熊出没用英语怎么说 想出,想起怎么说

网页版学习工具想起英文怎么写及英语单词沪江词库精选想起英文怎么写及英语单词、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息例句Tom, remembering the pickets outside the camp, went out at night to investigate. He found Casy, who was the leader of the agitators. 汤姆想起在营地外面的罢工纠察队员,趁夜晚溜出去打听情况。他碰到凯西,凯西这时已经是那些鼓动家的头头了。&Yes, now I come to think about it, Donny ' s right to dismiss the man. & 是的,我现在想起来,唐尼辞退此人是对的。&To call to mind by naming, citing, or suggesting& 通过名字、引用或暗示使想起…Of,relating to,or sdiabolical. 恶魔的恶魔的,与恶魔有关的令人想起恶魔的;恶魔的&Yes, sir,& answered C &and remorse preys on me night and day “是的,先生,”卡德鲁斯回答道,“每当我想起这件事,就日夜悔恨。&Once or twice, I recall, I experienced a moment of fear and it was fear bordering on panic.& 我回想起有一两次我感受到片刻的恐惧,这是几乎到了惊慌失措的程度的恐惧。&That reminds me of Honolulu, capital of Hawaii, an American city where cultures of East and West converge.& 我想起美国夏威夷的檀香山,那也是个东西方文化交融的城市。It was,in retrospect,the happiest day of her life. 回想起来,那是她最幸福的日子。It was, in retrospect, the happiest day of her life. 回想起来,那是她一生最幸福的日子。Something suggestive of a large block of stone,as in immovability,massiveness,or uniformity. 庞然大物在坚定、庞大或完整方面使人联想起大块巨石的相似短语 v. 想到相似单词 [ bethink ]的第三人称单数;[ bethought ]的第三人称单数 [ bethink ]的现在分词;[ bethought ]的现在分词 vt. 考虑,想起翻译推荐 at the remembrance of Suggest bring back bring to mind conjure up cross one's mind put in remembrance remind put sb in mind of strike on bethink bring to remembrance call to remembrance stike on think about raise hopes imagine flash upon pop into one's mind最新单词 hard prolonged corridor initiative Chinese senior rend rocking我不想和你说话用英语怎么拼写出来?_百度知道
I don't want to talk with you.
I don't want to talk with you
I don't want to talk with you 。
直译 I don't want to talk with you.
地道一点儿的说法 Leave me alone
I do not want to talk with you
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。当前位置: &
英文翻译dream up&&&& ...... &&&&&&used as a complement... &&&&&& think out
...... &&&&&&1.(想象) assume
不堪设想 too ghastly to contempla ...... &&&&&&conceive vi... &&&&&&dream up... &&&&&&come uwith... &&&&&&think up... &&&&&&think up... &&&&&&think out... &&&&&&come uwith... &&&&&&come uwith... &&&&&&think of... &&&&&&excogitative... &&&&&&conceive of... &&&&&&assumption... &&&&&&suppose... &&&&&&conceive... &&&&&&envisage v. have picture in the mind; imagine... &&&&&& presumptive... &&&&&&consider... &&&&&&meditator... &&&&&&favour favor... &&&&&&envisage... &&&&&&much thinking yields wisdom... &&
例句与用法One cannot today even reconstruct the state of mind which would render such gestures possible .即使到了现在,人们也很难设想出,当时究竟是什么心理状态使他采取那样的姿态。He devised a plan whereby they might get rich他设想出他们可以藉此致富的计画。 It is difficult to conceive an effect without a cause很难设想出一种没有原因的结果。 We need to dream up a marketing plan for our product我们需要为我们的产品设想出一个市场计划。 In his mind ' s eye , he could see just what the vacation was going to be like凭想象,他能设想出假期中的一切将会是什么样子。 It is difficult or impossible to imagine any issue of that battle more in accordance with that object than its actual result很难而且也不可能设想出比这次战役的结果更适宜的结果。 Had dante used a computer , he surely would have created a special circle of hell for programs that gratuitously update如果但丁也用电脑的话,他一定会为这些无理的升级设想出一个特别的地狱。 You also develop questions which you will ask to determine how well your career goals match the needs of the organization你也要设想出其他一些问题,通过问这些问题,你能够确定自己的工作目标与公司的需要是否一致。 Now you work your mind , and study out a plan to steal jim , and i will study out one , and we ll take the one we like the best .现在你来开动开动脑筋,设想出把杰姆给偷将出来的方案来,我呢,也要设想出我的方案来,然后我们从中挑选一个最佳方案。 ” But she was too busy in her mind , carving out a career for him that would at least be possible , to ask what the ultimate something was which he had hinted at可是她此时正忙着思考,要为他设想出一种至少是可行的事业。她并没有追问他所暗示的最终目的的是什么。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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英文翻译hit upon/on an idea&&&& exco ...... &&&&&& an... &&&&&& plan... &&&&&&have a good idea... &&&&&&seize upon an idea... &&&&&&occur to... &&&&&&dream up a plan... &&&&&&idea has just come into his mind... &&&&&&a new idea entered his mind... &&&&&&i got an idea... &&&&&&have an idea... &&&&&&our thoughts centre upon one idea... &&&&&&think out a plan... &&&&&&the last thread... &&&&&&proposition... &&&&&&the next thread... &&&&&&that's not a bad idea... &&&&&&be hot for the idea... &&&&&&this idea will work. logical... &&&&&&that s a good idea... &&&&&&this is certainly a brilliant idea... &&&&&&the vice-adviser advised the reviser to devise a device for getting rid of vic ...... &&&&&&come uwith... &&&&&&a good idea... &&&&&&the predominant role... &&
例句与用法All at once mcteague had an idea, a veritable inspiration .麦克梯格忽然心血来潮想出一个主意,这倒真是个好主意。The notion came to her to improve upon the accompaniment with little trills and flourishes .她想出一个主意--用小颤音和华丽的音响改善伴奏效果。Presently, as they watched the gleaming water, a penny-steamboat approaching the adjoining stage gave berthol a sudden idea .不一会儿,当他们观赏波光粼粼的河水时,一艘驶进附近码头的小汽船使伯莎突然想出一个主意。The notion came to her to improve upon the accompaniment with little trills and flourishes她想出一个主意- -用小颤音和华丽的音响改善伴奏效果。 Blind david thought of a plan . he would carry jackson . the lame man could tell him the way . jackson said that the plan was a good one双目失明的戴维想出一个主意。他要背着杰克逊走,腿瘸的杰克逊可以给他指路。杰克逊说这个计划很好。 Casino go - ers of the aladdin hotel & casino in las vegas conceive " the former baddest man on the planet " sparring in the ring in the casino常到拉斯韦加斯阿拉丁酒店赌场赌博的人想出一个主意,让“前世界上最凶恶的人”来这家赌场拳台上练拳。 For a moment or two labordette conceived the idea of denouncing different women in a whisper to la faloise , who still went prowling round each individual lady , looking to see if she were hiding his handkerchief in her bosom拉博德特想出一个主意,他凑到拉法卢瓦兹的耳边,说是女人们拿了他的手帕。拉法卢瓦兹就跑到每个女人身边转转,看看她们是否有人拿了他的手帕,把它系在脖子上。 &&
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