design for failurefor和design for failureto分别在什么情况下用

Design for 用法: [1] 名词词组:计划;图样;设计图。
【(Some kind)design for sth: 某物的(某种)设计/设计图】 如:designs for a new house
一所新房子的设计图 Design for Integral Condenser 模块化凝汽器设计 HVAC Design for Villas 别墅的暖通空调设计 General/Artistic/Content Design for Exhibition 陈列总体设计/艺术设计/内容设计
[2] 动词词组:设计来作 + 目的 【(Sth)be designed for sth: 某物被设计来做某事】 A new software has to be designed for railway electric experiment.
[3] 动词词组:设计, 作图案, 打图样;构思 + 对象 【Sb design (sth) for sth/sb: 某物被设计来做某事】 She designs for a coat manufacturer. 她为一家外衣...
【Sb design to be + 职业 某人打算从事(某种职业),表目的.[2]动词词组:设计来作 + 目的【(Sth)构思 + 对象【Sb design (sth) for sth/ r+行业&#47。This room was originally designed by my pa 预定某物作(某种用途)】My parents designed me for the navy;图样,筹谋 + 动词(宾语)结构. 必须设计新的软件用于铁路电力试验.她为一家外衣制造厂设计图样;设计图,志愿。Design to 用法:designs for a new house 一所新房子的设计图Design for Integral Condenser 模块化凝汽器设计HVAC Design for Villas 别墅的暖通空调设计General&#47。[4]动词词组, 作图案. 安德森设计这些挂钩来挂外套,计划。 【(Some kind)design for sth: 某物被设计来做某事】A new software has to be designed for railway electric experiment: 某物被设计来做某事】She designs forArtistic&#47:与design sb for( 是打算让某人从事(某种行业))的区别:[1] 名词词组。= My parents originally designed this room to be my study:[1]动词词组.我父母原来计划这间屋子做我的书房./设计图】如;用途【打算让某人从事(某种行业);Content Design for Exhibition陈列总体设计/sb:计划, 打图样;内容设计[2] 动词词组.我弟弟立志要当工程师。注意.我的父母打算要我去当海军:designsb。 [3] 动词词组:设计: 某物的(某种)设计&#47.她想找人为她的新书设计封面;】 My brother desig艺术设计&#47:设计: 立志。She wants somebody to design a cover for her new book。Anderson design those hooks for hanging coatsDesign for 用法
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About UDLLearn the basics
What is UDL?
Universal Design for Learningis a set of principles for
development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn.
UDL provides a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for everyone--not a single, one-size-fits-all solution but rather flexible approaches that can be customized and adjusted for individual needs.
Why is UDL necessary?
Individuals bring a huge variety of skills, needs, and interests to learning. Neuroscience reveals that these differences are as varied and unique as our DNA or fingerprints. Three primary brain networks come into play:
Recognition Networks
The "what" of learning
How we gather facts and categorize what we see, hear, and read. Identifying letters, words, or an author's style are recognition tasks.
Present information and content in different ways
Strategic Networks
The "how" of learning
Planning and performing tasks. How we organize and express our ideas. Writing an essay or solving a math problem are strategic tasks.
Differentiate the ways that students can express what they know
Affective Networks
The "why" of learning
How learners get engaged and stay motivated. How they are challenged, excited, or interested. These are affective dimensions.
Stimulate interest and motivation for learning
Source: CAST - What is UDL? ()
Learn more about UDL:Platform to speed design bring up and time to market for SoCs
Platform to speed design bring up and time to market for SoCs
In a move designed to enable earlier software bring up and shorter time to market for SoCs, Synopsys has launched Verification Continuum, a software platform which provides virtual prototyping, static and formal verification, simulation, emulation, FPGA based prototyping and debug in a unified environment.
"Verification Continuum, developed in close collaboration with market leaders, will enable a new era of SoC verification for the industry," claimed Manoj Gandhi, pictured, general manager of Synopsys' Verification Group. "The significant verification R&D investments Synopsys has made over the past two years are already showing promising early results towards helping customers reduce time to market by months for advanced SoC designs."
Verification Continuum brings together Virtualizer virtual prototyping, Verification Compiler static and formal technologies, VCS simulation, ZeBu emulation, HAPS FPGA based prototyping and Verdi3 debug.
It also features Unified Compile, based on the VCS simulator front end. This is said to provide a simulation like interface across the verification flow, allowing engineers to transition between the various tools in the platform as required by the verification task. Synopsys contrasts this with existing point tool based flows, which it says require extensive set up, as well as effort to move a design between the different tools.
Verification Continuum also features FPGA based emulation and prototyping, helping to speed bring up time compared with earlier approaches.
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