
WWE付费节目将携手聚力体育 2017年全面登陆中国
(WWE PPV 幸存者大赛,赛斯罗林斯对战AJ斯泰尔斯)
PPV是WWE中最重要赛事品牌,以其豪华的明星阵容,华丽、激烈的表演和狂热的粉丝及现场氛围而著名。根据当年的赛事安排,摔跤迷们基本每个月都能迎来至少一场PPV赛事。四大WWE PPV之首的《摔跤狂热大赛》在福布斯最新“全球最具价值单项体育赛事榜”上位列第五,仅次于NFL超级碗,夏季、冬季奥运会,及FIFA足球世界杯。
为了让更多中国观众能提前体验PPV的精彩,WWE于11月21日及12月5日在上海、广州两地举办“WWE之夜” 观赛派对。通过线上招募的形式,让幸运粉丝们首次得以观看到《幸存者大赛》、《TLC大赛》两场顶级PPV赛事。派对现场,粉丝们不但有机会首次通过官方渠道观看到完整的PPV赛事,更能听到特邀嘉宾的现场解说。没有机会亲临现场的观众也不会错过这个PPV视觉盛宴,粉丝们届时可以在聚力体育APP上限时免费观看这两场赛事。
聚力体育在“走向版权上游”战略布局原则的指引下,致力于将WWE赛事内容本土化。此次WWE与聚力体育的通力合作,WWE PPV赛事首次登陆中国,中国粉丝将得以率先体验到WWE这一美国顶级体育娱乐品牌所带来的家庭娱乐盛宴。更多精彩内容与摔友互动,尽在聚力体育客户端WWE专区!
今日搜狐热点wwe2017年摔跤狂热(33届) - wwe大神们的出场音乐 - 电台节目 - 网易云音乐
wwe大神们的出场音乐 第49期
介绍: 歌词:
作曲 : Armando C. Perez/Gamal Lewis/Lukasz Gottwald/Henry Walter/Tramar Dillard,作词 : Armando C. Perez/Gamal Lewis/Lukasz Gottwald/Henry Walter/Tramar Dillard,Red light,红灯,Green light,绿灯,Everybody take a shot,所有人干一杯,Red light,红灯,Green light,绿灯,Give me everything you got,让我看...
介绍: 歌词:
作曲 : Armando C. Perez/Gamal Lewis/Lukasz Gottwald/Henry Walter/Tramar Dillard,作词 : Armando C. Perez/Gamal Lewis/Lukasz Gottwald/Henry Walter/Tramar Dillard,Red light,红灯,Green light,绿灯,Everybody take a shot,所有人干一杯,Red light,红灯,Green light,绿灯,Give me everything you got,让我看看你们的能耐,Green light,绿灯,Mister 305,Mister 305,Flo Rida and Lunch Money,Flo Rida and Lunch Money,Three Miami boys you know what time it is,你们知道什么时间了,Give me the greenlight oh yeah,给我亮绿灯让我畅通无阻,Cause I'm ready to go,我已准备就绪,Let's have a good time let's go,让我们尽情嗨吧,What you waiting for you,还在等什么,You only got one life one life,要知道你只活一次,And we gon' live it up,让我们精彩的活,Give me the greenlight give it to me,给我亮绿灯让我畅通无阻,Cause I'm ready to go oh oh oh,我已准备就绪,Oh wee oh wee oh wee oh oh oh oh,哦 我们可以,我们可以,Cause I'm ready to go oh oh oh,我已准备就绪,Oh wee oh wee oh wee oh oh oh oh,哦 ,来吧,让我们尽情嗨吧,Give me the greenlight,给我亮绿灯让我畅通无阻,I got the greenlight mami and you know what that means,一路走来我畅通无阻,你懂我的意思,So we could do anything anything that you dream,我们可以随心所欲,去追逐我们的梦想,I wanna make you ooh ah until you scream,我想让你们嗨翻,惊声尖叫,And I practice what I preach if you know what I mean,如果你懂我的意思,我会付出行动的,I'mma ride that mami,我要上了那小妞,Yeah I got the key and I'mma lock that mami,是啊,我有钥匙我要将她锁起来,Yeah we can roll and I'mma rock that mami,是啊,我们够嗨,我能嗨翻她,I do what I say and say what I mean now let me jump in between,我说到做到,我不会随便承诺,就让我徜徉舞池中央,I'm getting loose in this thing like OJ the Juice in this thing,我会尽情释放,就像OJ the Juice,Feeling like Left Eye boy I burn the roof in this thing,感觉像是《Left Eye》{歌名}我的激情热火快要将天花板烧着,I got all the women getting naked feeling like Luke in this thing,左拥右抱着各色美女,好像自己是 Luke,Think it's a game,这不过是游戏而已,Now I got the weed lit and the greenlight,我点燃大麻,一路绿灯,畅通无阻,All I need is mami for you to give me the greenlight,美女,我要的只是亮绿灯让我畅通无阻,So I can run through it like an easy pass,这样我就能顺利通过,Find the G-spot and step on the gas,发现制高点, 猛踩油门,Give me the greenlight oh yeah,给我亮绿灯,让我畅通无阻,Cause I'm ready to go,我已准备就绪,Let's have a good time let's go,让我们尽情嗨吧,What you waiting for,来吧,还在等什么,You only got one life one life,要知道你只活一次,And we gon' live it up,所以我们要精彩过活,Give me the greenlight give it to me,给我亮绿灯,让我畅通无阻,Cause I'm ready to go oh oh oh,我已准备就绪,Oh wee oh wee oh wee oh oh oh oh,哦,来吧,来吧,Cause I'm ready to go oh oh oh,我已准备就绪,Oh wee oh wee oh wee oh oh oh oh,哦,尽情嗨吧,Give me the greenlight,快给我亮绿灯,Baby I got the Midas I'm Flo Rida,亲爱的,我有 Midas,我就是Flo Rida,You know I'm all about that thing,你知道我的魅力无可阻挡,If she ready then I'm ready,如果她准备好了,我也准备好了,Pull up on her with the Chevy,将她的雪佛兰开到最大马力,Real talk when that light turn green,当信号灯变绿时,Let go,来吧,Give me what I ask for I got a passport,满足我的要求吧,我有护照,Mister international I hit the airport,世界知名,我直达机场,If you knew the kind of work that I transport,如果你明白我的工作性质,That Rihanna do me dirt to the crash course,大名鼎鼎的蕾哈娜都要帮我做事,I like to clean this lean this,我喜欢扫清障碍,畅通无阻,I fly to Venus Flo a Genius Phoenix,我飞到Venus再飞到 Phoenix,You've never seen this I have a dream this,你从未见到过这样的场面,我早就幻想过这样的场景,That 200 on the dashboard got me fiending,一路飚200迈,我畅行无阻,So I'm tryna ride out hide out,我一路疾驰,极速飚行,Tide these stripes indie 500 vibe out whyl out shot out,即使是遇到这些白线,我也一路飚驰,Beehive hit the honeycomb hide out hey,撞上蚂蜂窝,快躲吧,Give me the greenlight yeah,给我亮绿灯,Cause I'm ready to go,我已准备就绪,Let's have a good time right now right now,让我们尽情嗨吧,What you waiting for,还在等什么,You only got one life one life,要知道你只活一次,And we gon' live it up,所以要精彩过活,Give me the greenlight let's go,给我亮绿灯吧,Cause I'm ready to go oh oh oh,我已准备就绪,Oh wee oh wee oh wee oh oh oh oh,哦 ,尽情嗨吧,Cause I'm ready to go oh oh oh,我已准备就绪,Oh wee oh wee oh wee oh oh oh oh,哦,嗨吧,Give me the greenlight,给我亮绿灯吧,Red light,红灯,Green light,绿灯,Everybody take a shot,所有人干杯,Red light,红灯,Green light,绿灯,Give me everything you got,让我看看你们的能耐,Red light,红灯,Green light,绿灯,Everybody take a shot,所有人干杯,Red light,红灯,Green light,绿灯,What you waiting for,还在等什么,Give me the greenlight oh yeah,给我亮绿灯吧,Cause I'm ready to go,我已准备就绪,Let's have a good time let's go,让我们尽情嗨吧,What you waiting for,还在等什么,You only got one life one life,要知道你只活一次,And we gon' live it up,所以精彩的过活吧,Give me the greenlight give it to me,给我亮绿灯吧,给我亮绿灯吧,Cause I'm ready to go oh oh oh,我已准备就绪,Oh wee oh wee oh wee oh oh oh oh,哦,不错,很好,Cause I'm ready to go oh oh oh,我已准备就绪,Oh wee oh wee oh wee oh oh oh oh,哦,尽情嗨吧,Oh yeah,哦,来吧,来吧,Give me the greenlight,给我亮绿灯吧,让我畅通无阻。


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