
进入一个感官享受的审美世界,294. Incompatibility provides only a partial explanation for the rising divorce rate . Perhaps the most significant factors center on abuse , the immaturity of one spouse or the other , and quite simply the lack of things in common .,需要考虑其他的一些社会因素,另一后果是反社会的行为,最重要的因素可能是某一方的陋习和不成熟,295. The success of a company is directly related to the competency of its managers .,292. We must develop a foolproof argument in order to effectively illustrate the urgency of implement stringent environmental protection measures .,293. A comparative analysis of the positive and negative aspects of the Three Gorges Project will perhaps provide us with a better sense of the eventual impact of the massive water control program .,音乐除了带来纯粹的享受,一个公司的成功与它的管理人员的能力直接相关...
2、"It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy. International leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential if we expect to protect the world‘s energy resources for future generations."  3、"Corporations and other businesses should try to eliminate the many ranks and salary grades that classify employees according to their experience and expertise. A ‘flat‘ organizational structure is more likely to encourage collegiality and cooperation among employees."  9、"Employees should keep their private lives and personal activities as separate as possible from the workplace."  11、"When someone achieves greatness in any field - such as the arts, science, politics, or business - that person‘s achievements are more important than any of his or her personal faults."  12、"Education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society. Just as property and money once were the keys to success, education has now become the element that most ensures success in life."  13、"Responsibility for preserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individual person, not to government."  16、"Public buildings reveal much about the attitudes and values of the society that builds them. Today‘s new schools, courthouses, airports, and libraries, for example, reflect the attitudes and values of today‘s society."  18、"If the primary duty and concern of a corporation is to make money, then conflict is inevitable when the corporation must also acknowledge a duty to serve society."  21、"Job security and salary should be based on employee performance, not on years of service. Rewarding employees primarily for years of service discourages people from maintaining consistently high levels of productivity."  24、"A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official."  25、"The best strategy for managing a business, or any enterprise, is to find the most capable people and give them as much authority as possible."  29、"Too many people think only about getting results. The key to success, however, is to focus on the specific task at hand and not to worry about results."  31、"Financial gain should be the most important factor in choosing a career."  32、"You can tell the ideas of a nation by its advertisements."  34、"All citizens should be required to perform a specified amount of public service. Such service would benefit not only the country as a whole but also the individual participants."  36、"Businesses and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team. Clearly, in any human group, it is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and energy, who gets things done."...
新GRE考试ISSUE题库中英对照分类整理(社会类题目),122 The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models.了解一个社会特点的最好方法是,题目内容:通过英雄或模范了解社会,22 Claim: The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models.Reason: Heroes and role models reveal a society's highest ideals.结论:了解一个社会特点的最好方法是,117 It is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are generated and preserved.一个国家的文化传统主要是在城市中得以传承和发展,原因:英雄人物和模范榜样揭示了一个社会的最高理念,题目内容:社会与城市,新GRE考试ISSUE题库中英对照分类整理(科技类题目),考察这个社会标榜的英雄人物和模范榜样的特点,考察这个社会标榜的英雄人物和模范榜样的特点...
--------------------广州仲恺雅思培训中心 赖劲松旧题库写作十大“杀手”题:1、Should we save the adventurers when they are in danger?2、Without capital punishment our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. Agree?
上面为argumentation型,discussion型的为:Discuss the issue of the death penalty in general. How far do you think it is justified?3、Scientists have applied bioengineering technology in organ transplants and artificial fertilization. Is inhumanity involved with these applications?4、Agriculture has become commercial and market-orientated. What influences do you think can this tendency have on the soil and animals?5、Can voluntary euthanasia be legalized? 6、 “The Sin of the Father” is the name given to the tradition wherein children are punished for the actions of their parents. This tradition is wrong, and instead, parents should be punished for the wrongdoings of their children. Agree?或为9月6日A类(5岁小孩犯罪)或为青少年犯罪(juvenile delinquency)7、Reportedly in Britain, an Englishman who had killed a burglar breaking into his house exempted from being penalized legally. What’s your opinion? What would it be if this case happened in your country?8、Safety standards are vital when building people’s homes. Who should be responsible for enforcing strict building codes, the government or the builder?9、How much risk is acceptable in the pursuit of scientific and technological progress?10、Some people advocate that abortion is equivalent to killing new lives, so this is sinful and inhumane. What’s your opinion?
新GRE考试ISSUE题库中英对照分类整理(舆论类题目),题目内容:人的行为是外界胜过内在的,我们从意见相同的人那里学的更多,我们从意见相同的人那里学的更多,我们从意见相同的人那里学的更多,84 It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero.当今任何社会已经不再可能将任何在世的人标榜为英雄人物,76 We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own.相比意见不同的人来说,118 We can learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own.相比意见不同的人来说,题目内容:媒体与英雄塑造,44 Claim: It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero.Reason: The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished.结论:当今任何社会已经不再可能将任何在世的人标榜为英雄人物...
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