听力what is the problemwomudoing

B C B B C A C A A B B C C A C states when influence stressed order
1.Who is Chris Paine?
A.A computer engineer.
B.A book seller.
C.A writer.
2.What are the two speakers talking about?
A.A football player.
B.A football team.
C.A football match.
3.Why did the woman buy a heavy coat for Jimmy?
A.Winter is coming soon.
B.Jimmy’ll go into the mountains.
C.Jimmy has caught a cold.
4.Where is the woman?
A.In a soap factory.
B.In her house.
C.At an information desk.
5.When is the man checking in?
6.How does the man feel about David's way of sleeping?
A.It's effective.
B.It's strange.
C.It's the best.
7.How many hours does David sleep a day?
8.What does the woman suggest at the end of the talk?
A.People should develop a habit like David's.
B.People need longer hours of sleep.
C.People have different sleeping habits.
9.What is the woman going to do?
A.Attend a party.
B.Take a holiday.
C.Go on a business trip.
10.When does the woman plan to arrive?
A.Late Friday.
B.Midday Saturday.
C.Saturday night.
11.What is the weather like in the town during the day?
12.Why does the man thank the woman?
A.She has helped him with his problems.
B.She has invited him for coffee.
C.She has agreed to see him on Monday.
13.When does the conversation take place?
A.Before class.
B.After class.
C.During class.
14.What will the man do next morning?
A.Meet Mr Cooper.
B.Visit the National Lab.
C.Meet Bill Lyons.
15.How will the man spend his Saturday?
A.He will do some paperwork.
B.He will take some rest.
C.He will meet some visitors.
16.What do we know about the woman?
A.She's the man's wife.
B.She's a business manager.
C.She's a company secretary.
17.What was the purpose of Mrs Whinfield's visits to Kew Gardens?
A.To learn more about plants.
B.To write an article on gardens.
C.To meet the writers she read.
18.Where did Mrs Whinfield live before she moved to her present home?
C.West London.
19.Where does Mrs Whinfield get most of her plants?
A.She grows them from seeds.
B.She gets them from her friends.
C.She buys them from a market.
20.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A.Tourist and gardener.
B.College professor and biology students.
C.Newspaper reporter and garden owner.
1.Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A.In an office.
B.In a library.
C.In a bookstore.
2.Where did the speakers plan to go?
A.A shopping center.
B.An opera house.
C.The parking lot.
3.Which aspect of the film does the woman like?
A.The plot.
B.The music.
C.The dialogue.
4.What do we know about the woman’s jacket?
A.It is sold at a lower price.
B.Its color is her favorite.
C.It is her sister’s size.
5.What does the woman imply?
A.The man is so forgetful.
B.The man is too careless.
C.The man is over confident.
6.What makes the man so tired?
A.Playing games.
B.Surfing the Internet.
C.Searching for interesting people.
7.Whom did the man chat with?
A.People from Canada.
B.People in need of his help.
C.People on the same project.
8.What does the law forbid people to do?
A.To take dogs to parks.
B.To walk dogs in the streets.
C.To treat dogs cruelly.
9.What do we know from what the woman said?
A.Dogs should be kept at home.
B.Building a dog park is necessary.
C.People would remove the dog waste.
10.According to the man, what did he do before he watched TV?
A.He washed his hands.
B.He had his supper.
C.He took a path.
11.What place had the man been to the night before?
A.James Street.
B.A restaurant.
C.A friend’s home.
12.What does the man try to do in the conversation?
A.To prove the truth.
B.To find the truth.
C.To hide the truth.
13.Why did the son come back late?
A.He hurt his hands and knees.
B.He went to a pub with Linda.
C.He waited a long time for the bus.
14.What was the old lady doing in the middle of the road?
A.Looking for something.
B.Struggling to sand up.
C.Trying to seek help.
15.What happened to Linda?
A.She was fired.
B.She got injured.
C.She had an accident.
16.Where was the witness?
A.Outside the pub.
B.At a bus stop.
C.In his car.
17.What’s the problem of some of the university students?
A.They don’t spend all their time on studies.
B.They don’t know what to do with their free time.
C.They don’t have choices for outside class activities.
18.How is the students’ high school life?
A.Controlled and busy.
B.Regular and colorful.
C.Active and independent.
19.According to the speaker, what is the role of outside class activities at university?
A.To make students healthier.
B.To improve students’ test scores.
C.To enrich students’ experience.
20.What does the speaker advise his students to do?
A.Learn to enjoy themselves.
B.Learn to be their own masters.
C.Learn to develop their potential.
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.What will the speakers discuss?
A.The report.
B.The laptop.
C.The report of laptop.
2.Why does the woman want to get the coat?
A.Because she likes its color very much.
B.Because the price is reasonable.
C.Because it is on sale now.
3.What does the woman mean?
A.The school should have been built a long time ago.
B.It will be a good school.
C.It’s unnecessary to build such a school.
4.When will the two speakers leave London?
A.January 16th.
B.January 17th.
C.January 18th.
5.What does the man think Carol should do?
A.Get treatment in a better hospital.
B.See a doctor.
C.Make a phone call to the doctor.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.Which saying is TRUE on Vinnie Jones?
A.He used to be a soccer player for Wimbledon.
B.He is a British singer.
C.He is mulike the films starred by Vinnie Jones.
C.She knows more about Vinnie Jones.
8.What kind of music does the man like best?
A.Classical music.
B.Rock music.
C.Jazz music.
9.Who can play the violin?
A.The man’s wife.
B.The man.
C.The woman.
10.When can the woman possibly hear the man’s wife playing?
A.Some day in the future.
B.This weekend.
C.This month.
11.What are the man and the woman talking mainly about?
A.Future plans.
B.Studying at university.
C.Part-time jobs.
12.Which statement is RIGHT after the talk?
A.The man’s subject is computer science.
B.The man isn’t a college student.
C.The man is her boyfriend.
13.What is NOT the man’s stion?
A.Studying computer.
B.Finding a part-time job.
C.Having time for fun.
14.What is the conversation about?
A.Computer sales.
B.A job interview.
C.An internet meeting.
15.Which kind of persons does the company need?
A.A computer teacher.
B.An administrator of networks.
C.A top of computer games.
16.What do we know about the man in the conversation?
A.He knows nothing about computers.
B.He is very clever at answering questions.
C.The woman will offer him the job.
17.What is the travel agency’s name?
B.Tour USA.
C.Travel USA.
18.Which is one of the most popular sights in Wgton?
A.Washington Monument.
B.Lincoln Memorial.
C.Library of Congress.
19.Where does the tour start from?
A.The Superior Court.
B.The Library of Congress.
C.The Capitol Building.
20.When you guess is the tour starting?
A.At about 8.
B.At about 9.
C.At about 10.
1.What does the woman mean?
A.She doesn't like Tim
B.She doesn't mind giving Tim a lift.
C.She doesn't want to sit beside Tim.
2.What is the man probably doing?
A.Borrowing some coins
B.Using the telephone
C.Picking up the coins
3.When will the woman's bus leave?
A.At 10∶30
B.At 10∶15
4.Where is the woman speaker's father now probably?
A.In the man speaker's house
B.At his workplace
C.At home
5.What does the man advise the woman to do?
A.Stop working and write her aunt back.
B.Send her aunt a present to show her apology.
C.Keep in touch with her aunt through the Internet.
6.What does the man ask Larry to do?
A.Take some big oranges to the party.
B.Bring some drinks to the party.
C.Give him a call the next day.
7.What is the woman doing while answering the call?
A.Writing the message down
B.Doing her homework.
C.Sending someone to find Larry.
8.Where does the woman probably live?
A.In the center of the city.
B.Near the gym
C.Out of the city
9.Who is going to work today?
A.The woman speaker
B.The man speaker
10.What are the speakers talking about?
A.Buying a second-hand car.
B.Buying a brand-new car.
C.Selling the man speaker's old car.
11.Who is going to work overseas?
A.The man speaker
B.The woman speaker
C.The woman speaker's cousin
12.What does the woman tell the man about the car to be sold?
A.It's a four-door car with air conditioning
B.It's a two-door car with air conditioning
C.It's a six-door car with power steering.
13.From whom did the man speaker get the flowers?
A.Richard and Mariana
B.Richard and Marilyn
C.John and Mariana
14.Why does the woman speaker cry?
A.Her uncle and aunt don't treat her well.
B.The letter reminded her of her parents.
C.She doesn't have any friends.
15.Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A.At the man speaker's home.
B.At the woman speaker's house
C.In a French restaurant.
16.What can we learn from the conversation?
A.There are four people in the man speaker's family
B.The woman speaker has been here over one year.
C.The man speaker is quite good at math.
17.Why did the teacher do the experiments?
A.He had few classes every day.
B.He thought monkey was fun.
C.He wanted to find out the cleverest animal.
18.Where did the teacher put the monkey?
A.In a room
B.In a big box
C.In a small box
19.How long did the teacher wait for?
A.A whole day
B.A few minutes
C.A few hours.
20.Which of the following is TRUE according to the talk?
A.The teacher only had experiments on monkey.
B.The monkey found the food and enjoyed it.
C.The teacher did more than one experiment.
1.How farther should the two speakers need to go?
A.Two more miles.
B.Another mile.
C.Three more miles.
2.When will the lecture begin?
A.At 8∶00.
B.At 8∶15.
C.At 7∶45.
3.What does the woman mean?
A.She will go to the party today.
B.She wants to go tomorrow evening.
C.She won't go to the party today.
4.Where is the conversation most likely to take place?
A.At a department store.
B.In a club.
C.In the zoo.
5.How much does the man have to pay if he wants to buy just one today?
6.Where are the two speakers?
A.In the office.
B.In a restaurant.
C.At home
7.What's wrong with the woman?
A.She can't sleep well.
B.She has a fever.
C.She can't work any more.
8.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A.Employee and employer.
B.Visitor and native.
C.Traveler and hotelkeeper.
9.What can the man get from the youth hostels?
B.Bed and breakfast
C.Bed, breakfast and newspaper.
10.What's the man likely to do?
A.Look for information in the paper.
B.Walk around the streets.
C.Sign to be a member for the youth hostels.
11.What are the two speakers talking about?
B.Going to the university.
C.Women's role in the society
12.Why didn't grandma go to the university when she was young?
A.Because her family was poor.
B.Because it was improper for her to do so.
C.Because she got married.
13.What can we learn from the conversation?
A.The woman's mother has lost her job.
B.The woman's father has no job.
C.The woman's grandma had no job.
14.Where does this conversation most probably take place?
A.In a classroom.
B.On TV.
C.At a meeting.
15.What is the man?
A.A futurologist.
B.A programmer.
C.A reporter.
16.What will happen by the middle of this century?
A.Digital technology will begin to change our life.
B.More than three billion people will use the Internet.
C.We will be working and shopping on line.
17.Why did the speaker ask the people to leave the building?
A.Because something explosive was found in the building.
B.Because a fire broke out in the building.
C.Because actors and actresses refused to play the last act.
18.What were people asked to do to the elderly and disabled people?
A.To leave them where they were.
B.To hold them firmly.
C.To give any help if necessary.
19.What should one do when he sees something strange?
A.Remove it.
B.Inform one attendant.
C.Go away at once.
20.Where was this announcement made?
A.In a theater.
B.In a supermarket.
C.At an airport.初中英语高瞻远瞩放眼全球
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&&&大耳朵在线聊天TPO 26 听力Lecture第4篇 第1题What is the main purpose of the lecture?为什么答案是A?_百度知道
TPO 26 听力Lecture第4篇 第1题What is the main purpose of the lecture?为什么答案是A?
根据原文Professor: But although our field is called art conservation, it also involves … what? Student: Um … preserving other types of cultural materials too. 教授说我们的领域不光包括艺术品保存,还包括对其它形式的历史文物进行防腐和维护。后面讲了对阿基米德的手稿进行复原的例子。所以文章主体就是在描述针对一件极有价值的艺术品进行复原的工作。A 选项正确。
出门在外也不愁What is the Difference Between a College and a University?
What is the Difference Between a College and a University?
In the United States, both colleges and universities offer students four-year bachelor's degrees.
Generally post-graduate and doctoral degrees are only awarded by universities in the United States.
Colleges can refer to schools that only offer a four-year advanced education, such as a bachelor’s degree.
China is home to the oldest university in the world, the University of Nanjing.
Universities offer higher academic degrees beyond traditional four-year programs.
Article Details
Originally Written By:
Tricia Ellis-Christensen
Revised By: G. Wiesen
Edited By: O. Wallace
Images By:
Lane Erickson,
Kevin Dooley,
Last Modified Date: 06 July 2015
Copyright Protected:
Conjecture Corporation
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The difference between a
"college" and "university" can depend very much on where someone lives.
In many cases in the US, colleges refer to schools that offer four-year advanced education only, and an institution which does not typically offer more than a bachelor’s degree.
A university, however, is a school that offers postgraduate programs such as those resulting in a master's or doctoral degree. Colleges can also refer to the individual schools and departments within a larger institution. In other countries, "colleges" can refer to various levels of education, including secondary schools.
Terminology for Different School Levels
The terms "college" and "university" may be synonymous, or may be used as a way of granting greater stature to an institute of higher learning.
In some areas there are multiple, public, degree-granting systems.
This can include numerous community or junior colleges as well as technical or art schools that are often at the same level.
Universities, then, are those schools that offer higher degrees beyond a two or four-year program.
Colleges in Traditional Settings
Traditionally, the term "college" applied to a part of a university.
Large universities may be split into colleges or schools that offer different degrees.
Deans or heads of these departments oversee them, but the university itself holds the ability to grant degrees.
Most large universities also offer advanced programs resulting in doctoral and masters degrees.
Historical Context for Colleges
"College" was first used in the US because institutions established for
were initially quite small.
They didn’t approach the grandeur of European, and particularly English, universities like Oxford.
Men, at first only men, could attend some of the early schools like Harvard College, but could not get advanced doctorate degrees unless they studied abroad.
As colleges like Harvard grew, some changed their names to “university” to reflect that they offered advanced degrees and numerous smaller schools.
Some other colleges, representing the oldest in the US, clung to the old name, even as they expanded and offered advanced degrees.
This has created confusion within the US, however, as the two terms have become synonymous in some situations.
Alternative Uses in Various Countries
In some countries, a college might not even be an institute of higher learning.
Regions like Hong Kong, New Zealand, South Africa, and Ireland often use "colleges" to refer to secondary schools.
"College" in Canada tends to mean Junior or certificate schools that offer training in trades, rather than a
In France, they are often junior hi while in the UK, the term "college" usually refers to a section of a larger university.
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@anon57408: Nursing is a Master of Science degree, not an MA.
College in UK is not what is university in US. It's the two years they do after middle school to get their A-levels. Also in Australia, college means the boarding house, not the university. So you can go to university but not college.
Just because California has 23 institutions of higher education doesn't mean they have the best university system in the country. Quantity does not equal quality.
A university doesn't have to give a PhD to be a university. As for Master of Arts vs Master of Science, I think someone answered that. One deals with the (in general) the arts vs areas more focused on science. There may be minor exceptions but that's generally the case.
what is the difference between a master of arts and a master of science? I know one focuses on practice and the other on research but which is which and can you explain to me more in depth?
so if we suggest that colleges in the UK offer masters degrees. i found a
college that offers a master diploma and i am really confused. is it the same as a master degree?
then why is california so broke. Sounds like a bunch of idiot people to me, rather than people of a higher education.
Ummm...dude. A master of arts is in the arts (English, Fine Arts, History, Nursing, Humanities, Geography, Philosophy, Social Sciences or Theology mainly), whereas a master of science is in the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, etc), mathematics, sometimes economics, etc.
CSU are very commonly referred to as state colleges. From what i have gathered, it seems that UC actually offers higher education than a CSU, but your choice should really depend on what career you are trying to pursue.
Don't the terms college and university also connect to the size (population) of the school? I am aware of a few colleges in recent years that have changed their name from "College" to "University" and it seemes to be based on a steady increase in population. Is this the case or is there more involved?
I can't answer for California, but colleges in New York absolutely offer Masters of Science (MS) and Masters of Art(MA) degrees.
what is really the difference? they sound the same to me.
If it doesn't issue PhD degrees in Language, Math and Science then it is not a University.
We should not be too hard on people who say they have a PhD when in actuality they only have a BS degree - Our institutions of higher learning have the same problem.
Nobody calls any of the CSU schools a college. That is where there is a U in the name!
They are all universities, made up of smaller colleges (or schools) as noted in this article.
They may be called state or something similar, but nobody uses college.
With 23 CSU and 10 UC, California has the best higher education system in the country.
what is the difference between a master of arts and a master of science? I know one focuses on practice and the other on research but which is which and can you explain to me more in depth?
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