finally,i entered the college.beacause i love youof my完形填空

Cloth Diapers 101
Photo from
I love your blog, and very often my days at work go like this…blah blah blabbity blah…oh, a new post at the Smackdown – Yessss. Now get out of my cube so I can read this work-related (wink wink) blog about cool stuff. LOVE. So I’m a mom to a pretty terrific 8 mo. old little man with the chubbiest and mos delectable knees, feet, fingers, elbows, and eyelashes. Good lord, the eyelashes. Seriously…somedays I am tempted to try out some mascara, but no. That’d be wrong, right?. Anyways, I love that you’re making the switch to cloth diapers, mostly because it’s something I’m pretty curious about but am nervous to try. At the risk of sounding like an idiot, how exactly does the cloth diapering thing work? Is it uuber messy? Do they really get clean in the wash? I’m so curious but hesitant to make the investment without hearing firsthand.
I work full time, and my husband and I recently rearranged schedules so he can be home during the day. It’s pretty great, and while I got to take six months for maternity leave, he never really got that chunk of time. Well, now he does. And so, of course I want to experiment with the cloth diapers and use him as a guinea pig. I swear, my husband is a saint and I’m not trying to make him cry. Mostly I’m looking to save a few bucks and you know, try to destroy the environment a little less.
Thank you forever. You are lovely.
Why I fell hard for Cloth Diapers
You know, before I started cloth diapering I was always baffled by the fervor of the cloth diapering people because OH MY LANDS, could they ever go on and on and on about cloth diapers. I mean, I get the landfill thing and all that, but the excitement seemed to go deeper than that typical smugness people get from their reusable grocery bags and their hybrids and their compost piles. These people seemed genuinely jazzed about diapers.
I really…don’t know how this happened. I mean, I am LAZY. I am one lazy, lazy mother. Mutha, even.
But I love cloth diapering. I do!
Let’s start out with the obvious: cloth diapers are cute. CUTE. They are a super-cute accessory for — let’s not lie — the cutest part of your baby’s body. The colors! The little pants! The fuzzy interiors! The bootylicious shape! And did I mention the colors?
You can go back and forth over the environmental impact of your diapering choices all you want (and there are studies that support the idea that the energy used to wash cloth diapers is just as bad as the disposables piling up in the landfills), but there’s no question that cloth beats everything else in the Adorability Department.
How do Cloth Diapers Work?
But! Fine. Let’s get down to the nitty gritty details: How do they work? Do they really get clean? Are they gross and smelly and yucky and ewwwww poop?
I opted to go with pocket-style diapers. (There are 243,793,450,138 different styles and options and I won’t lie, I got so confused by all the lingo on the cloth diapering sites that I gave up and emailed bloggers who use cloth for recommendations.) Pocket-style cloth diapers really resemble disposables — there’s a cute outer shell/pant thing that you stuff uber-absorbent inserts into. They fasten with snaps or velcro or snaps AND velcro and are crazy adjustable — you’ll notice the weight limits tend to run from 15 to 35 pounds or so. (To give you an idea of that range: Ezra weighed 15 pounds by four months, while Noah currently weighs around 33 pounds at three-and-a-half. So they wear the same size. Glorious.) (Noah, despite being on the high end of the weight range, is so skinny that he still isn’t on the loosest snap setting on a medium , that technically says it’s for 15-30 pounds.)
The diapers come with inserts, though you can totally get sucked into a shopping wormhole by all the other, additional inserts and doublers and stuffing-type things that are out there. (Microfiber! Hemp! Unbleached cotton! Flushable! Oh my!)
come with one microfiber insert, but I found that I need TWO inserts (or one insert and one cheap pre-fold) at night, or even just during naps for Noah.
come with an insert AND a doubler (a smaller, thinner version of the insert), which worked great last night for both boys without making the diapers so big and bulky that I can’t get pajamas on over them.
How Often Do I Need to Change Cloth Diapers?
Okay. Now for the gross part: changing and washing. I cannot lie: disposables hold more pee than cloth. Cloth diapers, despite being All Kinds Of Fancy these days, will hit their maximum wetness capacity sooner than a disposable and will leak if you don’t change them. (Thus, a lot of cloth diaper users will admit to using disposables on long car trips or even at night.) This could be a deal breaker, or it could be the reason you finally slap your forehead and realize why your baby’s butt always looked so red and rashy. (You cannot use diaper rash creams with cloth, but luckily, you won’t need them, provided your detergent doesn’t bother your baby.) I have not had a single “blow-out” diaper since switching to cloth, thanks to the elastic waistbands, but I had a few pee-leaking incidents early on.
For wet diapers, which is about 95% of the diapers you change for a non-newborn, you simply open your diaper pail and shake the insert out into it, then drop the outer pants in, where they stay until you’re ready to do laundry. (We use the same diaper pail as we did when we used disposables, just with a waterproof laundry bag as a liner instead of a plastic garbage bag.) For soiled diapers, you shake whatever you can into the toilet. For a toddler, this is the easiest thing in the world since everything is kind of solid anyway. For a non-solid-eating baby, there’s often nothing really solid enough to shake, and you can honestly just rinse off the worst of the muck in the sink or give the diaper a quick dunk in the toilet — don’t soak it, that’ll amp up the smell in your pail. Or just toss it in the pail as-is, if you plan to wash it relatively soon. For babies somewhere in between, , or
that catch the solids BEFORE they hit the diaper. (I bought some, haven’t used ’em yet, since we’re still mostly breastfeeding, topped with a couple teaspoons of sweet potatoes or cereal.)
Washing Cloth Diapers
Now. Washing. The washing instructions that come with your diapers will scare the crap out of you, no pun intended. The debate over the best detergent are endless, with one website recommending one kind while another bashes that kind and the only semi-universally recommended ones are these weird specialty detergents that aren’t sold ANYWHERE except online, but if you use the “wrong” detergent you will get RESIDUE! and REPELLING! and LEAKING! and the SEVEN HORSES OF THE APOCALYPSE!
Here’s what I do: I toss the diapers in the wash. I run a cold soak or pre-wash if we’ve got some super messy ones. Then I turn on the hot water and run a regular cycle, using less than half (honestly more like a 1/4) of the “usual” amount of whatever damn detergent I have on hand. (You DO want to stay away from fragrances and brightening agents and oils and real soaps, but dude, THIS IS REALLY HARD, unless you order one of the specialty detergents, and frankly, that’s the one thing about cloth diapering that is just too damn high maintenance for me.) Then I dry them on low, and everything gets super clean and smells fine and then I re-stuff them and fold them while watching TV at night, surveying my cute little piles of diapers and OMG THEY ARE SO CUTE. Once a week, I wash all of them with a couple scoops of Oxi-Clean and no detergent, just to ward off any of that terrible residue and repelling stuff that might happen because I’m using a three-star detergent instead of four or five.
And one thing: I find a lot of things gross. Some stuff does make me squeamish. Bugs that crunch when you kill them. Horror movies. The scenes in Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares where he reveals how filthy and infested the restaurant’s kitchen is. My children’s poop? Please. It just…doesn’t. Over it. So taking 10 seconds to rinse out a diaper while holding on to a perfectly clean corner of it is like, not a big deal. I mean, I could tell you STORIES, people, of just how intimately acquainted you may get with your child’s waste and bottom business IN SPITE of using disposables, but I would like my kids to talk to me when they are teenagers, especially after ALL I DID FOR THEM AND THE POOP I DEALT WITH. So…just saying. There are grosser things out there.
How many Cloth Diapers does baby need?
I bought 15
— , but we’re using two a day for Noah as well, plus…you know. LAZY. The entire cost was around $450, and will hopefully see us to the day when both boys are fully, totally, no-doubt-about-it potty trained, if that helps with anyone’s cost-savings-potential math. (Although when we travel? We’re packing Pampers, people.)
Part 2 to Amalah’s
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About the Author
Amy Corbett Storch
Amalah is a pseudonym of Amy Corbett Storch. She is the author of the Advice Smackdown and Bounce Back. You can follow Amy’s daily mothering adventures at Ama...Amalah is a pseudonym of Amy Corbett Storch. She is the author of the Advice Smackdown and Bounce Back. You can follow Amy’s daily mothering adventures at . Also, it’s pronounced AIM-ah-lah.
If there is a question you would like answered on the Advice Smackdown, please submit it to .
Amy also documented her second pregnancy (with Ezra) in our wildly popular
Zero to Forty.
Amy is mother to rising first-grader Noah, preschooler Ezra, and toddler Ike.Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip Cookies Copycat Recipe 1993
Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip Cookies
By Todd Wilbur
Recipe Type:
Calories: 234
Cook Time:
Recipe Rating:
4.6 (156 reviews)
Here's the first recipe I created for the Top Secret Recipes books back in 1986! Inpired by .- it's my version of the delicious Mrs. Fields cookies that are crispy around the edge and chewy in the middle. Be careful not to cook these too long. I know it becomes tempting to keep cooking these because they don't seem to be done after 10 minutes, but they will continue to cook for awhile after you take them out of the oven, and when cool, will be nice and chewy.
1 cup (2 sticks) softened butter
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 twelve-ounce bags semisweet chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the butter, sugars, eggs, and vanilla.
3. In another bowl, mix together the flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda.
4. Combine the wet and dry ingredients.
5. Stir in the chocolate chips.
6. With your fingers, place golf ball-sized dough portions 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.
7. Bake for 9-10 minutes or just until edges are light brown.
Makes two dozen&cookies.
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&Submitted on: 06/29/16
Lately, I've been trying to make cookies from scratch and the first ones I've made came out too puffy and soft (this was the toll house recipe). I like my cookies crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside and a bit more flat. Then, I made this recipe and oh my goodness, best cookies ever! Exactly how I like my cookies! These cookies came out so well I can't wait to share them with my family! I do reccommend to chill the dough before baking them just to make the process easier.
The Bomb! Shelly K. &Submitted on: 05/24/16
Just made these tonight and I my family is eating them faster than I can bake them! So awesome. Love that they are chewy in the middle and have crispy edges. Love them! Thanks for sharing!
The Best! Lynn &Submitted on: 04/13/16
I have failed so many times trying to make cookies - I hung up my cookie mitts and gave up!
After seeing all the reviews I thought i
give it a try half expecting to fail again? I am SO GLAD I made them.
They came out amazing!
My first batch looked like frisbees and then I realized I should've put them on a non-greased tray.
Next lot turned out exactly how everyone else stated.
I am now the favorite Aunt because I make the best cookies? Thanks so much for this recipe!!!
Better than the Original Unique B &Submitted on: 01/28/16
I made these for my husband because he loves Mrs Fields mini chocolate chip cookies.
I took it upon myself to make a copycat version and he loved them. He said they taste better than the original Mrs
Fields cookies.
This recipe is definitely a keeper.
Best Choco Chip cookies! Camille &Submitted on: 01/04/16
Sooo good!
Easier than the ones with the powdered oatmeal!
Just as good!
Made double recipe, so glad I did!
Have 2 logs in freezer.
Made giant golf ball sized cookie balls.
Put them in fridge half hour.
Added nuts and 2/4 c butterscotch morsels.
Let cool before moving off sheet.
Cooked 1/2 recipe, added cranberries and nuts to rest and froze 2 logs.
My son-in-law is a baker and loved them too.
So glad I listened to positive reviews and made these.
First of many times!!! Excellent!
Amazing cookies!! Julie &Submitted on: 01/01/16
I just pulled the first batch out of the oven and they are amazingly delicious! The only change I made was adding walnuts. This recipe is definitely a keeper, much better than the Toll House recipe! Mine did not flatten like some reviewers have said. I used parchment paper and baked them at
325 degrees on convect bake. Awesome recipe!
best cookie ever dominica &Submitted on: 10/27/15
Chocolte Crave pleasergood cookin' &Submitted on: 09/17/15
Looked at all the reviews and decided I'm going to have to give this a try. It was easy to put together. I was mixing the dough and it felt a bit dry and cumbly, but realized I had not added the eggs. I added the eggs and baked. When they are cooked to the 9 min. mark and allowed to cool they have a crisp outside and goey inside. They were such a hit with my family I shared it others and got the same response. If you are having a chocolate craving this is the cookie for you! Enjoy!!Thanks Todd Wilbur
Delicious Diplomacy76 &Submitted on: 05/03/15
First time making these and they were amazing. I applied the tips from other reviews. I used unsalted butter, halved the salt, refrigerated for 1 hour and slightly flattened the balls of dough. Will never make another cookie again!
superb nana &Submitted on: 05/03/15
Best cookies ever. Exactly the same as Mrs.Fields.
#1 Go-To CCCookie Recipe since 1996! Michelle Leopold &Submitted on: 04/25/15
This is the #1 best ever chocolate chip cookie recipe, as voted on by hundreds of happy friends & family who have eaten this recipe in the last 19 years.
In our circle, we have become (almost) famous for the Parker-&-Michelle-Almost-Famous-ORANGE Chocolate Chip Cookie version, if you love this give it a try:
Decrease vanilla to 1-1/2 tsp.
Add 1-1/2 tsp. Orange Extract
(Adding 1-2 tsp orange zest also rocks!)
-always make a double batch. You can't have too many.
The Best Chocolate chip cookies ever Donnie Mayo &Submitted on: 04/13/15
I have been a fan of TSR since I caught Todd Wilbur on Phil Donahue in the early ;s I remember video taping the episode just to copy the ingredients down. Then realized that he was coming out with a book, I have been purchasing them since. I have made this recipe more than an hundred times and people still rave about them. I add a variety of ingredients like nuts, white chocolate, dried fruit and they all hits!! Thank You Todd!!
High Altitude Adjustment Eric &Submitted on: 04/05/15
Reduced brown sugar by 1/4 cup
Added 1/4 cup flour
Baked at 335 for 17 min
Superb cookies!s ...Juliet
&Submitted on: 01/08/15
I've been making homemade cookies a long, looooong time. These are truly excellent--tenderly crunchy outside, moist (not doughy) inside. For those few who complained theirs turned out flat, there are only two possibilities: 1) They didn't use enough flour. Cookies without enough flour have a high fat ratio and will spread more and fail to rise. 2) They did not KEEP the dough chilled. When you put a batch in the oven, put the covered bowl back in the fridge until needed.
favorite charity
&Submitted on: 12/29/14
To all of these people saying they came out flat... Margarine cannot be substituted for butter, as it has a different melting point or also if your oven temperature is too high. I've been using this recipe for a long time and it's amazing :) happy baking
great cookies noobgirl &Submitted on: 12/19/14
I make these all the time. The key to them is taking them out before they look fully done, see the sugar continues to bake after the cookies are out of the oven so they harden to the perfect gooey perfection, if you take them out to early th ey fall apart and crumble if you leave them in to long They will get hard. 9mins is what I do.
Great Recipe!
Celina G. &Submitted on: 12/13/14
I always use this recipe when I bake cookies and it always turn out great. I adjusted the salt amount by half and also refrigerate the mixture before forming them into balls.
Yummy Malia &Submitted on: 11/22/14
I added walnuts. Used unsalted butter and a little less salt. They were amazing!
Great cookie Perfect &Submitted on: 11/22/14
I changed a few things....I replaced the butter with Butter Flavored Crisco..1/2 t salt....only one bag of choc chips..and 1/2 cup of walnut....there GREAT!!!!
Great Recipe Serita V &Submitted on: 11/18/14
I finally found the recipe that I've been looking for. It's just me, my hubby and daughter so I halved the recipe(which doesn't always work but did in this case). I lowered the salt to a pinch and just had a teaspoon of vanilla. For those saying that the cookies fell apart, this is clearly a recipe where the cookies should rest one minute on the cookie sheet before transferring to the violin rack. If you're willing to wait you'll see they move much easier if you do that. It's
choco-chip frisbees Mrs. B &Submitted on: 11/16/14
I am open to suggestions on this one. These had no cake and all flat. I had new ingredients and followed all instructions. Wanted a treat for my husband -- now he can play frisbee with them on work break before eating!
Terrible Recipe Candice &Submitted on: 09/24/14
While the &cookie& tasted good these are NOTHING like Mrs. Fields, the were flat and not cooked in the middle.
My baking powder and soda are good so that is not the issue.
I couldn't even get them off the sheet without them falling apart in fact they're sitting in a heap on my cooling rack as we speak.
Very disappointing!
Great Recipe Yummy &Submitted on: 09/23/14
Don't listen to those who rated this recipe lower than 4 stars.
They just don't know how to bake.
If you follow the directions and use the proper ingredients and a stand mixer they turn out awesome!
Forget Toll House Jan &Submitted on: 07/04/14
I got this recipe from a Top Secret cookbook years ago&have been making them ever since. They are always a huge hit. I use all the chips in the bags, one semisweet&one milk chocolate.Thank you for years of rave reviews on my Chocolate chips&an empty cookie jar!
Salty LM &Submitted on: 06/20/14
I would use 1/2 the salt called for.
I also used unsalted butter and they still turned out too salty.
10\10 Geniibean &Submitted on: 03/17/14
These cookies are the greatest. To those saying their cookies came out FLAT, check the dates of your baking soda and powder. Expired ones won't react the right way together, hence flat cookies!
wowwow &Submitted on: 02/27/14
They come out great every time. I do not even bother to buy the pre-made dough anymore.
Disappearing CookiesPipster &Submitted on: 02/15/14
These cookies are amazing...I brought some to work and they were wiped out in no time...I do split up the brown sugar to use half light and half dark and use half semi sweet and half milk chocolate chunks...people will rave over these !!
CowpiesDan &Submitted on: 02/10/14
A melted mess!! 2 thumbs down!!
They turned out stucked to the cookie sheet. Flat and toffee
Its Great!Anonymous &Submitted on: 02/03/14
I think it tastes good. also, those people who are saying it has to be exactly the same, that would be weird. Imagine the first time something is made, it HAS to be EXACTLY the same every time after that. Also, you most likely have a different taste or you baked it wrong if you say it tastes bad. But I did like it.
Off the chain Christine
&Submitted on: 01/21/14
I tried this recipe and it is off the chain tried other recipes and they don't match to this one. There is one ingredient that is missing in other recipes. Good Job
awfuljordan scott &Submitted on: 01/13/14
Do NOT put 2 1/2 tsp vanilla.
Unless you want vanilla-tasting cookies instead of chocolate chip.
Mrs Fields chocolate chip cookies Dee &Submitted on: 12/31/13
These are the best cookies. I lost the recipe and found it here tonight.
I have made these before and they are fantastic.
INCREDIBLE! A true copycat!Cristina &Submitted on: 11/27/13
My daughter and I had Mrs. Field's cookies last night. I wanted more so I google'd this recipe. It is REMARKABLE how good these are - a TRUE COPYCAT! Well done, Todd!
Finally..I diddit!!EmBakedthese? &Submitted on: 11/23/13
I'm just glad the oven doesn't laugh at me anymore!!
Not the original Richard &Submitted on: 11/23/13
This is NOT Mrs. Fields chocolate chip cookie recipe! Th
cold butter cut into cubes, 300 degree for 20 min, as well as other changes.
The Best Cookies Justin Bieber &Submitted on: 11/15/13
I love these cookies. I had them in my private jet and they were amazing. This is amazing for whoever made this recipe coming from a world famous celebrity since i have tried many cookies before but none have turned out like this. One word. DELICIOUS.
fantastic texture! grace &Submitted on: 11/08/13
The texture is amazing!!! The best recipe ever! I just baked some and save unbaked batches in the freezer. I followed all the measurement but baked it only for 8mins and turned out perfect. I guess the only thing that wasnt mentioned in the procedure were to to put cookie dough in the ref first to harden it up and
flatten a little bit the ball of cookie on the baking sheet. It achieved the perfectly flat cookie. Thanks a lot for the recipe!
amazing! trisha
&Submitted on: 10/29/13
I made these last night & they're almost gone! they taste very similar to Ms.fields!! I substitute the chocolate chips for other goodies (2cups of whatever you'd like in 'em) & followed the rest of the recipe & they turnes out awesomeeee! This is definitely the only cookie recipe ill ever make again..thanks!!
cookiesnur nabilah &Submitted on: 10/21/13
I tried it back in my moms place. It turned out well. Thank you so much for this awesome recipe.
With pleasure: Nabilah
Cook cooler and longer! Tera &Submitted on: 10/16/13
The cookies were not cooked in the middle when I took them out at 10 minutes.
I had to lower the temperature to 300 degrees and cook for 15 minutes.
&Submitted on: 10/15/13
These are the best cookies I've ever had. My dad had just gone to mrs fields the day before I made them and he said mine were way better! Tip refrigerate dough for at least and hour, put cookie sheet in the freezer at least an hour and, use parchment paper :)
Great cookies ! Cindy &Submitted on: 10/12/13
Everyone claims there is a best choc chip cookie recipe out there. The truth is it depends in what u like in a cookie. Some like crispy some like chewy. Some like both. I took the time to make this recipe as I try many different ones just for fun. There is no such thing as a bad cc cookie.
This recipes I followed as close as u could. I got more than the yield amount. ( assuming that was my fault with how big I made them ). They took Aprox 12 minutes ( assuming it was my oven )
They came out delicious.
Best CC Cookies EVER!! Lynn &Submitted on: 09/05/13
I have used many different chocolate chip cookie recipes, until this one. I've never gotten this one wrong...the cookies come out perfect EVERY time!! 2 sticks of butter & 2 tsp of vanilla must have something to do with its success!
Too cakey! Seasoned baker &Submitted on: 09/04/13
These cookies came out nothing like Mrs. Fields.
They were too cakey...I would never bake cookies requiring baking powder ever again.
Waste of time and money.
&Submitted on: 09/02/13
Cookies came out flat even after following the recipe to a tee.
While they tasted good, I was somewhat disappointed with how they turned out. :(
Great cookies Jessica &Submitted on: 08/23/13
I will never use another recipe again. These are perfect!!! My tip is use parchment paper while baking to prevent the bottoms from getting too hard. Delicious!!
Mr. T &Submitted on: 08/14/13
The Best Hands Down!!!
amazing cookies! nicole &Submitted on: 08/07/13
I don't know how anyone got flat cookies! mine turned out amazing! I followed the recipe exactly... these are the best cookies I've ever made. Don't be scared away by the bad reviews try this recipe!
Great recipeLytorre Vidaurri &Submitted on: 07/27/13
These cookies were a hit in our house. I actually used 1 bag of chocolate chips and 1/2 a bag of white chocolate chips because that's what I had on hand. I will reiterate what others have said about making sure that you use actual golf-ball sized portions. Otherwise, you'll end up with gargantuan-sized, undercooked cookies.
Best cookie ever Cookie gal &Submitted on: 05/29/13
Love this recipe! My cookies came out picture perfect and taste wonderful. I made two modifications replace one stick of butter for butter Crisco and baked at 315 degrees for 17 minutes. Enjoy your cookies!
&Submitted on: 05/20/13
I've been looking for a cookie recipe that gives chewy softer cookies. I've been testing recipes for years and my cookies seem to somehow always end up crispy and harder. I will never use a different recipe again!
Amazingly good Dedun &Submitted on: 05/18/13
I had a craving for some Mrs. Fields cookies but the mall had closed by me so I prowled the internet and happened upon this recipe.
I had all the stuff at home plus stale chocolate chips but let me tell you it was amazing.
I took it to work and everyone commented how it's exactly the same.
I made the following minor adjustments: 2tbspn of water, refrigerated it for an hour and baked for about 20 mins in a 325 F oven. I am baking another batch as I write.
Excellent recipe WytchyWayz &Submitted on: 05/14/13
Awesome recipe. Just like Mrs. Fields....The very few people who didn't give you 5 stars must be wrong, when the mast majority gave you 5 stars. Ty for a wonderful recipe. Definitely a keeper!
YUM! klblamble &Submitted on: 05/01/13
I love a good chewy chocolate chip cookie, and these are phenomenal! I used butter flavor Crisco and the awesome vanilla I get when in the Caribbean - they turned out heavenly! Thanks!
Yaddie &Submitted on: 03/29/13
OMG. These turned out even those I didn't have mixer. In fact, I won a chocolate chip cookie baking contest at work. Followed recipe exactly, but and can't wait to try different variations. This is it everyone!!!!
Very Good A T &Submitted on: 03/20/13
Very Good! I really really loved it after I made it!! It was soo yummy! Specially after adding walnuts. Thanks for the recipe!
AMAZINGGG Brooke &Submitted on: 03/19/13
THIS IS MY GO TO COOKIE RECIPE!! i have tried other recipes, or premde dough, but nothing has beaten these. i have the title now as the woman with the best cc cookies theyve ever had. sososososososoSO good. ahhh and the dough is amazing, so fluffy. and ahh these are the best ive ever had.
Flat Cookie Brenda &Submitted on: 03/19/13
This cookie recipe sucks!!!!
Stick with Nestle Chocolate Cookie recipe.
Tastes good but comes out flat Kat &Submitted on: 03/12/13
I followed the recipe to the exact the first time and it came out flat. I followed the advice from another reviewer and added 1/2 cup of all purpose flour and placed it in freezer for about 10 minutes but it still comes out flat.
Mrs fields cc cookies Marlene &Submitted on: 03/10/13
Best cc cookies. So soft and chewy. Made 4 doz from recipe. Baked @ 350 on confection for 9 minutes.
best ever! melissa &Submitted on: 02/18/13
These cookies are the best cookies I have ever had hands down! My husband is very fussy and he can't stop eating them! I let the cookie dough cool for 2 hours before baking!
Best cookies ever with a few modificationsSmir &Submitted on: 02/16/13
The best cookies ever made. They come out better than mrs fields. Key is to bake slowly. I put mine on center rack and bake at 325 for 22-24 minutes each batch. Got a million compliments on them. My friends call them crack cookies lol.
Perfect!Kelsey Starr &Submitted on: 08/13/12
Wonderful, gooey, crunchy, soft, chewy.. I think one whole bag of the chocolate chips is enough, personally.
This also didn't make two dozen cookies for me, I ended up with 4 dozen, but hey, no complaints there!! Except maybe from the bellyache from eating too many.
FabulousBarrie Hanaoka &Submitted on: 05/10/12
Crunchy and soft and chewy!! Love Love Love this cookie!!!
Chocolate Cookies grace zam &Submitted on: 11/27/11
5 stars ! This is so far the best recipe & easy to make ! Yummilicious !!
&Submitted on: 10/26/11
I've been making these for the last 10one years or so and always have family and friends begging for more! White chocolate chips for the hubby and one of my very favorite ways to have these is with no chip at all! Yummy chewy crunchy perfection! THANK YOU! lost my printed copy from all those years ago so I'm so thankful you and your wonderful recipes are still here! I was freaking out!!! :)
Alexa &Submitted on: 05/06/11
You do not need to tweak anything in the recipe. The key to making the perfect batch is to bake them on the second to the bottom rack in a 250 degree oven.
Check the cookies after 15 minutes and then every 1-2 minutes until the edges are browned but the center is slighly soft.
Total baking time is between 17 to 21 minutes (subsequent batches bake more quickly so watch carefully).
Let the cookies cool on the baking sheet.
They will settle and crisp on the sheet.
----Olivia Anne &Submitted on: 04/18/11
Firstly, these cookies are absolutely amazing! It's very tough to find a cookie that keeps it's softness, mainly because I have a tendency to overbake. Not quite like Mrs. Fields, but I used some weird &found-in-the-depths-of-my-pantry& chocolate chips, so that may be why.
Having read the low-star reviews on here, it makes me realize just how subjective recipe reviewing is. :) Also, everyone cooks differently.
Best Ever Ron Zeno &Submitted on: 02/16/11
This recipe is by far the best tasting chocolate chip recipe I've ever baked. I add pecans for my southern family and friends. Leave the nuts out for all kids!
littlebaker &Submitted on: 08/17/09
These are the best cookies! This is my new standard recipe! everyone raved about them. and they do cook just like they said.
Melissa M &Submitted on: 06/11/09
These are the best cookies. I've been making them for years now. To make them a bit creamier, use 1 stick margarine and 1 butter. They taste even better!
Karen &Submitted on: 06/05/09
It was the first time I baked and this was the recipe I used. It's awesome! Tastes so like the original! Luv it! I feel so encouraged to bake again =)
mms &Submitted on: 06/04/09
This is by far my favorite cookie recipe
Sophie &Submitted on: 05/15/09
Amazing recipe!
The IT recipes for chocolate chip cookies.
I have also added nuts to the mix to give it that extra zing! Love it!
Rasputia &Submitted on: 04/17/09
Amazing! I bought some mint chocolate chips, and I recommend that you try this recipe with Mint Chocolate Chips.
Katie &Submitted on: 12/08/08
This is my absolute favorite cookie recipe!
My mom used it my entire childhood, and now that I'm in college I use it all the time, too.
Whenever I make cookies, the girls in the dorms show up because they absolutely love them!
I make sure to take the cookies out at 8 1/2 to 9 minutes, and they always end up chewy and moist!
Meg &Submitted on: 09/07/08
**Flat cookies are from over creaming the butter and sugar!
The cookies do taste great but, I think i might try it with butter flavored crisco next time!
Kim &Submitted on: 09/03/08
The secret of Mrs. Fields cookies is to slow-bake them at 250 degrees until done.
I know because I used to work right next to their store.
Melissa &Submitted on: 05/11/08
These cookies are amazing!! I use a pampered chef 2tbsp dough scoop, with the thumb release. It makes it easier and less messy. It also makes them the perfect size. My fiance loves the cookies and can tell if I use a different recipe. This is his favorite...mine too!
Amy Jo &Submitted on: 04/08/08
Great recipe and really good cookies. If they are coming out flat for you just add extra flour (I ALWAYS do) and be sure your butter is mixed in good (not in clumps throughout the dough). That might be why people are having problems.
Leslie &Submitted on: 02/29/08
Amazingly some people have a chemical in their skin that can react with baking soda, therefore causing recipes with baking soda to come out flat /not rising. Using gloves and a ice cream scooper is the only way I can bake cookies, and biscuits.
Kathy &Submitted on: 02/23/08
This is a wonderful recipe. I put the dough in the refrigerator for about a couple hours. This gives the butter enough time to harden. Therefore your cookies won't be so thin. If you make the cookies right after mixing the dough, the butter is soft and will cause the cookies to spread out and the cookies will be to thin.
Unknown &Submitted on: 02/16/08
They're not any better than the recipe on the back of a Crisco can.
We had high expectations, and as it turned out the cookies were not as tastey as good old Mrs Fields.
Crystal &Submitted on: 12/26/07
These are probably my most favorite cookies to make! The dough is pretty good too! ;)
Best chocolate chip cookie recipe EVER! &Submitted on: 12/24/07
Everyone loves these cookies! They are hands-down the BEST chocolate chip cookies you can make! In my opinion they are better than Mrs. Field's! :-)
Joanne &Submitted on: 12/11/07
Excellent cookies.
Big Ed &Submitted on: 10/27/07
Great Cookies. But I don't make them quite as big as "golf-ball" sized. If the dough is too thin, they'll go flat (astrid). Add some flour to make sure the dough is very thick.
astrid &Submitted on: 10/02/07
The cookies taste great but when I take them out of the oven they get flat, I followed the recipe step by step. Anyone has a tip to stop them from getting flat??
Michelle &Submitted on: 09/10/07
I've been making Todd's recipe version for 7 years or so - the best chocolate chip cookie recipe I've tried. (Second best version is Crisco's Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie).
Kevin &Submitted on: 07/18/07
I've been using this recipe for years, and it is honestly the best chocolate chip cookie recipe out there.
I bring them to work all the time and the ladies love me for it :)
You will not be disappointed!
katie &Submitted on: 06/22/07
These are the best chocolate chip cookies ever. My frinds and family wont let me make another recipe. I get requests for these cookies from my friends all the time. You can't go wrong eith this recipe.
Lynne &Submitted on: 05/12/07
This recipie was nasty! The result was too sweet match-stick high cookies. I followed the recipie exactly and used an oven thermometer to verify the temperature. My baking soda and baking powder are fresh and work well in other recipies.
Connie &Submitted on: 05/02/07
Delicious...followed the recipe exactly.
I only baked a few at a time, dough stayed good in fridge forever.
Don't worry, you won't let it go bad!
Pam Decossas &Submitted on: 05/01/07
Isabel &Submitted on: 04/30/07
If I could give it 10 stars I would!!! These are by far the best homemade cookies I have ever had!!! You will NOT be disappointed!!! And they are so easy to prepare & bake that the kids can even help!!! Hint: 10 mins baking time is good but if you want them a little easier for the small kids to eat...I would recommend putting them in for about 4-5 mins longer... 4-5 mins longer doesn't make them hard even we they cool down. Enjoy!!!
Adam &Submitted on: 02/23/07
One of the best cookie recipes I've ever tried. Do NOT double this recipe. The cookies become really runny and end up flat. Make seperate batches. Otherwise, they're incredibly delicious!
Gwen Williams &Submitted on: 01/19/07
You can also substitute whole wheat pastry flour for the white flour, and it'll be slightly healthier.
This is the best cookie recipe I've ever tried.
Totally over-indulgent.
Jennifer &Submitted on: 01/12/07
I substitute a little apple sauce, like 1/4c. and 1/4c. Crisco and then only one stick of butter.
The applesauce lowers the fat a little.
I also add in other types of candies like M&Ms or chopped up peanut butter cups, and I throw in some old fashioned oats too.
My family and friends love em'.
We call them Cookie Monster cookies because its something Cookie Monster would love LOL.
Kimi &Submitted on: 12/18/06
I have made this recipe various times, and I've actually adapted the recipe.
I lower the vanilla to 2 teaspoons, and add in one box of instant vanilla pudding (dry, not prepared).
These come out the best I've ever tasted.
Even better than the "gourmet" cookie shops! :)
Dori &Submitted on: 12/18/06
I have finally found THE perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe! Every one loves them and thinks I am the best cookie baker () ). I make them just as directed and they are the best! Make sure- NO SUBSTITUTES- real butter and real vanilla!
Janice &Submitted on: 11/28/06
My significant other is a big chocolate chip cookie fan. He thinks your recipe is the best he has eaten! That's saying a lot, because we have tried many recipes.
Six Brothers &Submitted on: 11/19/06
My family loves this recipe. They always ask me to bring cookies at family get togethers. The cookies come out chewy and so good.
Niki &Submitted on: 09/02/06
I work at a Dance studio where everyone is always on a diet, so I bought these cookies in for torture!
Everone "hates" me beacause the cookies are so delicious and they can't stop eating them and yet they are still talking about them and beggind for the next batch!
Steve &Submitted on: 08/04/06
This is the BEST!!
I've been using this recipe for 4 years.
My kids as well as all the ones the neighborhood want "Mr. Steve's" cookies instead of their own moms.
I've won every baking contest at work. Everyone asks for my secret recipe...I'm a baking hero!
Just follow the recipe with this tip...if you use an air-bake pan they will come out flawless, I promise.
Beavis &Submitted on: 07/13/06
Ooooohhhhh, these are so good for the pregnancy cravings, absolutely THE BEST choc chip cookies I have ever made...and I am breaking records for the MOST cookies I have ever EATEN in a day...*blush*
Mike &Submitted on: 06/28/06
I am going to try this recipe right now but I am looking at this recipe going.. WOW this recipe is sure to be great, But hey if you want your cookies to be soft and firm up a little since margarine does not disinigrate in heat then you can use 1/2 Butter and 1/2 Cup Margerine to make it even better!
Nicole &Submitted on: 06/14/06
I have been making these for a while now and it is the ONLY chocolate chip cookie my kids will eat now.
They absolutely love these and beg me to make them all the time.
Alisha &Submitted on: 06/12/06
I've made this recipe many times and each time EVERYONE tells me how it's the best they've ever had. I use about 2x as much vanilla and VERY soft butter. Best cookies around.
MamaG &Submitted on: 05/28/06
These cookies are Awesome!!My husband is a chef and says they are the best choc chip cookies he has had!!
shira &Submitted on: 05/23/06
i am a 15 year old baker and i had been loooking for a good cookie recipe! i have fianly found one !!! my friends beg me everyday to make these!!! i do put in 3 cups of flour and i put them in the fridge for about 20 min!! these cookies are amazing!!!!!!!!!
Timothy &Submitted on: 05/22/06
I've made a lot of chocolate chip cookie recipes, but this one beats them all----incredible!
Jill &Submitted on: 05/19/06
This is THE BEST chocolate chip cookie recipe ever!
I made these for my son to take to school for his birthday and his entire second grade class agreed--these cookies were the best in the world!
AB &Submitted on: 05/12/06
This is by far the best cookie recipe I have ever made.
My friends wouldn't even believe that I they thought that they were store bought.
Fran &Submitted on: 05/10/06
I have been trying different recipes
for chocolate chip cookies.
best, I made a change using 1 stick of
butter and 1/2 cup of butter flavored crisco also the extra 1/2 cup flour and
placing in freezer for 10 minutes.
My cookies are chewy on the inside a little crisp on the outside. They are
very very good.
Trinity &Submitted on: 04/10/06
I was very nervous when I started making these cookies but boy I will NEVER regret it!!!
I absolutely love them and they are sooooo easy to make.
I did have to keep them in a little longer than 10 mins (2 mins longer) and I think next time I will preflatten them just a little.
But no matter how you make them, THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!!!!
Luke &Submitted on: 03/27/06
I am a corporate trainer, and for the past two years I have made the cookies at the end of multi-week training and also for social gatherings with co-workers. I've routinely heard "these are the best chocolate chip cookies I've ever had."
Anela &Submitted on: 02/24/06
Best cookie recipe ever! I do add the extra 1/2 c of flour, and instead of 12 oz ss choc chips, I add 1 c each of ss choc chips, peanut butter chips, and pecans. My family and friends love them.
Tammy &Submitted on: 01/18/06
I have tried many, many chocolate chip cookie recipes, and this is by far my family's favorite.
Thank you!
linda &Submitted on: 01/02/06
I made these cookies for the first time today. I have to say they are really good. I will take the advise of halukacy and add 1/2 cup more flour next time and freeze the dough while oven is warming up. Thanks for the great recipe.
MK &Submitted on: 12/27/05
Made these for my boyfriend over Christmas and he is soooo particular about cookies. He told me that they were the tastiest cookies he's ever had! I also gave some to his family my first time meeting them. They said the same thing. Outstanding recipe.
halukacy &Submitted on: 12/22/05
This is the best recipe handsdown!
I made only a few changes to fit my personal taste.
I used some of the comments on this site and they were helpful.
I mixed in an extra 1/2 after adding the chips and before placing on cookie sheet, I put the entire bowl in freezer for about 10 minutes while the oven warmed up (that made it easier to form into balls and the chocolate wasn't as messy when eating them); I baked them 325 for about 12 minutes and they were perfect!
I also made a batch following the recipe exactly but adding 2 8oz bags of Hershey's white chocolate and macadamia nuts.
I work with a bunch of men and I brought some to our Christmas lunch just yesterday, and all afternoon they were raving about them!
Some even think that I bought them and am trying to trick everyone!
I'm going to try other flavor chips to make an assortment for Christmas dinner with my family.
Brittany &Submitted on: 12/11/05
Well i'm only 13 and everyone in my family can cook so i thought i would try this and they turned out great.
Bethy &Submitted on: 12/09/05
If you want a mood booster, eat these!!
Matt Redmond &Submitted on: 11/19/05
Great recipe!
I just made these and have a few observations to share:
1. A 'golf ball' sized chunk of dough is a level 1/4 cup scoop.
This made precisely 24 cookies with a little to share with the dog (chips removed).
2. I baked these on an air-bake cookie sheet.
The first pan failed to flatten sufficiently - they were too 'tall' and gooey inside.
3. For the second pan, I "pre-flattened" them to about a 2 inch diameter and increased the bake time by 3 minutes. They turned out perfect!
Mike &Submitted on: 11/18/05
Awesome!! My wife and I baked these cookies. We think there should be slightly less chocolate chips, because they seem a little bitter. We had to bake them for 14 minutes at 350.
ll_accountant &Submitted on: 11/18/05
Everyone raves about my mother in laws choc. chip cookies...I was glad to give her some competition. These are great!!
Deb &Submitted on: 11/14/05
I have been baking and sampling chocolate chip cookies since I was 11. These are the best I have EVER eaten, bar none! Thought I had died and gone to heaven, these are amazing!!
Russell Hulse &Submitted on: 11/06/05
This recipie is a big hit with not only my family, but with all the clan. My football, team promises to win games if I'll bring cookies to the next practice. My daughter's soccer team also can not get enough of them.
&Submitted on: 11/05/05
I am 18 years old and the only thing I can cook are cookies that don't taste very good. I always experiment with different recipes and my boyfriend and I believe that this is the best yet. Took an extra 3 min to cook for best results.
Jackie &Submitted on: 10/18/05
If the cat ever gets out of the bag about these cookies my cover will be blown!!! My Friends love them and ask me to make them all the time. I am now making batches of them as birthday presents!! Great Recipe.
S. Wallace &Submitted on: 10/16/05
This is the only cookie recipe I will use from now on.
My kids love them and my husband can't get enough of them. He puts them in the freezer to make them even more chewy.
They are fantastic. Thank You.
Leigh &Submitted on: 10/15/05
I made these cookies for my husband and he said they were the best he'd ever had.
Including the secret recipe his grandmother has.
They were a hit with the whole family.
Cooper &Submitted on: 10/05/05
Made these today and didn't need to make any adjustments. The recipe is perfect the way it is. Although, we live in Denver and often have to change recipes to adjust for high altitude. This one works great for high altitude. Top notch recipe! Better than Ghiradelli, Nestle, etc.
Tonyalaya &Submitted on: 10/05/05
I made these and they were very good.
I did add the extra 1/2 cup of flour suggested in the other reviews.
I used a Medium size cookie scoop and a baking stone, and I had to cook them for about 12 minutes, they weren't done after 8 to 10.
(Yes I let them cool completely after cooking for 10 minutes, but you still needed a spoon to eat those)
Terri W. &Submitted on: 10/01/05
This is a great recipe my family and I love it. Thank you so much....
Carole Ingram &Submitted on: 09/12/05
My husband loved these cookies! I highly recommend this recipe to any chocolate chip cookie lover!
Be sure that you do not cook them longer then suggested, and follow the recommeded "golf ball" size! If they are too small or too big, they will be either overcooked/undercooked!
This is a REAL good cookie recipe!!!
Todd's recipes are the bomb!
Mae &Submitted on: 09/11/05
The BEST cookies I've ever made!!
Tastes just like Mrs. Field's cookies.
A favorite with family and friends.
I recomment adding another 1/2 cup of flour, as someone else mentioned.
Paula from NH &Submitted on: 09/01/05
The last thing you want to do is have a warm dough. Best thing to do is to chill ALL of your ingredients after you've measured them or you can chill the dough after forming them, with a scoop is recommended to avoid body heat from warming the dough. Also, 325 degrees is better for a softer cookie. Do not overbake.
Sami &Submitted on: 08/30/05
I have been baking these cookies for a couple years now and my sons told me to throw away my other choc. chip cookie recipes.
These are a big hit with my family and friends!!
Tae Bok &Submitted on: 08/18/05
Love this recipe especially if you sub semi-sweet choc. chips with white choc. chips and add some macademia nuts MMMMMM
Jade &Submitted on: 08/13/05
When I found this recipe years ago on this site.... well, it's ALL we make now!! Adding more flour is a very good idea!
Funny enough, my FAVORITE way to eat these, is that I put some dough to the side, before adding the chips, and cook them plain... they are the BEST chewy, yet a bit of crunch on the edges! They are soooooooo good this way! Thank's for the yummy good times!!
Gozo &Submitted on: 08/08/05
My family loved this recipe and they now beg me to make it until I give in! People at my work said that these cookies were the best they've ever had! One thing to keep in mind is that the recipe does not usually turn out perfectly when one only uses 2 1/2 cups of flour---they will turn out really flat. So add at least 3 cups or more, depending on the texture of the dough (it should not be too sticky, obviously). Awesome imitation!
Angie &Submitted on: 08/06/05
This is the recipe that hooked me on Todd's "Top Secret Recipes".
They're fantastic cookies!
I use milk chocolate chips rather than semi-sweet--and sometimes I mix in peanut butter chips, too.
A versatile recipe for sure!
&Submitted on: 08/04/05
The BEST cookies I've ever made.
Laura &Submitted on: 08/01/05
First top secret recipe i ever made and i still always make them whenever i make cookies!! They are GREAT!!!!!!
Katie &Submitted on: 07/28/05
I had to add more flour and they needed an extra 5 minutes to bake out properly.
The taste is great, but bake out a little flat
Dipty &Submitted on: 07/27/05
I confess I made these cookies with a certain amount of trepidation, but, the end result was an almost exact copy of the original Mrs Field's cookies. Only make sure that the "golf sized" cookie dough balls are well spaced before placing them in the oven.
Absolutely marvelous!
&Submitted on: 07/23/05
I made these today. I had to add more flour because the cookies were flat when using mu kichenaid mixer. I also increased the temperature to 375 degrees. Otherwise they were very good.
Jenna &Submitted on: 07/22/05
BEST ever cookie recipe!
AJ &Submitted on: 07/21/05
These are awesome cookes!
Half the time when my friends invite me over, they want me to make "AJ Cookies!" they loke these so much!
Michele &Submitted on: 07/20/05
I swear people beg me to make these!
leabea &Submitted on: 07/19/05
Absolutely awesome recipe!!!!!
celine &Submitted on: 07/19/05
they r gr8
Leslie &Submitted on: 07/18/05
Great recipe.
Delicious cookies.
Kissfan &Submitted on: 07/18/05
This is our "family" recipe for chocolate chip cookies now.
Everyone goes nuts over them!
They are outrageously good and we even freeze them in logs (uncooked) in the freezer to keep on hand when those cookie cravings hit.
You won't be disappo worth the cost of the book to get it.
& Top Secret Recipes}


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