnecessary articles on
the internet.
@AZDICT - Hi and welcome to CNET! :) ... That's exactly what I would
like -- a balance. I just want the &option& to come to work.
That way on days that I feel like I need to be home to take care of
things, I can do so. You're very lucky!
@nurse101 - Welcome to CNET!!! ^_^ My mom is also a registered nurse and
I envy her work schedule!
@Nicole - Can I just say that I think that you're superwoman?
@htorrens - I understand, mostly because I would be alone and bored.
@falconmarie - Welcome to CNET, Marie! I actually was living in New York
for 4 years! I hated the winter, hated it. I am so excited for winter in
Florida! lol
@Thu-Hien - Definitely a dream job to just wake up and grab your laptop
and work...haha. It sounds like a miracle.
@MaryHam - That's so true, when we are home we are mainly there to eat,
sleep, and relax! So maybe I would get really lazy while doing my work.
I would probably procrastinate the same way I do with my homework!
Christy, working from home always sounds like a great idea. Until you
actually try it! I tried working from home and at first it sounded like
a great idea. But man too many distractions. I prefer working outside of
I am currently under-employed. I am a substitute teacher in middle
school and high school (though it has been about a month since I had a
sub job) in two school districts and I am an adjunct professor. I get to
teach tonight at the University. Hopefully tonights class goes smoothly.
In any event I have been searching for work since January of 2012, which
was 8 months before I graduated with my MS. I am still looking for a
full-time job and am really grateful for the experience as an adjunct.
The teaching experience will help me out when I decide to go for a Ph.
D. and when I apply for more adjunct positions.
I think flexibility for the type of work I am doing factors into where I
would rather be in order to complete it.
RIGHT NOW...I would like not to have to move all day and perform all the
tasks I have to perform from where I am sitting right now.
At other times, I need to be in the context of an office to get the work
I need to complete the task, duties, or work I have to do.
it depends on your living situation if you are a single mother or father
then yes it would be great to work from home or if your just not a
people person. me i like both of them if i had a choice to do both of
them i would jump at it.
@Granite - No kidding, I probably moved to the wrong state, but all of
my family is here and I need the support, you know? I would totally move
to Boston if it was always sunny like Florida! That's so awesome that
you are a substitute teacher, it must be so much fun meeting all those
students! I'm so sorry you're having trouble finding work as well... My
fingers are crossed for you!
@LissNefertiti - Lissette, your hair is beautiful! ^_^ I would love the
possibi I feel like the balance is so important so
that I can keep sane at work and at home. To do the same thing over and
over again, especially in a 9 - 5pm job, would make me go crazy (and has lol).
@keya95 - I think I may be too much of a people person to work at home
24/7. I need to go out and network or I feel like I'm wasting my life
away. There is so many people to meet and know. However, I wouldn't mind
2 or 3 days at home by myself. :)On Mondays,I have .OnOn Mondays,I have
,I have English.I like it.
on Thursdays.I
on Fridays.I often
on th_百度作业帮
On Mondays,I have .OnOn Mondays,I have
,I have English.I like it.
on Thursdays.I
on Fridays.I often
On Mondays,I have .OnOn Mondays,I have
,I have English.I like it.
on Thursdays.I
on Fridays.I often
he failed to catch the last chancejason is successful in drawing plans of buildingsyour opinion is similar to mine coexpect sb. to do sth.; as usual
他未能赶上最后的机会贾森在绘制建筑平面图时很成功您的意见和我的意见相似星期四,我从学校收集(或 从学校接我),取得成功,希望某人。做某事。,出售,很受欢迎的,回到学校,像往常一样
出门在外也不愁Went hiking last month.和My parents swam last month.和Yes,l am going to buy a magazine this afternoon.和Tom visits his grandparents on thursdays.和No,l walked to mike′s hime.和He went to a zoo dy train.和I get up at 6:30 every day.和Tom went fishing last weekend - 同桌100学习网
Went hiking last month.和My parents swam last month.和Yes,l am going to buy a magazine this afternoon.和Tom visits his grandparents on thursdays.和No,l walked to mike′s hime.和He went to a zoo dy train.和I get up at 6:30 every day.和Tom went fishing last weekend
Went hiking last month.和My parents swam last month.和Yes,l am going to buy a magazine this afternoon.和Tom visits his grandparents on thursdays.和No,l walked to mike′s hime.和He went to a zoo dy train.和I get up at 6:30 every day.和Tom went fishing last weekend.的上一句的答案是什么?
What did you do last month?
Went hiking last month.
What did your parents do last month?
My parents swam last month.
Do you have something to do this afternoon?
Yes,I am going to buy a magazine this afternoon.
What does Tom do on Thursdays?
Tom visits his grandparents on Thursdays.
Did you ride
to Mike's home?
No,I walked to Mike′s home.
What did he do?/How did he go to a zoo?
He went to a zoo by train.
What time do you get up every day?
I get up at 6:30 every day.
What did Tom do last weekend?
Tom went fishing last weekend.


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