relief headerts版是什么意思思

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例句与用法1.Rain date announced : the yankees and devil rays will make up their april 4 rainout on july 21 as part of a split - admission doubleheader雨天讯息:洋基与魔鬼鱼四月四日的比赛将会挪在七月21日成为双重赛。 2.A rainout in may forced the long series . the yankees and boston also played a five - game set at fenway in july 2002在五月时,因雨延赛而导致这次的五连赛,而洋基和红袜上一次连续五场比赛是在2002年的七月。 3.The rotation fell into a state of flux with tuesday ' s rainout at chicago , forcing mike mussina and wang to both pitch on wednesday先发的轮值因为周二芝加哥的大雨而被打乱,导致穆帅和小王同时在周三出赛。 4.Fans holding tickets for the rained - out april 4 contest will be admitted to the 7 : 05 p . m . twin - bill nightcap , pending the yankees ' rainout policy球迷有四月四日球票的将可以在当晚进入双重赛的晚上七点五分入场。 5.With yankee stadium less than half full for the makeup of tuesday night ' s rainout , wang ( 16 - 5 ) allowed three hits in 7 2 / 3 innings这场因礼拜二因雨停赛的补赛,全场只有坐不到一半的观众,王建民在72 / 3局投球里被击出三支安打。 6.With two full days of rest following tuesday ' s off - day and wednesday ' s rainout , damon had unsuccessfully lobbied to be used as a ninth - inning pinch - hitter in thursday ' s game星期二整天的休息与星期三因雨延赛,大门成功的在星期四第九局上场担任指定代打。 7.Even with a rainout on wednesday , torre moved andy pettitte ' s regularly scheduled start to friday and left hughes to make his debut as expected on thursday against the blue jays虽然星期三下雨,老爹把派特提排定的时间移到星期五,让休斯如期于星期四初登板面对蓝鸟。 8.Igawa had originally been scheduled to start saturday but the yankees rearranged their rotation after a rainout earlier in the week , relegating him to relief work after a poor outing on monday against the rays井川庆原来被排定星期六先发,但洋基在星期三下雨后重新排定先发投手,由于星期一面对蓝鸟不佳表现,将井川庆移为中继投手。


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