alcoholic beverages6666是什么意思思

non-alcoholic beverages
1. Alcohol, Liquor, Beer, Wine, Soft Drinks and Non - Alcohol Drinks Liquor and Beverages.
采购产品酒精, 酒, 啤酒, 酒, 清凉饮料和 非 酒精喝酒和饮料.
2. In addition to flavor enhancement, acid acts as a preservative in non - heat - treated beverages.
除了增强风味外, 酸还在未经加热灭菌的饮料中起着防腐作用.
3. In recent years, developed a variety of beverages, food, non - toxic sterile, sour taste, thirst - quenching Qingshu, Qinrenxinpi.
近年来开发出多种饮料 、 食品, 无菌无毒, 甜酸味美, 清暑解渴, 沁人心脾.
《中文菜单英文译法》 ... 餐酒 Table Wine 饮料 Non-Alcoholic Beverages 矿泉水 Mineral Water.
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2. 非酒精性饮料
beverage-英汉词典-英中字典-速译通... ... non-alcoholic beverages {n.}非酒精性饮料 nonalcoholic beverages [医]非酒精饮料.
- 基于20个网页
3. 非酒精饮料
China-U.S. Friendship... ... 110119 未分类食品( Food products n.e.c.) 110120 非酒精饮料( Non-alcoholic beverages).
- 基于18个网页
1. 饮料研究
research on non-alcoholic beverage with aroma-producing strains of geotrichum candidum产香白地霉发酵无醇绿啤饮料研究
- 基于1个网页
1. 无酒精饮料
中国统... ... 乳制品(万吨) Dairy Products 无酒精饮料(软饮料)(吨) Non-alcoholic Beverage 洗精煤(万吨) Washed and Fine …
- 基于28个网页
2. 非酒精类饮料
... “mixer”( 非酒精类饮料),直接提供与客人的酒。 “non-alcoholic beverage”( 非酒精类饮料),像是可乐、苏打水、果汁等跟基 …
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0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
non-alcoholic beverages
您还可在这里补充说明下 O(∩_∩)O~
方便的话,请您留下一种联系方式,便于问题的解决:& Alcohol, Cocktails, Non Alcoholic Beverages, Hot Drinks, Bartending, Drinking Games.
&&Welcome to the Conan's Pub - a great source of diverse information on all kinds of drinks. Alcohol history from all over the world, extraordinary facts, outstanding drink recipes, useful bartending tips, breath-taking games and many more other things you should know if alcohol for you is not only something your cologne or perfume contains.
&& So, what exactly is alcohol? It seems to be such a common thing to us that we think we know everything about it. But surprisingly, there are some facts about it that most people can't even imagine. Read through this section and you're no longer going to be one of them.
&& Variety of alcoholic beverages is truly amazing... Probably no one knows at least the larger part of them. Nevertheless, in the Conan's Pub you can find description of most popular and common kinds and groups of alcoholic drinks. But don't limit yourself to these - come up with new ones! Just use your imagination and fantasy! It still takes some practice to make something drinkable though, be patient.
&& Cocktails are probably the most glamorous and fashionable drinks - sometimes they can have a really fantastic look, not mentioning great taste. There are hundreds of cocktail recipes available and the list is constantly growing. However, making a good cocktail can be a real challenge and only few people are skilled well enough to do it. So if you want to get maximum aesthetical satisfaction out of drinking, cocktails are probably the right choice for you.
&& Wow, these are surely not for sipping! If you are tired of that sweet syrupy swill or just want some serious stuff in your mouth check out this section of the Conan's Pub. Remember that good old tradition of celebrating with a shot glass bang on the bar after a toast of congratulations? Be careful with these though, 'cause if you're not you can end up having a severe hangover in the morning:
&& If in spite of all this information you still prefer not to drink any alcohol, at least at the moment, or there are going to be some nondrinkers on your party, the Non-Alcoholic section is there for you. Learn different ways to prepare excellent non-alcoholic beverages with complex and elegant flavors that in most cases carry just the same sophistication as their alcoholic counterparts. Enjoy and keep everything under control!
&& These are really popular during the wintertime, when both the warmth of the drink and warmth caused by alcohol are very welcome. Imagine sitting on your couch, watching snowflakes falling on your loan and sipping something like cafe amaretto at the same time... But even if you live in a place were it never gets too cold, hot drinks can be a very good alternative to usual ones.
&& Doesn't matter whether you want to learn couple of tricks and show off in front of your buddies or your girlfriend or seriously consider competing with your local bar, this section is exactly what you're looking for. Find out what drinks and ingredients every bartender should have in his disposition and what you are going to need to completely equip yourself for a cocktail party. And of course, learn everything about shaking, mixing, stirring, pouring, blending and even lighting on fire!
&& Want to have even more fun while drinking? Try out one of these games! Some of them are really cool, but you should be extremely careful while playing because you can get wasted without even noticing it! But you probably will be just fine if you know your limits and don't cross them. And if you don't, you better play these with soda or orange juice.
&&So go on and make a sparkling celebration out of an ordinary party! With the Conan's Pub you have the information!404 - 未找到文档
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