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A: 大家好! 欢迎来到美语训练班, 我是杨琳!
B:我是Kat, 杨琳,今天咱们学什么呀?
A: 今天,咱们要去快餐店大吃一顿,要谈谈危机公关,还要告诉大家用美语怎么说&异地恋&和&左右为难&。
B: Sounds good! But first, let's learn a word.
Learn A Word innovation
今天我们要学的词是 innovation. Innovation is spelled i-n-n-o-v-a-t-i-o-n, innovation. Innovation 意思是创新,改革。由于其主要顾客群在亚洲,诺基亚公司将把生产线完全转移到亚洲。诺基亚市场部主管说,&By working more closely with our suppliers, we believe that we will be able to introduce innovations into the
more quickly and ultimately be more competitive. & 我们认为,与供货商更密切的合作能使我们更快地将创新理念带入市场,并最终更具竞争力。美国总统奥巴马强调,It's very important to bring the spirit of innovation back to the United States. 将创新精神重新带回美国是十分重要的。好的,今天我们的词是innovation, innovation, innovation.
A: Kat, 我问你个问题,现在热卖的苹果电子产品,iPhone, iPad, iMac,这些名字的前面都有一个字母i,它代表什么呢?
B: Hmm, that's a good question. I guess it means Internet? Or... &intelligent&?
A: Internet--网络,Intelligent--智能,听着都有可能。我想,是不是还可能是 individua--个人,或者是我们刚学的这个Innovatio--创新呢?
B:Quite ! These are all good words. They give the products a cool, hip image.
A: 没错,干脆咱们这个节目名字也改改吧,前面加个字母i, 变成,i美语训练班,多时髦!
B: 照搬别人的做法?Nay, that's not original at all!
A: 也对,咱不能盲目跟风。哎,我有一个好主意,咱们不用i, I不是&我&的意思么,咱们用U,U就是&你&,这下可不是跟风了吧?
B: 啊?Then our show's name will be u美语训练班?
B: Let's listen to Words and Idioms.
Words and Idioms Caught in the middle
现在播送&美国习惯用语&第 954讲。我是杨琳。
M:我是 Douglas Johnson.
M:Caught in the middle. Caught is spelled c-a-u-g-h-t, m-i-d-d-l-e. Caught-in-the-middle. Caught in the middle.
女: Caught是catch的被动式,被抓住的意思;而middle, 中间。Caught in the middle, 被夹在中间,就是左右为难的意思。我朋友现在就处于左右为难的境地,She is caught in the middle regarding whether to buy her daughter a smartphone. 对于要不要给她女儿买智能手机这个问题,我朋友左右为难。不过她的处境跟下面的例子里的人比起来不足一提?他有什么困扰呢? 我们来听听看:
M: &Ever since my mother came to live with us, life has been difficult. She and my wife don't get along. If one wants one thing, the other is complaining about it. It's a constant . And I don't like being CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE. They should settle their differences without expecting me to get involved.&
女: 这可真够为难的。婆媳关系一般都很难处理,而丈夫夹在中间,向着哪边都不好。The husband gets caught in the middle whenever there's a conflict between his mom and his wife. 一旦他的妈妈和妻子起了冲突,作为丈夫他真是左右为难。好了,为难归为难,让我们再来听听刚才那段话吧!
M: &Ever since my mother came to live with us, life has been difficult. She and my wife don't get along. If one wants one thing, the other is complaining about it. It's a constant . And I don't like being CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE. They should settle their differences without expecting me to get involved.&
女:工作中有个好老板是福气。如果你的老板待人和气而又鼓励创新 ,你工作起来一定会干劲十足。可是下面这个例子里的人就不那么幸运了,他碰到了什么样的问题呢?我们来听听看:
M: &My boss isn't making my job very easy. He assumes that I'll always be supportive of his decisions. The problem is that I think some of his ideas aren't good for the company. As a , I find myself torn between wanting to be loyal and wanting to be honest. How can I overcome feeling CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE? &
女: 我也有过类似的经历!原来大学的时候我曾经去做过家教,可是那个家里的爸爸说一套,而妈妈又有另一套,弄的我不知道怎么办才好。The parents of the kid I'm tutoring have opposite views of what I should teach. I'm totally caught in the middle. 好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:
M: &My boss isn't making my job very easy. He assumes that I'll always be supportive of his decisions. The problem is that I think some of his ideas aren't good for the company. As a , I find myself torn between wanting to be loyal and wanting to be honest. How can I overcome feeling CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE? &
女:各位听众,今天我们的习惯用语是Caught in the Middle,意思是&夹在中间,左右为难&。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。谢谢各位的收听。
A: 最近我就碰上了件左右为难的事儿,我认识一对情侣,俩人都是我的好朋友,But their relationship hit a rough , and they both complain to me about the other person. I'm caught in the middle and don't know what to do!
B:You don't have to do anything! Just be a good listener to both of them and let they sort out their own .
A: 我也这么想,这情侣之间的事儿,外人还是少给意见的好!
B:Speaking of relationships, 咱们今天不是要教&异地恋&么?
A:没错。Let's listen!
How to say it in American English: long-distance relationship
JESSICA 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是吴琼要问的:异地恋。
JESSICA: 吴琼,what's your plan for the weekend?
WQ: I'll be out of town! 我得坐4个小时飞机去看我男朋友!
JESSICA: Boy! That's a long flight! 你真是个好女朋友。
WQ: 没办法啦。异地恋就是这么辛苦。Jessica, 异地恋用美语要怎么说呢?
JESSICA: That's long-distance relationship. So, how long have you guys been long-distance?
WQ: We've been dating for a couple of years now. 不过,他最近因为工作被调去外地两年,我们刚刚开始异地恋。I miss him so much, and I don't know if we can survive the long-distance!
JESSICA: Don't be sad, 吴琼! I know dating over long-distance can be hard, but you got to have faith in the relationship! Hmm, tell me, what do you like about your boyfriend?
WQ: 他啊,最大的优点就是真诚,不做作。
JESSICA: So he's a blue-collar kind of guy!
WQ: blue collar? 那不是蓝领工人么?
JESSICA: Yes. But if you say a man is a &blue collar kind of guy&, it doesn't necessarily refer to his job. Rather, it's about his down-to-earth, unpretending .
WQ: I see. My boyfriend is a blue-collar kind of guy. 我就喜欢他这纯朴劲儿。
JESSICA: So what does he like about you?
WQ: 哈哈,他也喜欢我清纯,亲切,不做作。那我就是blue-collar kind of girl了?怎么听着这么别扭。
Jessica: Hmm, you can use the phrase &the girl next door&.
WQ: The girl next door? 哦,就是邻家女孩! 没错,My boyfriend says I'm nice and attractive, just like a girl next door! 不过,这次去找他,I don't want to be the girl next door anymore! 我要打扮得艳丽一些,给他个惊喜!
Jessica: I hope he likes it! Now tell me what you've learned today!
WQ: 第一:异地恋是long-distance relationship;.
第二:形容男人质朴老实,可以用blue-collar kind of guy;
第三:亲切可爱的邻家女孩是the girl next door.
B: Keeping up a long-distance relationship is hard!
A: 可不是么,异地恋成功率可不高!除非俩人真的特合适。
B: Yeah, and also, the couple needs to have an agreed-upon goal or a reason for having a long-distance relationship. They should know that they're not going to stay like that forever. For example, the goal could be career advancement or a better life in the long run.
A: Yeah! They need to have something to look forward to! 而且俩人目标得一致,不是有句话么,Love is not just about l it's looking in the same direction.
B: 说得好! Now let's switch gears and talk about food.
GoEnglish Food: Beginner
MC: Doug and Liz 正开车去超市买菜,可Doug忽然觉得饿了,想顺道先去快餐店买个汉堡吃。
Professor: Winnie, do you ever get hungry when you go shopping?
Doug: Hey Liz, I'm really hungry. Let's stop and eat something.
Liz: Alright, where do you want to eat?
Doug: There is a McDonalds nearby.
Liz: Fast food is so unhealthy. But if you are really hungry, we can go through the drive-through.
Doug: No, let's go inside. I don't want to spill my drink in the car.
Professor: So Winnie, did you hear where Doug wants to eat?
Professor: Exactly! Why doesn't Doug want to use the drive-through?
Professor: That's true. I guess there are two ways eating fast food can kill you.
MC: 说得对! 吃太多快餐垃圾食品会把身体搞垮,如果边开车边吃还可能让你出车祸!
Cashier: Welcome to McDonalds! May I take your order?
Doug: Yes, I'd like two hamburgers, a large Coke and a large fries.
Cashier: Do you want anything, mam?
Liz: No thanks, I'm on a diet.
Cashier: For here or to go?
Doug: For here.
Cashier: Alright, that will be 11 dollars and 50 cents.
Liz 说,she is on a diet, 正在节食,所以不吃这些高热量的快餐。Doug 真应该向 Liz 学学。
Professor: Yes, fast food has a lot of fat in it. But Winnie, does Doug want the food &for here& or &to go&?
Doug 说for here, 也就是在餐厅里吃。如果说 &to go&,就是打包带走的意思。
Professor: Yes. When you take food home from a restaurant, you can also say the food is for &take out.& Now Doug and Liz are eating their food. Let's listen.
Doug: Do you want to eat my tomato? I don't like them. The only topping I like is ketchup.
Liz: Sure, I love tomatoes. They're a healthy food.
Doug: That's true. Are you sure you don't want anything?
Liz: Well I know the French fries are very unhealthy, but they look so good.
Doug: Come on Liz, try one. It won't kill you.
Liz: Well alright, I'll have just one.
Doug: Great! I'm going to get a refill of soda.
看来, Liz 的决心动摇了。虽然她一直在说快餐多没营养,可是一看到Doug的薯条,也忍不住要吃上一根。
Professor: That's right. And did you hear what topping Doug likes, and which one he doesn't like?
Doug 说, 在汉堡的所有佐料中,他只喜欢ketchup--番茄酱, 还说他不爱吃番茄。真奇怪,番茄酱不就是番茄做的嘛?
Professor: That's right. What does Doug say he is going to do at the end?
他说他要去refill他的饮料. Professor, refill, r-e-f-i-l-l, refill 就是续杯的意思吧?
Professor: Correct. When you go to a restaurant, you can ask the waiter, &Do you have free refills?&
Professor: Now let's see what Doug says when he returns to the table.
Doug: Liz, where are all my fries? Did you eat them all?
Liz: I'm sorry, Doug. They were just so good! Once I started eating them, I couldn't stop.
Doug: Don't worry Liz. If I'm going to get really fat, you should get really fat too! We will look really cute together.
Liz: Wow, that is a really scary thought. I need to exercise right now!
啊? Liz 趁Doug不在,居然把他的薯条都吃了!不过,她显然不想和Doug一起变成胖子,所以说要马上去健身。不过首先,希望他们在超市能买些健康食品!
Professor: Well listen next time to find out!
A: 看看!Liz 没坚持住!炸薯条这东西,吃一根就很难停下来的。
B: The craving for fast food is your worst enemy if you're on a diet. Your friends should be supportive, instead of waving a bag of fries in front of your face!
A: 没错,减肥需要周围人的支持,可不能老拿炸薯条来考验咱们的意志力!好了,咱们继续听节目吧。在今天的礼节美语中,We'll continue to talk about product recall.
礼节美语 A Product Recall II
R: We will then specify the year and model of the ACs included in the recall and set up a web site for our vendors and customers.
H: We should probably set up a toll-free line as well.
R: Yes, that's a good idea, Hank.
S: The company will have to pay for advertisements in major newspapers that explain the recall.
H: Maybe I can speak to some of the members of the press I know and see if they're interested in doing a news story on this. I'm hoping to spin it in our favor by highlighting the fact that this is a precautionary measure.
简报里要说明召回产品的出厂年份和型号,还要专门开设一个网站,方便销售商家和顾客咨询联系。Hank建议再开通一条 toll-free line 免费拨打的电话,他还主动提出,联系一些跟自己关系比较好的媒体,看看有没有人愿意发一篇报道,强调公司这次的产品召回是 a precautionary measure 预防性措施,从而 spin it in our favor. 让这件事朝对我们有利的方向发展。
S: You know, a lot of big companies have been forced to recall products, and as long as they are honest about what happened and
in trying to make it better, most people are pretty forgiving of mistakes.
R: Yes. I think people
that no company is perfect. The main thing we have to avoid is giving the impression of any kind of cover-up.
H: That's right. If people believe we are being completely truthful we should be able to weather this storm.
很多大公司都曾遇到过被迫召回产品的事,只要公司对公众诚恳,并尽可能提前采取措施解决问题,一般都会得到公众的理解和原谅。Rick说,关键是不能让人觉得公司是在cover-up,掩盖些什么。Hank表示认同,只要公众觉得公司说的都是实话,we should be able to weather this storm. 我们就应该能渡过这次难关。to weather the storm 是渡过难关的意思。
R: I'm also going to order an inquiry into whether any safety measures were not heeded, or if anybody at our factory was trying to cut corners.
S: We will make the s of the inquiry
as well. We want to be as transparent and open as .
R: I want you to talk to all of your department heads and managers and explain our . If they know of any other mistakes or safety issues I want to hear about them. Heads will roll if I discover that anyone isn't following our strict quality standards.
H&S: Yes, sir.
Rick 还说,他准备就安全措施的执行情况展开调查,还要看工厂里有没有人偷工减料,to cut corners. Samantha补充道,调查结果最后也要对外公布,尽可能让整个程序做到公开透明。Rick 最后要Samantha和Hank回去把公司的决定传达给手下的部门主管和经理,发现问题要即时汇报,如果有人不严格执行公司的质量标准,heads will roll 意思是这样的人一定会受到严厉的处罚。
A: Wow, heads will roll, 这个说法真是霸气外露啊!这就是&掉脑袋&,吃不了兜着走!
B: Yeah. It means someone will be in big trouble.
A:好了,咱们不说head了,改说Heel, 脚腕子。
B:Why heel?
American Sports English Achilles Heel/Tendon
Y: Hey, Patrick,what's wrong? 你怎么一瘸一拐的?
P: Why am I limping? I'm limping because my Achilles tendon is killing me! OW!
P: Uh, Yang Chen, do you know what an Achilles tendon is?
Y: Well, not really, Patrick.
P: Achilles A-C-H-I-L-L-E-S, tendon T-E-N-D-O-N It is a tendon (腱) in the lower back part of your leg.
Y: Oh, 原来你和刘翔一样,得了腱炎?
P: Yeah, that's right. Just like Liu Xiang. He had a problem with his Achilles tendon, too.
Y: Poor Patrick, 那你就得退出今天的比赛了。
P: Yeah. I'll have to withdraw from the competition.
Y: 那你是怎么弄伤了你的Achilles tendon?
P: Well, I pulled it running in a marathon.
Y: Aw, that's too bad.
P: Thanks for the sympathy, Yang Chen.
Y: Hey, I have another question for you, Patrick. 跟腱为什么叫 &Achilles tendon& 呢?
P: Boy, you have a lot of questions today. Achilles was an
Greek hero
Y: Oh, 我知道了, Achilles 阿基里斯是希腊神话里的勇士。
P: Yeah, He was dunked in a sacred river by his mother, who held him by his ankle. And he became invulnerable everywhere the water touched him, except his heel.
Y: Oh, 因为他妈妈抓着他的脚后跟,没沾到神水,就成了他的致命弱点。
P: 对。So when someone has a fatal flaw it is referred to as their &Achilles heel&. Because Achilles was killed when an arrow struck him in his heel-his only vulnerable spot.
Y: So what's your &Achilles heel,& Patrick?
P: Oh, I may have a problem with my Achilles tendon, but I don't have an Achilles heel. I'm perfect!
Y: Hmmm, I think a lack of modesty might just be your Achilles heel, Patrick.
P: Whatever!
A: Achilles' heel,致命弱点,这个我们在以前的节目中好像教过了,不过大家不要把 Achilles' heel 和 Achilles tendon 混了,Achilles tendon 指的是跟腱,也就是脚后跟与小腿之间的肌腱。
B: Yeha. If you say &being too nice is my Achilles tendon, people will not
what you're talking about.
A: 哈哈!没错,在刚才那句话中,应该用 Achilles' heel, 意思就是,为人过于善良是我的致命弱点。好了, 这次节目时间到了。这次的撰稿人是小北,编辑是蔚然。同学们,我们下次再见!
B:See you !
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That’s not yours,it is her,l made it myself
这不是 yours,it her,l 由它自己
那不是你的,它是她, l 使其成为我自己
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  动画明星米老鼠的形象从20世纪30年代开始风靡世界,经久不衰,深受成人和儿童的喜爱。沃尔特·迪斯尼也被人们称为米老鼠之父。他是有声动画片和彩色动画片的创制者,曾荣获奥斯卡金像奖。   谈到迪斯尼,许多小孩子都会自然而然地想到许多卡通人物:白雪公主、小飞侠、狮子王、牛仔胡迪……而对于20多岁甚至更年长的成年人来说,迪斯尼只意味着一个名字———“米老鼠”。今天恰逢它的75岁诞辰,就让我们一起来回首这只神奇老鼠从诞生到成长的历程吧。  动画明星米老鼠的形象从20世纪30年代开始风靡世界,经久不衰,深受成人和儿童的喜爱。沃尔特·迪斯尼也被人们称为米老鼠之父。他是有声动画片和彩色动画片的创制者,曾荣获奥斯卡金像奖 早期的米老鼠造型 米奇老鼠小档案  英文名:Mickey Mouse   昵称:米老鼠   出生日期:日   出生地:美国加利福尼亚   经典衣着:红色衬衣、短裤和黄色鞋子  口头禅:“糟了!”“噢,小家伙!”“那一定是很时髦的!”“笨蛋,向右转……”“快注意!”   1932年,米老鼠曾获得奥斯卡特别奖。  “米奇”,是人们对小小的“米老鼠”的昵称。世界上,有几位电影明星,能像它那样为一代又一代人所喜爱?  20世纪30年代,经济危机的阴影开始笼罩美国。苦闷、消沉的人们在1928年11月18日在纽约的电影院里看到第一部有声动画片《“威利”号汽艇》,主角正是一只有着大而圆的耳朵、穿靴戴帽的小老鼠。它虽然没有说什么话,但是随着轻快的音乐而跺脚、跃动、吹口哨……这可爱的形象,博得观众的喜欢,使他们暂时忘记了经济萧条所带来的烦恼,因而一下轰动了纽约。不到一两年,米老鼠就成了举世闻名的“明星”。1932年,这部影片获得了奥斯卡特别奖。  1928年初,迪斯尼根据从飞行员林德伯格单人驾驶飞机首次横越大西洋而产生的灵感和以牧马人生活为题材,创作了《飞行热》等两部短片,其中都有米老鼠。  在米老鼠获得的成功的激励下,继轰动一时的第一部有声动画片《“威利”号汽艇》之后,迪斯尼在37岁那年,根据格林童话摄制了世界上第一部大型动画故事片,这就是今年在我国上映过的《白雪公主》。这部影片引起更大轰动,随即又获得奥斯卡金像奖。如果说迪斯尼的事业是以米老鼠为开端,那么,《白雪公主》则是他创作生涯的一个里程碑。Mickey Mouse What can you say about Mickey Mouse that hasn't been written already? Someone once said that more people knew the name of Mickey Mouse than knew who the President of the United States was. Just the shape of his head alone is one of the most recognizable icons in American culture. And his presence on the movie screen forever changed a minor animation company into a world-wide entertainment power. It is interesting while watching the shorts to note that Mickey is one of the only Disney characters to have evolved over the years. Donald, Goofy, Chip 'n' Dale all reached the form they were to stay on throughout the years early on in their careers. Mickey was continually developed: he was given a more &realistic& body, ears that worked in symmetry, whites in his eyes, different costumes. No other Disney character was allowed to go through as many changes as Mickey. Besides the fact that Mickey was one of the first &modern& Disney characters to be created, the nature of the mouse made him a natural leader for the gang. However, unfortunately, it was this very nature that made him not quite as funny as some of the others. Mickey had too much of a laid-back, easy-going nature about him. You didn't find yourself laughing so much at what was happening to him (in the way that you did with Donald Duck) because Mickey would usually laugh it off himself. He was never much of an out-and-out funny character (like Goofy.) He did have the reputation of being somewhat of a troublemaker in the earlier years (like Chip 'n' Dale) but that tendency quickly wore off. As a result, Mickey was usually somewhat of a straight man, with the real laughs coming from the actions and reactions of those he was playing against. Mickey's voice was done by Walt Disney himself until the mid 40's when he got too busy to keep up with it. The voice was then taken over by Jimmy McDonald, then a Disney sound-effects man. When Mickey's career was revived in the 80's, the torch was passed to Wayne Allwine, curiously enough, another Disney sound-effects man. Mickey appeared in 132 short subjects (not including his starring turn in &Fantasia&.) 米老鼠,迪士尼最著名的性格,使他在屏幕亮相日,第一条为健全的卡通明星,汽船威利. Since his debut, Mickey Mouse has become an international personality whose success laid the financial foundation upon which Walt Disney built his creative organization.自从他亮相,米老鼠已经成为国际人格的成功奠定了财政基础建迪士尼创作组织. Besides being the personification of everything Disney, Mickey Mouse has become one of the most universal symbols of the Twentieth Century.除了迪士尼化身出发,米老鼠已经成为世界上最普遍的象征20世纪. Mickey Mouse was born in Walt Disney's imagination early in 1928 on a train ride from New York to Los Angeles.米老鼠生于迪士尼于1928年初想象力的火车从纽约到洛杉矶. Walt was returning with his wife from a business meeting at which his cartoon creation, Oswald the Rabbit, had been wrestled from him by his financial backers.特迪与妻子返回商务会议,他从一个卡通创作、奥兔他一直深受其金融靠山. Only 26 at the time and with an active cartoon studio in Hollywood, Walt had gone east to arrange for a new contract and more money to improve the quality of his Oswald pictures.当时只有26、积极与好莱坞动画工作室、特迪贝尔格东新合同安排更多的钱改善其奥图. The moneymen declined, and since the character was copyrighted under their name, they took control of it.moneymen的下降,因为根据他们的特点是正版名字,他们控制了. & . . . So I was all alone and had nothing,& Walt recalled later.&::,孤零零的,所以我一无所有,&特迪后来回忆. &Mrs. Disney and I were coming back from New York on the train and I had to have something I could tell them. I've lost Oswald so, I had this mouse in the back of my head because a mouse is sort of a sympathetic character in spite of the fact that everybody's frightened of a mouse including myself& Walt spent the return train ride conjuring up a little mouse in red velvet pants and named him &Mortimer,& but by the time the train screeched into the terminal station in Los Angeles, the new dream mouse had been rechristened.&妈妈,我回来了迪斯尼来自纽约的火车上有我,我可以告诉他们.所以我输奥、我曾在这个鼠标背面是我的头因为老鼠的一种同情字尽管人人都怕老鼠&,用特迪返回火车凭空多出鼠标和红天鹅绒裤叫他&敏&,但到了车站客运列车screeched进入洛杉矶老鼠被称之为新梦想. Walt's wife, Lillian, thought the name &Mortimer& was too pompous and suggested &Mickey.&特迪妻lillian,以为取名&敏&太冠冕堂皇,建议&米奇& A star was born!明星诞生了! Upon returning to his studio, Walt and his head animator, Ub Iwerks, immediately began work on the first Mickey Mouse cartoon, Plane Crazy.回画室,特迪,头部漫画家中,UBiwerks,立刻开始工作的第一米老鼠卡通、平面狂. The enthusiasm with which his small staff completed the project faded when no distributor wanted to buy the film.而他的小职员的热情与工程竣工时没有褪色经销商想买电影. Refusing to give in, Walt forged into production on another silent Mickey Mouse cartoon, Gallopin'Gaucho.拒不让步,特迪伪造成米老鼠卡通制作另一个沉默,gallopin'gaucho. However, late in 1927, Warner Brothers ushered in the talkies with The Jazz Singer, staffing Al Jolson.但是,1927年底,华纳迎来了通话的爵士乐歌手,人手铝拍档. This soon signaled the end of silent films so, in 1928, Walt dropped everything to begin a third Mickey Mouse cartoon, this one in sound: Steamboat Willie.这标志着即将结束无声电影,1928年特迪一切开始下降三分之一米老鼠卡通,在此一良好:汽船威利. To record the sound track, Walt had to take his film to New York, since no one on the West Coast was equipped to do it.记录声轨,特迪已经把他的电影纽约因为没有人在西岸被装做. Walt sank everything he had into the film.特迪沉没的一切,他已成为电影. When finally completed, Walt screened it for the New York exhibitors.当最后完成,它的放映特迪纽约参展. The manager at the Colony Theatre liked the eager young producer and decided to take a chance on his film.在殖民地剧院经理喜欢年轻的渴望和生产者决定一搏,他的电影. Steamboat Willie scored an overwhelming success, and Walt soon became the talk of the nation.汽船威利取得了压倒性的成功,很快成了热门特迪民族. Buoyed by the artistic and popular success of Steamboat Willie, Disney added sound to the first two cartoons and was able to offer exhibitors a package of three shorts.成功鼓舞了艺术和流行的汽船威利,迪士尼卡通配音头两、能提供参展一套三短裤. As with all of Mickey Mouse's pictures through World War II, Walt himself supplied the voice.跟所有的米老鼠的照片通过二战供应特迪自己的声音. Then in 1946, when Walt became too busy to continue, Jim Macdonald, veteran Disney sound and vocal effects man, tookover.随后在1946年继续特迪成了太忙,吉姆麦当劳、迪斯尼资深声乐效果和人声,tookover. ( Jim Macdonald continued to provide the voice of Mickey Mouse for nearly thirty years, until he retired in 1974. Following his retirement, Wayne Allwine was selected to perform the voice of Mickey Mouse. Wayne has provided Mickey Mouse's vocal characterizations in his most recent screen appearances ).(吉姆麦当劳继续提供声音米老鼠将近三十年,直到1974年他退役.他退休后,韦恩allwine后被选入米老鼠的声音.韦恩提供米老鼠的声乐刻划在他最近屏幕露面). Mickey Mouse's skyrocket to fame didn't take long.米老鼠的飞涨没多久成名. His cartoons became so popular that people would first ask ticket takers if they were &running a Mickey& before they would purchase admission.他的漫画,人们会变得这么受欢迎票员,如果他们先问:&办米奇&才收购. Soon, theaters were displaying posters that read &Mickey Mouse playing today!&很快,影剧院张贴宣传海报,分别改为&米老鼠今天起&! It was not uncommon for patrons to sit through a feature twice to see him again.它并不鲜见顾客坐到了两次专题见到他见面. The thirties was Mickey Mouse' 87 cartoon shorts starring the multi-talented mouse were produced by Walt Disney during that decade.三十年代是米老鼠的黄金时期;1987年主演的卡通短裤多才多艺鼠标生产迪士尼期间十年. He played everything from fireman to giant killer, cowboy to inventor, detective to plumber.他一切从消防员扮演巨人杀手来,牛仔以发明家、侦探水喉. Technically and artistically Mickey Mouse cartoons were far superior to other contemporary cartoons and gave life to an entire family of animated characters: Minnie Mouse, Clarabelle Cow, Horace Horsecollar, Goofy, Pluto, Donald Duck, Peg-Leg Pete, and many others.技术上和艺术上都远远优于米老鼠等卡通漫画和当代生活作出了全家的动画人物:妮老鼠、牛clarabelle、嘉horsecollar,傻瓜,冥王星、唐老鸭、微屈特等多人. The artistic success of the animators was honored in 1932 when an Oscar was presented to Walt Disney for the creation of Mickey Mouse.成功的动画艺术很荣幸地在1932年提交了奥斯卡迪士尼为创造米老鼠. Mickey Mouse's popularity spawned a Mickey Mouse Club in 1929 which met every Saturday for an afternoon of cartoons and games in local theaters.米老鼠的声望而来的米老鼠俱乐部1929举行了每个星期六下午,在当地卡通、游戏厅. The several million Mouse Clubbers had a secret handshake, special member greeting, code of behavior, and even a special club song, &Minnie's Yoo Hoo&.数百万老鼠俱乐部有密握手,特别委员贺、行为规范、甚至专门俱乐部歌曲&妮的柳豪&. The peak of Mickey Mouse's golden decade was his starring role as the Sorcerer's Apprentice in the feature Fantasia (1940), a major artistic innovation.高峰米老鼠的黄金十年是他主演的角色魔法师的徒弟在专题幻想曲(1940)主要艺术创新. It interpreted music in colors, shapes, movement, and story.它诠释音乐色彩,形状,运动,故事. The animation techniques were years ahead of their time and have never been matched.岁月的动画技术的时候,从来没有匹配. Fantasia also introduced stereophonic sound to theaters, an element not employed by other studios until more than a decade later.幻想曲也介绍给立体声影剧院、不受雇于其他成份,直到十多年后的工作室. With the advent of World War II, the Disney Studio suspended nearly all commercial activity and concentrated on aiding the war effort with training films, goodwill tours, and designing of posters and armed forces insignia.随着二战迪士尼制片厂几乎暂停了所有的商业活动和集中培训与战争努力协助电影亲善之旅,并设计海报和武装力量奖章. Mickey Mouse played his part by appearing on insignia and posters urging national security and the purchase of war bonds.米老鼠是故部分出现在徽章、海报呼吁国家安全和购买战争债券. And, incredibly, the password of the Allied forces on D-Day, June 6,1944, was &Mickey Mouse.&而近年来,在盟军密码D日66,1944年&米老鼠& Following the war, Mickey Mouse returned to making cartoons and appeared in his second feature, Fun and Fancv Free (1947), in wh ich he co-starred with Goofy and Donald Duck in a new version of &Jack and the Beanstalk,& titled appropriately &Mickey and the Beanstalk.&在战后归还米老鼠卡通制作专题,并在他的第二、fancv乐趣和自由(1947)、筹募出血他共同主演与傻瓜和唐老鸭在新版&杰克的豆&适度名为&米奇的豆& Through the forties and early fifties, Mickey Mouse made fewer cartoons, giving ground to Donald Duck, Goofy, and Pluto, who were more flexible as characters.通过四,五十岁,少了卡通米老鼠,让地上唐老鸭、傻瓜、冥王星,名字更灵活. Mickey Mouse's evolution into a Disney symbol made it increasingly more difficult to create story situations for him.米老鼠的演变为一个符号迪斯尼创造了愈来愈难的情况,他的故事. If he lost his temper or did anything sneaky, fans would write in insisting that Mickey Mouse just wouldn't do that.如果他发脾气还是有所诡计多端,球迷希望写在坚持公正米老鼠不会这样. After the success of the Disneyland television show in 1954, Disney agreed the next year to create an afternoon program for ABC.成功后迪士尼电视剧1954年迪斯尼同意明年营造下午纲领公证. He gave them The Mickey Mouse Club, which became the most successful children's show ever.他就给米老鼠俱乐部,成为最成功的儿童表演下去. In 1977, The New Mickey Mouse Club, featuring 12 new Mouseketeers, debuted on television, and a third generation of Mouseketeers hit the airwaves in 1989 when The Mickey Mouse Club debuted as a series on The Disney Channel with shows airing on weekday afternoons.1977年,新的米老鼠俱乐部,精选12个新mouseketeers,在电视亮相,一、第三代mouseketeers击中电波1989当米老鼠俱乐部亮相,作为表演系列迪士尼频道播出在周一下午. Mickey Mouse moved to Disneyland in 1955 to become chief host of the theme park, welcoming millions of visitors annually, shaking hands, posing for pictures, and leading the big parades on national holidays.迪士尼米老鼠移到1955成为首席主持人主题公园每年数百万游客的欢迎,握手,乔装为图片,并带领全国假日大游行. In 1971, he helped open the Walt Disney World R in 1983 he donned a kimono for the dedication of Tokyo D and in 1992, he sported a beret for the opening of what is now called Disneyland Paris.1971年,他公开帮迪士尼世界度假;1983年他穿上了和服的日本东京迪士尼献身;并于1992年花花公子帽子为他开了什么叫现巴黎迪士尼乐园. His other activities include public appearance tours around the world for The Walt Disney Company.其他活动包括公开露面,他在世界各地巡回,为迪士尼公司. Mickey Mouse has been saluted at three of the Disney theme parks by having &lands& created in his honor.米老鼠已经慰问了三个迪斯尼主题公园,由&土地&产生在他的荣誉. Mickey's Birthdayland (now Mickey's Starland) opened on November 18, 1988, in the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World to honor Mickey Mouse on his 60th birthday.米奇birthdayland(现米奇starland)于日,在迪士尼世界神奇王国荣誉米老鼠他60岁生日. Mickey's Toontown opened in 1993 in Disneyland, then in 1996 at Tokyo Disneyland and now serves as home to Mickey Mouse and all of his cartoon friends.米奇toontown开幕1993年迪士尼随后在1996年,目前担任东京迪士尼米老鼠和家里所有的卡通朋友. After all these years, the cultists are beginning to understand why the Mickey Mouse of the thirties was so popular.经过这么多年的修炼开始明白为什么&米老鼠卅太受欢迎. He was a little guy born out of the depression who satirized people's foibles and taught them to laugh.他是一个小人510,000人讥抑郁人民揭发和教导他们笑. Most importantly, he was a character who dreamed big, and his dreams were universal.最重要的是,他是一个人性格大梦,他的梦想是普遍. One of the finest tributes to Mickey Mouse was given by Walt Disney himself when, on his first television show as he surveyed Disneyland, Walt said, &I hope we never lose sight of one fact... that this was all started by a Mouse.&全球最优秀的哀米老鼠送给自己当迪士尼、像他自己就先电视剧受访迪士尼特迪说:&我希望我们不能忽视一个事实:这是一个全部由鼠标& 米老鼠 其全称应为米奇老鼠(Mickey Mouse)米老鼠是怎么来的 在1922年,当沃尔特21岁的时候,他曾在堪萨斯市成立过一家“欢笑卡通公司”,那真是一段十分艰苦的时期。在堪萨斯市一间破烂不堪的屋子里,沃尔特在画板上描绘他漫画家的梦。 有一天,当沃尔特辛苦伏案画画的时候,有一只小老鼠瑟瑟缩缩地爬到桌子上偷食面包屑。当小老鼠发现沃尔特没有赶它走或置它于死地,就大胆地与他逗乐,甚至淘气地爬上他的书桌,仿佛在看他画画似的。 在寂寞和苦闷中,这一大一小的生灵建立起了深厚的友谊。在短短的两个月时间里,那只小老鼠成为沃尔特忠实的小朋友。它虽然淘气,却也很温驯,更会撒娇,有时甚至蜷伏在沃尔特的手掌心里睡大觉。沃尔特很喜欢看着它,研究它的每一个动作,甚至还会对着镜子又皱鼻子、又努嘴巴,学着小老鼠一大堆可爱的小动作。 当欢笑卡通公司要关门的时候,沃尔特需要认真考虑小老鼠的“出路”问题。他打定主意,一定要让小老鼠离开这里。就在公司关门的当天晚上,沃尔特把小老鼠带到附近的树林里,放走了它,并在心里对小老鼠默默地道了别。 小老鼠是走了,但小老鼠实际上却又没走。因为6年来,小老鼠可爱的形象一直活在沃尔特的心里。也许是人类尔虞我诈的事情太多,沃尔特倒更喜欢小动物的那种坦诚和无欺。就在沃尔特计划要制作一部新的卡通片,计划要塑造一个新的角色时,那只令他念念不忘的小老鼠就突然从他的脑海里蹦了出来。 沃尔特先画了几张老鼠的草图,拿给奥比看。奥比一看就乐了,这只老鼠太像沃尔特了:它的鼻子、面孔、胡须、走路的姿式和表情,都好像有沃尔特的影子,现在就缺沃尔特的声音啦!这张画是沃尔特以自己的脸为模特,是沃尔特面孔的写照。沃尔特本来打算给小老鼠取名叫莫蒂默,但是,奥比嫌莫蒂默这个名字女人味太足了,而且也不够响亮。莉莲的看法与奥比一样,她说不如叫米奇更好。奥比认为,米奇这个名字起得很棒。这样,小老鼠就有了米奇这个名字。 在中国,小朋友所熟悉的“米老鼠”这三个字,其实就是从“米奇老鼠”简化而来;“米奇老鼠”按照英文的用法,就是“一只名叫米奇的老鼠”的意思。当沃尔特看到要把奥斯华夺回来是多么轻而易举时,他露出了笑容。此时,沃尔特·迪斯尼已经领悟到了电影业的经营方式。 接下来,沃尔特和伙伴们便要设计米老鼠的个性。经过反复的讨论和推敲,原本只是“平面”的米老鼠,在有了个性之后,渐渐“立体”起来。沃尔特和伙伴们希望米老鼠是一个温柔可亲、善解人意,但也有些急躁粗心的小家伙;他很有正义感,喜欢打抱不平,常常不自量力,使自己身陷险境;他颇有些机智,也很勇敢,所以最后总能化险为夷;他还有淘气的一面,常常喜欢恶作剧,开一些无伤大雅的小玩笑。 对于米老鼠的真正来历,现在已经众说纷纭了。而大部分传说都说是由沃尔特创造的。沃尔特曾说过,他在奥斯华电影争夺战失败后,在回加州的火车上,梦见了米老鼠这个角色,而后,由于妻子莉莲厌烦“莫蒂默老鼠”这个名称,于是,沃尔特就把名字改为米老鼠。 沃尔特也曾提到这个角色的另外一个来源。在堪萨斯市时,经常有一只老鼠常常在他的画板周围玩耍,给他留下了深刻的印象。这两个故事流传甚广。但是,米老鼠真正的来源,应该是沃尔特和奥比密切合作的结果:沃尔特想像出米老鼠极具趣味的特性和创造出他的声音,而奥比则描绘出它的具体动作和形态。 接着,沃尔特和奥比讨论怎样把这个新角色推向公众。恰好,当时美国飞行员查尔斯·林德伯格()首次单人驾驶“路易士精神号”单翼飞机,成功地从美国飞越大西洋,直达法国的巴黎,成为新一代美国人心目中最了不起的冒险家。 一直到1928年3月,报纸上都还经常可以看得见,有关林德伯格或有关飞行、飞机、冒险等相关题材连篇累牍的报道,公众更是依然把他视为民族英雄。沃尔特说,这个社会热点我们必须抓住,就让米老鼠开飞机吧,我想观众会喜欢的。他们约定,由沃尔特编写剧本,奥比制作。于是,沃尔特根据林德伯格的事迹,构思了一个简单、有趣的故事。这就是《米老鼠系列影片》第一部——《疯狂的飞机》。 《疯狂的飞机》剧本很快写好了,可是制作却成了问题。为了保密,他们采取了两条措施。一方面,沃尔特一改以往的宽宏,派了监工去监视那些画家的工作。沃尔特强调说,一定要让他们埋头作画不得消闲,连擦鼻涕的工夫都没有,这样,他们就没有精力去注意我们在乾些什么。 另一方面,米老鼠的制作是在严格保密的状态下进行的。奥比把自己关在房间里,以每天700张画面的速度绘制这部新的影片。莉莲和另外一个可信赖的女工则躲在车库里,把奥比绘制的图画描在赛璐珞片上。拍摄工作由沃尔特负责:等到画家们下班后,紧张地工作一夜,而到天亮之前就把一切都收拾起来,像是什么也没发生过。 日,《疯狂的飞机》在好莱坞日落大道的电影院试映了。试映虽然没有引起轰动,但观众的反映还不错,令沃尔特信心倍增。沃尔特用最后的资金又拍了两部米老鼠短片。在第二部《骑快马的高卓人》中,米老鼠是一个勇敢的骑手;在第三部《威利号汽船》中,米老鼠又成了一个能乾的船员。 沃尔特·迪斯尼的卡通王国里有许多可爱的卡通明星,其中资格最老、同时也是最受欢迎的角色,无疑应当首推米老鼠。米老鼠诞生于1928年,到2004年,米老鼠已经有76岁了。虽然米老鼠的年纪已经不小了,但是其魅力却始终未曾稍减。不知道米老鼠陪伴过多少小朋友的童年,带给多少小朋友无尽的欢乐。米老鼠,这只全球最知名的“老鼠”,早已成为沃尔特·迪斯尼卡通王国的招牌和重要标志。 从米老鼠开始,一个接一个的卡通形象被沃尔特·迪斯尼带到了观众的面前。从《疯狂的飞机》开始,米老鼠从美国走向全球,魅力至今不衰。毫不夸张地说,它已是风靡全球、最受欢迎的卡通形象了,有人甚至称它为“魔幻之影”。【小秘密一】米老鼠最初的造型乃是出自迪斯尼的同伴伍培·艾沃克斯的妙手,不过这个秘密直到1967年(迪斯尼去世后的第2年)才突然被人们发现。【小秘密二】在迪斯尼早期的《米老鼠》连环漫画中,米老鼠只是一只专爱在粮仓周围搞恶作剧的小老鼠,而后来米老鼠机智勇敢、正直善良、幽默乐观的性格的形成全赖它的第二位父亲——1930年从伍培·艾沃克斯手中接过画笔的弗劳埃德·戈特弗雷特森。【小秘密三】米老鼠在1929年推出的卡通卡《狂欢的小孩》中第一次开口说话,它的第一句台词是“Hot dog(热狗)”,为它配音的是沃尔特·迪斯尼本人,而1947年的《米奇与魔豆》则是迪斯尼最后一次为米老鼠配音。 Filmography
1928001.Plane Crazy002.Gallopin' Gaucho003.Steamboat Willie004.The Barn Dance1929005.The Opry House006.When the Cat's Away007.The Plow Boy008.The Barnyard Battle009.The Karnival Kid010.Mickey's Follies011.Mickey's Choo-Choo012.The Jazz Fool013.Jungle Rhythm014.Haunted House1930015.Just Mickey016.The Barnyard Concert017.The Cactus Kid018.Wild Waves019.The Fire Fighters020.The Shindig021.The Chain Gang022.The Gorilla Mystery023.The Picnic024.Pioneer Days025.Minnie's Yoo Hoo1931 026.The Birthday Party027.Traffic Troubles028.The Castaway029.The Moose Hunt030.The Delivery Boy031.Mickey Steps Out032.Blue Rhythm033.Fishin' Around034.The Barnyard Broadcast035.The Beach Party036.Mickey Cuts Up037.Mickey's Orphans 1932038.The Duck Hunt039.The Grocery Boy040.The Mad Dog041.Barnyard Olympics042.Mickey's Revue043.Musical Farmer044.Mickey in Arabia045.Mickey's Nightmare046.Trader Mickey047.The Whoopee Party048.Touchdown Mickey049.The Wayward Canary050.The Klondike Kid051.Parade of the Award Nominees052.Mickey's Good Deed1933053.Building a Building054.The Mad Doctor055.Mickey's Pal Pluto056.Mickey's Mellerdrammer057.Ye Olden Days058.The Mail Pilot059.Mickey's Mechanical Man060.Mickey's Gala Premiere061.Puppy Love062.The Pet Store063.The Steeple Chase064.Giantland1934065.Shanghaied066.Camping Out067.Playful Pluto068.Gulliver Mickey069.Mickey's Steamroller070.Orphans Benefit071.Mickey Plays Papa072.The Dognapper073.Two-Gun Mickey1935074.Mickey's Man Friday075.The Band Concert076.Mickey's Service Station077.Mickey's Kangaroo078.Mickey's Garden079.Mickey's Fire Brigade080.Pluto's Judgment Day081.On Ice 1936082.Mickey's Polo Team083.Orphans Picnic084.Mickey's Grand Opera085.Thru the Mirror086.Mickey's Rival087.Moving Day088.Alpine Climbers089.Mickey's Circus090.Mickey's Elephant1937091.The Worm Turns092.Magician Mickey093.Moose Hunters094.Mickey's Amateurs095.Hawaiian Holiday096.Clock Cleaners097.Lonesome Ghosts1938098.Boat Builders099.Mickey's Trailer100.The Whalers101.Mickey's Parrot102.The Brave Little Tailor103.The Fox Hunt1939104.Society Dog Show105.The Pointer106.Mickey's Surprise Party107.The Standard Parade 1940Tugboat MickeyPluto's Dream HouseMr. Mouse Takes a Trip 1941The Little WhirlwindThe Nifty NinetiesOrphans BenefitA Gentleman's GentlemanCanine CaddyLend a Paw 1942 Mickey's Birthday PartySymphony HourAll Together 1943
Pluto and the Armadillo 1946 1947 1948 1949 Squatter's Rights Mickey and the BeanstalkMickey's Delayed Date Mickey Down UnderPluto's PurchaseMickey and the Seal Pueblo Pluto 1950 1951 1952 1953 Crazy Over Daisy PlutopiaR'Coon Dawg Pluto's PartyPluto's Christmas Tree The Simple Things 1983 1990 1995 Mickey's Christmas Carol The Prince and the Pauper Runaway Brain


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