play a leading roleplay我呸是什么意思思

三泰虎12月6日译文,中国主席做出了一个重大举措,他把武器的改进和发展与“中国梦”联系起来。这一声明是正值日益动荡局面时发表的,而中国在展示先进武器的制造能力,促使对手日本走向军事化。官方的新华社引述xi的话:“一支强大和现代化的军队系统在中国梦的实现中发挥着不可替代的作用。”主席要求“加强政治意识,抓住机会,确保装备的快速升级。”译文来源:三泰虎 外文标题:Strong weapons are part of ‘Chinese dream’, Xi says外文地址:BEIJING: In a significant move, China’s president has linked improvement and development of military weapons with the “Chinese dream”. The statement comes amid an increasingly volatile situation with China demonstrating enhanced weapons making capabilities, and rival Japan moving towards militarization.中国主席做出了一个重大举措,他把军队武器的改进和发展与“中国梦”联系起来。这一声明是正值日益动荡局面时发表的,而中国在展示先进武器的制造能力,促使对手日本走向军事化。The official Xinhua news agency quoted Xi saying: “A strong and modern army equipment system plays an irreplaceable role for the full realization of the Chinese Dream”. The president also asked the People’s Liberation Army to “enhance political consciousness to seize the opportunity and ensure the rapid upgrading of equipment”.官方的新华社引述xi的话:“一支强大和现代化的军队装备系统在中国梦的实现中发挥着不可替代的作用。”主席要求解放军“加强政治意识,抓住机会,确保装备的快速升级。”“Military officers at all levels should play a leading role and use actual combat to guide soldiers to improve their capacity to operate weapons,” Xi said. It is not clear what Xi meant when he talked about “actual combat”, but he may be referring to repeated military exercises being conducted by the PLA with the military of different countries.“各级应该发挥带头作用,用实战来指导提高操作武器的能力。”xi说。不清楚xi指的“实战”是什么,也许是指与不同国家军队举行的多次。以下是《印度时报》读者的评论:译文来源:三泰虎 [indent]pauloskalari pauloskalari ()See, Chainees are wise. They are making weapons their own瞧,中国人多聪明啊,他们自己造武器[/indent][indent]Joseph Lo ()Xi’s Chinese dream will be nightmare for Chinese as well as the rest of the world.中国梦不仅对中国人,而且对世界其他地区也是噩梦[/indent][indent]rsbnola ()China now is the world’s largest economy according to the news reported in the DRUDE report yesterday. A while back another report stated that China is now the most “electrified” nation in the world. She also has created enough of alternative energy where the output is equal to the combined output of France and Germany昨天的报道说中国已经是世界最庞大的经济体。前阵子另一篇报道说中国已经是世界上最为“电气化”的国家。此外,中国建立了足够的替代能源,其产出相当于法国和德国之和。[/indent][indent]Vijay Chopra (Delhi)downfall of China has started. What so ever they may do, their downfall has started.中国的衰败已经开始。不管怎么努力,中国的衰败已经开始Saturn Kasino () replies to Vijay Choprajealous indians can’t do nothing .嫉妒的印度人干不成事儿[/indent][indent]arnab (usa)Huh…The Chinese cant even make a strong coat hanger and they talk about strong weapons中国人连能受力的衣架都造不出来,居然谈论起强大武器来[/indent][indent]Rahul Shaw (Calcutta, India)state and we need all such leaders working together to turn things around for India.我们需要如此有魄力的领导人来扭转印度的局面[/indent][indent]Rohit Bhatia (Delhi, India)thats the main moto whypakistanis are also taking weapon from china to become more powerful这就是巴基斯坦人信奉的座右铭,为了变得强大,他们从中国那里获得武器。[/indent][indent][indent]SCL P (USA)Stronger weapons in Chinese hands will also spur neihbours to go for stronger weapons. Net result will be the richness of the weapon merchants.中国有了更强大的武器,就会激励周边国家也追求更强大的武器。结果是富了军火商。[/indent][indent]SK Kapoor (())War mongering has no place in the present world unless China wants to suffer in the same way as Hitler. It is matter of time when China collides with a bad situation. China v. Free World.战争贩子在当今世界没有市场,除非中国想要遭受希特勒的下场。中国时运不济只是时间问题。这次是中国vs自由世界[/indent][indent]raman.raman3 Raman (unknown)Why the hunger for increasing more and more weapons as if that is the only thing that will make a country world power and instead of that why can’;t China spend the money to alleviate the conditions of millions of its poor people and develop their conditions as they have got enough of weapons and arsenals and military force.为什么中国对武器有着孜孜不倦的追求,搞得好像这是让国家成为世界大国的唯一方法。与其如此,为什么中国不把钱用于救济数百万穷人,毕竟中国的武器库已经够庞大,军事力量已经够强大[/indent][indent]Rajeev S (Jhumri Talaiyya)In short XI is telling that China should militarily crush every nation. This is so-called peaceful rise of China. The Chinese lobby in India must be experiencing multiple orgasm简而言之,中国应该在军事上镇压每个国家。这就是所谓的中国和平崛起。[/indent][indent]reader x (Unknown)They don’t trust their weapons, West has put an unofficial military embargo on China and disputes with all neighbors making them helpless and alone. Their only friend Pakistan is of no use. They making bad investments everywhere.他们不信赖本国的武器,西方已经对中国实施武器禁运。中国与周边邻国闹纠纷,搞得自己成为孤家寡人。而唯一的朋友巴基斯坦又一无是处。[/indent][indent]reader x (Unknown)China at crossroads of contratictions中国正处在矛盾的十字路口[/indent][indent]Maria Lido (Unknown)Strong weapons are part of ‘Chinese dream’强大武器是中国梦的一部分[/indent][indent]Rajender . ()has been making too many enemies and he is thinking of powerful arms.中国已经制造太多敌人,惦记的是强大武器[/indent][indent]Rajender . ()Is it to defend or to destroy others?这是为了自卫,还是为了摧毁别人?[/indent][indent]Jai Bharat (UnknownWhy do the dirty Chinese needs so much of weapons. They are strong nation and no one would attack them. Unless they want to occupy foreign lands to annex to China为什么中国人需要那么多武器。他们已经是强大国家,无人胆敢进犯他们。除非中国想占领并吞并外国领土[/indent][indent]Prof D P Sharma (Unknown)The habit of browbeating others is becoming China’s strong habit.恫吓别人已经成为了中国戒不掉的习惯[/indent][/indent]
关于捐助这个问题。说实话,我们大学在这个问题上也也讨论过,导师抨击过授人以鱼不如授人以渔。光捐钱捐物根本解决不了问题。。。可是建设地方产业到底该怎么做。实在想不出来-_-|| 贵州这里山路特别难走,捐助物资大多囤积在县的仓库里,说贪污人家也没贪污,就是没人把这些东西送走。志愿者捐物品热情很高,过去送物资的寥寥无几,没去贵州走走压根不知道。如果不提国家级贫困地区,说说我以前住的农村地区的话,去打工的太多了,有的去了就不回来了,有的过年才回来,农民工都贡献在城市地区,本地根本发展不起来。。。这些问题都很现实。。。完全不像捐一笔钱就搞定的。另外┻━┻︵╰(‵□′)╯︵┻━┻说起财富均分这个问题,吼的最凶的就是没什么本事也不想工作的市井无赖。拿这个说事的到底在图谋什么。人穷不是问题,问题是有的人就是坏在见不得人好。老是挖苦人,那个阿三只是其中之一。
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2014play a role in是什么意思由沪江网提供。The SysSec Red Book
Our updated Roadmap for Systems Security Research has been released! This effort has been coordinated by the SysSec consortium, with young researchers in the area playing a leading role in shaping the Roadmap and the consultation of the SysSec community and
Our Research Roadmap, labeled "The Red Book" was published on September 1st 2013. It will also be printed in hard copies as a book. Click on the book cover or go to
to get it.
Managing Threats and Vulnerabilities in the Future InternetDefending ICT infrastructures
Over the past decade we are witnessing an ever-increasing amount of cyberattacks on the Internet. Prolific, ingenious, and ranging in style from large-scale worms to "below the radar" phishing attempts, cyberattacks have evolved to unprecedented levels of sophistication.
To counter these cyberattacks, defenders are (mostly) developing safeguards, after the attack was made. In the meantime, while defenders are busy with mending the fences, attackers had already developed and planned their next strike. What we have realized over this past decade is that we are facing an asymmetrical threat: unless addressed, this asymmetrical threat will have us defenders locked into a vicious cycle: chasing after attackers without ever being able to catch up.
We believe that in order to advance in the field of cybersecurity, we must act proactively and in synergy to change the rules of the game: instead of being reactive to cyberattacks, we should become proactive. Instead of cleaning after existing (or past) attacks, we should work on predicting threats and vulnerabilities and build our defense before threats materialize. Research combined with effective synergies is critical to realizing this game-changing plan and Europe has the expertise and the talent to succeed.Europe for the World
SysSec proposes to create a Network of Excellence in the field of Systems Security for Europe to play a leading role in changing the rules of the game. Capitalizing on the results of the recent
and building on strong synergies with Industry and Policy makers, SysSec will work towards:
creating a virtual center of excellence, to consolidate the Systems Security research community in Europe
promoting cybersecurity education
engaging a think-tank in discovering the threats and vulnerabilities of the Current and Future Internet,
creating an active research roadmap in the area, and
developing a joint working plan to conduct State-of-the-Art collaborative research.
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