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好像 还有 拜仁的 队徽 我搜 陈奕迅上身的 时候 搜出来过 LZ可以试试
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好像 还有 拜仁的 队徽 我搜 陈奕迅上身的 时候 搜出来过 LZ可以试试
& 允许多选(想学英语的朋友们互相推荐下吧!我的公众微信是:meilingjin0720) &图文/金美翎 Meiling Jin 更多精彩尽在:&&&& & &长着一副普通中国大众的脸庞,却拥有着欧美身材的我,就这样稀里糊涂地被很多网友所关注。没有像中国古典美女长相那样精致,没有她们那样令人羡慕的单薄细挑身材,没有像她们一样素面朝天嫩嫩的样子会被一大堆帅哥迷住,更没有像她们一样,虽然外表无邪天真,可是内心却坚强无比,遇到麻烦事脑筋运转灵活。&&&&& & 可是,这就是我,一个全新的中国女子。一个被很多人关注的我,无论是赞美还是漫骂,我就要走出我的独特路线。哪怕我现在只是所谓“网络红星”里的沧海一粟,我也要争取做到最不寻常的一小颗。&&&&&& 自打在美国做起模特以来,很多跟我合作过的摄影师都说我的身材特别接近著名性感女神玛丽莲梦露(Marilyn Monroe),倒不如说我是新一代亚洲梦露附身。这不,就在前不久,在拍Lady Gaga造型写真的时候意外发现了跟梦露名照相似的场景,便不由自主地模仿起了梦露。说起来,我和梦露的部分历史经历非常相似。我们都从未见过生父,后来都因为命运而改了姓名。同时,也是从小怀揣梦想最后走入大众的视线里。大多数人都认可了她的“性感”吸引力,而却忽视了她内在的色彩描写。&&&&&&&& When I first started doing modeling, some photographers already had the eyes and comments about me saying that I have some similarities with Marilyn Monroe. My figure, my pleasant smile, just brought the duplicate image of Marilyn Monroe back to the modern life. Except, I am Asian, and my future career will not be repeating Marilyn\'s. Well, hopefully. &&&&& & & &Yes, I have a really typical average Chinese girl\'s face, but I don\'t own a typical skinny Chinese girl\'s body figure, is what a lot of people say. Somehow, I do own some sort of what all Asians called - European-typed body shape. &&&&&&& & &Since I came to America when I was 15 years old, I have been experiencing a lot of American culture. Although you still can see some traditional Chinese cultural elements in me, I have already adapted into the Western culture very well. So, unlike typical Chinese girls, you usually see me in make-up and behaving or thinking like a lot of American people, well, sort of. &&&&&&&&& I am not trying to copy the famous "Sex Symbol Goddess" Marilyn Monroe, but after I did a massive research recently about her, I have admit, we do have some life experiences in common - our past and our dreams. Both of us haven\'t seen our biological father, and both of us have changed our names in order to improve our lifes. Although my life is still on going, I am still making an effort on my career path in order to achieve my goals and ideal dreams. There are some stuggles and barriers that I have to conquer and "driving" that "zig-zag" road to succeed in my life - to be outstanding under that spotlight. &&&&&&& Marilyn Monroe is sexy, talented and also misunderstood by a lot of people. Yes, she had been acting in tons of movies that just shows her as "materialistic" or "sexy without a brain"; however, her career, her family background, her marriage life, and her death, all combine together made her more mysterious and more famous than the years when she was alive. Of course, in this field, especially in Hollywood, rumors, misbehaving, or abuse, are normal. Without a doubt, nowadays, we still see similar things happening to the celebrities. &&&&& These problems all include one big common factor -Being famous. Being well-known, too many eyes are watching them, stalking them, too many people are liking them as their idols to copy, or maybe too many people dislike them. &【我有我的与众不同】&&&&&&& 是呀,我自认为一点值得被别人羡慕的优点都没有,可是,为什么,为什么会被这么多人喜欢着,关注着,欣赏着,并且默默鼓舞着?每个人身后都藏着一个不一样的故事,每个人都选择了不同的活法,而这些人当中,那些闪耀在大家视野里的低层“明星”,他们身上都带有一个共同的誉名:奋斗的小草。&他们在大众群里脱颖而出,并不是为“天才”下定义,而是为他们后期铺垫的路而大了一个重大的惊叹号。也许,很多人看中了你将来可能会做“潜力股”这一点,那些“肉眼色狼”们真正物色到的是你带有“万物吸引”力的外表还是你脆弱的内心深处?他们关心你走得远不远还是走得累不累?无论是所谓的刻骨铭心的“爱情”还是天长地久的“友情”,它需要的是对人事牵连的真情流露。&对方所给的和你所需的,到底是不是一个配方?还是这个配方根本不存在?一段“无药可救”或者“可有可无”的感情,再如何荒废时间来挽救,它还是一样的像一个漏洞的气球一样,再怎样补充内容,你还是会感到空虚。&&&&&&&& 在《七年之痒》影片中,梦露世界闻名的镜头里有这句经典台词: "你感觉到地下通道的微风了吗?这感觉真好,不是吗?" 那部影片并不是她的极品之作,却成就并定格了她闻名一世的感染魅力。In the movie "The Seven Year Itch", Marilyn Monroe has a line with this famous movie scene that is well-known worldwide, “Ooo, do you feel the breeze from the subway? Isn\'t it delicious?” &所属相册: (梦露图片来自于网络, Marilyn Monroe photo credit to google image)&&&&&&& &玛丽莲·梦露(Marilyn Monroe)是她的艺名,而她的本名叫做Norma Jeane Mortenson(诺玛·简·莫泰森),出生于日,是美国20世纪(20th Century Fox)最著名的电影演员之一。她一直被影迷们视为性感符号(a major sex symbol)和流行文化(pop culture)的代表人物。1999年,她获美国电影学会选为百年来最伟大的女演员第六名。就在2011年,梦露在《七年之痒》影片中曾穿过的裙子以560万美元拍卖成功。虽然梦露的演艺生涯很风光,但她的童年生活几乎是在颠沛流离中度过的。&&&&&&&&&梦露经典炸弹式碧眼金发其实并不是她天生的真面目。1945年,梦露当上了一名降落伞工厂的检验员。在一次偶然中,摄影师发现了她的外貌,希望将她的照片刊登出来用以鼓舞美国兵士并推荐她去做模特。当梦露想跟The Blue Book Modeling Agency签约的时候,发现他们需要的是一个金发碧眼的模特,所以梦露才把自己的头发染成金色的。后来,梦露的模特生涯越走越红,无意间被美国20世纪福克斯公司(20th Century Fox)的总经理Ben Lyon一眼看中。随后,梦露签订第一份演出合约。她的第一部影片为《The Shocking Miss Pilgrim》。福克斯公司确信梦露极具发展潜力,提供她在大屏幕的发展空间。1952年,梦露解除了她的合约,并成立了自己的电影公司,拍摄了让她一举成名的影片《七年之痒》(The Seven Year Itch)。&&&&&&&&&日,摄影师Tom Kelley为梦露拍摄了数张裸体照片,用以出版金色梦幻小姐月历。梦露为此得到了50美元。登在月历上的照片并没有写上姓名。但是后来有人以匿名信威胁梦露,说要揭露这个事实。结果,梦露自己把这张照片卖给了杂志出版商海夫纳Hugh Hefner。后者便是美国著名情色杂志《花花公子》的创办人。于是,梦露的裸照被登在花花公子的创刊号上。据梦露在《我的故事》中的回忆,当初她这么做完全是因为很穷。尽管当时还未有花花公子女郎的说法,但是梦露已经被公认为第一位花花公子女郎。&&&&&&&&&1962年5月,梦露在总统肯尼迪(Kennedy)的生日晚宴上献唱了生日快乐歌曲。1962年8月,梦露在洛杉矶布莱登木寓所的卧室内被发现已经去世,终年36岁,死因是过量服用药物。联想到之后的肯尼迪总统被刺事件,一些舆论认为梦露之死乃由于她卷入了肯尼迪家族与政治圈的黑幕。&&&&&&&&&人们极少注意梦露的内涵,其实据说她也相当有天赋。人们只是将她看成一个有着姣好面容的金发女郎。她在演艺生涯中当然是个专家,她是有史以来,一名卓越的喜剧演员。梦露对于自己未能读完高中表示遗憾,并且表示自己对于文学非常感兴趣。&Early Life:&&&&&&&&&&& Marilyn\'smother was in a religion named "Christian Scientist". Her mother wasobsessed with that religion but her mother was an alcoholic. Marilyn had tolive with a faster family because her mother couldn\'t take care of her. But herfoster parents were strong religious Baptists. Everyone around her talked toher about God. She was poor growing up and ended up in an orphan\'s home.&&&&&&&&&&& She was intelligent and her book collection included many fine books. She studiedacting to become a serious actor and in 1948 started acting.&Acting:&&&&&&&&&&& She started like most movie starts, at the bottom. She wasn\'t given much hope except for her beauty. By 1953 she was considered a sex symbol superstar, but only because that is what the movie studios wanted. She wanted to be a serious actor. She then attended the New York\'s Acting Studio.&Even though she was an actor, she was living very poor. By 1957 she was using alcohol and illegal drugs.&&&&&&&&&&& It\'s possible that her drug and alcohol problems were the reason for her acting problems. She never achieved the serious acting roles that she wanted. The studios wanted to use her as a sexy blonde and that was the only roles she got. Some of her films were popular but there were strong leading male actors in those movies also.&Marriages:&&&&&&&&&&& Marilyn had three marriages. In 1942 she married a factory worker named Jim Dougherty. She was 16 years old when she got married. That marriage lasted four years. He loved her but she left him because of her dream in acting career.&&&&&&&&&&&& Her second marriage was to the famous Joe DiMaggio the baseball player. The marriage lasted about 8 months. While Marilyn wanted publicity, Joe was done with his career and wanted to live quietly. He loved her but they divorced anyway. After her death many years later, he claimed the body and made the funeral arrangements. He also arranged to have a dozen red roses delivered to her crypt three times a week for the next twenty years.&&&&&&&&&&& Her third marriage was to Arthur Miller who was Jewish. Later she also became Jewish.& They were married only four years. By this time Marilyn had many problems and Arthur tried to help her getout of her problems but he said that she was self-destructive.&Politics:&&&&&&&&&&& Perhaps because Marilyn was always portrayed as a sex symbol, she thought that the people of the world should have equal rights. She thought minorities should have equal rights with those people in power. She believed that all the people of theworld were brothers and that we need a to understand that we are all one family.&&&&&&&&&&& She was against nuclear testing during the 1960\'s when nuclear bombs were becoming popular. She was friends of the rich and powerful Kennedy family, including President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy.梦露的三个丈夫:1. 詹姆斯·多尔蒂&&&& 1942年,16岁的梦露与比自己大4岁的詹姆斯·多尔蒂结婚。梦露因为坚持自己的演绎事业并放弃了这段婚姻并提出离婚。&2. 乔·迪马吉奥&&& 1954年梦露与棒球健将乔·迪马吉奥结婚。可不料,就在梦露录制《七年之痒》最出名的飞裙镜头那天,梦露丈夫迪马吉奥深夜去探班。当时导演也很敬业,让梦露一次又一次的拍,周围的人被梦露飞裙性感的一瞬间给迷住。而这时的迪马吉奥却打翻了醋坛子,觉得这是让观众公然偷窥他妻子。就是因为梦露被太多男人所追捧,总是吃醋,两人最终分道扬镳。&3. 阿瑟·米勒&&&&&日,梦露又与剧作家阿瑟·米勒另结良缘。两人可谓是郎才女貌,媒体记者天天追踪他们的消息。后来两人于1960年11月离婚。【梦露在第三次婚姻里“乱了套”】&&& 梦露和剧作家阿瑟·米勒两人的婚姻本以为是一段佳话,可是,这段婚姻其实又是一段悲剧。结婚之后,梦露好像变了一个人,开始了她的名人“典型”醺酒吃药的不良行为,无故旷工。获悉,她如此反常也跟两件事的打击有关:婚姻和事业。可能是因为她想弥补亲情的缺失,在她结婚后一直发了疯的想当妈妈。可不幸的梦露总是流产,这样的事情对她这样一个众人瞩目的性感女星很受打击。可后来的日子,祸不单行,梦露的演绎路线也走下坡路。电视观众也会审美疲劳,更何况,梦露也不喜欢总演这种没脑子的花瓶角色。可能是因为这些种种原因,梦露的失眠症是越来越严重。她每天都要吃大把大把的安眠药和镇静剂,是药三分毒,它也会让人变得暴躁起来。【好莱坞捧红了她,却也毁灭了她】&&&&&&&& 就在日,这颗神秘的性感之星终于陨落,梦露就这样不明不白地在家中死去。在1962年,当梦露拍的最后一场戏时,但是她当时完全不在状态,拍戏期间总不见她踪影,最后福克斯公司实在是忍无可忍,干脆就把她炒掉了。这个时候的梦露基本上已经被负面消息缠身。梦露孩子爸爸的名字也被世人猜来猜去。梦露这样每天大幅度的吃药,醺酒,很多人都开始怀疑她是否是因为自己受不了娱乐界的压力不想活了。结果,在8月5日这一天终于离开人世。&&&&&&& 梦露到底是怎么死的?有人说她是自杀,更有人说她是被人谋杀。要是说自杀,看她生前的种种表现和事业与婚姻的坎坷,这种猜测也比较符合逻辑,而且她死的时候,身边确实有一个空了的安眠药药瓶。然而,要是再仔细分析,从一些蛛丝马迹可以看得出,她有可能是被谋杀的。据悉,她生前跟总统肯尼迪和他的弟弟罗伯特有密切来往。有可能是因为爱情的失败而被人谋杀。通过梦露死前的一段珍贵视频可以看出,梦露和总统的绯闻应该不是空穴来风。两人的关系一定不一般。在她死前的第77天,梦露为总统献上了生日祝福歌曲,两人的对话很暧昧。通过梦露的造型师和圈内朋友都透露说梦露的死因一定跟肯尼迪的兄弟有关。他们兄弟俩曾经都把梦露抛弃了。梦露也曾经试过通过开媒体记者会的方式来公开可以引起世界轰动的两件政治与暧昧丑闻。第一,梦露透漏总统肯尼迪跟黑手党有勾结。第二件,梦露在前不久为肯尼迪的弟弟堕了胎。这两件事要是公布于众,这肯尼迪兄弟俩的政治前程就彻底完了,所以他们先灭了口杀人了人,这也是有一定道理的。那事实到底是不是这样?鬼知道。梦露这一生大起大落,婚姻路上也是经常受到挫折。&&&&&&& 尽管玛丽莲梦露的外表形象是浮华而庸俗的,但她却保持了一种特殊的纯真和神秘感。就像一个女主角总是被意外的故事情节主宰着。 所属相册:所属相册:所属相册:所属相册:&&&&&&& 因为我的大胆,因为我的执着,经常会被问起比较极端的问题。当然,回避不一定总是好事。&Because of my bold style in both Fashion and Journalism, I often got asked by these types of questions, and here are& the answers from me. & & & & 问题一:你平时在美国参与了很多五花八门的活动,并且,在你发表美国趣事文章的时候,你的面孔都会出现在文章配图里。其中,你的作品里有很多话题对中国人都特别敏感,很多都不会被中国人认可,或者可以说,你接触到了很多传统中国人不可以接受或面对的话题。你不会为自己担心吗?&&&&&&& 我:在我15岁的时候,我就已经开始在美国生活,近距离接触美国普通居民的生活习俗,迄今为止,已经6年了。那些被传统中国人认为比较开放或者离谱的话题与事件,对于我来说,可能也是见怪不怪了。现在,作为一个学新闻的大学生,我们的本职就是要留心识别新闻,追踪新闻与趣事,想方设法去报导新闻,真实记录新闻并与大家分享新闻。而观众的职责就是筛选出对他们感兴趣的新闻。这是人人皆知的常理。当然,并不是每个人都会准时收看水均益的纪实报道,也不是说每个人都喜欢柳岩的外表吸引式的主持风格。然而,有一点大家都会认同,活性新闻总比干巴巴的新闻要好一些。大部分人只是通过网络图片来获悉关于美国丰富多彩事件的内容。像我这样从中国传统家庭走出来的一个讲着中国话有着中国面孔的女孩,走入美国真正的大千世界里,获取美国真实新闻消息,再报道给你们,这样是不是比从网络上直接拿过来的图片给你们看给你们展示会更有一些看头?我喜欢冒险,喜欢做一些大胆的事情,喜欢做那些很多中国人不敢尝试的事情,这,这应该不是坏事吧?!相反地,我相信,这就是我独特的风格,也就是因为这样,很多人才开始关注我的新闻吧。&&&&&& Since you are involved in
each story, you have to interact with people and activities that might
be morally objectionable to the people in China. Are you worried about
- Since I have been living in America for 6 years already, all of the news events that seem "shocking" or "unusual" to a
lot of people in mainland China, have started to be&normal
to me.& I have already adapted into the Western culture since I was a 15-year-old.
As a newsperson, my job is seeing the news, getting the news, writing down the news, and sharing the news to the public.
That\'s our job in the media field. But for the audiences,&their job is trying to select news within&their range of interests. Of course, not everybody is interested in hard news all the time, people always want to hear
about something different, something that\'s presented as "live news." It\'s more interesting to present an American news story with a Chinese
news media person getting involved with the people and action of the story,&instead of just stealing pictures from
the internet and not totally engaged&in the story.
I have already
established my style of writing where I am involved in my story.& I will continue with my "unique" style that most of the Chinese writers won\'t&try.&&& & & 问题二:那你既然都说你是学新闻记者的了,为什么在网上可以找到你那么多的性感照片?这就是你所谓做新闻记者的“独特方式”吗?&&&&&& 我:在美国,很多美女模特们会兼职做饭店服务生或者其它服务行业,那为何不尝试一下在做模特的时候兼职做比较活跃且锻炼头脑的职业呢?当然,在自己的职业圈里,尤其是当你走进新闻媒体圈面对公众的时候,想变得有魅力并不是件坏事。有很多美国国家队运动员的退役后便成为了体育新闻播报员或者体育电视主持人,这样的例子很常见。既然我的“出身”是模特,已经优先打好了良好的“上镜”基础,这里面,可能好处要比坏处更多一些吧!在媒体新闻界里,最受欢迎的新闻记者会执行最好的新闻话题任务,无论是点击率还是曝光率都非常大。所以,现在像柳岩,多才多艺的媒体艺人也是应有尽有。&&&&& &You are working toward a career in journalism, yet the internet is filled with sexy photos of you. Is that how you are trying to sell yourself as a journalist?&& & - It is common to think of models also working as waitresses or other jobs while they work toward success in their modeling career, so why not work as a model while working toward success as a journalist? &&&&& Certainly, being able to present myself in an attractive manner is beneficial in the world of news. In America, it is common that athletes move on to become sports commentators on the news. I see modeling as offering skills that I can use as a journalist in order to promote my stories. &&&&& In Journalism, the popular journalists get the best assignments and are read or viewed more often than others. I believe that having face recognition as a model helps me to get more readers for my stories. For many people I am someone that they know not only from my stories but from my great variety of fashion work that I do.&&&&& Letting people know who I am and what I look like will only improve my readership. &&&&&&&& 问题三:那么,在你的媒体事业走向成功并且稳定后,你还会做模特这一行业吗?&&&&&&& 我:那样的话,我会适当减少做模特的次数。怎样对我的媒体事业有利我就会怎样做。&&&& What is going to become of your modeling career after you enter into the world of media business? - I will probably be simply slowing down my modeling work and do what will be beneficial for my media career.& &&我承认,作为一个小小的网络公众人物,不应该感情用事,不应该把自己的隐私都曝光在网络上。很多网友粉丝们都很关心我在感情上的事情,都说,我这么漂亮,早就花落人家了吧?可是,就是因为我所在的领域,我所接触到的人物,所要表现,要作为先例展示给大家,很多事情都要小心谨慎。无论是自己的私人感情,还是平日里的家庭琐事,什么话,什么事,说了,做了,都不敢疏忽。累了,想撒娇,想找回真实的自己,的确难做。错了,想抱怨,知己还是狗肉朋友,极其难分。你如果挖空我心底的秘密,几天几夜都掏不完。你如果想聆听我真实的心声,几年你都不会听腻。所属相册:最新文章:笔者目前最长的一篇情感文:
《我的最新瑜伽图片:减肥不靠它,修炼体形养生保健需要它 》《亲身接触美国大学的开放与自由,学校分发避孕套提倡性生活》
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