求linda大神汉化化这个软件Enable Viacam

Package maintainers wishlist
From FedoraProject
Before submitting a wishlist package, read
to understand what CANNOT be included. Software unsuitable for Fedora itself may be considered by RPM Fusion at
Before submitting a wishlist package, DO NOT forget to check review queue at
Before submitting a wishlist package, please read
This is the field for existing packagers to place notes about new packages.
I know many of people want Fedora to include more and more softwares, and that's what we are pursuing for currently, we are trying our best to match your needs but sometimes we only lack enough time.
I myself have thousands of packages not submitted, so if you want me to package a software, feel free to email me ASAP, details please see my user page in the title.
As a current contributor, if you know of projects that would be appropriate in Fedora package collection but are unable to maintain yourself just drop them with a line here.
This list can be used to give other contributors ideas on what to package next. Please be aware however that the number of high quality, well maintained packages that Fedora repository provides scales with the number of active contributors. It is just as important to encourage new contributors as it is to desire new packages.
If you are not yet a contributor to the Fedora packaging process, please look over this list and see if there are any projects you would be willing to maintain for the Fedora community.
If you're interested in contributing to Fedora package collection, take a look at
Status icon
Offline wikipedia and dictionary viewer
The open radio software for scheduling and remote station management. Formerly campcaster.
Client for the MUTE peer-to-peer anonymous network
An OO network programming toolkit in C++
dropped for licensing issues
chaos generation tool, good for artists and sketchers
Enterprise content management system
Alien is a program that converts between the rpm, dpkg, stampede slp, and slackware tgz file formats
Toolbox to build shallow-transfer machine translation systems(contact #apertium channel in freenode network).
iptables(netfilter) based firewall system
An LDAP Directory Browser/Editor built on Eclipse RCP
application security framework -- user space utils/libs.
[http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Distributions/AppStream AppStream]
AppStream is a freedesktop.org-project to create a common application installer for Linux and one unified application installation GUI and sharing of metadata.
much better arping than iputils-arping.
Aspell Dictionaries
some are missing.
Sfio(a library for managing I/O streams. It provides functionality similar to that of Stdio, the ANSI C Standard I/O library, but via a distinct interface that is more powerful, robust and efficient) is interesting and maybe others
A simple Python script which purges files from your trash based on their age or the amount of free space left on the device
Uses the FreeDesktop.org Trash Info files included in GNOME. Very useful when run by cron so you can .
Highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X.
general purpose system for symbolic calculations.
Beast is a music composition and modular synthesis application.
Client for alternative online currency
Requires additional features of OpenSSL which are currently unavailable
Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.
blockdiag and its family generate diagram images from simply text file: blockdiag (simple block-diagram image generator), seqdiag (simple sequence-diagram image generator), actdiag (simple activity-diagram image generator), nwdiag (simple network-diagram image generators)
Blog and rss reader (in Java)
BlueGriffon is a new WYSIWYG content editor for the World Wide Web. Powered by Gecko, the rendering engine of Firefox 4, it's a modern and robust solution to edit Web pages in conformance to the latest Web Standards.
BlueJ is an educational integrated developmental editor for Java.
Bongo is an easy-to-use mail and calendar system. Fork of Hula.
BrOffice.org is the official brazilian release of
Better String Library is an abstraction of a string data type which is superior to the C library char buffer string type, or C++'s std::string.
BT747 is Software for GPS Data Logger Devices (read tracks, configure devices, photo geotagging and more). Written in Java, GPL license.
It's currently available in the . I didn't submit it for review, as it's not so easy to unbundle all libraries it depends on.
Backup and restore program
Buzztard aims to be a music studio that allows one to compose songs using only a computer with a soundcard.
Suggested in .
Creative Commons CMS that powers ccMixter
clustering monitoring tool with different design goals from Ganglia
A feature-rich Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) dialer written in Python
Dropped Bug #
is an powerful opensource video editing and creating tool
Tools for using C-motech hardware with Linux (wireless broadband)
A tool to colorize the terminal output of GCC so error messages can be found within longer compiler outputs
Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the dependent libraries your project needs and it will install them in your project for you.
CoolReader is a small cross-platform XML/CSS based E-Book reader. Supported formats: FB2, EPUB, MOBI, TXT, HTML, CHM, PDB, and others. Alternative to FBReader
Conkeror is a keyboard-oriented, highly-customizable, highly-extensible web browser based on Mozilla XULRunner, written mainly in JavaScript, and inspired by exceptional software such as Emacs and vi.
Crafty is a free, open-source computer chess program, generally more powerful than GNUchess.
incompatible license
with it you can freeze a running application (or part of it) and checkpoint it to a hard drive as a collection of files. You can then use the files to restore and run the application from the point it was frozen at
a python GUI frontend of jpegtran for lossless cropping of image files
for the Image/Pillow version]
A set of layered security services and associated programming interfaces that provide an integrated set of information and communications security capabilities
Secure, decentralized Peer-to-Peer instant messaging
opensource clone system
C Embedded SSL Library optimized for size and speed.
GPLv2 License.
Cli utility for XDEBUG PHP.
UI sketching tool. BSD license. Created by the University of Washington.
Crossplatform TabletPC input.
DjVu encoder with foreground/background separation
a graphical frontend for several utilities from the open source color management system Argyll CMS.
DITA is an XML-based technical writing syntax, and the DITA-OT is a set of Java-based tools for processing DITA documents.
DITA and the DITA-OT are currently packaged for openSUSE.
open source web meeting product with features like Application, Desktop and Presentation sharing with A/V streaming and chat.
Djvusmooth is a graphical editor for DjVu documents. ()
An academic literature suite
Enlightenment window manager DR17 from the new svn repository
("Ext4 - Reducing Access Times") is a toolset to accelerate the boot process as well as application startups.
Eclipse WindowBuilder Bi-directional Java GUI Designer
OpenGL compositing manager that runs all the compiz plugins
Open source, distributed, RESTful search engine built on top of Apache Lucene. (combines nicely with CouchDB)
Execute Query is an operating system independent database utility written entirely in Java.
Best open source evolving screensaver in existence.
Cannot include in Fedora, has built in MPEG decoder
python framework for building scientific data visualization applications
Is a new way to configure networks. It is designed to let you use all modern Linux network technologies in a convenient way
open source Integrated Library System (ILS)
enable Viacam, a webcam based mouse emulator
depends=('opencv' 'wxgtk' 'libxtst')
Free exFAT file system implementation
monitoring solution
GUI for archiving similar to Apple's Time Machine.
A program for making font samples that show Unicode coverage of the font and are similar in appearance to Unicode charts.
A set of programs to interconvert between mac font formats and pfb, ttf, otf and bdf files on unix.
a linux printer driver for QPDL protocol (Samsung CLP-300, Samsung CLP-310, Samsung CLP-315, Samsung CLP-325, Samsung CLP-365, Samsung CLP-600, Samsung CLP-610, Samsung CLP-620, Xerox Phaser 6110 )
free software tools to facilitate the study and analysis of Free and Open Source Software. Today we are best known for finding software licenses in text. GPLv2 & LGPLv2.1
3D CAD modeler
A solitaire solver
Open source engineering and data processing application. Can be used as a free alternative to Matlab. GPL
FreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping software written in Java.
Freeplane is a powerful and free software for building the mind maps. It is a redesigned version of the well known FreeMind, and is created by one of FreeMind's key developers.
FreeSWITCH is a scalable open source cross-platform telephony platform designed to route and interconnect popular communication protocols using audio, video, text or any other form of media.
Many bundled libs
WebTV player, see also
Framework for building document analysis applications
provides several extension libraries for gawk (GNU AWK), as well as libgawkextlib containing some APIs that are useful for building gawk extension libraries. These libraries enable gawk to process XML data, interact with a PostgreSQL database, use the GD graphics library, and perform unlimited precision MPFR calculations.
Graphical frontend to cvs (Last release 2003 -- though other clones WinCVS & MacCVS where released more recently)
a GUI to setting GDM3
dynamic mathematics software for teaching and learning mathematics. Written in Java, licensed under GPLv2. Source code can be obtained at source@geonext.de
free and multi-platform dynamic mathematics software for schools that joins geometry, algebra and calculus. Program released under GPL, documentation under some CC non commercial license so we can't ship the documentation.
Gespeaker is a GTK+ frontend for espeak. It allows to play a text in many languages with settings for voice, pitch, volume, speed and word gap.
linux support to the g15 keyboard
GForge is a software for collaborative development for the software community
Dropped Bug #
GimpShop is a fork of gimp for more compatibility with a commercial image editing program.
A collection of Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's .
Manage a shelf full of git repos
Sudo (superuser do) allows a system administrator to give certain users (or groups of users) the ability to run some (or all) commands as root or another user while logging the commands and arguments.
Review Request (libgksu)] &
Review Request (gksu & gksudo)]
A replacement for (or supplement to) the grep family, glark offers: Perl compatible regular expressions, highlighting of matches, context around matches, complex expressions (``and and ``or), and automatic exclusion of non-text files.
An extension for displaying sensor data in gnome-shell
An extension for displaying weather notifications in Gnome Shell
included in Fedora due to the license terms of the Yahoo! API; however, it is now part of the RPM Fusion repositories ()
A storage solution that distances you from thinking about Where you store your data to What your data is. [glscube-0.1.tar.gz has no Makefiles]
central location for common GNU code, intended to be shared among GNU packages.
Command-line access to Google services.
Client to connect to IPv6 tunnel brokers using the TSP control protocol
Makes it easier and cheaper to look inside binary code, find compliance issues, and reduce uncertainty when deploying Free and Open Source Software.
(requires unrar which is only available in rpmfuion-nonfree)
. Media applet is an application to easily manage disks and devices on your system.
Show KDE menu in GNOME. Complimentary to kmenu-gnome.
(Bug # ) dropped
GNS3 is a graphical network simulator that allows you to design complex network topologies and to launch simulations on them.
Telephony servers
Color palette creation tool for designers ()
Part of Fedora repository
GUI for GPRS connecting and supports 704 phones and 269 providers ( The project is closed).
gozer is a commandline text rendering utility for creating images from arbitrary text in antialiased truetype fonts using optional fontstyles, wordwrapping and layout control.
This program facilitates comparison of various font and font rendering parameters.
audio editor. (Includes MP3 encode/decode -& can't be included in Fedora)
A FUSE client for Google Drive written in OCaml
is a small program which reads a serial port and writes the data to standard output
is an application to download videos from the Topfield TF5000PVRt.
Free SPM (AFM, SNOM/NSOM, STM, MFM, …) data analysis software
is the GNUStep Project's answer to Interface Builder from Mac OS X and NEXTSTEP. Used to easily design UIs for GNUStep (Cocoa) based programs.
Status icon
Next Generation Blogging Platform.
HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder.
Heimdall is a cross-platform open-source tool suite used to flash firmware (aka ROMs) onto Samsung Galaxy S devices.
is Debian's official hardware profiler
. Functional .rpm packages for Fedora already exist (.src and binary), but this should be better integrated with smolt
provides traditional implementations of standard Unix utilities. In many cases, they have been derived from original Unix material released as Open Source by Caldera and Sun.
mailx DONE
Heimdal Kerberos client/server
a smart caching proxy ideal for use with apt/yum
An extension for Mozilla-based browsers that forces secure connections for websites following defined rules. Developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Tor Project. License: GPLv2 or later.
Graphical user interface for HTTrack
an advanced system and application management platform
System Information Gatherer And Reporter
Review Request
GNU IceCat is the GNU version of the Firefox browser
Icon programming language
requires simias (Bug #
is a Perl-based program that can generate an entire online picture show (HTML slides, thumbnails and index page included) with just one command line invocation.
is a Python program for generating useful and attractive
for image analyis. Requires .
Music notation program for jazz improvisation
Anonymous version of Emule, through the I2p protocol.
Indefero Software Forge
A Python-based event organizer web application (GPL).
InstallJammer is a multiplatform GUI installer designed to be completely cross-platform
is a new implementation of iperf from scratch, with the goal of a smaller, simpler code base, and a library version of the functionality that can be used in other programs.
Interactive Tool for teachers, OpenSource classroom-management, GPL
A taskbar and app-launcher dock based on engage, which makes use of composite, but can also be used without.
A python library that includes several useful tools, such as an ODF anonymizer that can be used to sanitize confidential documents before attaching them to bug reports
Interrupts 'top-like' utility for Linux
chroot jail utilities
A MIDI tracker for JACK. Beta stage.
JDownloader is an open source, platform independent download manager, and written completely in Java.
Cannot be packaged for Fedora, depends on many non-free Java libraries
Program to practise doing fractions with graphical feedback
Jing is James Clarks' RELAX-NG XML schema validator. Example RPMs at authors site, works with gcj.
Jitsi (formerly SIP Communicator) is an audio/video and chat communicator that supports protocols such as SIP, XMPP/Jabber, AIM/ICQ, Windows Live, Yahoo! and many other useful features. Jitsi is Open Source / Free Software, and is available under the terms of the LGPL.
Java application that manages flashcards by the famous Leitner system
Adding and editing bookmarks in PDF files. Needs Java.
Creates a PDF out of a directory of JPEG/JPG-images. V should be easy to package.(The homepage is dead, anyone knows whether the project is still alive?)
Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing
"Julius" is a high-performance, two-pass large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) decoder software for speech-related researchers and developers
Tree-based note pad for complex writing tasks such as novel writing. Licensed under GNU GPL. Uses Python and PyGTK.
Simplifies administration via GUI
kbfx is an alternative to the classical K-Menu button and it's menu. (The page is dead)
Major rewrite based on Qt4/KDE4 with a powerful language architecture. Under heavy development and currently in Beta phase, recommended for C++ or PHP development with CMake or custom Makefiles as their build system. Recommended for Linux (all other OS might work, but are not tested yet).
For managing software and knowledge projects.
Offline wikipedia reader, zim file reasder. GPLV3
KLogic is an application for building and simulating digital circuits easily
Community edition: a PHP based GPL V3 Content Managements System (source code at: )
KompoZer is a complete web authoring system that combines web file management and easy-to-use WYSIWYG web page editing. It bases on Mozilla Gecko, Nvu and Netscape Composer.
Linux client for the MUTE anonymous P2P network
Linux client for the MUTE anonymous P2P network
Free and Open source multi-language editor
Islamic Prayer Times Applet
Status icon
L7-filter is a classifier for Linux's Netfilter that identifies packets based on application layer data.
A high performance inline data deduplicating filesystem for Linux
Review Request
Liaison is a software tool combining some well known open source software tools like MoinMoin, Subversion and Bugzilla to help software developers to collaborate.
A library for easy access to smart cards (chipcards). Usually in combination with Gwenhywfar and AqBanking.
fork of mawk 1.3.3 restructured for embedding. This means the user gets libmawk.h and libmawk.so and can embed awk scripting language in any application written in C.
is a portable set of microbenchmarks that many Solaris engineers used during Solaris 10 development to measure the performance of various system and library calls(If Linux is faster it's a Solaris bug)
Review Request RHBZ #
PAM module allowing authentication using a OpenPGP smartcard. This PAM module will allow you to login, screenlock and validate to services using your GnuPG smartcard.
(sorry for cross-distro reference but i googled for so long without finding any other good source.
Programming library to read, write, manipulate, translate, and validate SBML files and data streams.
Library to implement Sender Rewriting Scheme, a part of the SPF/SRS protocol pair.
userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library. This data synchronization library provides read-side access which scales linearly with the number of cores. It does so by allowing multiples copies of a given data structure to live at the same time, and by monitoring the data structure accesses to detect grace periods after which memory reclamation is possible.
An open source Java based portal application.
is a non-linear editing system for video.
currently non-free, can revisit when/if source is released like has been announced
Experimental Sublime Text clone.
Link Monitor Applet is a GNOME Panel Applet displaying the round-trip time to a set of hosts in a bar graph.
s& F15 won't include support for GNOME Panel Applets and this program requires setuid which is not allowed in Fedora
multiplayer wargame, sequel of Liquid War 5
(which is already in Fedora, but LW5 and LW6 are really different packages, complete rewrite)
A command line interface for Mailman administration.
LiveBackup is a framework to create live-cd's from installed Linux systems
Video Editing System. It is designed to be simple to use, yet powerful (foreign f9 package exists on SourceForge)
Cannot be included in Fedora due to dependency on ffmpeg
Linux Health Checker for s390x
802.1ab (LLDP) implementation,
lltag is a console program to tag and rename OGG and FLAC audio files. It is a flexible front-end to
vorbiscomment and metaflac. Part of Debian, Ubuntu, Arch and Gentoo Linuxes. (lltag can also tag mp3 if 'mp3info' is available in system, but this is not required. 'lltag' itself does not have anything to do with MP3 files).
Logging Framework for C++
is an enhanced, extended, and portable implementation of the Berkeley LPR print spooler functionality. No so bulky/convoluted as cups.
ICC Color Profiler. This will help the Fedora Design team produce for-print artwork. (Needs some work. See [[[rhbug:641]] Bug 851641])
Lucene++ is an up to date C++ port of the popular Java Lucene library, a high-performance, full-featured text search engine.
Lustre is a parallel distributed file system, generally used for large scale cluster computing.
Magento is a new professional open-source eCommerce solution offering unprecedented flexibility and control.
web-based platform for developing and deployment web mapping applications and geospatial web services.
An Open S enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL. They have RPMs (no SRPM's though):
Tool for creating self-extracting executables
Tool for visualizing valgrind/massif output
MATE applet to show & control cpu frequency (missing from applets)
is a daemon that locks basic system login files,binary and library, into memory. Then if a machine starts paging heavily the chance of being able to login successfully is significantly increased.
Modular toolkit for Data Processing (MDP) is a Python data processing framework.
hg Eclipse plugin
is a message transfer agent, next generation of Sendmail.
an SSL-capable man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy. It provides a console interface that allows traffic flows to be inspected and edited on the fly.
is a set of application benchmarks designed to measure scalability of operating systems. It consists of applications that previous work has shown not to scale well on Linux and applications that are designed for parallel execution and are kernel intensive.
A PyGtk+ audio player
Cannot include in Fedora, has built in MPEG decoder
a computer security project which provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development.
Enterprise Content Management from Novell.
There is a repo and installation instructions . Licenses
an implementation of the Scheme programming language, providing an interpreter, compiler, source-code debugger, integrated Emacs-like editor, and a large runtime library.
Anonymous remailer client and server
console audio player for Linux/UNIX
It's available in RPMFusion-free
It has optional dependency on ffmpeg.
modeling environment
requested in Bug #
GPS navigation software
A Peerguardian compatible connection blocker
Metasploit provides useful information and tools for penetration testers, security researchers, and IDS signature developers. This project was created to provide information on exploit techniques and to create a functional knowledgebase for exploit developers and security professionals. The tools and information on this site are provided for legal security research and testing purposes only. Metasploit is an open source project managed by Rapid7.
Home Stereo Server using ogg and flac for mpc, gmpc, ncmpc, and many others including .
MP3 is optional.
Needed for always on audio and when the server is rebooted, it picks up the queue where it left off.
yum search mpd returns about 20 results, so there are already many existing packages that use it. The hard part is making it selinux compatible.
In rpmfusion
Public domain font that includes scripts such as Deseret and Shavian.
ActionScript 2 compiler generating flash
MikroTik devie management
mysqlclient is a fork of MySQL-python. It add Python 3.3 support and merges some pull requests.
Status icon
open source GPL3 layer-two peer-to-peer virtual private network - Hamachi like easy networking
Nagios Stats graphing.
Nagios status monitor which takes place in systray or on desktop (GNOME, KDE, Windows) as floating statusbar.
Network Address Translation, Protocol Translation IPv4/IPv6 - allows IPv6-only networks to connect to IPv4-only networks (based on ).
Per , NAT-PT is dead.
Navit is a car navigation system with routing engine.
CLOSED - Michel Alexandre Salim - Review Request: navit - Car navigation system with routing engine
Open Source NX server, similar to the commercial NX server from NoMachine
A benchmark that can be used to measure the performance of many different types of networking.
CLOSED - Nobody's working on this, feel free to take it - Review Request: Netperf - Benchmark tool for networking.
is a C library intended for use on embedded systems.
CLOSED - Nobody's working on this, feel free to take it - Review Request: sh-elf-newlib -
Cross Compiled Red Hat Newlib targeted at sh-elf
Nikto2 is a Web server scanner that tests Web servers for dangerous files/CGIs, outdated server software and other problems
a small build system similar to make.
CLOSED - Eduardo Echeverria - Review Request: ninja-ide - Ninja IDE for Python development
Free music score editor. NOTE: seems to be dead - last version in 2006. Also requires TSE3 which also has been dead for some years.
NSS (Name Service Switch) module for SecurePass
an observation tool for runtime memory locality characterization and analysis of processes and threads running on a NUMA system
tools (python-sphinx extension) to build documentation formatted in numpydoc format used by many python projects
OBM is enterprise-class messaging and collaboration platform for workgroup or enterprises with many thousands users. OBM includes Groupware, messaging server, CRM, LDAP, Windows Domain, smartphone and PDA synchronization… Note: Uses stock services and ,hence, makes it less invasive. License:GPL
CLOSED - Steve Traylen - Review Request: globus-gram-audit - Globus Toolkit - GRAM Jobmanager Auditing
a community-driven effort to standardize on an consistent, documented, and comprehensive development platform
a wrapper for OCR systems, allowing to perform OCR on DjVu files.
telephony host stack for embedded/mobile and desktop systems based on Linux.
Offline wikipedia Reader. GPL
A TV scheduler using XMLTV backends
Bittorrent client
deferred review
Bayesian inference Using Gibbs Sampling software
Groupware software
OpenNX is an OSS drop-in replacement for Nomachine's nxclient
A non linear easy-to-use video editor. Python based, pure GPL 3. &/s& -& Cannot be included since it uses the MLT framework, can be packaged at RPM Fusion. Accepted in RPMFusion ().
reduces the size of ooimpress documents, requires java &/s& This is already available as openoffice.org-presentation-minimizer (and it doesn't require java)
A desktop replacement of Microsoft Project
a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution.
OpenType layout compiler, needed to build some FLOSS fonts
a tagging file system (a fake but working one)
Status icon
PAIDA is pure Python scientific analysis package
CLOSED - Fabian Affolter - Review Request: python-paida - Pure Python scientific analysis package
An unofficial effort to port Paint.NET 3.0 to Linux using Mono &/s& -
Cannot be included since Paint is partly licensed under a non-commercial license
PAM module for executing scripts ()
ASSIGNED - Marcelo Moreira de Mello - Review Request: pam_script - execute scripts from within pam
text formatting tool. Supports Unicode, can be used either on the command line, or from within vim or emacs. () (). Need to be patched to version i18n.3 for Unicode support.
The parkverbot daemon will periodically issue small read requests in order to keep the hardware from going to its head-unloaded idle state
Modern rotational hard disks have a misfeature involving the regular automatic unloading of the heads, measurable by the SMART attribute "Load_Cycle_Count", that causes latency on wake-up, and while the manufacturers sell this as "green", it is believed to cause reduced hard disk life.
Partclone provides utilities to back up and restore used-blocks of a partition and it is designed for higher compatibility of the file system by using existing library, e.g. e2fslibs is used to read and write the ext2 partition. Partclone supports ext2,ext3 and ext4, reiserfs, reiser4,XFs, JfS, Windows: Fat32, Ntfs, MACOS: HFS +, Freebsd: UFS2 and ESX: VMFS. The licenses is GPL
is a web-based patch tracking system designed to facilitate the contribution and management of contributions to an open-source project.
aymaster was developed in New Zealand to match the needs of both small and large organisations. Utilising an easily customisable back-end, that calculates the results to help meet the diverse requirements of your specific payroll. Complex tax laws, leave, varying pay rates, allowances, superannuation are just some of the things our payroll system can handle. It can also handle cost accounting by analysing and reporting wage costs to multiple branches and departments, different pay rates, etc. Full reporting features are available.
a PCI bus utilization monitoring tool.
An extremely powerful Tokenizer driven Template engine
CLOSED - Nobody's working on this, feel free to take it - Review Request: HTML_Template_Flexy - PEAR HTML Template Engine
PEAR mysqli MDB2 driver
CLOSED - Nobody's working on this, feel free to take it - Review Request: MDB2_Driver_mysqli - PEAR mysqli MDB2 driver
Cross-platform file archiver
for FEL spin - GPLv3 Professional(Portable,Peter's) Electronic Design Automation tool
CLOSED - Michel Alexandre Salim - Review Request: gnustep-examples - The GNUstep examples
A UI design / sketching tool, Mozilla-based
CLOSED - Matthias Runge - Review Request: pencil - A sketching and GUI prototyping tool
Read the CDDB entry for an audio CD in your drive
CLOSED - Petr Pisar - Review Request: perl-CDDB_get - Read the CDDB entry for an audio CD in your drive
perl binding for Qt4 it's two perl modules
CLOSED - Parag AN(????) - Review Request: perl-Qt - Perl bindings for Qt
Photivo is a free and open source photo processor. It handles your RAW files as well as your bitmap files in a non-destructive 16 bit processing pipe with gimp workflow integration and batch mode.
Create slideshow movies from photos
aka plan9port, is a port of many Plan 9 programs from their native Plan 9 environment to Unix-like operating systems.
is a digg like CMS that uses PHP and MySQL.
a php webapp framework
CLOSED - Remi Collet - Review Request: php-pluf - Pluf
flexible traffic-accounting with packet-capturing, netflow and sflow (import, export, logging to DB, ...)
PPTP - config program part of the pptp. Already has FC6 packages.This is depreciated the author recommends networkmanager use.
The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol Server for Linux
CLOSED - Jaroslav ?karvada - Review Request: pptpd - PoPToP Point to Point Tunneling Server
Utility for extracting text from PostScript files
CLOSED - Nobody's working on this, feel free to take it - Review Request: openemr - Practice management, EMR, prescription writing and medical billing application
pretty automake output Functionality now exists natively in automake as 'silent-rules'
Processing is an open source programming language and IDE built for the electronic arts, new media art, and visual design communities
is the GNUStep Project's answer to XCode, used for developing, managing, and building GNUStep (Cocoa) based projects
CLOSED - Nobody's working on this, feel free to take it - Review Request:projectcenter - The GNUstep IDE
web tookit for python
CLOSED - Nobody's working on this, feel free to take it - Review Request: pyjamas26 - A python to Javascript compiler, Widget set, Framework and Toolkit
pyLoad is a fast, lightweight and full featured download manager for many One-Click-Hoster, container formats like DLC, video sites or just plain http/ftp links. It aims for low hardware requirements and platform independence to be runnable on all kind of systems (desktop pc, netbook, NAS, router). pyLoad is released under GPL.
Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP) implementation in python
a Storage Device Manager that allows full customization of hard disk mountpoints without manually access to fstab.
CLOSED - Jerry James - Review Request: pysdm - Python based Storage Device Manager
A free implementation of the Rush Hour puzzle.
ASSIGNED - Alexey Torkhov - Review Request: pytraffic - sliding block puzzle board game
Status icon
A gui for (a)sfxload / fluidsync to quick load several SF2 soundfonts in a EMU10k chip
It's great interpreter and compiler for scheme language
RasMol is a computer program written for molecular graphics visualization intended and used primarily for the depiction and exploration of biological macromolecule structures, such as those found in the Protein Data Bank
The Rasterbator is a .Net(Mono) application which creates rasterized versions of images. The rasterized images can be printed and assembled into enormous (or smaller, if you prefer) posters.
Ruby IRC Bot framework
A UNIX process supervisor popular in the Chef community
a Remote control server, for mobile phones, similar to Bemused and Salling Clicker
A Ubuntu based Linux Distribution for Reverse-Engineering Malware. Package anything that's not in Fedora.
RetroShare is a Open Source cross-platform, Friend-2-Friend and secure decentralised communication platform.
Python library with objects that deal with data usually associated with fonts and type design. Required to convert font sources from the proprietary FontLab VFB format to UFO (that Fontforge can read)
filemanager / graphic shell
xiph.org tool to evaluate and manipulate ogg theora files
RELAX NG Compact Syntax validator
a utility for screen rotation for wacom tablet laptops like the IBM x61T and x41T
(the Fedora design team will love you for packaging this!)
a free software rotoscoping application
ATI Radeon over/underclocking utility
RStudio is a new R IDE with excellent features for a wide spectrum of users. -- waiting for the google web toolkit to be available in fedora.
Linux SAF-TE SCSI enclosure monitor
It reads disk enclosure status information from SAF-TE capable enclosures (SCSI Accessible Fault Tolerant Enclosures). SAF-TE is common on many intelligent SCSI disk enclosures and some rackmount servers with SCSI hotswap drive bays.
Sentinella is a KDE4 application that watches your system activity and, in consequence, takes an action that you've chosen.
Graphical Database Schema Metadata Browser
SchemaSpy is a Java-based tool that analyzes the metadata of a schema in a database and generates a visual representation of it in a browser-displayable format.
"Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web."
MP3 support is via a Squeak plugin and is not integral. OLPC ships without it and I hope we can too.
Screenlets are small owner-drawn applications (written in Python) that can be described as "the virtual representation of things lying/standing around on your desk". Sticknotes, clocks, rulers, ... the possibilities are endless.
SCSI RAS Tools for Disk Management
The tools in this project were designed to add to the Serviceability of disk devices under Linux so that the system does not have to be rebooted or taken out of service to perform common maintenance or service functions.
POSIX standard Source Code Control System, based on the original UNIX SCCS code provided by Sun as part of OpenSolaris and was made portable to other platforms.
JavaScript bindings for GNOME, using WebKit's JavaScriptCore
segatex is a program even if not knowing much about SELinux commands, can easily set SELinux commands by GUI. Written in C++. Requires Qt ( qt-devel package ).
segatex-7.930 released !
a robust standards-compliant enterprise softphone, for desktop and embedded systems. It is designed to handle several hundreds of calls a day. It has a GTK+ and QT interface, integrates well with GNOME and PulseAudio. Supports SIP and IAX2 (Asterisk).
Excellent epub editor for ebook creation.
facilitates the practice of Network Security Monitoring and event driven analysis
Is an open-source speech recognition program and replaces the mouse and keyboard.
Package for controlling GEMBIRD (m)SiS-PM power controllers.
Slimrat is a command-line and graphical application for automated downloading from file hosters like Rapidshare, Megaupload, Depositfiles and many more.
cluster toolkit (already has a maintained SPEC file)
IRC client & IRC proxy, GTK+ based
Issues in the bug Upstream doesn't support Linux anymore.
The spacenav project provides a free, compatible alternative, to the proprietary 3Dconnexion device driver and SDK, for their 3D input devices
set of utilities for using various spectrum analyzer hardware. It supports the suite of Wi-Spy devices (original, 24x, 24x2, DBX, DBX2, 900, 24i) by Metageek LLC and the Ubertooth.
Device-independent speech synthesis layer (perhaps useful for OLPC?)
Small utility to limit DVD drive speed, since most DVD readers sound like lawn mowers at full speed which ruins movie playing experience
an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers.
Graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands
8th edition of the French Academy dictionnary, in stardict format (1935)
is a multi-platform Open Source client for connecting to StatusNet installations.
is a free software package for gathering comments about a text document via a webpage
ipsec implementation with major support of IKEv2
Stumpwm is a tiling, keyboard driven X11 Window Manager written entirely in Common Lisp.
A graphical frontend for managing the functions of Epson Ink Jet printers - including checking ink levels and print head cleaning/alignment
xml2swf and swf2xml processor with import functionalities
Mailing list server
Central control panel for system-config-* tools.
Status icon
a free, open-source Japanese dictionary and kanji lookup that aims at becoming your Japanese study assistant.
GPLv3 task and project management application. Fairly new.
Tesseract is an OCR engine. It is actually provided by Fedora, but has not been updated since Fedora 15. Needs to be updated to the 3.02 version for Hebrew [and other new languages] support
a CMS popular with some web designers. It's GPL and is LAMP-y.
A simple fan control program
A very nice, modern C++ interface to TinyXML. MIT license.
N painful, obscure build system.
A 10 finger write trainer
(Has no configure script and a MakeFile generated by qmake for QT on windows)
A program to help you download, keep updated, and run the Tor Browser Bundle
Released under BSD license. Already has instructions for building a .rpm, and has been tested in Fedora 20.
Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform
Trang is James Clark's multi-format schema converter based on RELAX-NG
Example RPMs available at authors site and has been checked with gcj.
Translit is a console transliteration program written for transliteration
of foreign
letters (in native alphabets) with Latin
letters. Supports character
lists and flexible matches via
transliteration schemes can be added by creating transliteration tables. Console interface only. Included in Mandrake Linux and some other distributions.
(includes GUI) or
Allows users to control Toshiba hardware
Free open-source disk encryption software for Linux.
Version 5 now includes a WxWidgets Gui and uses Fuse instead of kernel modules for the filesystem parts. Thus, inclusion to Fedora should be possible. Requires some fixing in Main/Main.make to build against Fedora's WxWidgets.&/s& Not 'free open-source', i.e. legal would block this. See spot's comments
on TrueCrypt's version 2.5 license.
The issues mentioned with section VI.2 and VI.3 in spot's emails may have been fixed in version 2.7 of the license. The issue mentioned with section III.1.2
and III.2 does not seem to have been fixed at all. (available from RpmFusion)
point of sale and retail management application.
A java application to view the current tv program
A MPEG-1 Audio Layer 2 encoder
Probably would be blocked based on Spot's comment
Utilities to manage the UFS filesystem, mostly used in BSD or derived operating systems. This include FFS, UFS and UFS2.
Scriptable daemon daemon that controls how the Linux kernel will spend it's resources on the running processes.
Unico is a Gtk+ engine that aims to be the more complete yet powerful theming engine for Gtk+ 3.0 and newer
It's used in several Gtk + 3.0 themes
Unicode.org UNIDATA files are used by many packages (perl, gucharmap, etc) in private-copy mode. A common package would be cleaner technically and legally.
debian/ubuntu script for uncompressing archives
Bug # Deferred
A tool to write and paint to an existing pdf file. uPdf can insert pages of another pdf, insert new pages, remove and extract pages, rotate pages, paste an image in the existing pdf, and much more.
A network performance tool, developed by the Performance Applications Engineering group at Sun Microsystems, that supports modelling and replay of various networking patterns.
For the laptop and mobile devices users, the management of the radio killswitches is important for the connectivity and power consumption. HAL used to take care of this job, but it is now deprecated. The urfkill project is created to fill the gap and to provide more flexible configuration for the rfkill-related function keys.
this is useful for feeding different v4l2 applications with video from non v4l2 sources, for example one can feed Skype with video enhanced
or use input device which does not have v4l2 or to share one v4l device with many programs, as many drovers are block device, when opened.
A Last.fm client for Gnome and Maemo.
Bug # (failed)
(available from Livna)
XMMS plugin that acts like Clippy. Fun!
Adds multimedia player support for Mozilla browsers (Firefox, Netscape, Google Chrome, Chromium etc.) under Linux.
VNC Snapshot is a command-line program for VNC. It will save a JPEG image of the VNC server's screen.
a Python module that offers real-time 3D output, and is easily usable by novice programmers.
Depends on non-free software (Polygon).
is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework. The project’s goal is to create a framework to help you secure your web applications by finding and exploiting all web application vulnerabilities.
Wavelet denoise Gimp plugin
Eclipse Webtools Project (JSP, HTML, JavaScript, XML, etc.)
(Effort to build this package are Bug # ongoing
an application designed to make installing windows software on Linux
Bug # (dropped)
web-front end to shorewall
Bug #] (dropped)
(NB: Webmin had a rather doubtful security record in the past -- NilsPhilippsen)
an open source, Integrated Development Environment for desktop applications
an open source wiki server/wiki farm.
(downloadable from ) is an UNIQUE tool for downloading data from some modern Garmin GPSes (such as Garmin nuvi 760) and converting it from proprietary .bin format to standard .gpx format.
This tool is critical for the free
project, in order to collect GPS traces from project's contributors.
frontend for Remind, calendar and alarm application.
Status icon
Xdm session related utilities
EPL/LGPL Licensed MindMap Software.
Authoritative 19th century French dictionary, in stardict format
Xonotic is a fast paced free, open-source first person shooter licensed under the GNU General Public License.
X Persistent Remote Applications, is 'screen for X'.
It allows you to run X programs, usually on a remote host, direct their display to your local machine.
For project management and process improvement.
Online backup tool for MySQL/InnoDB
XtreemFS is a distributed and replicated file system for the Cloud. Distributed under the BSD.
Here's a link to their RPMs .
A secure, censorship-resistant, p2p search engine that indexes the web and also local content on an organization's intranet
Highly experimental program to disable/enable U3 and write a CD image to U3 capable flash drives.
A plugin for yum to specify which package types within a package group should be installed when using yum groupinstall (useful for web walkthroughs)
Open Source Monitoring Tool.
Dead Bug #
ZPB-TTF is a TrueType file parser that provides an interface for reading typographic metrics, glyph outlines, and other information.
provides faster PHP execution through opcode caching and optimization.
smart rsync.
This list is now being maintained at .
The Fedora font wishlist is hosted .
Fonts in FedoraThe
takes loving care of . Please
this special interest group if you are interested in , , , or just
a font. Any help will be appreciated.
You can always see the current list of open
review tickets (bugs) .
4.02 @ RHBZ #
- Use a plain class as a Catalyst model
- HTTP Basic and Digest authentication for Catalyst
- Store your sessions via DBIx::Class
- Delegate session storage to an application model object
- Profile your Catalyst application with Devel::NYTProf
- Inject components into your Catalyst application
- Read::eval::print::loop for debugging your Catalyst application
- Read::eval::print::loop on die and/or warn
- Generate stack traces with lexical variables
- Provide a simple Login controller which can be reused
- User role::based authorization action class
- HTML forms using Moose
- Apply roles to a class related to yours
- Inject components into your Catalyst application
extensions thought of as "standard."
- "A Glimpse at an Enlightened Perl"
@ RHBZ # - not needed at the moment, it might be rewritten in the future
@ RHBZ # (author already agreed to relicense)
0.21 not found. We have 0.32.
@ RHBZ # not needed in this release
1.37 not found. We have 1.37.
Perl5i @ RHBZ # + dependancies:
@ RHBZ #&strike&
&strike& @ RHBZ #
- Content Management System (CPAN: )
- Data modelling tool (CPAN: )
- Extra encodings for Encode (for w3c-markup-validator)
- Extra encodings for Encode (for w3c-markup-validator) @ RHBZ #
- Idealx Management Console
All dependencies should already be in Fedora.
has put some work into this already.
- A bundle to install PlRPC-Server, Client and prerequisites.
- Assemble and disassemble IEEE 802.3 LLC protocol packets. @ RHBZ #
- Place python code inline with perl, or use python classes/functions within perl
- Rapid (and easy!) creation of command line applications
- Use Wireshark's packet dissection engine from Perl (); doesn't work with Wireshark 1.6; works with Wireshark 1.4
- To make subroutine calls easier to read RHBZ #
- Many-core Engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities RHBZ #
- Perl wrapper of the 0MQ message passing library. @ RHBZ #
- Additional useful Dist::Zilla plugins
- We already package Data::Dump, this is even better. RHBZ #
dependency of already packaged perl-Bio-Graphics
If you want to add games to the list do so on the
If you want to add astronomy related packages to the list do so on the
Analysis of Free software
available for packaging in Fedora.
- Tool for drug discovery, molecular docking and virtual screening. There's a package under
- Simulation and analysis of biochemical networks and their dynamics, supports SBML standard for models
- Platform for the analysis and visualization of complex networks, in particular molecular interaction networks and biological pathways
- DNA restriction analysis and cloning tool similar to VectorNTI
- java-based graphical genomics viewer (licensed under GPLv2)
- Genome fragment assembler for sequencing projects classified as 'hard' due to high number of similar repeats.
- The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) finds regions of local similarity between sequences.
ncbi-blast+ packaged by jkaluza -
- NCBI libraries and tools for biology applications
- a new generation of NCBI libraries and tools for biology
- qPCR analysis tool
- sequence handling and analysis software developed at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
- Tool for automation of experimental workflows.
- Software for viewing, analyzing, and creating recordings of physiologic signals
"" by David A. Wheeler lists lots of tools that can help
develop "high assurance" software, particularly "formal methods" tools.
A related site, , maintains a
Help would be greatly appreciated.
Some of these tools include:
Alloy (from MIT)
(don't use the obsolete version at Berkeley)
Additional CAS tools, like Axiom, Yacas, and SAGE would be helpful too.
A number have already been done, including Coq, Why / Caduceus / Krakatoa, tex-zfuzz, and minisat2.
See the Wheeler paper (above) and the
for project URLs, license info, what they do, etc.
Proposed packages to include in Fedora repository for Design Team. When future packager picked up the desired software for review,
please move it in the .
If the sofware cannot be included in Fedora repository, move the software in
and list the reason.
- passed Fedora licensing guideline
- warn about issue
Status - Name and url - Description - Comments
- may be problematic because of wine requirement
its a tool for manage swatches, mostly color sets now, its not active developed but it still works and is helpful for e.g. converting color palettes from adobe swatch exchange (*.ase) to *.gpl. Its not packaged yet but thats not a big deal, its python.
, not easy to describe what it does, it helps to create a creative chaos where you can work with. Its not really active developed but it still works, is also not packaged yet. It uses java and netbeans
its a tool for generate creative patterns. Its not packaged yet should be harder as it uses c++/QT
it helps you to create seemless textures, for 3D games or blender. Also not packaged yet, it uses java
, both do the same taking a sound file and try to recognize the phonemes. With help of that tool you can animate 3D/2D speaking characters. jlipsync bases on java and papagayo on python, personally I prefer Papagayo but its tricky on 64bit machines as the development stopped and there are no 64bit versions
its a tool for creating stop motion animations with your camera, it was started once from SkoleLinux but isnt active developed anymore but it still works.
is a tool for doing 2d animations, but easier to learn and handle as SynfigStudio, puiterwik tries to package it since a few days
chaos generation tool, good for artists and sketchers
UI sketching tool. BSD license. Created by the University of Washington. Crossplatform TabletPC input.
- GimpShop is a fork of gimp for more compatibility with a commercial image editing program.
- HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder.
- is a non-linear editing system for video.
- an animation/drawing software
- A 2D animation program based on MyPaint
Refer to the list or
. This would be a good place to bring back into Fedora repositories packages where the original maintainer has moved on.
If you're not already a Fedora maintainer, but interested in creating a package
on this wish list,
for the general process, and
for the nuts-and-bolts of how to create a package.
describes the guidelines Fedora packages must follow.
may provide additional guidelines and help for processing the packages posted on their wishlist.
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All Rights Reserved.
For comments or queries, please .
The Fedora Project is maintained and driven by the community and sponsored by Red Hat.
This is a community maintained site.
Red Hat is not responsible for content.
This page was last modified on 6 December 2014, at 23:16.}


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