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Project MUSE - Knowledge Construction and Information Seeking in Collaborative Learning / La construction des connaissances et la recherche d’information dans l’apprentissage collaboratif
Knowledge Construction and Information Seeking in Collaborative Learning / La construction des connaissances et la recherche d’information dans l’apprentissage collaboratif
pp. 1-21 |
This study aims to better understand the complex dynamics of knowledge construction and information seeking in a collaborative learning setting. A total of 34 graduate students who participated in a collaborative research project were asked to complete process surveys in the initiation, midpoint, and completion phases of the project. The process survey for this study comprised closed questions that sought to measure students’ perceptions of knowledge and difficulty as well as open-ended questions that asked students what they knew about the topic and what they considered difficult at each phase of the project. The results revealed growth in individual students’ knowledge as they proceeded through the project. When the results of this study are compared to findings from studies focusing on individual information seeking, students who participated in the collaborative research project began the project with confidence as they developed a shared understanding of the topic in the early phase of the project. However, students became more stressed as the project progressed as they carried out their information-seeking activities in individual ways.Cette étude a pour objectif de mieux comprendre la dynamique complexe de la construction des connaissances et de la recherche d’information dans la situation de l’apprentissage collaboratif. Nous avons demandé à trente-quatre étudiants des cycles supérieurs ayant participé à un projet de recherche collaborative de participer à une enquête sur le processus lors des phases de début, de milieu et de fin du projet. Aux fins de cette étude, l’enquête comprenait des questions fermées qui avaient pour but de mesurer les connaissances acquises ainsi que la difficulté telles que per?ues par les étudiants, et des questions ouvertes qui demandaient aux
étudiants ce qu’ils savaient sur le sujet et ce qu’ils considéraient comme difficile à chaque phase du projet. Les résultats ont montré une croissance des connaissances des élèves au fur et à mesure qu’ils avan?aient dans le projet. En comparant les résultats de cette étude avec les résultats d'études portant sur la recherche individuelle d’information, les étudiants ayant participé à un projet de recherche collaborative ont démarré le projet avec une confiance due au fait qu’ils avaient développé une compréhension commune de la question dès la première phase du projet. Toutefois, les étudiants ressentent plus de stress quand le projet avance et qu’ils doivent effectuer leurs activités de recherche d’information individuellement.
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Immunological potencies of TSH 81/565(candidate 3~(rd) TSH IRP),TSH 81/615,TSH 81/502 and TSH national standard were assayed respectively by CLIA,ELISA,RIA and IRMA kits with the 2~(nd) international TSH reference preparation as control in an international collaborative study.
本文报告了在国际协作研究中,以TSH第2次国际参考制剂为对照品,用化学发光免疫分析、酶联免疫分析、放射免疫分析和免疫放射量度分析试剂盒测定TSH 81/565(候选的TSH第3次国际参考制剂)、TSH 81/615和TSH 81/502以及TSH国家标准品的免疫效价。
The immunizing potencies of rhPRL 97/714、G-PRL 98/580、NG-PRL98/582 and prolactin of national standard(NS PRL 532-9604) were assayed in the international collaborative study,using RIA and RIMA kits,and with the third IS PRL 84/500 as reference substance.
本文报告了在国际协作研究中,以泌乳素第3次国际标准品为对照品,用放射免疫分析和免疫放射量度分析试剂盒测定rhPRL 97/714、G-PRL 98/580和NG-PRL 98/582以及泌乳素国家标准品的免疫效价。
Combining theories and methods of CSCW(Computer Support for Collaborative work)and CL(Collaborative Learning), it uses computer technology(multimedia and network) to assist and support collaborative learning.
它结合计算机支持的协同工作(Computer Support for Collaborative work,CSCW)和协同学习(CL)的理论与方法,利用计算机技术(多媒体和网络)来辅助和支持协作学习。
Based on the theory of “Knowledge Construction” and the model of CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning), by issuing a new concept of WBCL(Web Based Collaborative Learning), this paper issued a model of Web based interactive, collaborative virtual teaching and learning environment——“Web Classroom”.
在构建主义 CAI理论的基础上 ,结合 CSCL( Computer Supported Collaborative Learning)模型 ,引入了 WBCL( Web Based Collaborative Learning)的概念 ,提出了一个符合 WBCL模式的、有效的远程师生交互、协同的虚拟教学环境模型—— Web Classroom.
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In order to serve users the more accurate information,the Agent collaborative filtering model based on users' feedback,ACFM and users' interesting model are put forward. ACFM uses the learning method of users' interesting feedback consisted of implicit feedback and interactive feedback to realize collaborative filtering.
为了给用户提供更准确的信息,提出了一种基于用户反馈的智能合作过滤模型(Agent collaborative filtering model based on users' feedback,ACFM)和用户兴趣模型,该模型通过隐式反馈和显式反馈这两种用户兴趣反馈学习实现合作过滤。
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&& Annual analyses of the clinical materials of acute myocardial infarction patients admitted to a collaborative group of hospitals in Beijing demonstrated that there was a progressive lowering of hospital fatality from 27.5% before 1972 to 14.6% in 1976, and no further lowering since then. The relevant factors of low fatality were the efficacy in reducing shock and primary ventricular fibrillation which might be accounted for by the progress in the emergency case of AMI patients especially with regard to... Annual analyses of the clinical materials of acute myocardial infarction patients admitted to a collaborative group of hospitals in Beijing demonstrated that there was a progressive lowering of hospital fatality from 27.5% before 1972 to 14.6% in 1976, and no further lowering since then. The relevant factors of low fatality were the efficacy in reducing shock and primary ventricular fibrillation which might be accounted for by the progress in the emergency case of AMI patients especially with regard to early diagnosis, early treatment and close monitoring. Factors such as sex, site of infarction, preexisting diseases and the time between the onset of symptoms and hospitalization were irrelevant.根据10年来临床资料的汇总分析,急性心肌梗塞8周内住院病死率有明显下降,1972年以前为27.5%,年为20.7~24.8%,年为11.1~14.6%,1976年以后没有进一步的下降。通过前后两阶段资料的对比分析,年病死率的下降,主要是并发休克与原发室颤的减少,这与早期诊断、治疗、进行监护有关;与患者性别、梗塞部位、伴发病及发病距入院时间无明显关系。 The results arising out of authors participating an inter-national collaborative study organized by 2nd AOHW in 1982 were reported, when HLA frequencies in 50 newly diagnosed NPC patients were compared with those in 40 normal controls, there is an increased risk of NPC associated with B17(RR=2.54) and a decreased with A11 (RR=0.28). On the other hand, there is an excess of DR double blanks among NPC patients, which are probably associated with increased risk of NPC (RR=2.82). Association between antigen... The results arising out of authors participating an inter-national collaborative study organized by 2nd AOHW in 1982 were reported, when HLA frequencies in 50 newly diagnosed NPC patients were compared with those in 40 normal controls, there is an increased risk of NPC associated with B17(RR=2.54) and a decreased with A11 (RR=0.28). On the other hand, there is an excess of DR double blanks among NPC patients, which are probably associated with increased risk of NPC (RR=2.82). Association between antigen BW46 and NPC has not been confirmed in this study. This may be attributable to the smaller size of the sample.本文报告作者参加1982年由第二届亚大地区组织相容性工作会议(2nd AOHW)组织的国际协作研究的结果。50名初诊鼻咽癌患者与40名正常对照者的HLA抗原频率比较,可见抗原B17与NPC的高风险性相关(RR=2.54),抗原A11与NPC的低风险性相关(RR=0.28),鼻咽癌患者的DR双空白增多也可能与NPC的高风险性相关(RR=2.82)。本研究未能证实抗原BW46与NPC的关联,可能归因于样本偏小。 A collaborative study to ascertain the mortality of cancer among coking plant workers was instituted in 1982 according to a joint program on the investigation of occupational cancer projected by the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. In this report discussion is limited to the methodology used in this study. A retrospective cohort study was conducted for the workers at nineteen coking... A collaborative study to ascertain the mortality of cancer among coking plant workers was instituted in 1982 according to a joint program on the investigation of occupational cancer projected by the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. In this report discussion is limited to the methodology used in this study. A retrospective cohort study was conducted for the workers at nineteen coking plants in different parts of this country. The workers were categorized into six main work areas. The cancer mortality of the workers in each area and subdivision was compared with that of a population of workers at rough rolling mills in steel industries in different parts of this country. The standardized rate ratios (SRRs) from selected cancers were calculated. SRRs from lung cancer were calculated for six groups of the coke oven workers according to the latency (interval between the initial date of employment and the date of death) .按照卫生部、冶金部、化工部和中华全国总工会关于开展职业性肿瘤调查的联合通知,1982年进行了焦化厂工人的癌症死亡的协作调查研究。本文仅论及本研究用的方法。 对我国不同地区的19个焦化厂进行了回顾性队列研究。焦化厂被分为六大工作区。每一工作区和再分作业都与分布全国的钢铁企业中钢坯初轧厂职工人群进行癌症死亡比较,计算癌症的标化率比率(SRR)。并根据就业至观察终点的间隔年数(latency)把焦炉作业工人分为6组,计算各组的肺癌SRR。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
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