
我爱你,爱得快要死了,哈囧. 逗你玩
Australia, as a typical immigrant country, its cultural expressions is a diversified characteristics, on the one hand basic led to European and American cultural values, on the other hand, the Asian culture, indigenous cultures and other religious and cultural implications. Multi-cultural patterns of marriage and family showed the impact of the concept of marriage and marriage with the openness of the way conservative, uniformity and diversity of the characteristics of both. Development has its own history and traditional Chinese culture is the concept of marriage and family influence and means leading factors. Over the past 20 years, despite the opening up of China's international cultural environment of the area of marriage and family have had a great impact, but China's traditional culture is still affecting marriage and family values and behavior of core values. The concept of the two countries in marriage, marital mode selection, marriage, divorce and the divorce rate, type of family and family life, the nature of the differences are:Marriage: Chinese people in marriage to peace, and pay attention to the external value of marriage, marital stress the individual needs of obedience family goals. The Australian pay more attention to the intrinsic quality of the marriage, marriage on the freedom and individuality to meet individual needs. Awareness of premarital cohabitation, Australians believe that marriage cohabitation is not only conducive to the experience of married life is conducive to a harmonious life formal marriage. In China, premarital cohabitation has not recognized by the mainstream culture, or even think that this is contrary to the traditional Chinese marriage moral behavior. The very concept of the Australian Open, premarital and extramarital sex are rather widespread, China premarital and extramarital sex also maintained a moral condemnation of the attitude. Marriage types: Australia is the world's first country to acknowledge the legalization of homosexuality and cohabitation one of the countries. Australian state allows same-sex marriage, cohabitation marriage, single-parent families, and at the national level to give these systems marriage and heterosexual marriag Marriage age: the average age of marriage Chinese people for about 21 years of age, and age at first marriage for Australia for the 29-year-old. With the majority of young people in Australia several years of premarital cohabitation choice on life. Family size: Australian society advocated by the family standard model is a couple and two children, the family of four Chinese cities from the urban and rural differences exist family size, family size for the three cities, the average family size in rural areas less than four people. Cohabitation: About more than half of the Australians choose cohabitation, premarital cohabitation First, Second, the permanent cohabitation, and the Chinese people choose cohabitation before marriage is still limited. Permanent cohabitation of people basically no. Divorce: Australia is the world's third-highest divorce rate in the country, between 40-50% in the divorce rate, more children after the divorce from the father to bring up children, they think that there are mothers with children of divorce is dangerous. The highest divorce rate in China's cities is 36%, the national average divorce rate of 20%, and 90% of couples divorced mothers raising their children.
—— dmaily
Same sex marriage is not allowed by law in Australia.
It, unfortunately, will not be legal for a while, I think.
There also is no legalisation of homosexuality.
It decriminalised homosexual activities a while back, and also lowered the legal consent age for homosexual relationship.
However, Australia is still a long way behind many countries, including many European and South American countries in equality for non-heterosexual relationship.
Rudd rejects gay marriage [url]http://www..au/story/0,16-.html[/url]
(Kevin Rudd is most likely to become the next Prime Minister of Australia, defeating John Howard in the next Australian federal election on the 24th November 2007, John Howard is also against gay marriages.)
—— llcede
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