
根据写作要求完成作文。(........表示空格,填写完整) I have learned from your advertisement in the.......that yourcompany isin need of.........this summer vacation.I would like to apply for the position because................I am a..............I enjoy typing very much and........isabout 120words perminute.I once worked as atypist in winter holidays,and now.........Besids i am aperson.......What's more,I'm.......and Ialso have some knowledge of advertising.Thank you for your concern and attention.I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours li hua
dear mr or ms have learned from your advertisement in the newspapers that your company is in need of a typewriter this summer vacation.I would like to apply for the position because i believe i am a suitable person for the job. I am a senior student in xinhua middle school in grade 2.I enjoy typing very much and my speed is about 120 words perminute.I once worked as a typist in winter holidays,and now i am a typist in my school as a part time work .Besids i am a person patient.What's more,I'm adept in chinese which i can make good use of and I also have some knowledge of advertising.Thank you for your concern and attention.I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours li hua
I have learned from your advertisement in thenewspaper that your company is in need of typist during this summer vacation.I would like to apply for the position because i want improve my experience an...
→ → → 正文 英文求职信模板
求职信分为推荐信和自荐信两种,写信可按下列七个步骤进行。下面举例说明:   假设你叫李平,你从报上得知某公司欲招聘一名英语翻译,请你给该公司经理写一份信,你的个人资料如下:  1.简况:姓名,李生;年龄,23岁;身高,1.80米;健康状况,良好;业余爱好,游泳、唱歌、跳舞。  2.简历:2005年北京大学毕业后分配到南通中学工作,2007年调至苏州中学工作至今。  3.工作:工作认真负责,与人相处融洽。  4.特长:精通英语,尤其口语,已将多本中文书籍译成英语,懂一些日语、能用日语与外宾对话。  联系电话:********  联系地址:苏州市人民路**号  第一步:介绍消息来源  介绍消息来源实际上是信的开篇交待句,它可使信显得自然、顺畅;而不介绍消息来源,会使收信人感到意外、突然,文章也缺乏过渡、照应,本文消息来源可作如下介绍:Dear manager,  I learned from the newspaper that your company wanted to hire an English translator.  第二步:表明心愿  介绍完消息来源后,应向收信人表明自己的心愿,即写信的目的,本文心愿可作如下介绍:I'm interested in this job very much. I'd like to get this job.  第三步:介绍个人简历  某单位需要新人,人也有心愿,但这并不意味着这项工作非你莫属。如果你没有干好这项工作的经历、实力,也是难以适应的。因此,介绍个人简历是必不可少的。本文个人简历可介绍如下:  Now I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is Li Ping. I'm 30 years old. I'm 180 cm tall. I'm healthy. I like swimming, singing and dancing in my spare time. I graduated from Beijing University in 1994.Then,I went to work in Nantong Middle School. In 1996,I began to work in Suzhou Middle School and I have worked there until now.  第四步:摆出优势&  仅有一定的工作经历而没有自身的优势和特长,也很难求得称心如意的工作。因此,时应表明自己除了具有一定的工作经历之外,还具有一定的优势和特长,这样才能稳操胜券。本文可通过如下方法摆出自己的优势:  I work hard and I can get along well with others. I'm good at English and especially my spoken English is very good. I've translated many Chinese books into English. I can understand Japanese and I can talk to foreigners in Japanese freely.  第五步:提出获职打算  丰富的工作经验,一定的优势和特长,只能代表过去和现在的情况,如果获职后自以为心愿已了,从此高枕无忧,马虎从事,那也是得不到用人单位认可的。显然表明获职后努力工作的决心是感动用人单位的领导从而顺利谋得此项工作的重要一环。本文获职打算可作如下介绍:  If you agree with me, I'll work hard and try to be a good translator.  第六步:请求答复联系  如果单位领导同意了你的要求,你必然要请他和你联系,以便你及时做好准备,到用人单位应聘或报到。为准确起见,请求答复联系时你还应当提供你的通讯地址、邮政编码、电话号码、电子信箱等。本文答复联系的内容可作如下介绍:  If you agree with me, please write a letter to me or phone me. I live at No.1 Renmin Road, Suzhou city. My telephone number is 3654371.  第七步:表明感激之情  无论你的请求是否能够得到满意的答复,你给用人单位写信就是给对方添了麻烦,因此你应向对方表明感激之情。本文可这样来表明感激之情:  Thank you very much.  上述七步内容联成一个整体,再加上下面的信尾,就成为一封完整的信。  Yours Truly(此致)  lisheng(名字)英文信范文P.O. Box 36Tsinghua UniversityBeijing,China 100084Dear Sir/Madam:Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.With many thanks,Wang Lin
【下一文章&&】>> 英文求职信模板(一)
&&&&April 13, 2000
&&&&P.O. Box 36
&&&&Tsinghua University
&&&&Beijing, China 100084
&&&&Dear Sir/Madam:
&&&&Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me because the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.
&&&&According to the advertisement, your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree. My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.
&&&&&&During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.
&&&&I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.
&&&&With many thanks,
&&&&Wang Lin
- 英语作文 】
|   在写的同时,情节信息要完整。这里的情节信息,就是书面表达所提供的内容要点,这是短文的核心部分。在提示说明中,有时把情节信息,一、二、三、四逐个列出,当然一目了然,但有时不一定交代得很具体,只给了大致轮廊,这就要求我们自己确定,逐条列出,写作时不致漏掉要点。特别是写由几幅图画组成的短文更需要动脑筋,通过现象抓本质,确定每幅画的信息点。 更多英语素材文章,欢迎您的收藏、参考。
  First of all, thank you for an ordinary graduates for taking the time to read the cover letter!
  I do not have university qualifications, nor is it what Dr. Masters, in the school during the not winning more, but I have my own love and pursuit. In addition to complete their studies, I also read books and participate in social practice, their confidence, passion for life, request your company for giving me an opportunity, let me prove that my performance ability, and with my unique ability to create benefits due.
  I graduated from the Shandong Institute of Business and College English Majors, results in general, Japanese do not highlight the results, but they can speak English fluently and those who speak Japanese as well as communication. School, I majored in journalism, since that achieved excellent results, once planned to apply for the Graduate, Renmin University of China, and will very firm, but the end for family reasons and has no choice but to give up. In addition, I have been self-study economics, sociology and law, a wide range of interest, are covered. University during my spare time mostly spent in the library, in particular, often go to newspapers and periodicals reading room, with a variety of newspapers, reviews and features like.
  I love writing, three hours wrote a 150,000 word novel - & destiny&, but due to lack of funds, failure to publication. To enter university, the campus is doing during a press, but also wrote a large number of communications and information. Certainly, there are a number of novels, essays and poetry, scattered on my blog.
  Sophomore year, I also have been set up called the &old tree& magazine, readers, there has been quite a good reputation. During this period, regardless of editing or engage in business, I have accumulated a lot of experience, it is also my firm belief that the newspaper industry into the future.
  Holidays, I have been with the students participated in social surveys, and write I did advertising salesman, managers ofte lobbied for sponsorship, cultural and recreational activiti been engaged in a propaganda.
  I hope your company can not accept me, in my dedication and efforts, and work together for a better tomorrow to write a brilliant poem.
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