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Are You More than Friends or Just Friends?
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Are You More than Friends or Just Friends?
At times, without really realizing it ourselves, we get closer and closer with a friend and before we know it, we’ve crossed the line of friendship into love. So are you more than friends or just friends? Find out.
Ever feel like both of you are more than just friends?
Or do the people that both of you meet always assume that both of you are more than friends?
Do you want to know if you’re more than friends or just friends, or are you just confused completely and wondering where your relationship with a special friend is heading?
Use these pointers to lead the way into understanding the real status of your relationship.
So are you more than friends?
Sometimes, two friends can have so many happy things in common that a simple friendship could turn into something a lot more complex over time.
A great friend is a great companion, but a great lover makes a better companion. And who’s to fight that logic? After all, it’s the law of love.
If you’re perfect for each other, both of you will inevitably fall in love with each other, just as long as the friendship is great and there’s that perfect portion of secret attraction that bubbles under the surface.
So are you more than friends? Use these ten friend-to-lover facts to find out. [Read: ]
Both of you call each other every day
It may start of as an occasional call to keep in touch or exchange a bit of gossip. But over time, the calls get more frequent and last longer, and usually stretches late into the night. Soon enough, both of you can’t imagine going to bed without a long happy conversation ending with sweet dreams and dream-about-me conversations. Ever been there? Most good friends who are attracted to each other have.
Sharing secrets and opinions
Lovers finish each other’s sentences. Friends who are turning into lovers share their secrets and opinions. It’s exciting to talk about each other’s secrets and little dirty details that no one else knows about. So does your friend know you sleep in the nude? Or did you find out that your friend was wearing black underwear during last night’s long phone conversation? Friends who are attracted to each other can’t help flirting with each other, and they get pretty excited to share intimate secrets with each other. [Read: ]
Overprotective about each other
Friends who are on the verge of going to more than friends are very protective of each other. Do you ask your friend to call you and let you know once they’ve reached home, or do either of you try to help the other person out of a sticky situation all the time?
Good friends help each other now and then or when asked, but friends who are more than friends try to be there for each other all the time, whether it’s buying new clothes, working on a pet project or picking a date.
New dates and jealousy
Is your friend very attractive? Of course, they are. Then chances are, they’re going to be getting a lot of attention from the opposite sex. And at times, your friend may be very excited to go out on a date with someone they’ve liked for a long time.
Do you get irritated if your friend goes out on a date with someone they like, or even talks about their date excitedly? Or does your stomach churn with anger if your friend makes out with someone on a date? If you find yourself getting annoyed with your friend when they have a good time with someone else, there’s a good chance you’re more than friends, or perhaps, overly possessive.
Spending weekends and holidays together
Groups of friend meet up in the evenings or during the weekends. When you meet your special friend, is it mostly just the both of you or are there other friends too? Weekends and holidays are a time of leisure and happy moments. If both of you meet up and spend a lot of time with each other, it’s obvious that both of you love spending time with each other and being with each other. Now if that’s not happy budding romance, what is? [Read: ?]
Go out on dates with each other
Now, of course, you don’t call these *dates* when you’re just friends. But you know what we mean here, don’t you? Do both of you go out a lot, just the two of you? If there’s a new movie in town or a new restaurant, does the first thought that pops into your head have your friend and you in it? Attractive friends who *date* each other often don’t do it because there’s no one else to go out with, they do it because they love sharing new experiences with each other. Ahem… definitely more than friends here. [Read: ]
Give each other exclusive pet names
Do you and your friend have an exclusive pet name for each other? Pet names are given by people only when they feel an overwhelming surge of affection for each other. Pet names are rather personal and very affectionate. Friends don’t give each other pet names, friends who love each other do. [Read:
and why we give them]
Extremely loyal to each other
Do you stand up for your friend no matter what? Or can both of you rely on each other for help or advice even if it’s the middle of the night? Friends trust each other, but there’s always a hint of uncertainty even in the best of friends.
On the other hand, when you’re in love, you expect your partner to be completely loyal to you and stand by you no matter what. When you’re in love, both of you try your best to be loyal to each other, and be there in each other’s time of need. And that’s one of the biggest reasons behind why love can also hurt so much, especially when there’s a breach in trust and loyalty.
So are both of you extremely loyal to each other? There’s a great chance that you’re both more than friends who also love each other a lot. [Read: ]
A lot of petting and cuddling
This is one of the biggest signs that you’re more than friends. Do you spend most of your time holding hands or resting a head on each other’s shoulders? Interlocking of arms and occasional cheek kisses don’t really go well in a friendship. If you love cuddling up with your friend, you can’t really date someone else when you have your friend around. It would devastate your new date to see you and your friend cozying up. [Read: ]
And seriously, why would you go cuddling up with a *friend* in the first place? Do friends even do that or do more-than-friends do that?
You want to kiss your friend
This can be a passing thought, but if it’s crossed your mind every time your friend cuddles up with you, seriously, you’re definitely more than friends. Friends don’t care about kissing each other or making out with each other. Nor do they make stupid pacts like “let’s get married to each other if we don’t find anyone else by the time we’re thirty”?.
The fact that you’re considering your friend as a date potential definitely shows that you can see your friend as more than just a friend. And if you’re indulging in all the above signs, you’re both definitely more than just friends. [Quiz: ?]
You’re more than friends, now what?
Now here’s the tricky part. Just because you’re both more than friends doesn’t really mean it’s heading towards true love and both of you will get married soon. It could get there, but all these emotions could also be one-sided and turn out to be
or even lust. [Read: ?]
In several cases, you may not really love a friend, but you may be curious to know how it could feel to go out with a friend with whom you’re quite close to. If these signs seem mutual, then you’re definitely on the happy path of more than friends. If not, ask yourself if you really want to be more than friends, or would you be happier being just friends without doing anything about it.
If you want to take it from a friendship to something more intimate, say something like “you know, I wonder why WE haven’t dated each other”? to your friend, and they’ll know exactly what you mean. But want a foolproof way to ask a friend out? [Read: ]
Use these ten steps to find out whether you’re both more than friends or just friends. And if you do know you’re more than friends, do something about it!
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<input type="hidden" id="post_title" name="post_title" class="text" value="At times, we get close to a pal and before we know it, we&#8217;ve crossed the line of friendship into love. So are you more than friends or just friends?Coincidence? I Think Not! You’re on the Right Path &
Positively Positive
Hey you! Yes, I mean YOU!
What if I told you that this blog was written especially for you? Would you believe me? Maybe. Maybe not. That’s okay, we’ve only just met. But here’s the thing: I know that right now, in this moment, by some miracle, of all the places you could be and of all the things you could be doing, you are reading this blog. You are spending your time with me. That makes me happy. And since we are here, I want to invite you to consider the possibility that it’s not an accident or a coincidence.
Life and the Universe have a funny way of bringing us to the exact people, places, circumstances, and messages that our souls are calling for at the right time. It could be a phone call from a long-lost friend we’ve been thinking about, a timely financial windfall when we need it most, a seemingly random meeting at a social event that leads to the perfect job opportunity, or a poignant bumper sticker—the possibilities are endless.
This phenomenon of seemingly meaningful coincidences is called synchronicity. It’s like a wink from the cosmos, a nudge from above to let us know that we’re on the right path and that we’re supported in the pursuit of our dreams and highest aspirations.
When it comes to synchronicity, we do have a part to play and the all-important variable that we are in control of is FAITH. We have to BELIEVE that our dreams are real. We have to TRUST that anything is possible. We have to KNOW that every little action we take on behalf of our dreams is supported by unseen forces that are working for us and with us. Even when times get tough and all signs point to giving up, we have to dig deeper and find the faith to keep going.
When our faith is strong, it colors our perceptions and allows us to see the interconnectedness of everything in our lives, even in our most challenging moments. We begin to understand that there’s a reason for the way our life is unfolding even though it may not always be immediately apparent. A job lost creates space for a better job. A relationship ending gives way to a new beginning and a chance for big love. A resounding “NO” means there’s an even more exciting “YES” coming our way.
I was visiting Los Angeles this past week working on a few upcoming projects and I met some amazing people while I was there. I’ve been dying to see the new Bob Marley movie and after a busy week of meetings and social engagements, my plan was to take it easy and go watch it with a friend on my last night. That day I got two totally separate invitations to go to a live music event instead. As much as I was feeling tired and more in the mood to see the movie, I couldn’t deny the call of two (seemingly) random invites to the same place so I decided to go see what it was all about. And just in case I wasn’t getting the message, my friend called to let me know she couldn’t go to the movie anymore. Within five minutes of getting to the venue, I saw two people I had connected with earlier on in the trip, one of whom I had met with that morning and the other whom I was really hoping to catch up with again because we didn’t exchange contact info at our first meeting. Seeing each other at the show allowed us to hang and solidify the connection that had already been made. I was overwhelmed with a feeling of gratitude for the way in which I was so clearly led to that situation. I also ended up introducing the two people who invited me only to find out that they had met before and their reconnecting sparked a conversation about a possible joint venture!
When we tune in to the synchronicity of life, when we look with the eyes of faith and listen with the ears of trust, we begin to experience the undeniable truth that we are all connected, that there is rhyme and reason to the way life flows, and that each and every one of us is accounted for. We begin to know without a doubt that we ALL have something special and unique to offer the world. We begin to see clearly that the more we act on our dreams and vision for our lives, the more we will be helped by forces much greater than we are.
So today, right now, in this moment, I want to tell YOU that your dreams are real and that YOU have something special to offer the world that nobody else has. The path you are traveling may be the more challenging one but don’t lose faith, don’t listen to the doubters, don’t let setbacks keep you down—and most of all, don’t give up. Keep at it and you will be guided and supported. Keep taking action toward what you believe in and tune in to the beautiful synchronicities that come to your aid and encourage you along the way. You are on the right path!
Thanks for spending time with me. I really did write this blog for YOU
Chris Assaad is a man on a mission with an unwavering commitment to spreading Peace, Love, and Inspiration around the globe. Chris is a singer/songwriter and inspirational artist from Toronto who left a promising career in law several years ago to pursue his dream of a career in music. Since then, Chris has been actively using his voice to enCOURAGE others to follow their dreams, express their creativity and live life to the fullest.
You can listen to and download Chris’s latest release “Into The Light”
and find him on
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By , on December 1st, 2008
I have heard the phrase &#8220;If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!&#8221; many times. Can you explain this?
It actually comes from an old koan attributed to Zen Master Linji, (the founder of the Rinzai sect). It&#8217;s a simple one:
&#8220;If you meet the Buddha, kill him.&#8221;&#8211; Linji
I&#8217;m sure you already realize that it&#8217;s not being literal. The road, the killing, and even the Buddha are symbolic.
The road is generally taken to mean the path to E that might be through meditation, study, prayer, or just some aspect of your way of life. Your life is your road. That&#8217;s fairly straightforward as far as metaphors go.
But how do you meet the Buddha on this &#8220;road?&#8221; Imagine meeting some symbolic Buddha. Would he be a great teacher that you might actually meet and follow in the real world? Could that Buddha be you yourself, having reached Enlightenment? Or maybe you have some idealized image of perfection that equates to your concept of the Buddha or Enlightenment.
Whatever your conception is of the Buddha, it&#8217;s WRONG! Now kill that image and keep practicing. This all has to do with the idea that reality is an impermanent illusion. If you believe that you have a correct image of what it means to be Enlightened, then you need to throw out (kill) that image and keep meditating.
Most people have heard the first chapter of the Tao, &#8220;The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao.&#8221; (So if you think you see the real Tao, kill it and move on).
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U r what u read.
U r what u meet. U r ………………what u ea珐怠粹干诔妨达施惮渐t&#57607;&#57607;&#58386;&#58386;什么意思?英语?
可能是关于吃的重要性的文章。译为:你读过什么书,你就会有怎样的素质;你和什么样的人交朋友,你就会和他们成为一种人;你吃什么样的食物,你就会有相应的健珐怠粹干诔妨达施惮渐康状态。 满意请采纳,谢谢


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