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15:56 编辑
When an icon with a green cross appears next to a player it indicates he is carrying a knock.
Using easy or normal tackling in a match will reduce the risk of your team picking up cautions or red cards, particularly if the game is being officiated by a strict referee.
Be aware of how the weather can affect your team’s performances. Bad conditions are more likely to penalise those who play a short passing game, try adopting a more direct style at times like this.
Players with low stamina may tire and struggle to play at their best, particularly in poor weather conditions or high tempo games.
When watching a match you can keep an eye on the opposing team’s formation and changes made during the game by selecting ‘Formations’ from the ‘tree’ menu in the side-bar.
When using the ‘Use Playmaker’ tactic, your players will generally look to try and pass the ball to the person you’ve assigned to that role.
A playmaker is someone who generally looks to receive the ball and dictate play.
A target man is someone who will look to bring others into play via flick-ons or holding up the ball.
Constantly changing your tactic and making dramatic alterations to the style of play will not help your players settle or find their rhythm and is likely to have an adverse affect on the team’s performances.
Allowing too many players to have a high level of creative freedom will likely see your team fail to adhere to your tactical instructions. Use creative freedom sparingly for full effect.
Passing style and tempo are linked. A short passing game works best with a slower tempo, whilst a direct, counter attacking style needs to be swift and quick.
If you like to play possession football and dictate the tempo setting your goalkeeper’s distribution to short and to a near player may help you succeed.
Time-Wasting is useful late in the game but be sensible – employ it too early it can backfire and cost you the game.
Taking the time to set up player positions on set-pieces can be very rewarding. Taking advantage in these situations is often the difference between a draw and a win.
Allowing your players to close down often will naturally put the opposition players under duress, but be aware that good players will find ways to avoid pressure and expose your team.
Players who pick up knocks but have no injury indicator may be able to shake off their injury and return to a good level of fitness later in the game.
Determination can be a key attribute. Players with low determination usually react badly to going a goal down.
If you find you’re leaving too much space behind your defence, try setting your centre-backs mentality to ‘Ultra Defensive’ or using a deeper defensive line.
When playing against a strong team, you may get some success by playing on the counter attack. This can be particularly effective when playing away from home.
When trying to hang onto a result, a good way to wind down the clock is to employ time wasting tactics in the latter stages of a game.
Defenders with low concentration are more prone to making costly mistakes in defence.
Strikers with low composure are more prone to buckling under the pressure and missing one-on-one opportunities to score.
New signings need time to settle in and gel with their new team-mates.
Too many new signings in a short space of time can upset the balance and rhythm of your team.
Foreign players with a distinctly different football cultural upbringing may take a while to settle into playing a different style of play.
The ‘Get Ball Forward’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to move the ball into the opponent’s territory with greater urgency. This is ideally used when your team is chasing the game and needs a goal.
The ‘Retain Possession’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to keep hold of the ball and play a low-risk strategy, with the emphasis on controlling the game. This is ideally used when your team is looking to protect a lead.
The ‘Pass Into Space’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to look to pass the ball into open areas of the pitch, rather than directly into a teammate’s feet. This is ideally used when your team possesses quick players who will be able to reach the ball ahead of the opponent and can take advantage of the extra space.
The ‘Pass To Feet’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to look to pass the ball into the feet of their teammates, rather than into space or away from the body. This is ideally used when your team possesses agile, capable technicians who can move the ball accurately and at speed, drawing the opposition towards them in an attempt to create pockets of space.
The ‘Pump Ball Into Box’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to ignore their basic tactical instructions and adopt a direct approach to get the ball into the opposition’s penalty area as quickly as possible. This is ideally used when your team is chasing the game and needs a goal.
The ‘Clear Ball To Flanks’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to look towards the sidelines when clearing the ball from danger, rather than keeping it in a central position. This is a sensible approach as the ball is further away from the goal, and can be an effective counter-attacking strategy if you possess quick wide players who can swiftly transition into attack.
The ‘Shoot On Sight’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to take a shot at goal as soon as an opportunity presents itself. This can be effective if your team includes a number of capable finishers, but also increases the chances of scoring simply by ‘buying a ticket’.
The ‘Work Ball Into Box’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to attempt to play their way into attacking positions with patience and creativity. This is ideally used when your team features quality attacking playmakers and effective passers, but is a strategy which may struggle to break down well-organised teams that defend deep.
The ‘Exploit The Flanks’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to stretch the pitch and use their wide players to make an attacking impact. This is ideally used when your wide players are amongst your most effective, or when the opposition is struggling at full-back.
The ‘Exploit The Middle’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to contract the pitch and play the majority of the game in central areas. This is ideally used when your central players are amongst your most effective, or when the opposition is struggling at centre-back or in central midfield.
The ‘Look For Overlap’ touchline instruction will encourage your wider players to hold onto the ball and wait for the full-back to overlap them into an attacking position. This is ideally used when you have a very effective attacking full-back and can be an additional tool in breaking down tough defences.
The ‘Take A Breather’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to keep hold of the ball with no specific intention other than to rest with it and recover some of their energy. This is ideally used when you ask your team to adopt a high-intensity pressing game or a high-tempo attacking game which have a greater impact on fitness levels.
“休息一下”,鼓励球员倾向无特定目的的控球,而不是利用它来恢复体能。这在你要求你的队伍适应高强度压迫或者高节奏进攻,对体能要求的比赛中有很好的效果(用来变换节奏和控球) 转载请注明【网址】和【爆棚网】
The ‘Play Wider’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to stretch the pitch even further in a bid to draw a well-organised defence out of their comfort zone and take advantage of the wider spaces between defenders.
The ‘Play Narrower’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to contract the pitch even further and play the majority of the game in central areas. This is ideally used when your central players are amongst your most effective, or when the opposition is struggling at centre-back or in central midfield. It can also help solidify your defensive structure and force teams to play on the periphery, further away from the goal.
The ‘Push Higher Up’ touchline instruction will encourage your defenders to adopt a higher defensive line, and in turn force your team to play closer to the opposition’s goal. This has the effect of putting your team on the front foot and forcing the opposition to play in a compact, congested area.
The ‘Drop Deeper’ touchline instruction will encourage your defenders to collapse towards their own goal and play a much deeper line, which in turn encourages the rest of the team to drop into their own half. This makes it harder for opponents to break you down and can be used either as a strategy to preserve a lead late in a game, or as a tactic used against much better teams in order to frustrate them.
“拖后”,后卫队员会更简单地处理球,并且保持更深的防线,这会让其他队员回到己方半场。这会让对手更艰难地进攻,同时是一个保持领先的好策略,或者是面对更强大对手摧垮他们进攻心态的好方法。 【
The ‘Hassle Opponents’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to set about winning the ball back from the opposition with relentless hassling and pressing. Adopting this strategy requires players with high levels of stamina in order for it to be most effective.
The ‘Stand Off Opponents’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to work in a cohesive and organised fashion when defending, with the focus on a solid formational shape and making it hard for the opposition to find space. This makes it harder for opponents to break you down and can be used either as a strategy to preserve a lead late in a game, or as a tactic used against much better teams in order to frustrate them.
“区域防守”,球员会利用协作方式进行防守,他们会注意稳固防线阵型,并且让对手很难找到进攻空间。对手在此条件下很难击垮自己,是个在比赛结尾处保持领先的好方法,或者可以作为一个对抗强队摧垮对方进攻心态的策略 转载请注明【网址】和【爆棚网】
The ‘Get Stuck In’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to be more aggressive in the tackle and assert themselves on the opposition in a bid to get the upper hand psychologically and physically.
The ‘Stay on Feet’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to stay on their feet when tackling rather than diving in and going to ground. This reduces the chances of an opponent hurdling an attempted tackle and leaving your team outnumbered in defence.
The ‘Take More Risks’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to gamble in pursuit of a goal and not worry about their defensive responsibilities. This is largely intended as a strategy for use late in games when chasing a goal as it will almost certainly leave your team short of numbers at the back (including the goalkeeper at set-pieces when used in conjunction with the ‘Overload’ team strategy in the closing minutes of a match).
The ‘Run At Defence’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to dribble at defenders when attacking. This is most effective when your team possesses quick and agile dribblers who can beat their man and take full advantage of their abilities.
The ‘Play Out Of Defence’ touchline instruction will encourage your defenders to look to build attacks from the back with shorter passing rather than a more primitive long-ball forward.
The ‘Hit Early Crosses’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to put crosses in almost as soon as they pick the ball up in wide positions. This can be an effective strategy if you also have forwards with high off the ball and anticipation ratings, as they will be able to take full advantage by reacting first.
The ‘Play Through Defence’ touchline instruction will encourage your players to look to break down opposing defences with passing and movement rather than pace and dribbling. This can be an effective strategy if you are fortunate to have good quality passers with the vision and technique to break down a defence.
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All Right Reserved一球成名传球手 组织核心 远射都怎么才能出来啊??_百度知道
一球成名传球手 组织核心 远射都怎么才能出来啊??
一球成名传球手 组织核心 远射都怎么才能出来啊
我是边锋 现在影锋中锋 都有了
属性点也够了怎么都不出啊 !!
相当于间间间接助攻。慢镜头回放的时候就会从你开始传球那一刹开始回放你是边锋。 远射,这个相对于两个要好些。你如果在禁区外经常起脚射门并破门得分的话,组织进攻。比如你策动一次进攻,你传球给某人,某人带球又传给另一人,此人进球了。此时就算你策动了一次进攻?那这三项就很难出了,也是基本上是前腰和中场球员容易出,它需要你在球队中发动进攻,射门总次数和远射进球率达到一定次数后就会出了。 以上是我的心得。一般前腰和中场球员容易出。 核心组织就更困难了。 传球手需要你有足够的传球成功率和传球次数,希望可以帮到你
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。十大现如今联盟最会传球的非控卫传球手,有你在乎的球星吗?十大现如今联盟最会传球的非控卫传球手,有你在乎的球星吗?包包的摔跤百家号对球员全能型要求很高,不少非控卫组织能力出色,今天就选出非控卫10大传球手。勒布朗-詹姆斯作为联盟最全能的巨星,一个能从一号位打到五号位的男人,会有他都完成不了的事情吗。只要詹姆斯想,他能在球队需要他传球和组织的时候站出来。詹姆斯职业生涯总助攻数为7521次,成为历史上非控卫助攻数最多的球员。2.尼古拉-约基奇约基奇进入联盟短短几年,作为中锋的他已经拿了六次三双。他还曾在背靠背的比赛里拿到三双。他是联盟当中最好的大个子传球手之一,上个赛季约基奇在掘金队场均助攻接近5次。约基奇攻端有出色的低位进攻能力以及中远距离射程,还能策应扮演进攻轴心,若再提升防守,他将是掘金未来至少5年的建队核心。3.德拉蒙德格林德拉蒙德格林是另一位全能的代表。他是勇士体系的核心,是勇士攻守转换的重要支点。他连续两个赛季场均超7助攻,助攻数甚至超过队内全明星控卫库里。他的传球能力毋庸置疑。4.凯文-乐福乐福助攻数不高,这是因为他在森林狼队是主要得分点,在骑士队时候大部分是定点投篮。但是他的传球能力也是不容小觑的,乐福的传球视野很开阔,能够清楚的洞察球员的位置。在比赛里,乐福能单手从这边底线传到另一端底线,让队友有开阔的扣篮或上篮空间。5.马克加索尔小加索尔是典型的高篮球智商球员,是少有的脚步灵活手感柔和的大中锋。当他发现队友位置更好,会毫不犹豫放弃个人投篮机会,将球传给更稳定的位置。他生涯场均助攻超过3个。考虑到灰熊队是一个慢节奏球队,这已是相当不容易。6.扬尼斯阿德托昆博阿德托昆博,也就是字母哥是一位堪比威少、魔术师的全能型球员。希腊怪物从不害怕去组织雄鹿队进攻,灵活的视野恐怖的臂展是他能够在重重包围中将球传出的秘诀。他用个人的能力吸引防守,突破到内线,为队友制造空位机会。这两个赛季字母哥场均助攻在5.5次左右,并且在未来还会持续增加。没人知道他的上限在哪里。7.布雷克-格里芬格里芬最著名的是他充满美感和爆发力的扣篮。但是他同样是一位非常有前途的传球手。因为之前身边有保罗,他无需过多的组织和传球。格里芬职业生涯当中场均有4.2次助攻,本赛季保罗离开,格里芬被拉到外线做策应,而且他和内线搭档小乔丹一直有良好化学反应。8.本-西蒙斯因伤缺席整个赛季的本西蒙斯终于在新赛季展示出他恐怖的传球能力。他有勒布朗-詹姆斯身高,但可以打控卫。仅仅才打了六场比赛,就足够发现他恐怖之处。本赛季西蒙斯场均7.7次助攻,西蒙斯兼具后场球员的细腻技术,以及锋线球员的力量和冲劲,突击能力强,在个人单打的同时,篮球视野也超出一般球员,传球颇为精准,可以从1号位一直打到5号位。9. 考辛斯考辛斯是联盟里技术全面的大个子之一,考神能在外线花式控球摆脱对手,生涯场均3助攻,目前在鹈鹕队他的场均助攻为5.9次,有浓眉哥戴维斯的牵扯,他的传球可以更大发挥空间。他传球技术出众,能够从高位包夹中传球,快攻中的大局观也不错。10.凯文杜兰特KD控卫级别的组织能力和传球意识,能够一人盘活全队进攻。加盟勇士队之后,变得更加全能,传球和组织能力提高,自从他成为勇士队一员之后,杜兰特场均助攻接近5个。本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。包包的摔跤百家号最近更新:简介:带你了解更全面的NBA作者最新文章相关文章}


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