there is vanity fairin her manners.这句话中vanity是不可数名词,前

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Do not do an immoral thing for
) was an English novelist, short story writer and poet.
I leant upon a coppice gate
When Frost was spectre-gray,
And Winter’s dregs made desolate
The weakening eye of day
The tangled bine-stems scored the sky
Like strings of broken lyres,
And all mankind that haunted nigh
Had sought their household fires.
These purblind Doomsters had as readily strown
Blisses about my pilgrimage as pain.
" (1866), lines 13-14, from Wessex Poems (1898)
When I set out for Lyonnesse,
A hundred miles away,
The rime was on the spray,
And starlight lit my lonesomeness.
"" (1870), lines 1-4, from Satires of Circumstance (1914)
To discover evil in a new friend is to most people only an additional experience
"" (1871), ch. 1
With all, the beautiful things of the earth become more dear a but with some natures utter elusion is the one special event which will make a passing love permanent for ever.
"Desperate Remedies" (1871), ch. 1
To dwellers in a wood almost every species of tree has its voice as well as its feature. At the passing of the breeze the fir-trees sob and moan no less disti the holly whistles as it the ash hisses the beech rustles while its flat boughs rise and fall.
"" (1872), ch. 1
Good, but not religious-good.
"Under the Greenwood Tree" (1872), ch. 2
Work hard and be poor, do nothing and get more.
"" (1876), ch. 1
Of course poets have morals and manners of their own, and custom is no argument with them.
"The Hand of Ethelberta" (1876), ch. 2
Like the British Constitution, she owes her success in practice to her inconsistencies in principle.
"The Hand of Ethelberta" (1876), ch. 9
A lover without indiscretion is no lover at all. Circumspection and devotion are a contradiction in terms.
"The Hand of Ethelberta" (1876), ch. 20
You calculated how to be uncalculating, and are natural by art!
"The Hand of Ethelberta" (1876), ch. 20
I have seldom known a man cunning with his brush who was not si or, indeed, any skill in particular that was not allied to general stupidity.
"The Hand of Ethelberta" (1876), ch. 20
To find beauty in ugliness is the province of the poet.
Statement (5 August 1888), as quoted in The life of Thomas Hardy
(1962) by Florence Emily Hardy
William Dewy, Tranter Reuben, Farmer Ledlow late at plough,
Robert's kin, and John's, and Ned's,
And the Squire, and Lady Susan, lie in Mellstock churchyard now!
"", lines 1-3, from Wessex Poems (1898)
They throw in Drummer Hodge, to rest
Uncoffined — just as found:
His landmark is a kopje-crest
And foreign constellations west
Each night above his mound.
Young Hodge the Drummer never knew —
Fresh from his Wessex home —
The meaning of the broad Karoo,
The Bush, the dusty loam,
And why uprose to nightly view
Strange stars amid the gloam.
Yet portion of that unknown plain
His homely Northern breast and brain
Grow to some Southern tree,
And strange-eyed constellations reign
His stars eternally.
"" (1899), lines 1-18, from Poems of the Past and Present (1901)
Whence comes solace? Not from seeing,
What is doing, suffering,
Not from noting Life’s conditions,
Not from heeding Time’
But in cleaving to the Dream
And in gazing at the Gleam
Whereby gray things golden seem.
"" (1899), lines 1-7, from Poems of the Past and Present (1901)
When false things are brought low,
And swift things have grown slow,
Feigning like froth shall go,
Faith be for aye.
"" lines 21-24, from Poems of the Past and Present (1901)
I leant upon a coppice gate
When Frost was spectre-gray,
And Winter’s dregs made desolate
The weakening eye of day
The tangled bine-stems scored the sky
Like strings of broken lyres,
And all mankind that haunted nigh
Had sought their household fires.
"" (1900), lines 1-8, from Poems of the Past and Present (1901)
An aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small,
In blast-beruffled plume,
Had chosen thus to fling his soul
Upon the growing gloom.
So little cause for carolings
Of such ecstatic sound
Was written on terrestrial things
Afar or nigh around,
That I could think there trembled through
His happy good-night air
Some blessed Hope, whereof he knew
And I was unaware.
"The Darkling Thrush", lines 21-32
The Earth, say'st thou? The Human race?
By Me created? Sad its lot?
Nay: I have no remembrance of such place:
Such world I fashioned not.
"", lines 4-8, from Poems of the Past and Present (1901)
Here by the baring bough
Raking up leaves,
Often I ponder how
Springtime deceives,—
I, an old woman ,
Raking up leaves.
"" (1901), lines 1-6, from Time's Laughingstocks (1909)
Y quaint and curious war is!
You shoot a fellow down
You'd treat if met where any bar is,
Or help to half-a-crown.
"" (1902), lines 17-20, from Time's Laughingstocks (1909)
We two kept house, the Past and I,
The Past and I;
I tended while it hovered nigh,
Leaving me never alone.
"", lines 1-4, from Satires of Circumstance (1914)
In a solitude of the sea
Deep from human vanity,
And the Pride of Life that planned her, stilly couches she.
(1912), lines 1-3, from Satires of Circumstance (1914)
And as the smart ship grew
In stature, grace, and hue,
In shadowy silent distance grew the Iceberg too.
No mortal eye could see
The intimate welding of their later history,
Or sign that they were bent
By paths coincident
On being anon twin halves of one august event,
Till the Spinner of the Years
Said "Now!" And each one hears,
And consummation comes, and jars two hemispheres.
"The Convergence of the Twain (Lines on the loss of the Titanic), lines 22-33
I seem but a dead man held on end
To sink down soon.... O you could not know
That such swift fleeing
No soul foreseeing —
Not even I — would undo me so!
"" (1912), lines 38-42, from Satires of Circumstance (1914)
Woman much missed, how you call to me, call to me,
Saying that now you are not as you were
When you had changed from the one who was all to me,
But as at first, when our day was fair.
"" (1912), lines 1-4, from Satires of Circumstance (1914)
What of the
Men who march away
Ere the barn-cocks say
Night is growing gray,
To hazards whence
What of the faith and fire within us
Men who march away!
"" (1914), lines 1-7, from Moments of Vision (1917)
That night your great guns, unawares,
Shook all our coffins as we lay,
And broke the chancel window-squares,
We thought it was the Judgement Day.
"" (1914), lines 1-4, from Satires of Circumstance (1914)
Only a man harrowing clods
In a slow silent walk
With an old
that stumbles and nods
Half asleep as they stalk.
Only thin smoke without flame
From the heaps of couch-
Yet this will go onward the same
Though Dynasties pass.
Yonder a maid and her wight
Come whispering by:
War's annals will cloud into
(1915), lines 1-12, from Moments of Vision (1917); the title is derived from lines of
51:20: "Thou art my battle ax and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations."
Flesh perishes, I live on,
Projecting trait and trace
Through time to times anon,
And leaping from place to place
Over oblivion.
, lines 1-6, from Moments of Vision (1917)
Ah, the years,
Down their carved names the raindrop plows.
"", lines 27-28, from Moments of Vision (1917)
When the Present has latched its postern behind my tremulous stay,
And the May month flaps its glad green leaves like wings,
Delicate-filmed as new-spun silk, will the neighbours say,
"He was a man who used to notice such things"?
"", lines 1-4, from Moments of Vision (1917)
This is the weather the shepherd shuns,
And so do I.
", lines 10-11, from Late Lyrics and Earlier (1922)
And meadow rivulets overflow,
And drops on gate bars hang in a row,
And rooks in families homeward go,
And so do I.
"Weathers", lines 15-18
A star looks down at me,
And says: "Here I and you
Stand each in our degree:
What do you mean to do,—
Mean to do?"
", lines 1-5, from Human Shows, Far Phantasies, Songs and Trifles (1925)
If all hearts were open and all desires known — as they would be if people showed their souls — how many gapings, sighings, clenched fists, knotted brows, broad grins, and red eyes should we see in the market-place!
Diary entry (18 August 1908), quoted in The Later Years of Thomas Hardy (1930), by Florence Emily Hardy, ch. 10, p. 133
The value of old age depends upon the person who reaches it. To some men of early performance it is useless. To others, who are late to develop, it just enables them to finish the job.
Quoted in The Later Years of Thomas Hardy (1930), by Florence Emily Hardy, ch. 17, p. 212
Or, to state his character as it stood in the scale of public opinion, when his friends and critics were in tantrums, he was conside when they were pleased, he w when they were neither, he was a man whose moral colour was a kind of pepper-and-salt mixture.
The sovereign brilliancy of Sirius pierced the eye with a steely glitter, the star called Capella was yellow, Aldebaran and Betelgueux shone with a fiery red. To persons standing alone on a hill during a clear midnight such as this, the roll of the world eastward is almost a palpable movement.
To find themselves utterly alone at night where company is desirable and expected makes but a case more trying by far to the nerves is to discover some mysterious companionship when intuition, sensation, memory, analogy, testimony, probability, induction — every kind of evidence in the 's list — have united to persuade consciousness that it is quite in isolation.
Love is a possible strength, in an actual weakness. Marriage transforms a distraction into a support, the power of which should be, and happily often is, in direct proportion to the degree of imbecility it supplants.
A nice unparticular man.
It is difficult for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.
Overhead the hollow stretch of whitish cloud shutting out the sky was as a tent which had the whole heath for its floor.
Bk. I, ch. 1
In fact, precisely at this transitional point of its nightly roll into darkness the great and particular glory of the Egdon waste began, and nobody could be said to understand the heath who had not been there at such a time. It could best be felt when it could not clearly be seen, its complete effect and explanation lying in this and the succeeding hours
then, and only then, did it tell its true tale.
Bk. I, ch. 1
The place became full of a
for when other things sank blooding to sleep the heath appeared slowly to awake and listen.
Bk. I, ch. 1
It was at present a place perfectly accordant with man's nature—neither ghastly, hateful, neither commonplace, unmeaning, but, like man, s and withal singularly colossal and mysterious in its swarthy monotony. As with some persons who have long lived apart, solitude seemed to look out of its countenance. It had a lonely face, suggesting tragical possibilities.
Bk. I, ch. 1
The great inviolate place had an ancient permanence which the sea cannot claim. Who can say of a particular sea that it is old? Distilled by the sun, kneaded by the moon, it is renewed in a year, in a day, or in an hour. The sea changed, the fields changed, the rivers, the villages, and the people changed, yet Egdon remained.
Bk. I, ch. 1
Above the plain rose the hill, above the hill rose the barrow, and above the barrow rose the figure. Above the figure was nothing that could be mapped elsewhere than on a celestial globe.
Bk. I, ch. 2
To dwell on a heath without studying its meanings was like wedding a foreigner without learning his tongue. The subtle beauties of the heath were lost to E she only caught its vapours. An environment which would have made a contented woman a poet, a suffering woman a devotee, a pious woman a psalmist, even a giddy woman thoughtful, made a rebellious woman saturnine.
Bk. I, ch. 7
"Ah," she said to herself, "want of an object to live for—that's all is the matter with me!"
Bk. II, ch. 4
The rural world was not ripe for him. A man should be only partially before his time—to be completely to the vanward in aspirations is fatal to fame. Had Philip's warlike son been intellectually so far ahead as to have attempted civilization without bloodshed, he would have been twice the godlike hero that he seemed, but nobody would have heard of an Alexander.
Bk. III, ch. 2
A well proportioned mind is one which show one of which we may safely say that it will never cause its owner to be confined as a madman, tortured as a heretic, or crucified as a blasphemer. Also, on the other hand, that it will never cause him to be applauded as a prophet, revered as a priest, or exalted as a king. Its usual blessings are happiness and mediocrity.
Bk. III, ch. 2
The heath and changes of weather were quite blotted out from their eyes for the present. They were enclosed in a sort of luminous mist, which hid from them surroundings of any inharmonious colour, and gave to all things the character of light. When it rained they were charmed, because they could remain indoors together all day with s when it was fine they were charmed, because they could sit together on the hills. They were like those double stars which revolve round and round each other, and from a distance appear to be one.
Bk. IV, ch. 1
When that half-burnt log and those cinders were alight she was alive! Little has been changed here yet. I can do nothing. My life creeps like a snail.
Bk. V, ch. 2
There's reason for ghastliness. Eustacia, you have held my happiness in the hollow of your hand, and like a devil you have dashed it down!
Bk. V, ch. 3
How bewitched I was! How could there be any good in a woman that everybody spoke ill of?
Bk. V, ch. 3
She had the hard, half-apathetic expression of one who deems anything possible at the hands of Time and Chance except, perhaps, fair play.
And all her shining keys will be took from her, and
and little things a' didn't wish seen, and her wishes and ways will all be as nothing!
Who is such a reprobate as I! And yet it seems that even I be in Somebody's hand!
But the ingenious machinery contrived by the Gods for reducing human possibilities of amelioration to a minimum — which arranges that wisdom to do shall come pari passu with the departure of zest for doing — stood in the way of all that.
That Elizabeth-Jane Farfrae be not told of my death, or made to grieve on account of me. And that I be not bury'd in consecrated ground. And that no sexton be asked to toll the bell. And that nobody is wished to see my dead body. And that no murners walk behind me at my funeral. And that no flours be planted on my grave. And that no man remember me.
Ch. 45 (Henchard's will)
Her strong sense that neither she nor any human being deserved less than was given, did not blind her to the fact that there were others receiving less who had deserved much more. And in being forced to class herself among the fortunate she did not cease to wonder at the persistence of the unforeseen, when the one to whom such unbroken tranquility had been accorded in the adult stage was she whose youth had seemed to teach that happiness was but the occasional episode in a general drama of pain.
Ch. 45 (last lines)
All that blooth means heavy autumn work for him and his hands.
'Twas a little one-eyed, blinking sort o' place.
Phase the First: The Maiden, ch. I
She had no her sole idea seemed to be to shun mankind — or rather that cold accretion called the world, which, so terrible in the mass, is so unformidable, even pitiable, in its units.
Phase the Second: Maiden No More, ch. XIII
So the baby was carried in a small deal box, under an ancient woman's shawl, to the churchyard that night, and buried by lantern-light, at the cost of a shilling and a pint of beer to the sexton, in that shabby corner of God's allotment where He lets the nettles grow, and where all unbaptized infants, notorious drunkards, suicides, and others of the conjecturally damned are laid.
Phase the Second: Maiden No More, ch. XIV
Considering his position he became wonderfully free from the chronic melancholy which is taking hold of the civilized races with the decline of belief in a beneficent Power.
Phase the Third: The Rally, ch. XVIII
Moreover she, and Clare also, stood as yet on the debatable land between p where no profunditi no reflections have set in, awkwardly inquiring, "Whither does this new current tend to carry me? What does it mean to my future? How does it stand towards my past?"
Phase the Third: The Rally, ch. XX
Patience, that blending of moral courage with physical timidity.
Phase the Fifth: The Woman Pays, ch. XLIII
"How can I pray for you," she said, "when I am forbidden to believe that the great Power who moves the world would alter His plans on my account?"
phase the Sixth: The Convert, ch. XLVI
"Justice" was done, and the President of the Immortals (in Aeschylean phrase) had ended his sport with Tess. And the d'Urberville knights and dames slept on in their tombs unknowing. The two speechless gazers bent themselves down to the earth, as if in prayer, and remained thus a long time, absolutely motionless: the flag continued to wave silently. As soon as they had strength, they arose, joined hands again, and went on.
Phase the Seventh: Fulfilment, ch. LIX (last lines)
But nobody did come, and under the crushing recognition of his gigantic error Jude continued to wish himself out of the world.
Pt. I, ch. IV
[Of a wedding:] And so, standing before the aforesaid officiator, the two swore that at every other time of their lives till death took them, they would assuredly believe, feel, and desire precisely as they had believed, felt, and desired during the few preceding weeks. What was as remarkable as the undertaking itself was the fact that nobody seemed at all surprised at what they swore.
Pt. I, ch. IX
Their lives were ruined, ruined by the fundamental error of their matrimonial union: that of having based a permanent contract on a temporary feeling which had no necessary connection with affinities that alone render a lifelong comradeship tolerable.
Pt. I, ch. XI
Sometimes a woman's love of being loved gets the better of her conscience, and though she is agonized at the thought of treating a man cruelly, she encourages him to love her while she doesn't love him at all. Then, when she sees him suffering, her remorse sets in, and she does what she can to repair the wrong.
Pt. IV, ch. V
Done because we are too menny.
Pt. VI, ch. II
Do not do an immoral thing for moral reasons!
Pt. VI, ch. III
What of the Immanent Will and Its designs?
It works unconsciously, as heretofore,
Eternal artistries in Circumstance.
Pt. I, forescene, Shade of the Earth & Spirit of the Years
Why doth IT so and so, and ever so,
This viewless, voiceless Turner of the Wheel?
Pt. I, forescene, Spirit of the Pities
A local cult, called Christianity.
Pt. I, sc. vi, Spirit of the Years
Aggressive Fancy working spells
Upon a mind o’erwrought.
Pt. I, sc. vi, Napoleon
Ere systemed suns were globed and lit
The slaughters of the race were writ.
Pt. II, sc. v, Semichorus I
My argument is that War makes r but Peace is poor reading.
Pt. II, sc. v, Spirit Sinister
The main object of religion is not to get a man into heaven, but to get heaven into him.
This quote can be traced to two authors, in books published within the same year:
1) Rev. Edward John Hardy, known as E.J. Hardy (), How to Be Happy Though Civil: A Book on Manners (New York, Scribners, 1909), ch. VI: A Christian G
2) , Peace and Happiness (Macmillan, 1909), ch. XV: Religion
But oh yes, dear Louis, she [Tess] is vile. The pretence of 'sexuality' is only equalled by the absence of it, and the abomination of the language by the author's reputation for style.
, Letter to , 17 February 1893, in Thomas Hardy: The Critical Heritage, ed. R.G. Cox (1995)
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In order that we may start afresh and go to Meg's weddingwith free minds, it will be well to begin with a little gossipabout the Marches. And here let me premise that if any of theelders think there is too much `lovering' in the story, as I fearthey may (I'm not afraid the young folks will make that objection),I can only say with Mrs. March, &What can you expect when I havefour gay girls in the house, and a dashing young neighbor over theway?&
The three years that have passed have brought but few changesto the quiet family. The war is over, and Mr. March safely athome, busy with his books and the small parish which found in hima minister by nature as by grace, a quiet, studious man, rich inthe wisdom that is better than learning, the charity which callsall mankind `brother', the piety that blossoms into character,making it august and lovely.
These attributes, in spite of poverty and the strict integritywhich shut him out from the more worldly successes, attracted tohim many admirable persons, as naturally as sweet herbs draw bees,and as naturally he gave them the honey into which fifty years ofhard experience had distilled no bitter drop. Earnest young menfound the gray-headed scholar as young at heart as they, thoughtfulor troubled women instinctively brought their doubts to him, sureof finding the gentlest sympathy, the wisest counsel. Sinners toldtheir sins to the pure-hearted old man and were both rebuked andsaved. Gifted men found a companion in him. Ambitious men caughtglimpses of nobler ambitions than their own, and even worldlingsconfessed that his beliefs were beautiful and true, although `theywouldn't pay'.
To outsiders the five energetic women seemed to rule the house,and so they did in many things, but the quiet scholar, sitting amonghis books, was still the head of the family, the household conscience,anchor, and comforter, for to him the busy, anxious women alwaysturned in troublous times, finding him, in the truest sense of thosesacred words, husband and father.
The girls gave their hearts into their mother's keeping, theirsouls into their father's, and to both parents, who lived and laboredso faithfully for them, they gave a love that grew with their growthand bound them tenderly together by the sweetest tie which blesseslife and outlives death.
Mrs. March is as brisk and cheery, though rather grayer, thanwhen we saw her last, and just now so absorbed in Meg's affairs thatthe hospitals and homes still full of wounded `boys' and soldiers'widows, decidedly miss the motherly missionary's visits.
John Brooke did his duty manfully for a year, got wounded, wassent home, and not allowed to return. He received no stars or bars,but he deserved them, for he cheerfully risked all he had, and lifeand love are very precious when both are in full bloom. Perfectlyresigned to his discharge, he devoted himself to getting well,preparing for business, and earning a home for Meg. With the goodsense and sturdy independence that characterized him, he refusedMr. Laurence's more generous offers, and accepted the place ofbookkeeper, feeling better satisfied to begin with an honestly earnedsalary than by running any risks with borrowed money.
Meg had spent the time in working as well as waiting, growingwomanly in character, wise in housewifely arts, and prettier thanever, for love is a great beautifier. She had her girlish ambitionsand hopes, and felt some disappointment at the humble way in whichthe new life must begin. Ned Moffat had just married Sallie Gardiner,and Meg couldn't help contrasting their fine house and carriage,many gifts, and splendid outfit with her own, and secretly wishingshe could have the same. But somehow envy and discontent soonvanished when she thought of all the patient love and labor John hadput into the little home awaiting her, and when they sat together inthe twilight, talking over their small plans, the future always grewso beautiful and bright that she forgot Sallie's splendor and feltherself the richest, happiest girl in Christendom.
Jo never went back to Aunt March, for the old lady took sucha fancy to AMy that she bribed her with the offer of drawing lessonsfrom one of the best teachers going, and for the sake of thisadvantage, Amy would have served a far harder mistress. So she gave hermornings to duty, her afternoons to pleasure, and prospered finely.Jo meantime devoted herself to literature and Beth, who remaineddelicate long after the fever was a thing of the past. Not aninvalid exactly, but never again the rosy, healthy creature she hadbeen, yet always hopeful, happy, and serene, and busy with the quietduties she loved, everyone's friend, and an angel in the house, longbefore those who loved her most had learned to know it.
As long as THE SPREAD EAGLE paid her a dollar a column for her`rubbish', as she called it, Jo felt herself a woman of means, andspun her little romances diligently. But great plans fermented inher busy brain and ambitious mind, and the old tin kitchen in thegarret held a slowly increasing pile of blotted manuscript, whichwas one day to place the name of March upon the roll of fame.
Laurie, having dutifully gone to college to please his grandfather,was now getting through it in the easiest possible mannerto please himself. A universal favorite, thanks to money, manners,much talent, and the kindest heart that ever got its owner intoscrapes by trying to get other people out of them, he stood ingreat danger of being spoiled, and probably would have been, likemany another promising boy, if he had not possessed a talismanagainst evil in the memory of the kind old man who was bound up inhis success, the motherly friend who watched over him as if he wereher son, and last, but not least by any means, the knowledge thatfour innocent girls loved, admired, and believed in him with alltheir hearts.
Being only `a glorious human boy', of course he frolicked andflirted, grew dandified, aquatic, sentimental, or gymnastic, ascollege fashions ordained, hazed and was hazed, talked slang, andmore than once came perilously near suspension and expulsion. Butas high spirits and the love of fun were the causes of these pranks,he always managed to save himself by frank confession, honorableatonement, or the irresistible power of persuasion which he possessedin perfection. In fact, he rather prided himself on his narrowescapes, and liked to thrill the girls with graphic accounts of histriumphs over wrathful tutors, dignified professors, and vanquishedenemies. The `men of my class', were heroes in the eyes of the girls,who never wearied of the exploits of `our fellows', and were frequentlyallowed to bask in the smiles of these great creatures, when Lauriebrought them home with him.
Amy especially enjoyed this high honor, and became quite a belleamong them, for her ladyship early felt and learned to use the giftof fascination with which she was endowed. Meg was too much absorbedin her private and particular John to care for any other lords ofcreation, and Beth too shy to do more than peep at them and wonderhow Amy dared to order them about so, but Jo felt quite in her ownelement, and found it very difficult to refrain from imitating thegentlemanly attitudes, phrases, and feats, which seemed more naturalto her than the decorums prescribed for young ladies. They all likedJo immensely, but never fell in love with her, though very few escapedwithout paying the tribute of a sentimental sigh or two at Amy's shrine.And speaking of sentiment brings us very naturally to the `Dovecote'.
That was the name of the little brown house Mr. Brooke had preparedfor Meg's first home. Laurie had christened it, saying it washighly appropriate to the gentle lovers who `went on together like apair of turtledoves, with first a bill and then a coo'. It was atiny house, with a little garden behind and a lawn about as big as apocket handkerchief in the front. Here Meg meant to have a fountain,shrubbery, and a profusion of lovely flowers, though just at presentthe fountain was represented by a weather-beaten urn, very like adilapidated slopbowl, the shrubbery consisted of several young larches,undecided whether to live or die, and the profusion of flowers wasmerely hinted by regiments of sticks to show where seeds were planted.But inside, it was altogether charming, and the happy bride saw nofault from garret to cellar. To be sure, the hall was so narrow itwas fortunate that they had no piano, for one never could have beengot in whole, the dining room was so small that six people were atight fit, and the kitchen stairs seemed built for the expresspurpose of precipitating both servants and china pell-mell into thecoalbin. But once get used to these slight blemishes and nothingcould be more complete, for good sense and good taste had presidedover the furnishing, and the result was highly satisfactory. Therewere no marble-topped tables, long mirrors, or lace curtains in thelittle parlor, but simple furniture, plenty of books, a fine pictureor two, a stand of flowers in the bay window, and, scattered allabout, the pretty gifts which came from friendly hands and were thefairer for the loving messages they brought.
I don't think the Parian Psyche Laurie gave lost any of itsbeauty because John put up the bracket it stood upon, that anyupholsterer could have draped the plain muslin curtains moregracefully than Amy's artistic hand, or that any store-room was everbetter provided with good wishes, merry words, and happy hopesthan that in which Jo and her mother put away Meg's few boxes,barrels, and bundles, and I am morally certain that the spandy newkitchen never could have looked so cozy and neat if Hannah had notarranged every pot and pan a dozen times over, and laid the fireall ready for lighting the minute `Mis. Brooke came home'. I alsodoubt if any young matron ever began life with so rich a supply ofdusters, holders, and piece bags, for Beth made enough to last tillthe silver wedding came round, and invented three different kindsof dishcloths for the express service of the bridal china.
People who hire all these things done for them never knowwhat they lose, for the homeliest tasks get beautified if lovinghands do them, and Meg found so many proofs of this that everythingin her small nest, from the kitchen roller to the silver vase onher parlor table, was eloquent of home love and tender forethought.
What happy times they had planning together, what solemnshopping excursions, what funny mistakes they made, and whatshouts of laughter arose over Laurie's ridiculous bargains. Inhis love of jokes, this young gentleman, though nearly throughcollege, was a much of a boy as ever. His last whim had been tobring with him on his weekly visits some new, useful, and ingeniousarticle for the young housekeeper. Now a bag of remarkableclothespins, next, a wonderful nutmeg grater which fell to pieces at thefirst trial, a knife cleaner that spoiled all the knives, or asweeper that picked the nap neatly off the carpet and left the dirt,labor-saving soap that took the skin off one's hands, infalliblecements which stuck firmly to nothing but the fingers of thedeluded buyer, and every kind of tinware, from a toy savings bank forodd pennies, to a wonderful boiler which would wash articles in itsown steam with every prospect of exploding in the process.
In vain Meg begged him to stop. John laughed at him, and Jo calledhim `Mr. Toodles'. He was possessed with a mania for patronizingYankee ingenuity, and seeing his friends fitly furnished forth.So each week beheld some fresh absurdity.
Everything was done at last, even to Amy's arranging differentcolored soaps to match the different colored rooms, and Beth'ssetting the table for the first meal.
&Are you satisfied? Does it seem like home, and do you feelas if you should be happy here?& asked Mrs. March, as she and herdaughter went through the new kingdom arm in arm, for just thenthey seemed to cling together more tenderly than ever.
&Yes, Mother, perfectly satisfied, thanks to you all, and sohappy that I can't talk about it,& with a look that was far betterthan words.
&If she only had a servant or two it would be all right,& said Amy,coming out of the parlor, where she had been trying to decide whetherthe bronze Mercury looked best on the whatnot or the mantlepiece.
&Mother and I have talked that over, and I have made up mymind to try her way first. There will be so little to do that withLotty to run my errands and help me here and there, I shall onlyhave enough work to keep me from getting lazy or homesick,& answeredMeg tranquilly.
&Sallie Moffat has four,& began Amy.
&If Meg had four, the house wouldn't hold them, and master andmissis would have to camp in the garden,& broke in Jo, who, envelopedin a big blue pinafore, was giving the last polish to the door handles.
&Sallie isn't a poor man's wife, and many maids are in keepingwith her fine establishment. Meg and John begin humbly, but I havea feeling that there will be quite as much happiness in the littlehouse as in the big one. It's a great mistake for young girls likeMeg to leave themselves nothing to do but dress, give orders, andgossip. When I was first married, I used to long for my new clothesto wear out or get torn, so that i might have the pleasure of mendingthem, for I got heartily sick of doing fancywork and tending mypocket handkerchief.&
&Why didn't you go into the kitchen and make messes, as Salliesays she does to amuse herself, though they never turn out well andthe servants laugh at her,& said Meg.
&I did after a while, not to `mess' but to learn of Hannah howthings should be done, that my servants need not laugh at me. Itwas play then, but there came a time when I was truly grateful thatI not only possessed the will but the power to cook wholesome foodfor my little girls, and help myself when I could no longer affordto hire help. You begin at the other end, Meg, dear, but the lessonsyou learn now will be of use to you by-and-by when John is a richerman, for the mistress of a house, however splendid, should know howwork ought to be done, if she wishes to be well and honestly served.&
&Yes, Mother, I'm sure of that,& said Meg, listening respectfullyto the little lecture, for the best of women will hold forthupon the all absorbing subject of house keeping. &Do you know Ilike this room most of all in my baby house,& added Meg, a minuteafter, as they went upstairs and she looked into her well-storedlinen closet.
Beth was there, laying the snowy piles smoothly on the shelvesand exulting over the goodly array. All three laughed as Meg spoke,for that linen closet was a joke. You see, having said that if Megmarried `that Brooke' she shouldn't have a cent of her money, AuntMarch was rather in a quandary when time had appeased her wrath andmade her repent her vow. She never broke her word, and was muchexercised in her mind how to get round it, and at last devised aplan whereby she could satisfy herself. Mrs. Carrol, Florence'smamma, was ordered to buy, have made, and marked a generous supplyof house and table linen, and send it as her present, all of whichwas faithfully done, but the secret leaked out, and was greatlyenjoyed by the family, for Aunt March tried to look utterlyunconscious, and insisted that she could give nothing but theold-fashioned pearls long promised to the first bride.
&That's a housewifely taste which I am glad to see. I had ayoung friend who set up housekeeping with six sheets, but she hadfinger bowls for company and that satisfied her,& said Mrs. March,patting the damask tablecloths, with a truly feminine appreciationof their fineness.
&I haven't a single finger bowl, but this is a setout that willlast me all my days, Hannah says.& And Meg looked quite contented,as well she might.
A tall, broad-shouldered young fellow, with a cropped head, afelt basin of a hat, and a flyaway coat, came tramping down theroad at a great pace, walked over the low fence without stopping toopen the gate, straight up to Mrs. March, with both hands out anda hearty . ..
&Here I am, Mother! Yes, it's all right.&
The last words were in answer to the look the elder lady gavehim, a kindly questioning look which the handsome eyes met sofrankly that the little ceremony closed, as usual, with a motherlykiss.
&For Mrs. John Brooke, with the maker's congratulations andcompliments. Bless you, Beth! What a refreshing spectacle youare, Jo. Amy, you are getting altogether too handsome for asingle lady.&
As Laurie spoke, he delivered a brown paper parcel to Meg,pilled Beth's hair ribbon, stared at Jo's bib pinafore, and fellinto an attitude of mock rapture before Amy, then shook hands allround, and everyone began to talk.
&Where is John?& asked Meg anxiously.
&Stopped to get the license for tomorrow, ma'am.&
&Which side won the last match, Teddy?& inquired Jo, who persistedin feeling an interest in manly sports despite her nineteen years.
&Ours, of course. Wish you'd been there to see.&
&How is the lovely Miss Randal?& asked Amy with a significant smile.
&More cruel than ever. Don't you see how I'm pining away?&And Laurie gave his broad chest a sounding slap and heaved amelodramatic sigh.
&What's the last joke? Undo the bundle and see, Meg,& saidBeth, eying the knobby parcel with curiosity.
&It's a useful thing to have in the house in case of fireor thieves,& observed Laurie, as a watchman's rattle appeared,amid the laughter of the girls.
&Any time when John is away and you get frightened, Mrs.Meg, just swing that out of the front window, and it will rousethe neighborhood in a jiffy. Nice thing, isn't it?& And Lauriegave them a sample of its powers that made them cover up their ears.
&There's gratitude for you! And speaking of gratitude remindsme to mention that you may thank Hannah for saving your wedding cakefrom destruction. I saw it going into your house as I came by, andif she hadn't defended it manfully I'd have had a pick at it, for itlooked like a remarkably plummy one.&
&I wonder if you will ever grow up, Laurie,& said Meg in amatronly tone.
&I'm doing my best, ma'am, but can't get much higher, I'm afraid,as six feet is about all men can do in these degenerate days,&responded the young gentleman, whose head was about level with thelittle chandelier.
&I suppose it would be profanation to eat anything in thisspick-and-span bower, so as I'm tremendously hungry,I propose an adjournment,& he added presently.
&Mother and I are going to wait for John. There are some lastthings to settle,& said Meg, bustling away.
&Beth and I are going over to Kitty Bryant's to get more flowersfor tomorrow,& added Amy, tying a picturesque hat over her picturesquecurls, and enjoying the effect as much as anybody.
&Come, Jo, don't desert a fellow. I'm in such a state of exhaustionI can't get home without help. Don't take off your apron,whatever you do, it's peculiarly becoming,& said Laurie, as Jobestowed his especial aversion in her capacious pocket and offeredher arm to support his feeble steps.
&Now, Teddy, I want to talk seriously to you about tomorrow,&began Jo, as they strolled away together. &You must promise tobehave well, and not cut up any pranks, and spoil our plans.&
&Not a prank.&
&And don't say funny things when we ought to be sober.&
&I never do. You are the one for that.&
&And I implore you not to look at me during the ceremony. Ishall certainly laugh if you do.&
&You won't see me, you'll be crying so hard that the thick foground you will obscure the prospect.&
&I never cry unless for some great affliction.&
&Such as fellows going to college, hey?& cut in Laurie, withsuggestive laugh.
&Don't be a peacock. I only moaned a trifle to keep the girlscompany.&
&Exactly. I say, Jo, how is Grandpa this week? Pretty amiable?&
&Very. Why, have you got into a scrape and want to know howhe'll take it?& asked Jo rather sharply.
&Now, Jo, do you think I'd look your mother in the face and say`All right', if it wasn't?& And Laurie stopped short, with an injuredair.
&No, I don't.&
&Then don't go and be suspicious. I only want some money,& saidLaurie, walking on again, appeased by her hearty tone.
&You spend a great deal, Teddy.&
&Bless you, I don't spend it, it spends itself somehow, and isgone before I know it.&
&You are so generous and kind-hearted that you let people borrow,and can't say `No' to anyone. We heard about Henshaw and all you didfor him. If you always spent money in that way, no one would blameyou,& said Jo warmly.
&Oh, he made a mountain out of a molehill. You wouldn't have melet that fine fellow work himself to death just for want of a littlehelp, when he is worth a dozen of us lazy chaps, would you?&
&Of course not, but I don't see the use of your having seventeenwaistcoats, endless neckties, and a new hat every time you come home.I thought you'd got over the dandy period, but every now and then itbreaks out in a new spot. Just now it's the fashion to be hideous,to make your head look like a scrubbing brush, wear a strait jacket,orange gloves, and clumping square-toed boots. If it was cheapugliness, I'd say nothing, but it costs as much as the other, and Idon't get any satisfaction out of it.&
Laurie threw back his head, and laughed so heartily at thisattack, that the felt hat fell off, and Jo walked on it, whichinsult only afforded him an opportunity for expatiating on theadvantages of a rough-and-ready costume, as he folded up themaltreated hat, and stuffed it into his pocket.
&Don't lecture any more, there's a good soul! I have enoughall through the week, and like to enjoy myself when I come home.I'll get myself up regardless of expense tomorrow and be asatisfaction to my friends.&
&I'll leave you in peace if you'll only let your hair grow.I'm not aristocratic, but I do object to being seen with a personwho looks like a young prize fighter,& observed Jo severely.
&This unassuming style promotes study, that's why we adopt it,&returned Laurie, who certainly could not be accused of vanity, havingvoluntarily sacrificed a handsome curly crop to the demand forquarterinch-long stubble.
&By the way, Jo, I think that little Parker is really gettingdesperate about Amy. He talks of her constantly, writes poetry, andmoons about in a most suspicious manner. He'd better nip his littlepassion in the bud, hadn't he?& added Laurie, in a confidential,elder brotherly tone, after a minute's silence.
&Of course he had. We don't want any more marrying in thisfamily for years to come. Mercy on us, what are the childrenthinking of?& And Jo looked as much scandalized as if Amy and littleParker were not yet in their teens.
&It's a fast age, and I don't know what we are coming to, ma'am.You are a mere infant, but you'll go next, Jo, and we'll be leftlamenting,& said Laurie, shaking his head over the degeneracy of thetimes.
&Don't be alarmed. I'm not one of the agreeable sort. Nobodywill want me, and it's a mercy, for there should always be one oldmaid in a family.&
&You won't give anyone a chance,& said Laurie, with a sidelongglance and a little more color than before in his sunburned face.&You won't show the soft side of your character, and if a fellowgets a peep at it by accident and can't help showing that he likesit, you treat him as Mrs. Gummidge did her sweetheart, throw coldwater over him, and get so thorny no one dares touch or look at you.&
&I don't like that sort of thing. I'm too busy to be worriedwith nonsense, and I think it's dreadful to break up families so.Now don't say any more about it. Meg's wedding has turned all ourheads, and we talk of nothing but lovers and such absurdities. Idon't wish to get cross, so let's change the subject.& And Jolooked quite ready to fling cold water on the slightest provocation.
Whatever his feelings might have been, Laurie found a vent forthem in a long low whistle and the fearful prediction as they partedat the gate, &Mark my words, Jo, you'll go next.&
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