
有一种玉 入手温凉 这种玉叫做樱琅 而我的意思是另有所指,嘴唇相碰,手指相握,身体相拥都可以引用这句话,主要是意境和感觉 -首先很感谢你哦。但是这个是在百度上的,我看到了还是不很真正觉得很正确,怪怪的。我班里一男的同学录里写了这句话前面的意思还是没错的,字面意思是说有一种玉摸起来很舒服,不像其他玉一样冰冰凉凉的,是温润的,暖的,这种玉有个很好听的名字叫樱琅如果是你同学写的,看什么意思了毕业了,要么...
内涵是什么意思 内涵在线翻译 内涵什么意思 内涵的意思 内涵的翻译 内涵的解释 内涵的发音 内涵的同义词 内涵的反义词 内涵的例句
内涵 基本解释内涵[nèi hán]词典:内涵,含义;言外之意;[逻辑学]内涵。词典:含义;意思,意义;意图。词典:内涵;紧张;加剧;专心。内涵 汉英大词典内涵[nèi hán]{逻} connotation内涵 网络解释1. 1. contents:金溜 (网上演出者web producer)探讨了通过<>网址观照韩国文化内涵(contents)素材多样化的相关问题,他进而介绍了以<>为基础的中国幻想摘要(Synopsis),角色(character)及digital 内涵(contents)开发的有关内容,认为<>能够在动漫、游戏、影视,内涵 双语例句1. 内涵的翻译1. 需要说明的是,银行制度是一个内涵十分广泛的范畴,为了使我们的研究能够建立在规范化的基础上,有必要对这一范畴作出明确的界定。&&&&Therefore, we may say that retrospecting and systemizing the thought and experience of the period can benefit the establishment of modern bank system.2. 2. 我公司坚持内涵改造和外缘扩张的原则。&&&&Our company adhere to the outer edge of the connotation of transformation and the principle of expansion.3. 内涵的意思3. 换言之,儒家经典的内涵在于心性论。&&&&In other words, the meaning lies in the Confucian classic theory of Mind.4. 借鉴形式概念分析的理论,用二元组表示形式背景,能够体现出形式背景的内涵与外延的统一。背景格是形式背景的一种组织形式,反映了形式背景之间的蕴涵关系,完备的背景格有着广阔的应用前景。&&&&Based on formal concept analysis, contexts are described as a tuple of two sets of conceptual graphs, which are called intention and extension respectively Context lattice is a definitional framework for formal context, which depicts the subsumption relations between formal contexts.5. 内涵的翻译5. 在上级党委、政府的关怀和支持下,在社会各界的关心和帮助下,苏州大学不断深化内涵建设,全面推进高水平大学建设,各项事业呈现出又好又快的发展态势。&&&&Under the leadership of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and with great concern and support from all sides of society, our university consistently deepened its connotation construction, carried forward the building of high-level university, and as a result, all undertakings displayed sound and rapid development tendency.6. 今天的箱包,被赋予了更多的时尚内涵,并没有简单的一个容器作用。&&&&Today`s bags, have been given a more stylish connotation, is no simple role of a container.7. 这是内涵丰富的考验演技的镜头。&&&&It was a meaty scene as far as acting goes.8. 但是他所说的心与禅宗的心在内涵上有着本质区别,他所说的心不是指超越的佛性而是现实的伦理;进而其具体操作,价值取向也与佛教不同。&&&&But the heart for saying have the intrinsic differentiation from the heart of the Zen on the content, his heart for saying point isnt means a extramundane Buddhism, but i Then its basic operation and the view of value is different from Zen too.9. 9. 因此,根据农业技术创新发挥作用的过程,界定农业技术创新和农业技术创新链的内涵,在此基础上,对农业技术创新链循环进行系统研究,具有很强的理论价值和现实意义。&&&&Therefore, according to the process through which agricultural technology innovation displays its function, limiting the connotation of agricultural technology innovation and agricultural technology innovation chain, and in this foundation, conducting systematic research on the circulation of agricultural technology innovation chain, has both theory values and practical significance.10. 作为中国工人阶级先锋队、中国人民和中华民族先锋队的中国共产党,在领导人民进行革命、建设和改革的伟大实践中,不断结合时代和社会发展的要求,为中华民族精神注入了许多新的内涵,丰富和发展着中华民族精神。&&&&As the Pioneer of the working class, Chinese people and Chinese nation, the Communist Party of China, under its leadership and in the great drive of revolution, construction and reform, has pour a lot of new connotation into Chinese national spirit, so it has further enriched and developed such spirit.11. 11. 淘宝网其内涵的经营模式和存在的缺陷举行剖析,并找了响应的对策。&&&&&&Taobao's business model and its inherent flaws analysis and find the corresponding countermeasures.12. 如何缓慢的条件新教,Papist ,Romanist ,非国教徒,和其他正在失去其旧令人厌恶的内涵。&&&&&&How slowly the terms Protestant, Papist, Romanist, Nonconformist, and others are losing their old unsavoury connotation.13. 13. 1971年中国在恢复了联合国的合法席位之后,一直派团出席联合国经济及社会理事会和联合国大会历届会议,并在上述会议上积极参加有关人权议题的审议,阐述自己对人权问题的看法,为不断丰富人权的内涵作出了自己的贡献。&&&&&&Since resuming its lawful seat in the United Nations in 1971, China has sent its delegation to attend every session of the UN Economic and Social Council and of the UN General Assembly, and has taken an active part in deliberation of human rights issues and stated its views on the issue of human rights, making its contributions to enriching the connotation of the concept of human rights.14. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD14. 本文以思想政治教育的视觉,对大学生生命教育的内涵及其教育模式进行了较深入的探讨。&&&&&&This thesis has a deeper discussion on life education's connotation and educating model from the view of ideological and political education.15. 诗词绘画参与园林物象景观的形成;诗词绘画对园林意境的体现;诗词绘画拓宽了园林意境的内涵和外延;显示当地景物所不能表示的人、物或情意;园林文学中的诗词、匾额、对联等勾勒渲染意境;在时空观念上园林艺术的意境和园林文学中诗词、匾额、对联、绘画的相通和相异;园林艺术的创设素材的物质实体性较诗词绘画在表观上更具象、在意境的创设上更加的深入;在时空上园林艺术意境的表达较诗词绘画更直接、深入。&&&&&&The poem phrase painting participate the formation of the park Poem phrase painting to the body of park art The poem phrase painting openned widely content and outside of park artistic co Manifestation the region the scenery can't mean of person, The poem phrase, horizontal tablet, scrolls...etc. in the park literature delineate to exaggerate Poem phrase, horizontal tablet, scrolls, painting in the timespace idea the top the park art of artistic conception and park literature of mutual The park art establish the material entity of material painting to compare with poem phrase, on the form view more elephant, on the establish of artistic concept The expression of artistic conception of the park art painting to compare with poem phrase, on the timespace more direct, thorough.16. 我们是上海真丝书画专卖店,本店主要经营以丝绸面料为原材料,立志全面展现丝绸文化礼品内涵,公司生产的丝绸礼品在全面表现丝绸纤维性能的基础上,添加了特有的中国传统文化元素,形成了集收藏与馈赠为一体的丝绸文化珍品系列。&&&&&&Shanghai silk speciality store attended to silk related cultural artworks in China, our products are made of world-leading innovative technology of high resolution color printing on silk material.17. 机构基于多年来的服务经验,精细开拓婚介服务内涵。&&&&&&Institutions based on many years of experience, fine explore marriage service content.18. 18. 这个简单的深度与内涵的比喻,令人咋舌。&&&&&&The depth and meaning of this simple analogy is astounding.19. 道德的法律化是法治的基础,法律的道德化是法治的内涵。&&&&&&Morality lawed is the foundation of law ruling, law moralized is the intention of law ruling.20. 20. 党的十六届四中全会向全党提出了加强党的执政能力建设这一历史任务,对加强领导班子建设赋予了新的内涵、提出了新的要求。在新世纪阶段,继续推进党的建设这项新的伟大工程,就要始终围绕提高&&&&&&The article has explained that the important meaning of strengthening construction of administratin ability of the party, strengthened the concrete goal of construction of administration ability of the party, and proposed strengthening the concrete measure of constructing leading group at all levels.内涵是什么意思,内涵在线翻译,内涵什么意思,内涵的意思,内涵的翻译,内涵的解释,内涵的发音,内涵的同义词,内涵的反义词,内涵的例句,内涵的相关词组,内涵意思是什么,内涵怎么翻译,单词内涵是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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