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This plot landscape design from focuses the consideration design space and the natural spatial fusion omni-directionally, has paid attention to the plane constitution and the function district with emphasis, leisure place functionality and ornamental unification maximum limit in together. Carries on the corporate planning and the function district from three abstract idea levels: New student, growth, lively. Separately on behalf of plot main difference oralis region, housing main difference oralis region and landscape leisure area. entrance square area. This area is the plot main entry door, the path is open, mainly uses the square paving to present the open imposing manner also convenient collection and distribution stream of people, simple, atmosphere. housing main difference oralis region. This region is the resident enters the housing the main road, also has established a relatively more open paving. Is advantageous for the collection and distribution stream of people, also echoes with the main entry door area&s overall style photography, is a extension. landscape leisure area. This area divides into the resting entertainment area, the central watching area, the active region. The landscape leisure area is the plot landscape main body, is also this design regional planning key point, is the resident rests, the entertainment, active, the fitness main place, attracts the people to take up jobs, arrives at the outdoors, puts into the natural bosom, merges the green the environment, enjoys this happy high quality life.
的感言:真谢谢你了``我也觉得我的分可能给得太少了 以后你来回答问题一定采纳你
Landscape design of the cell-oriented all-round consideration from the design space and natural space for integration, focusing on the composition and function of the plane partition, will place the functions of leisure and enjoyment with maximum unity. From three levels of abstract concepts for the overall planning and zoning: a new life, growth and prosperity. The main import and export on behalf of residential areas, residential areas and main entrances and exits landscape leisure areas. Entrance plaza area. The area is the main entrance area, open roads, the main plaza pavement using a broad distribution of the momentum flow is also convenient, simple, and the atmosphere.
Residential area the main entrance. Residents of the region is the main access into the residential, but also set up a relatively open pavement. Facilitate the flow distribution, but also the main entrance area and the overall style of photo-response is a continuation. Landscape leisure areas. Also the area is divided into open and entertainment district, the center viewing area, activity area. Landscape landscape leisure area is the main area, but also the design of the focus of regional planning is the leisure activities of residents, entertainment, activities, fitness of the main places to attract people out of the house, came outside, into the embrace of nature, into the green environment, enjoy the better quality of life.

抽象理念Abstract concept
Style momentum
Regional Planning
Quality of life

&SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号英语翻译狠急···谢谢
公孙丑上,前两章记载孟子与学生公孙丑的对话,其余均系孟子个人言论的记录.总起来说,仍以政治学说,尤其是“仁政”理论为主.即便是说到其它方面的问题,也往往落脚于“仕政”之上 今天我们说,与人为善,是指善意帮助别人.这与孟子所说的意思既密切相关又略为有所不同了.孟子的意思很简单,与人为善就是与别人一起行善,而这种与人一起行善的基础是吸取别人的优点,改正自己的缺点.所以,他是从子路说起.因为子路有一个很大的优点是闻过则喜,听到别人给自己指出过错就高兴.除了子路而外,夏禹也是这方面的模范,他只要一听到别人对他说有教益的话,不仅高兴,而且还要就地下拜,行上一个大礼.当然,比起子路和夏禹来,大舜的“与人为善”就更高一筹了,不仅高兴,不仅下拜,而且还要切实吸取并付诸行动,这就等于和别人一起行善了.从闻过则善闻善言则拜,到与人为善,虽然有程度的不同,但其性质都是一样的,这就是善于吸取别人的优点而改正自己的缺点.在《论语?学而》篇里,孔子曾经说过:“丘也幸,苟有过,人必知之.”把别人能够给自己指出过错看作一大幸事.可见,孔、孟在如何正确对待自己的缺点和别人的优点这个问题上也是一脉相承的.当然,在实际生活中,要真正按孔、孟的要求做是非常难的.这里面的原因多种多样,但最根本的一点,还是有没有宽广的胸襟和肚量的问题.没有宽广的胸襟和肚量来处理人与我之间的关系,莫说与人为善,就是闻过则喜也是绝对做不到的.做得到的,只有闻过则想,文过饰非而已.


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