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In defence of three men - An analysis of Serie A's latest tactical shift
Mina Rzouki
Tuesday 24 January 2012
For Italians, football is considered to be an
art form and one that is worthy of profound thought and intelligent
debate. Each detail is studied and discussed meticulously as Coaches
revel in the complexities of the sport, hoping to offer a new way of
thinking, an altered formation or a progressive thought that would lead
their respective club to victory. As such, calcio naturally finds itself
in a perpetual state of development with new patterns of play always
emerging and evolving.
With Arrigo Sacchi’s Milan bulldozing its way through Europe with its
classic 4-4-2 tactically astute and technically proficient side, the
three-man defence had been somewhat cast aside for well over a decade.
Many argued that playing with three at the back required exemplary
fitness levels and was reliant on the chemistry and understanding
between players meaning it could take years to perfect. Secondly, it
appeared to encourage athletic performances instead of skilled
Europe’s greatest leagues had all but entirely dismissed the thought of
playing with only three in defence. However, this weekend we saw nine
teams deploy a three-man back-line in Serie A confirming a new tactical
The 3-5-2 formation and its many variants was never quite allowed to die
in the Italian league as certain Coaches were reluctant to turn their
back to a style of play they felt offered many advantages.
Coaches such as Alberto Zaccheroni (pictured above) were devoted to
playing a 3-4-3 formation and captivated audiences with an attractive
brand of football throughout the late 1990s. Even the likes of Acireale
in Serie C2 deployed a 3-5-2 shape in the early 2000s under a certain
young Coach by the name of Walter Mazzarri.
Nonetheless teams such as Zaccheroni’s Udinese and Mazzarri’s Acireale
were thought to be an anomaly. Silvio Berlusconi simply despised the
thought of playing with only three at the back and after arguing with
Zaccheroni one too many times, the Coach was eventually replaced by
Cesare Maldini. Corriere della Sera wrote at the time that Berlusconi dreamt of a four-man back-line and everyone joked about ‘getting back to catenaccio’.
When Palermo’s volcanic President sought to play with a three-man
back-line last season to improve the defence, it came as no surprise
that he chose to replace Delio Rossi with Serse Cosmi – an expert in the
matter. Mediagol in Italy immediately published a critical
report in which they pointed out that Europe’s top four leagues,
excluding Italy, still relied on playing with four at the back as that ‘obviously’
offered the squad balance. Their analysis showed that 38% of those top
European teams still favoured a traditional 4-4-2 set-up, 35% preferred
the 4-2-3-1 shape and 8% played with a 4-3-3 formation.
Discussing Udinese and Napoli’s excellent performances last season, they
reasoned that their shape was unlikely to work in Europe and that one
could hardly forget Italy’s poor showing in the Champions League.
The fact of the matter is, the Partenopei are currently enjoying great
success in Europe and Serie A’s recent shift in tactics this season is
largely down to Udinese and Napoli’s remarkable victories.
For the Azzurri, they have depended on the three-man back-line since
Giampiero Ventura. Out of necessity rather than tactical preference,
Ventura’s successor Edy Reja was forced to remain faithful to the 3-5-2
shape due to the fact the squad lacked a defensive regista and the
defence required a great deal of protection. His tactics allowed the
team to climb to the upper echolons of Italian football.
Now under Mazzarri, Napoli have refined their football and the Coach
uses the shape to unleash the speed of his central creative figure,
Ezequiel Lavezzi and his two wing-backs to play an effective form of
counter-attacking football.
Udinese tell a similar story. Having never quite recovered from the
success they tasted under Zaccheroni and his infamous 3-4-3 shape, they
demanded that Francesco Guidolin continue down that very path. Curiosity
prevailed and their new Coach agreed and as he put it, ‘fell in love’
with the formation. However, Udinese’s tactics differ slightly to those
of Napoli’s as they rarely play with five at the back when defending
and opt to force their central midfielders to close down space when not
in possession whilst their wing-backs are tasked with providing Di
Natale and co. with offensive support.
It seems most clubs in Italy now wish to emulate their success. In
addition to the nine teams that deployed a three-man back-line over the
weekend, several others such as Siena and Juve have also experimented
with the idea.
Clubs such as Catania have toyed with the formation due to absences at
the back whilst Parma’s new Coach Roberto Donadoni hopes to make use of
his defenders’ previous experience with the tactics, even going as far
as blocking Fabiano Santacroce’s sale.
Their 3-1 win over Siena sparked comments from admirers including
ex-Parma Coach and once-upon-a-time trusted assistant of Sacchi, Pietro
"Gedeone" Carmignani. “Donadoni demonstrated clever tactics. The change to a 3-4-3 formation has worked in every section of the squad.”
Having conceded two goals a game for four weeks in a row, Stefano
Pioli’s Bologna also converted to the new tactical ideology. Their 3-5-2
formation allows them to play both Gaby Mudingayi and Diego Perez
alongside one another in the middle and together they guard the defence,
win back the ball and press intensely to stifle opponents. Is it any
wonder they have only conceded one goal in three games?
Whilst some may deem the three-man back-line as an ultra defensive
tactic, others have turned to the formation in hopes of unleashing their
attack. With the likes of Carlo Ancelotti in charge in Milan, Calcio,
for much of the past decade, has seemingly been enchanted by narrow play
and over reliant on the use of a trequartista. As such, it was only
natural that teams such as Napoli, Udinese and Gian Piero Gasperini’s
Genoa - ones that effectively played with width - encountered success
largely due to the space they were afforded on the wings.
Coach Donadoni hopes the 3-4-3 shape will unleash his attack’s pace and
unpredictability whilst Udinese scored 65 goals using a 3-5-2 formation
last season – just as many as Scudetto winners Milan.
However, it is important to note that playing with only three at the
back is unlikely to solve certain clubs’ problems. Rossi hoped a
tactical switch would serve to help his ailing Fiorentina side. Whilst
their initial match proved it to be a formation that increased fluidity,
the Viola are still struggling having only won one of their last four
matches. Bad luck and the lethargic attitude of certain players left the
side incapable of imposing their own game much to everyone’s dismay.
The 3-5-2 or its many variations including the 3-4-3 shape is one that
requires both time and a squad capable of playing with pace and
intensity. Whilst certain squads have exploited the defensive solidity
it offers, others have taken advantage of the attacking options it gives
to the forward players.
For several sides such as Fiorentina, playing a three-man back-line may
prove to be nothing more than a simple experiment. However, for the
likes of Bologna, it may well the start of something special. It remains
to be seen whether it is a formation that will last the distance and
only Napoli can prove it deserves to be considered by Europe’s greatest.
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