
That's great:No.:That&#39?Tom, what do we have for dinner this evening.:What other things do you want to have:OK:Do we have eggs,there are only some vegetables.Tll clean the room,too:Let me have a look.MumTom.Mum:Sure:Is fine,Mum.Mum?Mum.Oh?Tom.Can you go and buy the things!Hamburgers are my favorite:Hi,Mom.Mum.Let me make a shopping list?Tom.Well,we don&#39?I't:I like to have some chicken and tofu,what do we have in the fridge now? Tom
汤姆?妈妈,妈妈。妈妈:没了。妈妈?汤姆:你还想吃什么,妈妈:让我看看? 我得打扫房间:没问题?汤姆,只有一些蔬菜了。哦汤姆, 今天晚上咱们吃什么呀?汤姆:太棒了:好吧:我想吃汉堡包:你好。哦。妈妈:我还想吃鸡肉炖豆腐。汤姆,咱们冰箱里现在还有什么呀:还有鸡蛋吗。妈妈! 我也喜欢汉堡包:没问题,我现在写一个购物单。你能不能去把这些东西买来
汉堡包吧,娘:好啊。妈:其它的还想吃啥呢:俺还想吃鸡和豆腐?汤姆,今天晚上吃啥。。汤姆,恩:木有了, 只剩点菜了。恩汤姆。妈,汉堡包也是俺的最爱, 你去跑个腿把这些东西买回来好么。:还有鸡蛋么汤姆:娘:太好了。妈?妈。汤姆:让俺看看,让俺拉个单子。俺得打扫房间, 看看冰箱里还有啥汤姆。妈:好吧:好的
汤姆: 妈,今晚咱吃啥呢?妈:汉堡包吧T 太好了,我也喜欢汉堡包M: 你还要吃些啥呢?T :我想吃鸡鸡和豆腐M:好说,去看看咱们的冰箱还剩些啥玩意?T 我看一下哦,哦,只剩下一些大白菜了M 我们有蛋吗?T 没有M:好吧。我搞个购物单子,你能去买一下吗,我整理房间T 好的,妈妈顶我哦
Tom: 妈妈,今晚吃什么?Mum:我喜欢吃汉堡。Tom:太棒了!汉堡是我的最爱。Mum:你还想吃别的什么?Tom:我喜欢吃鸡肉和豆腐。Mum:好的。哦,冰箱里有些什么?Tom:我来看看……哦,只有一些蔬菜。Mum:有鸡蛋吗?Tom:没有。Mum:好的。我来写一份购物清单。你去买单子上的这些东西好吗?我要打扫房间。Tom:当然可以,妈妈。
汤姆:你好,妈妈, 今天晚上我们吃什么呀?妈妈:我喜欢吃汉堡包。汤姆:太好了! 我也喜欢汉堡包。妈妈:你还想吃什么?汤姆:我还喜欢吃鸡肉炖豆腐。妈妈:好的。哦,我们冰箱里现在还有什么呀?汤姆:让我看看。哦,只有一些蔬菜了。妈妈:还有鸡蛋吗?汤姆:没了。妈妈:好吧,我现在写一个购物单。你能不能去把这些东西买来? 我要打扫房间。汤姆:好的,妈妈。
太简单了,自己做吧!否则怎么进步呢!Practice makes perfect! 熟能生巧!
Turkmenistan (Turkmen: Tü also known as Turkmenia) is a Turkic country in Central Asia. The name Turkmenistan is derived from Persian, meaning &land of the Turkmen&. The name of its capital, Ashgabat, is derived from Persian as well, loosely translating as &the city of loveliness&. Until 1991, it was a constituent republic of the Soviet Union, the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic. It is bordered by Afghanistan to the southeast, Iran to the southwest, Uzbekistan to the northeast, Kazakhstan to the northwest, and the Caspian Sea to the west.

According to CIA World Factbook 2007 figures, Turkmenistan&s GDP growth rate of 11.6% ranks 11th in the world. Although it is wealthy in natural resources in certain areas, most of the country is covered by the Karakum (Black Sands) Desert. It has a single-party system, and was ruled by President for Life Saparmurat Niyazov until 21 December 2006, when he died. Presidential elections were held on 11 February 2007. Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedow was declared the winner with 89% of the vote. He was sworn in on 14 February 2007.
At 188,457 mi? (488,100 km?), Turkmenistan is the world&s 52nd-largest country. It is slightly smaller than Spain, and somewhat larger than the US state of California.

Over 80% of the country is covered by the Karakum Desert. The center of the country is dominated by the Turan Depression and the Karakum Desert. The Kopet Dag Range, along the southwestern border, reaches 2,912 meters (9,553 ft). The Turkmen Balkan Mountains in the far west and the Kugitang Range in the far east are the only other significant elevations. Rivers include the Amu Darya, the Murghab, and the Tejen.

The climate mostly consists of an arid subtropical desert, with little rainfall. Winters are mild and dry, with most precipitation falling between January and May. The area of the country with the heaviest precipitation is the Kopet Dag range.

The Turkmen shore along the Caspian Sea is 1768 km long. The Caspian Sea is entirely landlocked, with no access to the ocean.

The major cities include Ashkhabad, Türkmenba?y (formerly Krasnovodsk) and Da?oguz.
土库曼斯坦(土库曼斯坦:土库曼斯坦;也被称为土库曼)是一个突厥语国家在中亚地区。土库曼斯坦的名称源自波斯文,意为“土地土库曼” 。的名称及其首都阿什哈巴德举行,来自波斯,以及,把松散的“城市魅力” 。直到1991年,它是一个组成共和国,苏联,土库曼苏维埃社会主义共和国。这是阿富汗接壤的东南部,伊朗的西南部,乌兹别克斯坦东北部,哈萨克斯坦向西北,和里海以西。 

根据美国中央情报局世界概况2007年的数字,土库曼斯坦国内生产总值增长率11.6 %排名第11位的世界。尽管这是富有的自然资源在某些领域,该国大部分地区是由卡拉库姆(黑金沙)沙漠。它有一个一党制,是统治的终身总统尼亚佐夫21日为止2006年12月,当他死亡。总统选举11日举行的2007年2月。尔德穆罕Berdimuhammedow被宣布为冠军, 89 %的选票。他在宣誓就职2月14日2007年。 
在188457米? (四十八万八千一公里? ) ,土库曼斯坦是世界第52大国。这是略小于西班牙,和有些大于美国加利福尼亚州。 

超过80 %的该国所涵盖的卡拉库姆沙漠。该中心的国家占主导地位的是图兰抑郁症和卡拉库姆沙漠。达格哈马的Kopet范围,沿西南边陲,达到二千九百十二米( 9553英尺) 。土库曼巴尔干山脉的最西部和Kugitang幅度在远东地区是唯一的其他重要高地。河流包括阿姆河,在加布和Tejen 。 



的主要城市包括阿什哈巴德, Türkmenba?y (原克拉斯诺沃茨克)和Da?oguz
其他回答 (2)
土库曼斯坦(土库曼斯坦:土库曼斯坦;也被称为土库曼)是一个突厥语国家在中亚地区。土库曼斯坦的名称源自波斯文,意为“土地土库曼” 。的名称及其首都阿什哈巴德举行,来自波斯,以及,把松散的“城市魅力” 。直到1991年,它是一个组成共和国,苏联,土库曼苏维埃社会主义共和国。这是阿富汗接壤的东南部,伊朗的西南部,乌兹别克斯坦东北部,哈萨克斯坦向西北,和里海以西。
根据美国中央情报局世界概况2007年的数字,土库曼斯坦国内生产总值增长率11.6 %排名第11位的世界。尽管这是富有的自然资源在某些领域,该国大部分地区是由卡拉库姆(黑金沙)沙漠。它有一个一党制,是统治的终身总统尼亚佐夫21日为止2006年12月,当他死亡。总统选举11日举行的2007年2月。尔德穆罕Berdimuhammedow被宣布为冠军, 89 %的选票。他在宣誓就职2月14日2007年。 

在188457米? (四八八一○○公里? ) ,土库曼斯坦是世界第52大国。这是略小于西班牙,和有些大于美国加利福尼亚州。
超过80 %的该国所涵盖的卡拉库姆沙漠。该中心的国家占主导地位的是图兰抑郁症和卡拉库姆沙漠。达格哈马的Kopet范围,沿西南边陲,达到二千九百十二米( 9553英尺) 。土库曼巴尔干山脉的最西部和Kugitang幅度在远东地区是唯一的其他重要高地。河流包括阿姆河,在加布和Tejen 。 


的主要城市包括阿什哈巴德, Türkmenba?y (原克拉斯诺沃茨克)和Da?oguz 。
February 2007.
At 188,457 mi? (488,100 km?), Turkmenistan is the world&s 52nd-largest country. It is slightly smaller than Spain, and somewhat larger than the US state of California.

Over 80% of the country is covered by the Karakum Desert. The center of the country is dominated by the Turan Depression and the Karakum Desert. The Kopet Dag Range, along the southwestern border, reaches 2,912 meters (9,553 ft). The Turkmen Balkan Mountains in the far west and the Kugitang Range in the far east are the only other significant elevations. Rivers include the Amu Darya, the Murghab, and the Tejen.

Another new project is beingset up to discover the best ways of sorting and separating the rubbish: first. Indeed, some big cities will be forced tobuild their own recycling plants before long. The aim is to find out how much of these rawmaterials could be provided if a plant for recycling waste were built
after that grounders and rollers will break upeverything that can be broken. This plant would recycle not only metals such as steel. Finally, the rubbish will pass under magnets, fifteen years away, then it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightestelements from the heavy solids.
The first full-scale giant recyclingplants are, but also paper and rubber as well. When this project is completeThe latest project is to take a cityaround half a million inhabitants and discover exactly what raw materials goint the rubber and plastic will then be sorted out in the finalstage, which will remove the bits of ironand steel, it will pass through sharpmetal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usuallypacked,the rubbish will be processed like this, with the growing cost oftransporting rubbish to more distant dumps, perhaps
而橡胶和塑料就会被分离至最后的步骤。回收厂不仅回收金属,垃圾将会以这样的程序被处理。辛苦自己翻的。最后垃圾会通过磁铁;3用滚筒将粉碎任何能被粉碎的东西;2通过风扇区分把较轻的成分与重物分离出来,像是钢铅铜, 把垃圾上包裹的塑料袋处理掉,调查到底有多少原料进出:1进入锋利的金属(切割)区。随着运送垃圾去更远的垃圾场的成本的逐渐增加。另一个新任务是找到把垃圾进行分类的最好的方法,也回收纸和橡胶。其目的是为了找出如果在城市外建一个废物回收厂有多少原料可以被利用(来回收)最后一个任务是找一个大约50万住户的城市,许多大城市将在不久后被迫建设自己的的回收厂。第一个完整规模的大型回收厂大约是15年前建的, 钢和铁就会被吸出。当任务完成时
You gotta help me outIt’s all a blur last nightWe need a taxicause you’re hung-over and I’m brokeI lost my fake idbut you lost the motel keySpare me your freakin’ dirty looksNow don’t play meYou want to cash outand get the hell out of townDon’t be a babyRemember what you told meShut up and put your money where your mouth isThat’s what you get for waking up in VegasGet up and shake the glitter off your clothes, nowThat’s what you get for waking up in VegasWhy are these lights so brightOh, did we get hitched last night,dressed up like Elvis,And why, why am I wearing your class ring?Don’t call your mother‘Cause now we’re partners in crimeDon’t be a babyRemember what you told meShut up and put your money where your mouth isThat’s what you get for waking up in VegasGet up and shake the glitter off your clothes, nowThat’s what you get for waking up in VegasYou got me into thisInformation overload, situation lost controlSend out an S.O.S.And get some cash outWe’re gonna tear up the townDon’t be a babyRemember what you told meRemember what you told meRemember what you told meTold me, you told me, you told meShut up and put your money where your mouth isThat’s what you get for waking up in VegasGet up and shake the glitter off your clothes, nowThat’s what you get for waking up in VegasGive me some cash out babyShake the glitter, shake, shake, shake the glitter, c’mon!Give me some cash out baby
翻译的过于直白了 你做参考吧
You gotta help me out&&& 你必须帮助我It’s all a blur last night&&&& 昨夜全是模糊不清We need a taxi& 我们需要一辆的士cause you’re hung-over and I’m broke因为你余醉未醒我一文不名I lost my fake id 我丢失伪造的证件but you lost the motel key 但你丢失了汽车旅馆的钥匙Spare me your freakin’ dirty looks&& 让我分享你朝三暮四肮脏的外表Now don’t play me 现在别刷我了You want to cash out& 你想兑换现金and get the hell out of town&& 脱离苦境Don’t be a baby&&&&&&不要做个胆怯的人Remember what you told me&& 记住你所告诉我的 Shut up and put your money where your mouth is& 闭嘴把钱放在嘴巴边That’s what you get for waking up in Vegas&&&& 那是为在维佳斯醒来的所得Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes, now&& 现在起来把你衣服里的金币丢掉That’s what you get for waking up in Vegas&&& 那是为在维佳斯醒来的所得Why are these lights so bright&&& 为什么这些灯如此明亮Oh, did we get hitched last night,&&& 哦,昨夜我们结婚了吗dressed up like Elvis,&& 打扮的像 ElvisAnd why, why am I wearing your class ring?&& 而且我戴着你的玻璃戒指Don’t call your mother& 不要给你妈妈打电话‘Cause now we’re partners in crime&& 因为我们现在是犯罪同伙Don’t be a baby&& 不要做个胆怯的人Remember what you told me&&&&记住你所所告诉我的Shut up and put your money where your mouth is&&& 闭嘴把钱放在嘴巴边That’s what you get for waking up in Vegas&&&& 那是为在维佳斯醒来的所得Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes, now&& 现在起来把你衣服里的金币丢掉That’s what you get for waking up in Vegas&&&& 那是为在维佳斯醒来的所得You got me into this& 你让我陷入这种境地Information overload, situation lost control 信息超负荷情形失控Send out an S.O.S. 发送SOS求救信号And get some cash out& 获得一些现金We’re gonna tear up the town 我们将要撕碎这个城镇Don’t be a baby&&& 不要做个胆怯的人Remember what you told me&&&&记住你所告诉我的Remember what you told me&记住你所告诉我的Remember what you told me&记住你所告诉我的Told me, you told me, you told me& 告诉我,你告诉我,你告诉我Shut up and put your money where your mouth is 闭嘴把钱放在嘴巴边That’s what you get for waking up in Vegas 那是为在维佳斯醒来的所得Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes, now 现在起来把你衣服里的金币丢掉That’s what you get for waking up in Vegas 那是为在维佳斯醒来的所得Give me some cash out baby& 给我一些现金,宝贝Shake the glitter, shake, shake, shake the glitter, c’mon!& 摇动金币,摇动,摇动金币Give me some cash out baby& 给我一些现金, 宝贝






加州平地不下雪。高地/山区也有滑雪地区,代表的有Mammoth和Big Bear。
Comparison of the northern part of many rainwater, temperature difference will not be too great. Winter than in China and South Africa, Minister. 

Central cold winter and hot in the summer. Representatives of the central city such as Fresno, the hottest summer can reach 40 degrees C the coldest winter temperature of 3 degrees can be achieved. 

The south will be very cold winter, apart from the Mainland and hot in the summer, the weather was more stable than central. The more close to the coast the weather more stable, more to the Mainland more like the desert weather. 

Dry summer in central and southern hot + sun. Cool dry winter. 
Relatively long summer day, most recently in southern genius after 7:30 pm near completely black. 

Less rain in central and southern dry, so every year wildland fires. 

Comparison of the northern part of the recent serious fire. Is mainly caused by thunder. 

California, the ground is not snow. Highland / mountain also has ski areas, there is the representative of Mammoth and Big Bear.
More rain, northern temperature is not too large. Winter than zhongnan minister.

The central winter cold, summer is very hot. Such as representatives of the central city, summer is the hottest Fresno can reach 40 degrees centigrade, Winter is the coldest can achieve three degrees Celsius.

South in winter is very cold, summer will also is very hot. Summer is very hot, except mainland weather than the central stability. The coast is more stable, the weather is like a desert to weather.

Dry hot summer + big central sun. Cool, dry in winter.
Summer day, 7:30 at night after the southern recently to completely black genius.

Dry little rain, so central point field fire.

Fire is ill. Northern recently, Is mainly caused by the thunder.

It doesn&t snow ground in California. Highland/mountainous area, also represents ski Mammoth and Big Bear.
其他回答 (6)
More rain, northern temperature is not too large. Winter than zhongnan minister. The central winter cold, summer is very hot. Such as representatives of the central city, summer is the hottest Fresno can reach 40 degrees centigrade, Winter is the coldest can achieve three degrees Celsius. South in winter is very cold, summer will also is very hot. Summer is very hot, except mainland weather than the central stability. The coast is more stable, the weather is like a desert to weather. Dry hot summer + big central sun. Cool, dry in winter. Summer day, 7:30 at night after the southern recently to completely black genius. Dry little rain, so central point field fire. Fire is ill. Northern recently, Is mainly caused by the thunder. It doesn&t snow ground in California. Highland/mountainous area, also represents ski Mammoth and Big Bear.
More rain, northern temperature is not too large. Winter than zhongnan minister. The central winter cold, summer is very hot. Such as representatives of the central city, summer is the hottest Fresno can reach 40 degrees centigrade, Winter is the coldest can achieve three degrees Celsius. South in winter is very cold, summer will also is very hot. Summer is very hot, except mainland weather than the central stability. The coast is more stable, the weather is like a desert to weather. Dry hot summer + big central sun. Cool, dry in winter. Summer day, 7:30 at night after the southern recently to completely black genius. Dry little rain, so central point field fire. Fire is ill. Northern recently, Is mainly caused by the thunder. It doesn&t snow ground in California. Highland/mountainous area, also represents ski Mammoth and Big Bear.

Comparison of the northern part of many rainwater, temperature difference will not be too great. Winter than in China and South Africa, Minister. 

Central cold winter and hot in the summer. Representatives of the central city such as Fresno, the hottest summer can reach 40 degrees C the coldest winter temperature of 3 degrees can be achieved. 

The south will be very cold winter, apart from the Mainland and hot in the summer, the weather was more stable than central. The more close to the coast the weather more stable, more to the Mainland more like the desert weather. 

Dry summer in central and southern hot + sun. Cool dry winter. 
Relatively long summer day, most recently in southern genius after 7:30 pm near completely black. 

Less rain in central and southern dry, so every year wildland fires. 

Comparison of the northern part of the recent serious fire. Is mainly caused by thunder. 

California, the ground is not snow. Highland / mountain also has ski areas, there is the representative of Mammoth and Big Bear.
More rain, northern temperature is not too large. Winter than zhongnan minister.The central winter cold, summer is very hot. Such as representatives of the central city, summer is the hottest Fresno can reach 40 degrees centigrade, Winter is the coldest can achieve three degrees Celsius.South in winter is very cold, summer will also is very hot. Summer is very hot, except mainland weather than the central stability. The coast is more stable, the weather is like a desert to weather.Dry hot summer + big central sun. Cool, dry in winter.Summer day, 7:30 at night after the southern recently to completely black genius.Dry little rain, so central point field fire.Fire is ill. Northern recently, Is mainly caused by the thunder.It doesn&t snow ground in California. Highland/mountainous area, also represents ski Mammoth and Big Bear.

Comparison of the northern part of many rainwater, temperature difference will not be too great. Winter than in China and South Africa, Minister. Central cold winter and hot in the summer. Representatives of the central city such as Fresno, the hottest summer can reach 40 degrees C the coldest winter temperature of 3 degrees can be achieved. The south will be very cold winter, apart from the Mainland and hot in the summer, the weather was more stable than central. The more close to the coast the weather more stable, more to the Mainland more like the desert weather. Dry summer in central and southern hot + sun. Cool dry winter. Relatively long summer day, most recently in southern genius after 7:30 pm near completely black. Less rain in central and southern dry, so every year wildland fires. Comparison of the northern part of the recent serious fire. Is mainly caused by thunder. California, the ground is not snow. Highland / mountain also has ski areas, there is the representative of Mammoth and Big Bear.

Comparison of the northern part of many rainwater, temperature difference will not be too great. Winter than in China and South Africa, Minister. Central cold winter and hot in the summer. Representatives of the central city such as Fresno, the hottest summer can reach 40 degrees C the coldest winter temperature of 3 degrees can be achieved. The south will be very cold winter, apart from the Mainland and hot in the summer, the weather was more stable than central. The more close to the coast the weather more stable, more to the Mainland more like the desert weather. Dry summer in central and southern hot + sun. Cool dry winter. Relatively long summer day, most recently in southern genius after 7:30 pm near completely black. Less rain in central and southern dry, so every year wildland fires. Comparison of the northern part of the recent serious fire. Is mainly caused by thunder. California, the ground is not snow. Highland / mountain also has ski areas, there is the representative of Mammoth and Big Bear.



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