
来源: 2015届九年级下学期第一次月度检测试题英语试题及答案.doc
Once there was a baby eagle
living in a
nest (巢)on a cliff(山崖).The baby eagle loved his nest. It was
warm and s _________1 .And even better, he had all the food and love that his
mother could give. Whenever the baby eagle
was h_________2,his mother would always come just in time with the delicious
food he liked.
He was growing h________3. day
after day.But suddenly his world changed.His mother stopped coming to the
nest.He was full of sadness and fear.He thought he would die soon.He cried,but
n_________4. heard him.
Two days later his mother
a_________5. with some nice food, The baby eagle was wild with joy.But his
mother put the food at the top of the mountain and then looked down at her
baby.The baby eagle cried out.“Mum,why did you do this to me?I’m hungry.Don’t
you know I will die if I have n________6. to eat?”
“Here is the last
meal I e and get it y_________7. I can’t help you.”his mother
said.Then she flew down and pushed the baby eagle out of the nest.
The baby eagle fell
d_________8, faster and faster.He looked up at his mum,“Why do you give me
up?”He looked down at the earth.The ground was much closer.Then s_________9
strange happened. The air caught behind his arms and he began to fly! He wasn’t
moving to the ground any more. I_________10, his eyes were pointed up at the
“You are flying!
You can make it!”His mother smiled.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106393');">&
来源: 重点校2015年中考模拟试题(英语)及答案 .doc
Have you ever tried the
“Magic Cube”(魔方) ? Pick up one of these cubes and you probably
won’t be able to p__1__ it down. How hard can it be to rearrange(重新安排) the nine little squares on each s_2___ of the cube? In
fact, there are millions of possibilities! It has been over 30 years s__3__ the
cube first hit the market(上市). However, not many
people know that it was used just a__4_ a simple classroom model at the
In 1974, Mr. Erno Rubik i__5__
the “Magic Cube” as he called it. He did this to help his students to
u__6__difficult 3D concepts(概念). This classroom
example was quickly turned into a p &&7& &toy. In 1979, Ideal Toys started to sell
it as “Rubik’s Cube”. The invention quickly became a 1980s cultural&
&& As time
went by, the cube once lost i_8__ attractive qualities. However, it made a
comeback with the internet. Now anyone can go online and find many videos that
show w_9___to solve the cube. Erik Akkersdijk of the Netherlands holds the
world r_10____ now. He finished in just 7.08 seconds!
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106297');">&
来源: 2015初一英语(下)1——6单元检测题及答案.doc
阅读下面的短文,选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺,每空一词。also,quick,friend,for,read,they,walk,health,be,dishHello,My name is Peter.I have a __1__life.I get up early every day because I don't want to arrive late __2__ school.After I exercise,I __3__take a shower and eat a good breakfast.My home is not far from school,so I usually __4__to school.I think it's __5__good exercise.Today is Saturday.I don't have to go to school.It's 7:00p.m.My family are all at home.Look!My grandparents __6__watching TV.My mother is washing the __7__.Is my father __8__a newspaper?Yes,he is.And my brother and sister are doing __9__homework.Where's my pet dog Dingding?Oh,he's playing a soccer ball.He is very __10__.We all like him.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106270');">&
来源: 2014届九年级3月调测考试试题 (英语)及答案.doc
you like to join us in the game?
& ---__________, but I have to
help my mum.
A. I will&& B. I’d love
to&&&&& C. I’m afraid not&&& D. I don’t
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106227');">&
来源: 2015届初中毕业生学业综合测试英语试题及答案.doc
看图短文填空;阅读下面短文,并借助上下文和插图补充所缺信息。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。In a primary school, a teacher asked her students what they wished to become when they grew up. There were several (1) ________ —a doctor, a teacher, a film-star and so on.One of the students gave a (2) ________ answer. This child said, “I want to be a television!” The teacher asked the child (3) __________ he had such a wish. He said, with his eyes full (4) __________tears, “There is no one at home to watch me or care for me. Everyone sits around the television. If there is anything wrong (5) __________ the TV, they give great attention to it and fix it at once.”The loving teacher met the child's mother and (6) __________ about this with her. The mother said, “My husband is a very busy businessman. He (7) __________has time to look after the child.” “But what about you?” the teacher asked the mother. “What do you know about me? I'm the president of the women's club. I have (8) __________many meetings and activities.” The teacher now understood why the child (9) __________lonely at home.“I think children want their parents to spend(10) ________time with them.” Said the teacher.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106219');">&
来源: 学年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题及答案.doc
The computer and the Internet have become part
of teens’ life. The number of teen Internet users in China is (1) g      bigger, up to 253 million. The number shows a great
increase (增长) in Internet users in China over the last (2) f      years, especially among teenagers.
China becomes a large& market for Internet (3) b     .
A new survey (调查) shows that
Chinese teens are (4) i      in online
They seem not to know that spending too much time before a computer (5) s      is bad for their health. According to the
survey, 42.6% of teens have built their (6) o      web blogs. More than half enjoy (7) c     online with friends and 10.6% of teens play Internet games.
It is a (8) p      that only
6% use the Internet to get information for their learning projects! Also, the
survey finds that the teens have different favourite (9) p      to use the Internet. For teens in towns, 35% choose
Internet bars as a main place to go online. For those living in large cities,
76% use home computers.
Too much time online certainly (10) l      to problems for their young life. Should teens
think more about what role (角色) a computer plays?
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106193');">&
来源: 学年七年级下学期期中检测试题(英语)及答案.doc
A couple (夫妻)have a son and a daughter, and they are twins(双胞胎). They live in a
t&& 1&& near Nanjing. Their house
is very small with only three rooms. No washing machine, and no f&&
2&& to keep food in.&
& The twins are b&& 3& students. They are in the s&
4& grade this year. They must do a lot of homework at home. But they
don’t have a s&& 5& . They have to do their homework at
the dining table. Every morning, they go to school on one bike. And when they
are b&& 6&& from school, they do a lot of housework
for their parents.&
& They live a hard life. But the family is always f&& 7&&
of fun. They often sit on their old sofa and chat about school life and the
children’s beautiful f&& 8&& there.&
The family becomes famous b& 9&& it donates(捐赠)2, 000 yuan to Project Hope. When people ask them why they
are so generous (慷慨的), the father always says, “We know h&&
10&& people feel when their children can’t go to school.”
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106168');">&
来源: 2015九年级英语第四次联考试题及答案.doc
job don’t
Young People in BritainLife used to be fun for “teenagers”. They used to have money to spend, and free time to while away(消磨). They used to wear teenage clothes, and meet in teenage coffee bars and discos. Some of them still do. But for many young people, life is harder now.
are difficult to find. There’s not so much money around. Things are
, and it’s hard to find a place to live in. Teachers say that students work harder than they used to. They are less
in politics, and more interested in
4 exams. They know that good exam results may bring them better jobs.Most young people worry more about money than their parents did twenty years ago. They try
less and save more. They want to be able to get homes of their own one day.For some, the answer to unemployment(失业) is to leave home and look for jobs in one of Britain’s big
. Every day hundreds of young people arrive in London from other parts of Britain, looking for jobs. Some find jobs and stay.
don’t, and go home again, or join the unemployed(失业者) in London.When you read the newspapers and watch the news on television, it’s
to get the idea that British young people are all unemployed, angry and in trouble. But that’s not true. Three quarters of them do more or less what their parents did. They do their best at school, find some kinds of jobs in the end, and get
in their early twenties. They get on well with their parents, and enjoy their family life. After all, if they don’t, they
be British, will they
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106126');">&
来源: 学年八年级英语4月阶段考试试题及答案.doc
Do you always agree with your teacher? Sometimes
you might have a different a &&1 &&to a Maths
problem. Or maybe they scold(责备) you when you don’t think you did anything w
What do you do then? A story
that more and more students choose to s &3&& &out
and sometimes even shout(喊叫) at their teachers.
i &&4& &for students to say what they think. In the
past, few Chinese students dared(敢于) to speak d&& 5 &to their
teacher. It was an unwritten rule(不成文的规定) that what the
teachers said is always right. But now students b&&
6&&& to think more of themselves and dare to say what they
think right.
But students should choose the right way to speak
out. We should respect(尊重) teachers. They are older than you and know
more things. So, never use i&& 7&& words when
speaking to them. And don’t make them u &&8&& &when
you don’t agree with them.
Try to find the right time to talk to your
teacher. For e& 9 &, talk about the problem after class.
R& 10&& to talk about it
in a friendly way.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106104');">&
来源: 2015届九年级下学期期中模拟联考试题(英语)及答案.doc
English is not an easy job. Almost every student sometimes asks questions &&1&&
these: Can I really learn English well? Can I really learn it well enough
to communicate with foreigners?
answer is yes. From some studies, we know that almost anyone can learn a
foreign language well&& 2&& she or he wants to. Some
might learn faster and some might learn it slower. Some might learn it&&
3&& and some might learn it with difficulty. But anyone can learn
it well if he or she has the&& 4&& ways instead of
the wrong ones.
Many students have their own special ways in learning English. The following
are some& &5& &.
gets up early every morning and the first thing she does is to listen to an
English radio program. This has really&& 6& &improve
her English in listening. Daniel often practices speaking English in class. At
first he was nervous when he was asked to speak. After trying several times, he
found&& 7&& &was not as difficult as he
thought. He becomes more active and now he speaks English &&&8
& of all the students in his class. Jim likes to watch American
movies. He will watch it many times if it is a good film. And he also likes to
read English aloud.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106040');">&
来源: 学年八年级下学期第一次学情调查试题(英语)及答案.doc
The computer and the Internet have become part of teens’
life. The number of teen Internet users in China is (1) g     bigger, up to 253 million. The number shows a great increase
(增长) in Internet users in China over the last (2) f     years, especially among teenagers. And China becomes a
large market for Internet (3) b    .
A new survey (调查) shows that Chinese
teens show (4) i_______ in online activities. They seem not to know that
spending too much time before a computer (5) s&&&&&&&&
&is bad for their health. According to the survey, 42.6% of teens have
built their (6) o&&&&& &web blogs. More
than half enjoy (7) c&&&&&& &online
with friends and 10.6% of teens play Internet games. It is a (8) p     that only 6% use the Internet to get information for their
learning projects! Also, the survey finds that the teens have different
favourite (9) p     to use the Internet. For teens in towns, 35%
choose Internet bars as a main place to go online. For those living in large
cities, 76% use home computers.
Too much time online certainly (10) l     &to problems for their young life. Should
teens think more about what role (角色) a computer plays?
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106011');">&
来源: 学年七年级下学期期中英语评估试题及答案.doc
do you get to school? Do you walk or ride a bike? Do you go by bus or by train?
F&&&&& 1&&&&& many
it is easy to get to school. But for the students in one small village in China, it is d&&&& 2&&&& . There is a very
big river b&&& 3&&&& &their
school and the village. There is no b&&&&
4&&& &and the river runs too quickly for boats. So
these students go on ropeway to cross the river to school.
One 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, c&&&&&
5&&&& the river every school day. But he is not a&&&&&
6&&& . “I love p&&&&
7&&&& with my classmates. And I love my teacher. He’s l&&&
father to me.
Many of the students and villagers n&&&
9&&&& &leave the village. It’s their dream to have
a bridge. Can their dream come t&&&&
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105978');">&
来源: 学年八年级下学期第一次月度检测试题(英语)及答案.doc
I always thought that money was the
most important
thing in the world. If there was no money, there would be many things I could
not have, for example ,d&& 1&& &food, beautiful
clothes, a big house and so on, I would be u&&& 2& .
But now I have c& 3&& &my mind, I think the most
important thing is health. Why? Let me tell you a true story.
In May,2003, my brother g 4&&&
&a terrible disease(疾病).
At first, we didn’t worry too much
about it. We just saw a doctor and gave him some medicine. But after 3 days, my
brother got w& 5&&& &. We took him to the
hospital and the doctor said he must stay there. After checking him, the doctor
said that he had c 6&&& &a disease called measles.
We were all worried. He was made to take more medicine and given an injection.
Everyone in my family was worried about him. We all hoped that he would be
b&& 7&& &soon.
From then on, I began to realize I
was w&& 8& &about money being the most important
thing in the world. If a person who has a lot of money will die ,can money make
him a&& 9& ? Of course the answer is no. Good health is
the most important thing for everyone. We should take good care of o& 10&&
&and try our best to keep us away from disease.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105867');">&
来源: 学年七年级下学期期中联考试题(英语)及答案.doc
Mr. Black lives in Boston, America, with his family. He _____(1) two children, a son and a daughter. His son is Tony. His
______(2) is Ann.& Tony is a policeman(警察). His _____(3)
is interesting but& __of (4) dangerous(危险). Thieves (小偷)don’t like him. Tony is often busy. Sometimes he can’t go
home for a month. When he is _____(5)home, he likes to play chess with his
Ann is a reporter. She goes to many _____(6). She likes talking to people. She
also likes ____(7) for newspapers. She can meet interesting people and things
every day. She is _____(8), too, but she can go home. When she is free,
she likes making delicious food for her father.
If Tony and Ann are both at home, Mr White is very ______(9). He likes to
_____(10) with his children.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105784');">&
来源: 2015年初中毕业班检测试卷英语检测试卷及答案.doc
—It’s said that Tian Liang and Cindy are not
going to take part in the program “Where are we going, dad?”.
& —_______.& I like them very much.
A. That’s great.&&&&& B.&No
problem.&&&&C. It doesn’t matter.&&&&D.
What a pity!
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105576');">&
来源: 2015年初中毕业班检测试卷英语检测试卷及答案.doc
—It will be my turn. I feel a bit nervous.&
—_______. You
can make it.
A. Congratulations&&& B. Take it easy&&& C. Look
out&&& D. Have a good time
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105575');">&
来源: 实验初中2015年春初一英语综合练习题及答案.doc
首字母填空Dear Tom,Long time no see! Is there a__1__ new with you? I got sick last week, but I feel much better now. So don’t w__2__ about me. I’m going to move(搬家) tomorrow. The new flat is about two m__3__ from my company. Not very far, right? My mother may be glad to hear the news, b__4__ I will not be late for work. But I need to buy a new bike first. The old one is b__5__.Your birthday is coming. I bought(买) you a gift. It’s a picture of your favourite a__6__, Xu Beihong. The p__7__ will send(送) it to you tomorrow.Will you be free this Saturday? I’d like you to come to my new flat. My w__8__ machine doesn’t work, and I can’t wash my clothes these days. Could you please help me f__9__ it? And then I can show you around my new flat. Does it s__10__ good? Please write to me soon.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105561');">&
来源: 2015初二英语Unit 6 Section A课课练及答案.doc
  Do you remember that little match girl?
Let me 1 (tell)you another story about her. It
was very cold, on a snowy morning, after 2 (sell)all matches, the little match
girl felt very hungry and cold. She wanted 3 (go)home. On the way home, she 4 (see)a tree stump(树桩). Because she was
very tired, she decided 5 (take)a break, she leaned on the tree stump, and then went to sleep.
In her dream, the tree stump
became very large. She felt surprised and happy. She thought that this tree
stump could make many matches, and it also could ignite(点燃)the heating(暖器设备). But she thought of a question. “How can I
split(分开)the stump and 6 (take)it home? ”She thought it over and then 7 (have)an idea. Santa 8 (prepare)an ax and a small cart for
her. She split the tree stump, then shipped the wood back home.
In her room, the little
match girl ignited the wood, warmed herself by the fire while making matches.
She 9 (feel)very happy. It 10 (be)warm, really warm. . .
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105513');">&
来源: 2015届初中毕业4月学习能力诊断(二模)试题及答案.doc
great but difficult project to set up a permanent human settlement on Mars.
Over 200,000 volunteers from more than 120 countries have applied to take a
one-way trip to Mars.
project, run by a Dutch company named Mars One, aims to send a group of volunteers
to Mars, and because of the physiological (生理上的) change in the human body
after a sty on Mars, there’d be no chance of c___1___ back. So it’s only a
one-way trip! However, that hasn’t stop volunteers becoming one of Mars’ first
citizens. “This is running out to be the most welcome job in history,” says Bas Lansdorp,
co-founder of Mars One.
life on Mars will be not easy. The daily work will i___2___ building
greenhouses or doing some research – all in a lonely environment.
not f___3___ to life. It’s atmosphere is so thin that it won’t protect you from
harmful radiation (辐射)
from the sun. You can’t breathe the air and it is very cold on Mars, with an
average temperature of around -50°C. There’s no running water on the surface of Mars. The water is frozen or hidden u___4___.
Mars One says the project is not looking for volunteers with some skill, such
as a science degree.
they are looking for people who have “a deep sense of purpose and
responsibility”. As the first group of people living on Mars, volunteers should
be “willing to build and keep a healthy r___6___ with the Earth”. They also
want volunteers who are “curious, creative and good at finding ways of dealing
with all kinds of problems.”
volunteers will receive at least eight years’ training b___7___ they leave
Earth, the company says. The fist group of 24 volunteers is set to fly to Mars
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105487');">&
来源: 2015年名校期中考试七年级英语试卷及答案.doc
Walk a___1____ the road. To the n___2____ of the Panda House, you’ll find the
lions. Lions are the k___3____of the animal world. R__4______ that they’re
d___5______ . Never go near them.
“Here it is,” Andy said to h___6_____ . He f___7______ a little can in the
bushes. It was very w____8____. When it miaowed, it s____9____ like a whisper.
Andy p____10___ up the little cat and went to find Millie and Amy.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105438');">&


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