m.i.a bad girlss each_ a computer

英语翻译My Dream Bedroom The bedroom is a teenger's favourite piace in the house.Boys and girls like a bedroom with many things.The room has a stereo,a TV,and a computer.There's a private bathroom next to the bedroom.The room has a chair,a desk,and a bookcase.Girls like to have small animal toys.Boys like model cars.Teenagers love music,and they have many CDs.On the wall,they have photos or pictures movie stars and singers.There's a nice bed,and there are two telephonees:a phone and a cell phone.
扫描下载二维码No boys allowed: Girls Who Code takes on gender gapGet the news
No boys allowed: Girls Who Code takes on gender gapMENLO PARK -- Each morning this summer, Jazmine Fernandez hopped the subway to downtown Oakland where she climbed aboard a shuttle bus that transported her to a place unlike any she had ever known: SiliconPost to FacebookNo boys allowed: Girls Who Code takes on gender gap 

MENLO PARK -- Each morning this summer, Jazmine Fernandez hopped the subway to downtown Oakland where she climbed aboard a shuttle bus that transported her to a place unlike any she had ever known: Silicon

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, USA TODAY Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg poses with teens taking part in Girls Who Code this summer.(Photo: Facebook)MENLO PARK, Calif. — Each morning this summer, Jazmine Fernandez hopped the subway to downtown Oakland and boarded a shuttle bus bound for Silicon Valley.The youngest of four raised by a single mom who works at Burger King, Fernandez, 18, is a high school senior growing up in the hulking shadow of the Oakland Coliseum.She likes to study mechanical engineering and build robots in school. A couple of friends suggested she
apply for Girls Who Code. The non-profit is part of a nascent but growing movement to close the gender gap in the technology industry.Fernandez had never known any software engineers. She wasn't even sure Mexican Americans could get jobs with big technology companies."I thought I wasn't smart enough. I thought I couldn't
do it," she said.Turns out she could.One of 20 teens to spend seven weeks on the Facebook campus in Menlo Park, Calif., with Girls Who Code, Fernandez got a crash course in computer science. She went on field trips to top tech companies. And she attended workshops run by leading female engineers and entrepreneurs.Fernandez says her self-doubt melted away when she met Raquel Vélez, who is a senior software developer at npm Inc., an open-source software company.For the first time Fernandez says she can picture herself working for a company like Facebook."Now I can really say that I can do this," Fernandez said.That's the whole idea.&(Photo: Facebook)Launched in 2012, Girls Who Code's summer program has grown from 20 girls in one classroom to 380 girls in classrooms at 16 companies across the country.Founder Reshma
Saujani says she's determined to reach 1 million girls by 2020."I want to give girls the opportunity to be the next Mark Zuckerberg," she said. "I won't be satisfied until I get every company in America to sign up and until I reach every girl in America."Saujani is addressing a pressing challenge for the tech industry: There are not enough computer science graduates to fill openings.Nearly three-quarters of girls in middle school express interest in engineering, science and math. Yet, by the time they are in college, very few major in computer science.Fifty-seven percent of bachelor's degrees are earned by women but just 18% of computer science degrees go to women.Women make up half of the U.S. workforce but hold just 25% of the jobs in technical and computing fields.The figures are even starker for women of color. Black women make up just 3% of the computing workforce and Hispanic women just 2%.Saujani says the tech industry needs to find a way to engage the other half of the U.S. population. And so far the results from Girls Who Code show that early intervention is the key, she says.Of the graduates from the Girls Who Code summer program in 2013, 95% said they were definitely considering or were more likely to consider studying computer science in college, and 99% said they were considering a career in technology.Saujani, the daughter of two engineers who were refugees from Uganda, hit on the idea for Girls Who Code during her failed run for Congress. As she visited schools on the campaign trail, she noticed the same thing again and again: few if any girls in computer science classrooms.Championed by high-profile executives such as Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg and Square's Jack Dorsey, Girls Who Code has gotten off to a quick start."This is a big commitment: 20 girls in a conference room for seven weeks every day," Saujani said. "But the companies tell us they get more out of it than the girls do."&(Photo: Facebook)Saujani received early support from Sandberg, who sent her an unsolicited e-mail one evening that simply said: "What can I do to help you?"And help she did. Sandberg encouraged other tech companies to participate in Girls Who Code."We need programs explicitly about girls coding," Sandberg said in an interview with USA TODAY after holding a town-hall-style meeting with Bay Area teens taking part in Girls Who Code. "We need
to flip the switch, and I think Reshma is doing that."The curriculum was designed by educators, engineers and entrepreneurs to get girls interested in coding. At the end of the seven-week stint, the girls build a project and pitch it to engineers.Cora Frederick, 19, enrolled in Girls Who Code's inaugural summer class in 2012 in New York. Frederick researched machine-learning techniques and advanced detection algorithms to lower the rate of false positives in breast cancer screening. She's now studying computer science at the University of Michigan.Ming Horn took part in the summer program at Twitter last year. She was inspired after a field trip to Facebook to pitch apps to Sandberg. Ming, 16, who was adopted from China and whose brother was adopted from Cambodia, went on to found KhodeUp,
which is teaching orphans in Cambodia to code.This summer at Facebook, Fernandez worked with a team to build a fun educational app, Wacky Words, to help students learn SAT words. Players are quizzed on multiple-choice questions in 60-second rounds so they can test themselves without SAT books or flashcards."Whether it's clean water or obesity, these girls see a problem they are facing or that their family is facing and they try to solve it," Saujani said.&(Photo: Facebook)Like many of the girls in the summer program, Samantha Baker, 16, a high school senior from Burlingame, Calif.,
delighted in the free gourmet meals in Facebook cafes, the friendly engineers who acted as mentors and the wide array of fun activities.She says she was surprised to learn that tech workers don't spend long solitary hours pounding on keyboards in darkened rooms."This opened the door to show me what it's really like to work in tech," Samantha said.Briana Sidney, 16, is a senior at Oakland High School. She has been playing video games since she was 4 and owns nearly every gaming console.Briana had never coded before. Over the course of the summer, she says she developed skills and confidence — and she got a leg up in her dream to go to college to study computer animation and design.Her goal: to become a video game designer for Naughty Dog, the Santa Monica, Calif., company that makes The Last Of Us, one of her favorite games.While exploring the Facebook campus, Sidney discovered
an arcade with pinball machines, video games and a statue of Tomb Raider's Lara Croft."This is amazing," she said.
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President Obama was the first Commander-in-Chief to write a line of computer code, after learning the basics of JavaScript on Monday. The lesson put him among the ranks of some 53 million students who "coded" somewhere in the world during the past year.But right now, women only represent 12 percent of all computer science graduates -- a drop from 37 percent in 1984. One woman is on a mission to change those numbers and get more than a million girls to code over the next 10 years, reports CBS News correspondent Jericka Duncan."I turn on the television and I see no girls who look like me that are coders or hackers or engineers, and girls are watching and they're listening, and they're saying, 'You know what? I'm gonna opt-out.'" recalled Reshma Saujani, founder of "Girls Who Code."
She said to change that, technology has to be cool -- and the work, fun.Saujani visited a Girls Who Code club in Harlem, where students are learning to create their own video games, where she told CBS News that her reasons for spreading the gospel of coding and promoting the skill set are simple."You can actually lift an entire generation out of poverty through learning computer science and put these young girls on a track to making six figure salaries," Saujani said.She is counting on that "eureka moment" to inspire these girls, so they can control and create a digital world and overcome the bi self-doubt and the cultural stereotype that girls aren't good at math or science."You would never say, 'I can't read.' That's just unacceptable in society," Saujani said. "But it's acceptable in society for a girl to say, 'I hate math or I'm not good at math.'"There are more than 150 Girls Who Code clubs across the country that teach robotics, web design and mobile development."What makes it interesting is, like, you are the one creating the game now, you're not just sitting there playing the game," said 17-year-old Aisha Soumaoro, who is enrolled in the club at Democracy Prep High School.Saujani pointed to a cultural phenomenon driving the trend."We couldn't live without our devices, we couldn't live without Facebook or Instagram or Twitter. This i this is how we create," she said. "We're the majority in the workforce, we're the majority in college, we're majority bread winners. How could we be left out of innovating?"Some of the top tech companies in the world, like Facebook, AT&T and Twitter, have all invested in Girls Who Code.
Twitter's CEO, Dick Costolo is one of Saujani's biggest champions.
"Reshma, of course, first and foremost, has just done wonderful, wonderful things for this organization, they lead from the front, they practice what they preach," Costolo said. "They are at all of the events, they are there early, and they are the last ones to leave, so I have nothing but great things to say about all of them."By 2020, there will be an estimated 1.4 million job openings for computer specialists, and Saujani's students are gearing up for the future."You don't have to be super smart to be a part of coding. It's not about math or science, it's about trying to figure out how to solve a problem," Girls Who Code student Jourdan Fraser said.Saujani is certain this education will help girls land some of those jobs."I don't care if you want to be Beyonc& or Hillary Clinton, you got to learn how to code," Saujani said. "If you want to be a veterinarian, if you want to be a doctor, if you want to be a ballerina, technology is critical to whatever you create or build, so learn, learn how to code."There are already nearly 3,000 alumni of Girls Who Code in 23 states nationwide -- still some distance from her goal of one million students.But with the help of Girls Who Code's network of supporters, Saujani hopes to make that number grow steadily each year.
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Online App Teaches Girls Computer Coding
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Online App Teaches Girls Computer CodingWomen face obstacles in the male-dominated field of computer technology, but new initiatives are teaching girls to write computer programs. One online application, from a startup called Vidcode, is bridging the gap between young girls and technology.
One-hundred-fifty New York girls and boys were recently given a practical challenge: to use computer coding on the Vidcode website to make a video that helps abandoned animals in shelters.
This 'hackathon,' or mass programming event, was sponsored by the New York City Department of Education in cooperation with Vidcode, and the contestants gathered at Microsoft offices in Times Square.
Like most American kids, they use computers and smartphones often to play games and communicate, but unlike many, they are learning the basics of JavaScript coding, the underlying script that lets computers do their job.
'You get to use a lot of coding blocks to program stuff. It is really cool,' said student Natalie Leow, as she and her partner worked at their laptop.
On the other side of the country in the West Coast office of Vidcode, the startup's co-founder and CEO, Allie Diracles, demonstrated the process, which teaches computer programming as users make videos to post on sites like YouTube. The programming event - which is aimed at girls, but also welcomes boys - allows users to select graphics, videos and photos, and upload them to the site, Diracles explained.
'And then on our software, they will use programs and scripts and write their own computer programs to modify that content,' she said.
The background code that enables each step of the process appears on the screen.
Range of skills
At the New York hackathon, two excited contestants high-fived their teacher as they learned they were winners for their short video.
'You really need a lot of intelligence and math,' said winner Nayely Torres, 'because sometimes, to make an animal move, you have to think about the angle you want it to go to and how many steps you want it to move.'
The web-based Vidcode app teaches coding step by step, and these girls - like their male counterparts - thrive in this competitive atmosphere, said Don Miller, Senior Director of Computer Science Academics at the New York City Department of Education.
'We don't see girls intimidated,' Miller said. 'We see them taking the lead in groups and project managing.'
Girls learn best through group activities that touch on their interests, says Vidcode's Diracles.
Future inspiration
The creativity, excitement and inspiration was evident during the event, but didn't stop there. Participants had big plans for how they would use their programming skills in the future.
'I would create a video game one day, or a TV show,' said Zara Tarafgar, who said she is following in her father's footsteps by writing computer code.
These girls are breaking down stereotypes, according to Raquel Cardona, director of the Software Engineering Programs for New York's public middle schools and high schools.
'When you think 'coder,' you think male,' Cardona said. 'You think nerdy, you don't think creative, at least traditionally. I think we're starting to change that.'
One of the best parts? Learning about computer programs while also promoting a good cause, says student Sierra Scott, one of the day's winners.
'I think that we did great because we put a lot of effort into it and we said helpful things to raise awareness to help dogs and all animals around the country,' she said.
And they mastered important computer skills in the process.
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The princess is going to meet her best friend and after that she and her friend will be going to a party where all the beautiful princess would come to show off their beautiful new looks.
The most beautiful princess Elsa and the most handsome Jack are getting married today and they both are very excited.
There had never been hair salon for pets in this street but now there is one and it is the most famous pet hair salon.
Baby Elsa got bored of living in the old room so she decided to redecorate it.
This fairy has to do some of the most important jobs today because she is the organizer of the Annual Fairies Ball.
The cutest babies are very sad because their mom is going to office very earlier than usual because she has got lots of tasks that needs to be completed by the end of this day.
All the winter dresses in the Selena’s wardrobe looked old fashion and they were not looking as great as her summer dresses, so she immediately updated her winter wardrobe.
A girl always wanted to create vampire doll and give it to her friend who loves to have monster dolls and play with them when she gets some free time.
Barbie is a fashion doll and an excellent fashion adviser.
Barbie is a fashion designer and a fashion model.
Christmas is around the corner and Santa has been working in his factory throughout out this year to create beautiful Christmas gifts for the kids.
This fashion designer owns a famous fashion studio.
The Zootopia is a beautiful city where you can find all the cute and friendly animals.
Cinderella is a beautiful princess and she is very happy today because she is getting married this evening.
Barbie met the super talented and beautiful Equestria girls last weekend.
The water pokemons were living in the place where they were not living the lives of their dream.
The puppy love playing in the garden and as she was playing with the butterfly she fell on the ground and got injured.
Barbie was looking for a fun nail art design.
Cinderella has decided to go to Paris to spend time with her best friends.
Frankie Stein, Lagoona Blue, Cleo de Nile, and Clawdeen Wolf have decided to take selfies to show off their new looks.
This cute girl is learning fashion design.
Winter weddings are beautiful and magical.
This girl love fashion as much as she loves candies.
Rapunzel is a beautiful doll and she spends most of her time with her friends.
All the families of this city are very sad because they do not have turkey to make for thanksgiving dinner.
If you want to relax and spend time happily then coloring the mandalas is a great activity.
A mermaid runs a hair salon and she opened it only mermaids who find it very difficult to create a new hairstyle under the water.
It’s winter and the three princesses Rapunzel, Elsa and Belle are enjoying winter because they love winter.
Elsa and Tiana love fashion and they hire many fashion stylists and fashion designers in order to keep up with latest fashion trends.
Leather Jacket is an amazing fashion accessory that never goes out of style and they are a good friend during winter and that is the reason why Barbie love this trendy icon.
Elsa, Belle, and Rapunzel are best friends and they have thrown a pajama party this weekend.
All the super talented hairstylists can be found in Lagoona Blue’s hair salon.
Ariel had been very busy for the past few months and now she has got more time to relax and enjoy the activities she loves.
Going to the cinema to watch a movie is a great way to spend time with friends.
Rapunzel is now a mermaid.
Elsa, Snow White, Merida, and Belle want to look very beautiful at debutante ball that is going to take place this evening.
When the ladybug was fighting with her enemy.
Hologram fashion show is taking place in this beautiful city this evening.
Rapunzel is going to a nail salon to get her nail done and after that she has to meet her fashion designer in order to design outfits and accessories that would match her nails.
The cooler weather is here and all the Disney princesses is the city are looking for cold weather fashion dresses to wear for the weekend party.
Merida is Barbie’s best friend.
This girl is going to celebrate Halloween with her friends this year.
Elsa has a great plan for Halloween and the plan is to go trick or treating around the villain’s neighborhood.
Barbie is going to spend a lot of time in her fashion studio.
As the Halloween approaches, you will notice carved pumkins placed outside the homes and that would be the great indication that Halloween is around the corner.
Ariel, Merida and Cinderella are going to celebrate the Halloween in a whole new way.
Halloween is just around the corner.
A Halloween contest will be held on Halloween.
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