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An artist who seeks fame is like a dog
his own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it.
of success is that it often leads those who seek such success to participate in their own destruction.
"Don't quit your day job!" is advice frequently given by understandably
family members and friends to a budding artist who is trying hard to succeed.
of fame is difficult at best, and many end up emotionally if not financially
bankrupt .
Still, impure
such as the desire for
fans and praise from peers may
the artist on.
glory is not easily resisted.
Those who gain fame most often gain it as a result of exploiting their talent for singing, dancing, painting, or writing, etc.
They develop a style that
market aggressively to
popularity, and their ride on the express
to the top is a
Most would be hard-pressed to tell you how they even got there.
Artists cannot remain
idle , though.
When the performer, painter or writer becomes
bored , their work begins to show a lack of
in its appeal and it becomes difficult to
the attention of the public.
After their enthusiasm has dissolved, the public simply moves on to the next flavor of the month.
Artists who do attempt to remain current by making even
changes to their style of writing, dancing or singing, run a significant risk of losing the audience's favor.
The public simply
styles other than those for which the artist has become famous.
Famous authors' styles―a Tennessee Williams play or a
by Ernest Hemingway or a poem by Robert Frost or T.S. Eliot―are easily recognizable.
The same is true of painters like Monet, Renoir, or Dali and
like Hitchcock, Fellini, Spielberg, Chen Kaige or Zhang Yimou.
1、相互懂得,比相爱,更难得——by:碗哥百度:Mutual understanding, than love, more difficult 【相互理解,比爱,更难】谷歌:Know each other, than love, more rare 【 了解对方,比爱情,更难得 】这一轮不分胜负,都好文艺!
2、徐浩徐浩,你快接电话啊,徐浩,不要管那个朱元冰我才是你的人...——by:左溢百度:Terry Chui Terry Chui, you pick up the phone, Terry Chui, not the Zhu Yuanbing I'm your man... 【徐浩徐浩,你拿起电话,徐浩,不朱元冰我是你的男人…】谷歌:Xu Hao Xu Hao, you pick up the phone, ah, Xu Hao, Zhu Bing, I do not control that person is your 【 徐浩徐浩,你拿起电话,啊,许徐浩,朱元冰,我无法控制那个人是你的 】谷歌你无法控制什么。。
3、幺儿嘞,你会突变嘚,你现在只是给大脑放个假~——by:左溢百度:Yao Er Li, you will love you now just mutation, to the brain in a false
【幺儿咧,你现在只是突变爱你,在一个虚假的大脑】谷歌:Le youngest child, you will mutation tinkling, you now just to put a fake brain 【 乐最小的孩子,你会变异的叮当,你现 在只是放个假脑 】度娘你告诉我突变为什么要爱你。。谷歌什么卖萌么你叮当什么啊叮当。。
4、遇到蛇很好办嘛,面带微笑,撑开一把伞,就当自己是许仙嘛,就可以和蛇谈恋爱了——by:左溢百度:Snakes do good thing, smiling, open an umbrella, when he is Xu Xianma, you can fall in love with the snake 【蛇做好事,笑着,打开伞,当他是许仙马,你可以爱上蛇】谷歌:Well well do encounter a snake, smiling, stretched an umbrella, when he is her husband Well, you can fall in love and snakes 【 好吧好吧确实遇到蛇,面带微笑, 伸出一把雨伞,当时他是她的丈夫好了, 你可以在爱情和蛇下降 】蛇为什么要做好事!!!!为什么!!!和蛇下降又是什么玩意儿!!!
5、姓本的,是拉登。——by:朱元冰百度:This is the name, Laden. 【这是我的名字,拉登。】谷歌:The surname is Bin Laden. 【 姓是本·拉登。 】度娘你不是叫百度么!!!!
6、你究竟不是个人——by:刘俊麟百度:What are you not personal 【你不是个人是什么】谷歌:You really are not personal 【 你真的不是个人 】度娘我就不是人你打我啊。
7、你果真不是个东西——by:碗哥百度:If you are not a thing 【如果你不是一个东西】谷歌:Do you really not a thing 【 你真不是个东西 】谷歌完美逆袭23333度娘你来打我啊。
8、徐浩就是我的专属小咒语,我要让这两个字充满积极的能量——by:徐浩百度:Terry Chui is my own little spell, I want to make this two word is full of positive energy 【徐浩是我自己的小咒语,我想这两个字是充满了积极的能量】谷歌:Xu Hao is my exclusive little spell, I want the word is full of positive energy 【 徐浩是我独家的小咒语,我想这个词充 满了积极的能量 】没说的。。不过为什么度娘的徐浩是Terry Chui。。
9、真是个瓜娃子..哈戳戳的..真的是...——by:刘俊麟百度:It is a guawazi.. ha poke.. really is... 【这是一个瓜娃子..哈戳的真的是…】谷歌:What a poke in the melon Wazi .. Ha .. really ... 【 什么是捅在瓜娃子..哈..真的...... 】度娘我膜拜你!!!
10、回来再找你算账啊,别动啊——by:左溢百度:I'll get back to you. Oh, don't move 【我会再和你联络。哦,不要动】谷歌:Come back to find you afterwards, ah, do not move ah 【 回来找你算账啊,不要动啊 】哈哈哈度娘哈哈哈我会和你联络的哈哈哈
11、你一米四,他一米八,你当监考老师是瞎的呀。——by:朱元冰百度:You're a meter four, his eight meters, you when the instructor is blind. 【你一米四,他的八米,你当教练是盲目的。】谷歌:Your one meter four, his meter eighty, blind invigilator when you die. 【 您1米4,他一米八,当你死瞎子监考老师。 】度娘你肿么了。。谷歌你牛!
12、如果我爸是你这性格,哪有我呀。——by:左溢百度:If my father is your personality, which is me. 【如果我的父亲是你的个性,这是我的。】谷歌:If I was your dad this character, how can I die. 【 如果我是你爸爸这个角色,我怎么能死。 】谷歌神逻辑。。
13、哎呀,差点把自己绕晕了,以为自己是个太监——by:朱元冰百度:Oh, almost put his confused, think oneself is a eunuch 【哦,差点把他迷惑,以为自己是个太监】谷歌:Oh, I almost fainted around himself, thought he was a eunuch 【 哦,我差点自己绕晕了,以为他是个太监 】到底谁是太监。。
14、你姓什么叫什么在哪里读书身高体重什么爱好什么特长什么学历谈过几个男朋友家里几口人你妈贵姓!? ——by:左溢百度:What's your surname what where reading height weight what hobby what what degree about several boyfriend a few people at home mom you name!? 【你姓什么什么什么什么什么爱好阅读身高体重程度几个男朋友在家里的妈妈你名字的人!?】谷歌:。。。度娘凌乱了而谷歌。。直接当机了。
15、我们的口号就是:读万卷书,行万里路,做万人迷。——by徐浩百度:Our slogan is: read ten thousand books, traveling thousands of miles, do Mack daddy 【我们的口号是:读一万本书,行万里路,做万人迷】谷歌:Our slogan is: read a trip, do heartthrob. 【 我们的口号是:读万卷书,行万里路, 做万人迷。 】你们都逆袭了。。
最后来两个w度娘是傻逼。百度:Baidu is idiot 【百度是白痴】谷歌:Mother is a sucker degrees. 【 母亲是个傻逼度。 】谷歌你那么吊你爸妈知道吗。。谷歌是白痴。百度:Google is an idiot. 【 谷歌是白痴。 】谷歌:Google is an idiot. 【 谷歌是个白痴。 】神同步
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或当前位置: &
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例句与用法' cause even a superstar mack daddy fish like me即使像我这种影剧界大老Iot ' s just my gigantic cock . snickers只是我的大老二Twelve years they served chedorlaomer , and in the thirteenth year they rebelled4他们已经事奉基大老玛十二年,到十三年就背叛了。 Twelve years they had served chedorlaomer , but the thirteenth year they rebelled创14 : 4他们已经事奉基大老玛十二年、到十三年就背叛了。 For twelve years they were under the rule of chedorlaomer , but in the thirteenth year they put off his control4他们已经事奉基大老玛十二年、到十三年就背叛了。 Big boss , we have newborn want join our club , he called crazy dog . can you ask yr big big boss , can he join ma大老,我们帮有新人加入,他叫疯狗。可以问问你的大大老可以吗? Your request for a service could not be fulfilled , please try again or contact your operator if the problem persist我已经为此事去中国移动的服务点,两个店员大老分别对我说:你的手机我不会设,我试过,但搞不定! But already , in what appears to be a khmer rouge tradition , people say his ghost has begun dispensing lottery numbers虽然塔莫去世还没有很久,不过根据赤柬大老的传统,人们说他的英灵已经开始指示彩卷的明牌号码了。 President bush made a rare visit to capitol hill , lunching with gop senators , making the case for immigration reform布什总统难得地访问了美国国会,与大老党(翻译错误)的参议员共进午餐,就移民法案的改革进行讨论。 Torre said that he spoke earlier in the week with steinbrenner , following up after the yankees were held winless in three games at fenway park托瑞爷爷这个星期稍早己经和大老?说到话了,就在洋基在芬威球场连输三场之后。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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