
请英语高手帮我翻译这句话Measuring the diameter between balls of an external gear with the machine.复制搜索
你发了很多相关文件需要翻译的,问一下这是什么专业的,要翻译好,我需要知道正确的专业英语词库。 大体看了一下,翻译为:测量机器外部齿轮上的两球球心之间的距离。
在我看来,人非圣贤,每个人都有希望能帮到你~~) As far as I am then I believe that there would be less misunderstanding. 人工翻译,
扫描下载二维码请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子.(汉译英)谢谢啦 这是我需要完成的几道翻译作业这个女孩被看见的时候,正躺在地上,奄奄一息.她的父母很后悔没有照顾好她.虽然这次考试我退步了,但我并不气馁.只要我努力学习,我就一定能取得进步.毕竟,笑到最后的,才是笑得最好的.我正专心地学习呢,我弟弟就闯了进来,还没等我开口说话呢,他又急匆匆的跑出去了.不幸的是,他跑得太快了,出门时摔倒了.不仅中国人,连外国人都知道“不到长城非好汉”这句俗语.哇,多好的天气啊.我们都认为这样的天气适合去野餐,难道不是吗?在这样宜人的天气里,为什么不亲近一下大自然呢?作为一个学生,你不应该把时间浪费在网络上.你最好珍惜每一寸光阴,否则以后会后悔.我习惯了居住在北京.北京确实是一个值得居住的城市.自从改革开放(the policy of reforming and opening))以来,北京发生了巨大的变化.张磊是一名乐于助人的中学生.地震发生后他救了8名同学.后来他太累了以至于不能救更多的人.他的事迹感动了很多人.我们下决心向他学习.以后尽可能的帮助他人.乱丢垃圾是不好的行为.老师经常告诉我们不要乱丢垃圾.一个小女孩走在回家的路上,发现路旁的垃圾箱前有很多垃圾.于是她拾起垃圾丢进了垃圾桶.牛顿23岁那年,有一天在一棵苹果树下看书,忽然看见一只苹果从树上落下来,苹果刚一落地,牛顿就想到了万有引力定律(the law of gravity).他并不骄傲.他说过:“如果我看得更远那是因为站在巨人(giants)的肩上.”If I have seen further than most men, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.每年春节孩子们都会拿到零花钱.三分之一的孩子会把钱花在买零食上.超过一半的孩子不知道如何使用零花钱.未来的几年里,我们要教会孩子正确使用零花钱.
The girl was found lying on the ground, barely alive. Her parents very regret did not take better care of their daughter.Although the exam I fall behind, I’m not discouraged. I think that as long as I put effort into study, I will make progress. After all, he laughs best who laughs last.I’m studying hard and my brother burst in. Before I could say anything, he had left hurriedly. Unfortunately, he was running so fast that he fell over.Not only the Chinese people, but the foreigners know that common saying, “He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”Wow, what a nice day. We all think the weather is good to have a picnic, isn’t it? In such weather why not close to nature?As a student, you shouldn’t waste your time with Internet. You’d better treasure every moment you have, or you’ll regret it later on.I used to live in Beijing. Beijing is really worth living. Great changes have taken place in Beijing since the policy of reforming and opening.Zhang Lei is a helpful student. After the earthquake, he saved eight classmates. Later, he was too tired to save for some more lives. His deeds touched quite a lot of people. We were determined learn from him. Try to help others from now on.Dropping litter is bad manners. The teacher often tells us do not litter. A little girl was on her way back home. She found there is so much garbage before a roadside dustbin, so she picked up litter and threw them into the trash can.When Newton was 23 years old, one day he sitting under an apple tree reading a book. Suddenly saw an apple fall off the tree. The apple just landed Newton thought of the law of gravity. But he was not proud. He said that if I have seen further than most men, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.Children can get much allowance for every Chinese New Year. One third of all children will spend the money on snacks. More than half the kids do not know how to use pin money. The next several years, we’ll teach our children how to deal with money correctly.
—— fxw4763
—— mac0923
相关其他知识点请给我英文高手帮我翻译一个邮件吧,很着急,谢谢了!xx你好,我是 - 爱问知识人
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This is greetings from Mr (Ms) Li in the financial department. Some money (最好根据实际情况换成那笔款的编号,这样让对方很容易就能理解) was sent to the accounts which has already been canceled (错误账号:是取消了,还是不是其他什么原因,此处按取消处理的) for eight months. We have contacted Philips and Guy several times for the above matter, but it failed to be dealt with. The amount will be returned by the bank if the correct account number is not offered by the end of the year. I would be much appreciated if you could do us a favor for the change of the
This is greetings from Mr (Ms) Li in the financial department. Some money (最好根据实际情况换成那笔款的编号,这样让对方很容易就能理解) was sent to the accounts which has already been canceled (错误账号:是取消了,还是不是其他什么原因,此处按取消处理的) for eight months. We have contacted Philips and Guy several times for the above matter, but it failed to be dealt with. The amount will be returned by the bank if the correct account number is not offered by the end of the year. I would be much appreciated if you could do us a favor for the change of the account number. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.
注: 切记错误账号不要翻成wrong account,因为The term “wrong accounts” actually refers to tax deferred accounts.
“不够了解”居然给楼上翻译地五花八门..I'm sorry.I don't know you well.Please don't be angry.注意修饰了解某人的程度用的是副词well,不是什么enough much之类的.
记得采纳I am sorry, i don't know you enough, please don't be mad any more
您好,此句翻译为英:Sorry, I know enough about you, don't be angry。
I’m sorry. It’s insufficient to understand you. Don’t be angry.


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