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晚霞 基本解释晚霞的意思晚霞[wǎn xiá]词典:余辉;晚霞,夕照。词典:晚霞。词典:晚霞。词典:晚霞;残照。词典:晚霞,后见之明。晚霞 汉英大词典晚霞[wǎn xiá] the evening glow晚霞 网络解释1. Sunset Glow:07.The First Snowflakes 初雪 | 08.Sunset Glow 晚霞 | 09.Tenderness 款款柔情2. 晚霞2. afterglow:aftereffect 后效 | afterglow 晚霞 | aftergrass 割后再生的草3. afterlight:afterlife 死后的生活 | afterlight 晚霞 | aftermarket 市场4. 4. sunset colors:sunrise colors 早霞 | sunset colors 晚霞 | sunshine 日照晚霞 双语例句1. 晚霞是什么意思1. 坐在月亮船上看太平洋的风景是很惬意的,蓝天佩朵娇阳在胸膛,缤纷的云彩是晚霞的衣裳。&&&&Sitting on the moon ship to see the Pacific Ocean`s scenery is very happy. Blue sky wears a tender sun in the chest, and the colorful clouds are the afterglow`s clothes.2. 流动的海,五彩缤纷的晚霞,大大小小的树和它们的叶子,及会呼吸的花。&&&&Hence, the whirls and twirls and curves in my work were inspired by it, assembled in interplays of shapes and colors.3. 主要的自然景观有:莲峰耸秀、冶峡秋色,睡佛、鹰击石林、三叠瀑布、冶海冰图、林海雪原、喜泉吐珠、通天神树、五松石、飞来石、金钟石、蛤蟆石、飞鹰崖、姊妹峰、听涛台、白石雪峰、神龟清饮,还有极为罕见的丹霞地貌形成的麦积晚霞、四屏峰、赤壁幽谷、笑和尚等奇石奇景,多达270多余处。&&&&The main natural landscape are: Songlian feng show, Ye Xia Autumn, sleeping Buddha, Stone Forest YJ, Triassic Falls, ye sea-ice maps, lin hai xue yuan, hi Stephen thomsonae, Tung tree god, five turquoise, flying stones, Kim Stone, Stone Toad, Eagle Cliff, sister-feng, Taiwan Kikunami, whiteshi xue feng, turtles drink-money, there are very rare form of wheat Danxia plot sunset, four ping-feng, Chibi valleys, monks and other odd laugh Stone wonders of up to 270 extra Department.4. 4. 阿里山最出名的四个景包括日出、云海、晚霞、和森林。&&&&The four famous sceneries in Alishan are the sunrises, sea of clouds, evening clouds, and forests.5. 晚霞是什么意思5. 不多时,晚霞也在归鸟的吵闹声中收起了它的余辉。&&&&There are not many, also to the birds Wanxia noise in the afterglow it away.6. 画的荷花有的粉红,有的淡粉,有的洁白如玉,有的美似晚霞,有的含苞欲放,有的绽放光芒,有的昂首怒放,有的崭露头脚……荷叶,有的卷曲如托,有的舒展似伞。&&&&Some of the flowers painted pink, and some Pale or white as jade, and some may Wanxia United States, some some shine, some stood in full bloom, and some idling for the first leg...... lotus leaf Some, such as child care curly, and some stretch like an umbrella.7. 无数个大陆同龄好友,因各种原因,你心中的太阳西沉离你而去,当你流干了眼泪,你会蓦然回首:太多的思念已不是现实,你只有果断地切断通往阴间的电话,打开你情海的阀门,开通梦幻般的爱情密码,你会突然发现你眼前会腾出一轮红日,它虽然带有黑洞和耀斑,它虽然没有昔日的金光灿烂,但它会给你绚丽晚霞与夕阳。&&&&Innumerable mainland same age good friends, because of each kind of reason, in west your heart sun sink to you go, when you have drained off the tear, you can suddenly look back on: Too many missing already were not the realities, you only then shut off the path netherworld decisively the telephone, opened your sentiment sea the valve, the clear illusion love password, you could discover suddenly you can set aside one turn at present the red glowing sun, although it had the black hole and the solar flare, although it did not have the former days golden light to be bright, but it could give you the gorgeous sunset glow and the setting sun.8. 911查询·英语单词8. 傍晚,阳光照在白色的书架上,这束光,仿佛有神秘的美感,我放下手中的书,静静地注视着它,这束桔黄色的光,让我联想到秋天田野里成熟的桔子,让我联想到窗外的夕阳和晚霞,让我联想到海边日落的光影。&&&&In the evening, the sun shines on the white shelves, this beam, as if there is a mysterious beauty, I put down the book, quietly watching it, and that orange beam of light, let me think of autumn, the fields mature orange, let me think out of the window of the sunset and the sunset, let me think of the seaside sunset light and shadow.9. 音乐随着咖啡的香味一起在这个房间里弥漫开来,慢慢地充溢着这个空间里的每一个角落。黄昏中那抹瑰丽的晚霞渗入每一缕如棉花般柔软的雨丝里,而我依在那大大的藤椅子,整个身体好像陷在了椅子中。&&&&Music with the smell of coffee together in this room opened to diffuse slowly overflowing of this space every corner. magnificent evening sunset in every ray of infiltration such as cotton-like softLane, and according to my In that big rattan chair, the entire body as if stuck in a chair in the.10. 10. 可是太阳下落了。一片玫瑰色的晚霞,慢慢地在海面和云块之间消逝了。又过了一年,第三个姐姐浮上去了。她是她们中间最大胆的一个,因此她游到一条流入海的大河里去了。她看到一些美丽的青山,上面种满了一行一行的葡萄。宫殿和田庄在郁茂的树林中隐隐地露在外面;她听到各种鸟儿唱得那儿美,太阳照得那么暖,她有时不得不沉入水里,好使她的灼热的面孔清凉一下。&&&&However, each promised to tell the others what she saw on her first visit, and what she though for their grandmother could
there were so many things on which they wanted information.11. 有一天看到奇迹般的晚霞的时候,我意识到计算机对我的小儿子的巨大影响。&&&&&&I realized the impact of computers on my young son one evening when there was a dramatic sunset.12. 一抹画笔现剩下弯曲一线像是晚霞又好似暮烟从北而南横展在蓝天之上;一颗刺透的寒星已熠熠发光。&&&&&&A brush had left a crooked stroke Of what was either cloud or smoke From north to s A piercing little star was through.13. 多想偎依着晚霞,在你面前做一个多情的诗人,写一首长诗,再写一首短诗,撕成碎片,抛向空中,看它随风散开如雪花,让羞涩的幸福在云端邂逅一份你知我知的浪漫,让人遐思那一滩梦幻般轻曳的柔白。&&&&&&Think about nestling the sunset, in front of you to make a passionate poet, to write a poem, write a short poetry, torn to pieces, threw the air, watching the wind to disperse it, such as snow, so shy of being in the clouds Chance of a you and me know the romantic reveries of that makes fantastic beaches of soft white light drag.14. 夜仿佛纸浸了油,变成半透明体;它给太阳拥抱住了,分不出身来,也许是给太阳陶醉了,所以夕照晚霞隐褪后的夜色也带着酡红。&&&&&&The sun remains in high spirits, rising early and setting late, eating up most of the nights, which like a paper oiled, turn into transparent, owing to sun`s indeclinable embracement, or to its enchantment that makes a rosy sky even when the sunglows retire.15. 她往往坐在石头上,环顾四周嶙峋的怪石以及被晚霞染红了的天空。&&&&&&She sat upon a stone and looked about her at the hard-featured rocks and the glowing sky.<p class="p1查询·英语单词大全16. 然而她的外形是沉静的,忧烦的,她象秋天傍晚的树叶轻轻地落在你的身旁,她觉得自己的夏天已经过去,生命的晚霞早暗下来了。&&&&&&She seems to feel that the summer of her life is now over, and that the shades of evening are falling around her.17. 东方欲晓,峰顶早染晨曦,多彩的朝霞映上雪峰,白雪呈绯红状与霞光掩映闪烁;傍晚余辉把雪峰染抹得象披上红纱,云朵带着晚霞奇彩,飞归峰间谷壑,一弹之顷,变态无穷。&&&&&&Stained as early as the morning peak, and colorful video on Zhaoxia Xuefeng, snow was like crimson backdrop with twinkling X evening afterglow as the xuefeng impeccably put dye红纱, with the sunset clouds Qi Cai, Valley fly sink to the peak-to-peak, just a bomb, endless metamorphosis.18. 海洋与沙漠浑然一景是毛里塔尼亚首都努瓦克肖特的特殊景色,晚霞在西太平洋上呈现。&&&&&&Nouakchott city is capital of Mauritania, desert with ocean together is peculiar scenery in the Atlantic.19. 19. 它曾经挺立在那儿,在晚霞和农宅之间的那块地上,两百多年来一直深深扎根于同一个地点,成了无数代红松鼠的游玩之所,不计其数的知更鸟的栖息之地,和人类的纳凉之处。&&&&&&Even in itsfinal moments, when the massive tunk lies pone and hasmoldeed into a idge, coveed with mosses and fungi, itaives at a fitting and noble end:it eniches and late, as pat of othe geen and gowing things, it ises again.20. 这里,各种矿藏在晚霞中把峡谷的岩壁点缀得七彩缤纷。&&&&&&This is a place where mineral deposits paint canyon walls with all the colors of the sunset.晚霞是什么意思,晚霞在线翻译,晚霞什么意思,晚霞的意思,晚霞的翻译,晚霞的解释,晚霞的发音,晚霞的同义词,晚霞的反义词,晚霞的例句,晚霞的相关词组,晚霞意思是什么,晚霞怎么翻译,单词晚霞是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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